Assetto Corsa Competizione 1.8: Rennspiel lernt AMD FSR und Nvidia DLSS 2.0 mittels Update

Sven Bauduin
84 Kommentare
Assetto Corsa Competizione 1.8: Rennspiel lernt AMD FSR und Nvidia DLSS 2.0 mittels Update
Bild: Kunos Simulazioni

Der italienische Entwickler Kunos Simulazioni spendiert seinem Rennsimulator Assetto Corsa Competizione mit dem Update auf Version 1.8 erstmals Support für die beiden Upsampling-Technologien wie AMD FSR (Test) und Nvidia DLSS 2.0 (Test). Auch in Sachen Grafikdarstellung und Effekten bessert das Studio noch einmal nach.

FSR, DLSS, TAA und aufpolierte Grafik

Neben Nvidias KI-Upsampling Deep Learning Super Sampling („DLSS“) und dessen Gegenspieler FidelityFX Super Resolution („FSR“) von AMD sowie einem Temporalem Antialiasing der 5. Generation („TAA Gen5“) weisen die offiziellen Release Notes zum Update auf Assetto Corsa Competizione v1.8 auch eine Aktualisierung der zum Einsatz kommenden Unreal Engine auf die Version 4.26.2 aus. Hiervon profitieren sollen die globale Beleuchtung sowie die Lichteinwirkung, während optimierte Lichtquellen ihrerseits für mehr Atmosphäre auf der Rennstrecke sorgen sollen.

Große Produktpflege in allen Bereichen

Ebenfalls aufpoliert wurden das Tone-Mapping und die Sprüheffekte, die insbesondere bei Regenrennen zu einer noch stimmigeren und realistischeren Optik des Rennsimulators beitragen.

Neben den optischen Verbesserungen soll auch die Leistung des Spiels durch die „neue“ und effizientere Engine aufgebohrt worden sein. Hinzu kommen neue Inhalte, wie die „Fanatec GT World Challenge Europe 2021 Season“, und mit dem BMW M4 GT3 ein neues Rennfahrzeug.

  • Updated project to Unreal Engine version 4.26.2.
  • Added Fanatec GT World Challenge Europe 2021 season as bonus content with all entries, liveries and drivers and championship season.
  • Added all-new BMW M4 GT3 as bonus content as part of the 2021 season.
  • Added Nvidia Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) 2.0 support for compatible GPUs (RTX 20XX series or newer).
  • Please check manufacturer GPU driver requirements.
  • Added AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) support for all GPUs.
  • Added Temporal Antialising Gen5 option support.
  • Added the new rendering mode settings to save with Video Settings presets.
  • Fixed a limitation with Triple Screen rendering that did not allow Temporal Upsampling to be used in combination with it.
  • Updated global lighting and exposure on all tracks to follow Unreal Engine version changes.
  • Updated visual tonemapper presets to follow Unreal Engine version changes.
  • Revision of various track-related shaders to follow Unreal Engine version rendering changes.
  • Revision of various car-related shaders to follow Unreal Engine version rendering changes.
  • Skybox revision to suit Unreal Engine version rendering changes.
  • Optimized light emitters at Nurburgring for improved performance.
  • Reduced bezel gap artefacting appearing along the bezel lines in Triple Screen rendering mode.
  • Reduced SSAO and SSR artefacting around the bezel line in Triple Screen rendering mode.
  • Updated TV, cinematic and free cameras to use the new Unreal Engine cameras with improved DOF effects.
  • Updated CinemaHUD to use the new and improved DOF effects.
  • Improved blurred wheel rim shader.
  • Improved car spray effect, especially in light/medium wetness situations.
  • Improved raindrop effect rendering logic to follow the updated spray effect.
  • Improved rainfall shader appearance in external cameras.
  • Car headlight shadow bias tweaks to prevent lights penetrating walls on close distance.
  • Updated track HLODs.
  • Added rotary switch animations, available with select cars.
  • Added Open season, merging all game content into a "sandbox" season featuring grid customization.
  • Added opponent grid mixing option to Custom Race Weekend and Quick Race game modes in the Open season.
  • Added Open series championship mode with grid (car groups) and track lineup customization.
  • Fixed multiclass championships not splitting points per car groups.
  • Automatically generated custom cars are now grouped into teams both in single-make custom mode and Open series championship.
  • Reworked driver assignment system to support custom-generated grids and various driver count requirements.
  • Standardized entry and team ID system across the whole game content in support of the Open series grid generation and championship.
  • Removed entry duplication between the 2019 GTWCH and IGT seasons.
  • Fixed potential rule inconsistencies between official sprint and endurance game modes when played via Single Player and Championship.
  • Tweaked AI logic for strategic decisions reacting to weather changes.
  • Fixed a potential issue with AI pitstop status when loading a saved game, causing cars to DNF.
  • Improved AI genome at Bathurst, Barcelona, Laguna Seca and Kyalami to reduce the chance of unforced driving errors.
  • Revised skewed track limit definitions for Oulton Park that prevented correct gain calculation.
  • Revised pit speeding thresholds that were often too permissive, both on pit entry and pit exit.
  • Fixed invalid lap being eligible for personal and session fastest (purple) lap in race sessions (also in Multiplayer results).
  • Overhaul of track limit warnings on wet track with its own dynamic, gain-based reference system.
  • Added measures against irregular driving before the green light in Hotlap and Hotstint game modes.
  • Fixed an issue with the Ferrari 488 GT3 (both versions) that resulted in an inconsistency in pitstop position versus other cars.
  • Replay: revised replay tyre rotation matrix calculation to avoid misalignment between tyres and rim (and reduce disk space).
Assetto Corsa Competizione v1.8 – Release Notes

Die vollständigen Versionshinweise lesen sich noch einmal deutlich umfangreicher und bringen zusätzliche Verbesserungen an der Gegner-KI, der Fahrzeugphysik, der Benutzeroberfläche und dem Mehrspieler-Modus mit.

Das Update auf die Version 1.8 darf mit Fug und Recht als große Produktpflege in allen Bereichen bezeichnet werden. In einem rund zehnminütigen Video präsentieren die Entwickler alle Verbesserungen des Rennsimulators im Detail.

Wo gibt es GeForce RTX 5000 und Radeon RX 9000 zu kaufen? Unser RTX-50-Verfügbarkeits-Check und der RX-9000-Verfügbarkeits-Check informieren über aktuelle Listungen.