Battlefield 5 appcrash after intro - 2080 ti Aorus


Lt. Junior Grade
Juli 2017
Hello. Today i get appcrash just before mission start ( 3d ),when i click PRESS SPACE to skip scene movie part.

Event viewer said:"display driver stopped responding and has recovered".

This is exception code of crash:"0x887a0006 "

Also in background have only gpuz and msi afterburner + rivatuner.

My pc:
9900K 5ghz 1.33v

2x16GB DDR4 GSKILL 3000mhz XMP
Corsair 850 RmX

Rtx 2080 Ti Aorus Xtreme ( stock ,no oc )

I am using the newest drivers.

Also i tested Unigine Heaven ,3dmark firestrike and other games for hours and no crashes. Even Battlefield 5 running stable,just that one crash after movie part intro scene. Is my card unstable or?
How old is your Graphic Card?
Maybe, it doesn´t have to be, but it can be that the Card is broken, there was a few Postings and News about the 2080 Ti´s dying after a few Days. It´s more to the Founders Edition of the 2080 Ti´s, but it can happen to the Custom Cards too. Or, it´s just one of few Bugs on the Game
BFV is fairly prone to crashing. Come back if it occurs more often and also in different titles.
How come you're on a german forum writing in broken english?
419.67 creator driver version. Its my driver actually. I left game running for 5 hours and no crashed. It happened in morning when i first run game and click SKIP CUTSCENE.
Any specific reason for using the creator instead of the regular driver?
As I said, it's not unusual for this game to crash and unless it becomes more common there's nothing to be done about it right now.
So its not an issue with cpu voltage? I dont had any other issues . It once happened.
Are you using google translate for english aswell? You're probably better off looking for a forum in your native language.
Do you have any other game that crashes when 3D-load is started?
Please start GPU-Z and check if your card is build with Micron DDR 6 VRAM. If it is, you have one of the first cards that could easily be defective.

Oh I see, you wrote you tested some benchmarks too. Then it's only a problem with this game.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Shadow of Tomb Raider,Metro Exodus,Unigine Heaven,3dmarks,not single issue. It happened once in BF5 when i clicked SKIP CUTSCENE after loading.
If it happened once, why bother? Games can crash all the time. It just happens. If it doesn’t occur on a regular basis across several titles, who cares? Just reboot the game and game on. If it’s really your card that’s broken you will notice in no time because other apps/games will produce errors as well.
i reproduce this error by leaving game on idle few hours ( desktop ) and run again game and restart mission and it crashed in exact the same place when i click skip scene in loading intro.

Second run fine again.

Somebody from GF forum said:your cpu is probably not fully stable and tiny errors just built up till this eventuated.

So he isnt right propably?
Is letting your PC idle on a very specific point in a game your usual usecase? Then you should go fix it as quickly as possible. Else just continue using it normaly until you get more problems.
No. When i am on Windows 10 desktop without game running few hours. And after long time when i run game first time, it always crashed on the same point. Just before mission start when i click SKIP CUTSCENE. Thats all. Second time its fine.
It crashed in exact the same place , when i click SKIP CUTSCENE just before mission loaded. WITHOUT CLICKING SKIP CUTSCENE it will not crash. So?

Again when i run game second time, it will never crash . :)

And somebody said this to me:"there isn't such a thing as a stable overclock, the entire premise of a cpu in its function is one of a temporal unstable state that works until it doesn't.

The question was rhetoric. If you think your OC is unstable lower it or increase voltage. Everything is just guessing at this point. Ofcourse a given OC can be considered stable, however there's no guarantee it will stay stable over extended periods of time.
Game running smooth no crashes. It just crash after i click SKIP CUTSCENE during loading chapter 3. On second run it never crash even when i click cutscene. I suspect some memory leak or driver issue? Anyway i tried newest drivers ( not creator one ) and problem resolved. It not crashed for the first time.
So better you don't klick this button anymore during the first run. :D
If this is your most serious Problem, game on and be happy.