Radeon X800 Pro erhältlich!
In einem Shop in Übersee gibt es im Laufe der nächsten Woche eine neue Grafikkarte. Anscheinend gibt es dort kein NDA, oder man hat es übersehen, denn dort wird die ATi Radeon X800 Pro mit allen Spezifikationen - inklusive Bild - zu einem Preis von 499 US-Dollar angeboten. Erhältlich soll das gute Stück ab dem 7. Mai 2004 sein.

- Built by ATi
- 12 parallel pixel pipelines
- 256-bit quad-channel GDDR3 memory Interface
- 8 extreme parallel pixel pipelines
- 6 parallel vertex processing engines
Dies sind die Kernpunkte der neuen Grafikkarte, mit denen im Shop kräftig geworben wird. Dazu wird, wie eingangs schon ewähnt, der Preis von 499 US-Dollar genannt und dass sich die Karte im „Pre-Order-Status“ befindet und ab dem 7. Mai 2004 erhältlich sein soll. Durch das Produktfoto im Shop wird letztendlich auch das Aussehen der Karte gefestigt, welches vor einiger Zeit schon einmal in den Weiten des Internets zu sehen war.
Die Produktbeschreibung der Grafikkarte sieht dabei fast so aus, als könnte sie aus der offiziellen Pressemitteilung stammen. Die Spezifikationen gibt es am Ende der Produktbeschreibung im besagten Allstarshop. Da durch die ellenlange Produktbeschreibung die Übersicht leicht abhanden geht, haben wir diese in den Klapptext gepackt.
The ATI RADEON™ X800 PRO delivers frame rates that surpass any previous graphics processor making it the world“s most powerful VPU. With up to two times the performance of the acclaimed RADEON™ 9800 PRO, the RADEON™ X800 PRO provides an extremely smooth, responsive HD gaming experience, putting capable gamers in complete control of even the most demanding game titles. A radically new architecture based on the latest .13 micron, low-k manufacturing process with ultra fast and efficient GDDR3 memory combine to produce extreme data rates and unbelievable acceleration in a quiet, cool, single-slot solution.
The RADEON™ X800 PRO defines a totally new High-Definition Gaming experience for the avid gamer by maximizing performance and image quality in higher detail and at higher resolutions than ever before. ATI‘s new and revolutionary 3Dc™ image enhancement technology brings characters to life and scenery to greater realism by enabling significant improvements to the image detail of character art with increased performance and lower memory usage. 3Dc™ is slated to become the industry standard to support more complex high-definition visual effects in real time.
The RADEONTM X800 PRO features SMARTSHADER™ HD, the most advanced pixel
shader engine with 12 parallel pixel pipelines capable of an incredible 6 igapixels/second fill rate in full precision! With six programmable vertex shader pipelines, capable of up to 7000 million vertices per second and an overall capability of over 140 million floating point operations per second(Giga FLOPS), the RADEON™ X800 PRO delivers the most beautifully rendered high-definition 3D animation for the ultimate in intense, interactive game play.
The RADEON™ X800 PRO gives you more than just a great gaming experience. It also has sophisticated video processing, filtering and acceleration features that make multimedia applications more efficient, inspiring and fun. With VIDEOSHADER™ HD, the RADEON™ X800 PRO takes advantage of its advanced shader processing engine for user programmable video effects, video quality enhancement, and encoding and decoding of many video standards, including MPEG1/2/4, Real Media, DivX and WMV9. The RADEON™ X800 PRO also supports the latest high-definition and wide display formats, giving users bigger and more vivid movie, gaming and Internet experiences.
- Support for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 programmable vertex and pixel shaders
in hardware
- Direct X 9.0 Vertex Shaders
- Vertex programs up to 65,280 instructions with flow control
- Single cycle trigonometric operations (SIN & COS)
- Direct X 9.0 Extended Pixel Shaders
- Up to 1,536 instructions and 16 textures per rendering pass
- 2nd generation F-buffer technology
- accelerates multi-pass pixel shader programs with unlimited instructions
- 32 temporary and constant registers
- Facing register for two-sided lighting
- 128-bit, 64-bit & 32-bit per pixel floating point color formats
- Multiple Render Target (MRT) support
- Complete feature set also supported in OpenGL® via extensions
- 3Dc™ - Normal map image compression technology resulting in high detail image quality
- 2x/4x/6x Anti-Aliasing modes
- Sparse multi-sample algorithm with gamma correction, programmable sample patterns, and centroid sampling
- Lossless Color Compression (up to 6:1)at all resolutions, including widescreen
HDTV resolutions
- Temporal Anti-Aliasing
- 2x/4x/8x/16x Anisotropic Filtering modes
- Up to 128-tap texture filtering
- Adaptive algorithm with bilinear (performance) and trilinear (quality) option
- High quality 4:1 Normal Map Compression
- Works with any two-channel data format
- 3-level Hierarchical Z-Buffer with Early Z Test
- Lossless Z-Buffer Compression (up to 48:1)
- Fast Z-Buffer Clear
- Z Cache optimized for real-time shadow rendering
- Optimized for performance at high display resolutions, including widescreen
HDTV resolutions
- Seamless integration of pixel shaders with video in real time
- FULLSTREAM™ video de-blocking technology for Real, DivX, and WMV9
- VIDEOSOAP™ noise removal filtering for captured video
- MPEG1/2/4 decode and encode acceleration
- DXVA Support
- Hardware Motion Compensation, iDCT, DCT and color space conversion
- All-format DTV/HDTV decoding
- YPrPb component output for direct drive of HDTV displays
- Adaptive Per-Pixel De-Interlacing and Frame Rate Conversion (temporal