Faulty 13900K? Pc crashed and rebooted during loading Lords of The Fallen.


Lt. Junior Grade
Juli 2017
Hi. PC:
13900K stock
2x16 GB DDR5 GSKILL 6800
Rtx 4090 Gigabyte Gaming
Aorus Elite Z790 AX
Seasonic 1300W PX ATX 3.0 PCIE 5.
win 11

I tested many games without issues. Today i downloaded new Lords of The Fallen. And during first loading after intro it freezed and pc restarted.
I found in event log. BUGCHECK 1001 error. So it was BSOD yes?
And how check what part of hardware is failing.
I tested cinebench ,karhuram test no issues. Thx.
It happened today first time when loading this game.

I downloaded game. Launched,and when main menu was loading ( progress bar ) it freezed during loading ( progress bar ) and pc crashed and rebooted. Temp was near 90C when it crashed.

And now its fine,no issues when trying to run game.
But i am worried about that reboot. Why that happened first time? I have faulty 13900K?

event log shows : BUGCHECK 1001. code: 0x0000009c .
If you look at the steam reviews of the game, i am pretty sure that the game caused the problem.^^
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: iron_monkey
0x9c is

it could be hardware, not not necessarily the cpu, it could be memory. which has more probability
but maybe a rare instability due to overclocking (memory xmp IS overclocking),
but this also could be a rare instability in a driver, which talks to the hardware direct (ring0).
this has also more probability.

in this case i suggest: its the game itself.
because its new.
and faulty games whis serious bugs included at start is pretty standard, these days.
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Reaktionen: iron_monkey
it happened during second launch when shaders was compilating during loading progress bar. Now its launching fine no issues.
Ergänzung ()

but why pc rebooted ?Someone said that hardware is faulty
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
But someone said this to me:'"
The game crashes be ause your system is unstable.
It's running at either unstable power delivery or clock multiplier.

Cap CPU power target to something more manageable or lower max boost multiplier to something lower."

Its not stable?
Ich spreche kein Deutsch, komme aus Polen, suche aber hier Hilfe
sew333 schrieb:
But someone said this to me:'"
The game crashes be ause your system is unstable.
It's running at either unstable power delivery or clock multiplier.

Cap CPU power target to something more manageable or lower max boost multiplier to something lower."
Since you stated to use your cpu at stock settings there should be no instability related to the power limit.

But you are using ram with 6800 MT/s. That is definitely oc, even if you just use XMP.

So you could try to turn off XMP.

But as others already stated: It might as well be just the game.
Look at some Videos from buildzoid on Youtube. He suggests to run Y-Cruncher for about 24-36 hours.
If this passes with zero errors, your system should be stable. But watch out for temperatures, 13900k gets
absurdely hot without proper cooling.
Probably your RAM isn't stable, I think that's more likely. If your CPU is running at stock settings it shouldn't be the issue (though it might be at some rare occasions).
As already suggested, try Y-Cruncher at least for several hours and look if it runs without any errors.
If not reduce RAM-Speed until it does.
Can you look at this clip ?

youtube.com/ watch?v=ni1sJJgdL7w&t=740s

MemtestPro 5.

I wanna use MemtestPro5 by Windows.
Someone here used 12 threads and 2555mb per thread,on 13600K. Should i do the same? Why he use only 12 thread?
sew333 schrieb:
but ram tests not showing errors. rma ram?
If you are using XMP in your ram, you are overclocking it.
But overclocking your ram does not only mean to overclock the ram itself. You always have to overclock the memory controller as well, which is built into your cpu.
So if ram-oc is unstable there are two possibly limiting components. Your ram or your cpu.
Since you bought XMP-ram the memory controller will likely be the limiting part. It is specified by Intel for 5600 MT/s so 6800 MT/s might be just to much.
So if you really need to run on 6800 MT/s via xmpyou'd rather need another cpu than another ram. But this is no case for rma since you are using it beyond its specifications.

Again: Deactivate XMP. If everything is fine then, you could try to manually OC your ram until you reach its limit.
If the error still occurs, it's just the game.
I wanna use MemtestPro5 by Windows.
Someone here used 12 threads and 2555mb per thread,on 13600K. Should i do the same? Why he use only 12 thread?
Someone said this on steam forum i am worried:

with people often reporting that multiple 'out of memory' crashes occurred BEFORE it bluescreened/hard shutdown. This could indicate a faulty memory module, either in VRAM or in system RAM.
I had a stick of DDR4 RAM go bad on me a while back (a few years back), and the initial symptom was one singular game crashing, then progressing to that particular game causing total system crashes, then the system lost stability entirely. Game in question? A UE game. The game crashes? All pointing to memory errors."

So i and other peoples have hardware issue?
I installed newest nvidia drivers,and launched Remnant 2 ( the same UE5 engine like Lords OTF ) and on first launch during shader compilating it throws OUT OF VIDEO MEMORY and its BSOded again. Next launches fine. Happened again on first try after installed drivers.
Is my cpu fine or something?