Mit dem Adrenalin 2020 Edition 21.3.1 veröffentlicht AMD den ersten offiziellen Grafiktreiber für die Radeon RX 6700 XT (Test) mit Navi-22-GPU und 12 GB GDDR6, die sich gemäß Benchmarks in der gehobenen Mittelklasse zwischen der GeForce RTX 3060 Ti und der GeForce RTX 3070 von Nvidia positioniert. Auch Vulkan 1.2 profitiert.
Radeon RX 6700 XT, Radeon Boost und Anti-Lag
Neben der Radeon RX 6700 XT optimiert AMD seinen Grafiktreiber in erster Linie für den Radeon Boost, der jetzt das „Variable Rate Shading“ in ausgewählten Titeln erstmals auch unter DirectX 12 unterstützt, und Radeon Anti-Lag, für eine Reduktion der Eingabeverzögerung. Zudem wird der Support für die freie Low-Level-API Vulkan weiter ausgebaut und der heute veröffentlichte, zweite Einzelspieler-DLC Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods unterstützt, der die Story rund um Doom Eternal (Test) abschließt.
Performance Tuning Stress Test
Mit der „Performance Tuning Stress Test“ hält auch erstmals ein Stresstest Einzug in den Grafiktreiber, welcher das Testen von OC-Profilen ermöglicht. Zudem listen die Release Notes wie gewohnt die obligatorischen Fehlerkorrekturen sowie Optimierungen auf. Die Liste der noch nicht behobenen Probleme wird langsam aber sicher kürzer.
AMD Radeon™ RX 6700 Graphics
DOOM Eternal™: The Ancient Gods - Part Two
Radeon Boost
Now supports DirectX®12 with Variable Rate Shading for select titles.
Radeon Anti-Lag
Now supports DirectX®12.
Performance Tuning Stress Test
A new built in tool for Performance Tuning in Radeon Software that allows users to stress test their graphics products tuning profiles.
This extension modifies the original core synchronization APIs to simplify the interface and improve usability of these APIs. It also adds new pipeline stage and access flag types that extend into the 64-bit range. Pipeline stages and access flags are now specified together in memory barrier structures, making the connection between the two more obvious. Additionally, Layout transitions have been simplified by providing generic layouts, which are contextually applied based on the image format. Events are made more efficient as well as they include memory dependency information when they are set on the device. Furthermore, Queue submission has also been changed to wrap command buffers and semaphores in extensible structures, which incorporate changes from Vulkan 1.1, VK_KHR_device_group and VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore. This adds a pipeline stage to the semaphore signal operation, mirroring the existing pipeline stage specification for wait operations.
This extension defines the VK_FORMAT_A4R4G4B4_UNORM_PACK16_EXT and VK_FORMAT_A4B4G4R4_UNORM_PACK16_EXT formats for compatibility with other graphics APIs to help with porting without having to resort to swizzling.
This extension allows conditional draws, compute dispatches or clears based on a value in command buffer memory. These commands could be discarded without the application’s intervention if the condition is not met, which may result in reduced latency.
This extension provides the ability to perform color space conversions during texture sampling operations for the Y′CBCR color space, which is mainly used for processing inputs from video decoders and cameras. It also adds a selection of multi-planar formats, image aspect plane, and the ability to bind memory to the planes of an image collectively or separately.
Radeon Software may sometimes have higher than expected CPU utilization, even when a system is at idle.
A system hang or crash may be experienced when upgrading Radeon Software while an Oculus™ VR headset is connected to your system on Radeon GCN graphics products.
Minecraft™ DXR may exhibit corrupted or missing textures when ray tracing is enabled on Radeon RX 6000 series graphics products.
An application crash may occur in Call of Duty™: Modern Warfare when ray tracing is enabled on Radeon RX 6000 series graphics products.
Lighting fails to render correctly on Radeon RX 6800 series graphics products in Star Citizen™.
A black screen may occur when enabling and disabling Enhanced Sync while vsync is enabled in some Vulkan® API games.
A black screen or system hang may occur on Hybrid Graphics systems for some Vulkan® API games when Enhanced Sync is enabled.
Bethesda™ launcher may experience an application crash on startup when launching some games.
Users may be unable to create a new scene in the Radeon Software Streaming tab on first launch or after a settings factory reset.
Game specific performance tuning profiles may fail to load when a global performance tuning profile has been created or set.
Disabling HDCP support and performing a factory reset and/or system restart may sometimes trigger a system crash or hang on boot.
Epic Games™ social overlay or launcher may exhibit color corruption.
Xuan-Yuan Sword VII™ may experience an application crash with DirectX®12 ray tracing enabled on Radeon RX 6000 series graphics.
Color corruption may be experienced in Cyberpunk 2077™ when Radeon Boost is enabled.
Display flicker or corruption may occur on high refresh rate/resolution multi-monitor system configurations on Radeon RX Vega series graphics.
Audio loss or cutout may intermittently occur on some TV displays when Windows® audio is set to use 5.1 or 7.1 speaker configurations.
The start and cancel buttons in the performance tuning stress test may disappear when Radeon Software is resized to be small.
On a limited number of displays, the preferred desktop resolution in Windows® may change when the display is power cycled.
Enabling vsync in Rocket League and setting the game to use borderless fullscreen may cause stuttering or ghosting.
Radeon RX 400 and 500 series graphics products may experience a TDR during extended periods of video playback.
Brightness flickering may intermittently occur in some games or applications when Radeon™ FreeSync is enabled, and the game is set to use borderless fullscreen.
Enhanced Sync may cause a black screen to occur when enabled on some games and system configurations. Any users who may be experiencing issues with Enhanced Sync enabled should disable it as a temporary workaround.
AMD Adrenalin 2020 Edition 21.3.1 – Release Notes
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