First, I'm very sorry for the English; my wife and I recently moved to Germany and we're still learning German. Of course replies in German are very welcome - I could use the practice, and I have Google Translate to help me out. We're looking for 2 computers to play games both individually and together. Budget is 2000-2400 Euro per computer, including monitor, windows, and assembly. I have some questions/point I would like to draw attention to:
1. Since we don't have high requirements regarding frames per second, is there a significant disadvantage in buying a G-Sync compatible monitor as opposed to an actual G-Sync? Currently considering the AOC G2590PX.
2. The two computers would be put in a room that gets very very hot in the summer, so would extra good fans make sense?
3. Since some games are very cpu heavy (especially when using mods), I thought building a computer around the 9900K & rtx 2070 Super, but I'm far from being an expert so maybe I'm wrong in thinking that.
4. Only SSD please. 1T is more than enough.
5. My wife would be very happy to choose her own casing. How would I know what casing fits the rest of the parts?
Thanks in advance for any input!
1. Was ist der Verwendungszweck?
100% gaming
1.1 Falls Spiele: Welche Spiele genau? Welche Auflösung? Hohe/mittlere/niedrige Qualität? Wie viele FPS? (Bitte alle vier Fragen beantworten!)
Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Total War Three Kingdoms
Europa Universalis IV, Hearts of Iron IV
Ultra settings, 1080p, 60 fps
1.2 Falls Bild-/Musik-/Videobearbeitung oder CAD: Als Hobby oder bist du Profi? Welche Software wirst du nutzen?
1.3 Hast du besondere Anforderungen oder Wünsche (Overclocking, ein besonders leiser PC, …)?
I have no experience with overclocking. If it is a matter of downloading some software and pressing a few buttons I might overclock in the future. If it requires studying the subject then sadly I don't have the time to invest into it.
1.4 Wieviele und welche Monitore möchtest du nutzen? Anzahl, Modell, Auflösung, Bildwiederholfrequenz (Hertz)? Wird FreeSync (AMD) oder G-Sync (Nvidia) unterstützt?
One monitor for each computer. Would also appreciate recommendations here. No need to go beyond 22-23 inch 1080p
2. Ist noch ein alter PC vorhanden?
3. Wie viel Geld bist du bereit auszugeben?
2000-2400 for each computer
4. In wie vielen Jahren möchtest du das System frühestens upgraden oder ersetzen müssen?
3-4 years
5. Wann soll gekauft werden?
As soon as possible, hopefully in the next few days
6. Möchtest du den PC selbst zusammenbauen oder zusammenbauen lassen?
I want it assembled (preferably with guarantee)
First, I'm very sorry for the English; my wife and I recently moved to Germany and we're still learning German. Of course replies in German are very welcome - I could use the practice, and I have Google Translate to help me out. We're looking for 2 computers to play games both individually and together. Budget is 2000-2400 Euro per computer, including monitor, windows, and assembly. I have some questions/point I would like to draw attention to:
1. Since we don't have high requirements regarding frames per second, is there a significant disadvantage in buying a G-Sync compatible monitor as opposed to an actual G-Sync? Currently considering the AOC G2590PX.
2. The two computers would be put in a room that gets very very hot in the summer, so would extra good fans make sense?
3. Since some games are very cpu heavy (especially when using mods), I thought building a computer around the 9900K & rtx 2070 Super, but I'm far from being an expert so maybe I'm wrong in thinking that.
4. Only SSD please. 1T is more than enough.
5. My wife would be very happy to choose her own casing. How would I know what casing fits the rest of the parts?
Thanks in advance for any input!

1. Was ist der Verwendungszweck?
100% gaming
1.1 Falls Spiele: Welche Spiele genau? Welche Auflösung? Hohe/mittlere/niedrige Qualität? Wie viele FPS? (Bitte alle vier Fragen beantworten!)
Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Total War Three Kingdoms
Europa Universalis IV, Hearts of Iron IV
Ultra settings, 1080p, 60 fps
1.2 Falls Bild-/Musik-/Videobearbeitung oder CAD: Als Hobby oder bist du Profi? Welche Software wirst du nutzen?
1.3 Hast du besondere Anforderungen oder Wünsche (Overclocking, ein besonders leiser PC, …)?
I have no experience with overclocking. If it is a matter of downloading some software and pressing a few buttons I might overclock in the future. If it requires studying the subject then sadly I don't have the time to invest into it.
1.4 Wieviele und welche Monitore möchtest du nutzen? Anzahl, Modell, Auflösung, Bildwiederholfrequenz (Hertz)? Wird FreeSync (AMD) oder G-Sync (Nvidia) unterstützt?
One monitor for each computer. Would also appreciate recommendations here. No need to go beyond 22-23 inch 1080p
2. Ist noch ein alter PC vorhanden?
3. Wie viel Geld bist du bereit auszugeben?
2000-2400 for each computer
4. In wie vielen Jahren möchtest du das System frühestens upgraden oder ersetzen müssen?
3-4 years
5. Wann soll gekauft werden?
As soon as possible, hopefully in the next few days
6. Möchtest du den PC selbst zusammenbauen oder zusammenbauen lassen?
I want it assembled (preferably with guarantee)
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