Asus und NVidia NV20

Thomas Hübner
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Es hat den Anschein, als kommt NVidia mit der Entwicklung des NV20, dem Nachfolger des GeForce2 Ultra sehr gut voran. Auf eine Anfrage hat eine italienische Asus Distribution folgende Stellungnahme zu Asus und dem NV20 abgegeben:

nVidia is working hardly for the release of the new chipset NV20 and many producers of 3Dcards have already received the first samples of this chipset to be able to integrate it on their own cards. Asus will introduce the new Video-card V8000, based on NV20. The exact characteristics of NV20 have not been released yet, but it seems that this chipset will be beyond 50% faster than GeForce 2 Ultra. The NV20 will use the same number of pipelines but it will have more power to calculate the textures for every pipe. The operational frequency will be greater and it has the heat dissipation ability of approximately 15Watts.

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