Can faulty PSU make BSOD?


Lt. Junior Grade
Juli 2017
Hello. My question. Can faulty psu make a BSOD? I mean just BSOD and pc reboot ( without shutdown ). Or not?
Or if psu is faulty then system always shutdown and then reboot.
Rather not, but it cannot be ruled out.
If the power supply is no longer reliable, this can lead to problems that end in a blus screen.
But the symptoms are more likely, the system freezes, black screens or the system simply switches off.
i was thinking that it always shut off and then restart
What's the shown errorcode of the BSOD? Got a picture?
I've seen my fair share of your threads. You've had problems for quite a while, try running everything on stock on a fresh install for a month and if you're still encountering problems, you might want to start swapping components.
In fact, it can result in that behaviour. The system doesn‘t always completely crash, but it is more likely. In your case i would watch for memory, voltages and perhaps temperatures. Also, check the Windows event log. What does it state?
There should be some usable information. If the error is a kernel power event you will have to check quite some things. Else, it might be narrowed down after checking. Good „hunting“ :D
sew333 schrieb:
i was thinking that it always shut off and then restart
sew333 schrieb:
Psu: Seasonic Ultra Prime Titanium 850W
I have had the experience that, for example, a BeQuiet switches off and stays off,
it cannot be switched on again immediately, but only after a while.
A Seasonic, switched off after the protective circuit has taken effect and restarts.
I left Metro Exodus running by character standing on the same place for 12 hours. When i back to home i press ESC and while exiting from game mission to MAIN MENU ( moment where GPU LOAD drops ) i get BLACK SCREEN and no monitor signal for 1 minute, and crash to desktop with TDR driver crash in event log. After that i log off from system and log back in again and system rebooted unexpected. ( not shutdown but only reboot )

I dont have any other issues with stability in games. It happened once. Thx also not able to reproduce. Very weird.

C:/Windows/minidump ,not exist. C:/Windows/memory.dmp not exist.

Here is screens from dump file ---> C:/Windows/Livekernelreports/pow32Kwatchdog.dmp <--only that file appear. I think it is related to that pc reboot but not sure.

"A callout to Win32k did not return promptly"

It was psue issue or not?

Also my gpu drivers is from november 2019. Windows 10 up to date.
It is not as simple as „is it a PSU fault or not?“. If it was there would be hell of a lot less IT service industry. You need to check a variety of things. Or you can just gamble and replace the PSU based on an assumption and see if it is fixed. I won‘t lay down basic troubleshooting steps, because there are many starting points in your case.