thx frank.
poste hier kurz den link zu dem kritischen test des hcs, der, so mein eindruck, wohl so eine art vorserienmpodel betraf. i found carefull reading and exam. of this article quite interesting.
da stand mit datum 10.6.03 u.a.
quote. "As you can see from the pictures above, these plastic push pins protrude far enough into the case that they come into contact with the metal frame of the Hydrocool 200 requiring you to bend the Plexiglas case open at the base and wiggle it side by side up over the frame rails. Bending the case like this requires a good deal of effort almost to the point that you feel the plastic case may snap. So be careful should you need to or want to open your Hydrocool.
Corsair has decided to add a lighted flow meter to the cooling circuit. The idea behind this is to give the user the ability to actually see the fluid moving inside the system and add a little “cool factor” when viewing the lighted flow meter through the translucent case when it is dark. The type of flow meter used introduces a huge restriction to the coolant system, but we will talk more about that later.
The Hydrocool is somewhat noisy. We took readings 3ft from the unit at several angles and got an average reading of 45dB. In turbo mode the unit put out a 55dB. The open area behind the fan inside the Hydrocool case actually amplifies the fan noise.
First and foremost we have the obvious fact that the Delphi water blocks were not perfectly flat. To be honest, they are nowhere even close to being flat. This is not something you can just look at with a naked eye and see either.
The 12v Pump. We took the 12v Bosch fuel pump to the local Porsche dealer and had them identify the unit for us. The pump is rated at 300 liters per hour, which is 78 gallons per hour. Please do note that restrictions in the system can very easily cause the pump not to operate at peak ratings that the specification numbers are based on.
Quick Connect Fittings: While these are very handy, “flow wise” these are counter productive. The inside side of the fitting accepts 3/16” ID line but reduces the line size down to ¼” at the actual fitting connection.
After trouble shooting the system, we realized there was almost no water flowing through the water block and we started looking for answers. Of course we wanted more information on the waterblock we were using. Up until this time, we had requested detailed information on the water block from Corsair but were told that block design was patented by Delphi. Well of course patents are public records, and we asked for the patent number. At that time the technology of the waterblock turned to "proprietary information".
This is a photo of the water block after we took it to a machine shop and had them grind away the weld to open the block. What you can see from this picture is that not only are the water channels extremely small, many are corroded and clogged. After further investigation we found out that our initial system had been run with regular water in it during initial testing at Corsair before shipping. Since the radiator is completely aluminum and the block is copper, regular tap water causes corrosion almost immediately.
Not only was the block starting to corrode, there was a good deal of residue and sediment in the bottom of the reservoir. This type of corrosion in a normal water cooled systen, while it is unsightly and will eventually hinder your systems performance, it normally takes a while build up causing a flow restrictions and problems."
end of quote
es scheint aber, als hätten corsair/delphi aus dem studium dieses reviews gelernt und einen großteil der angemahnten verbesserungsmöglichkeiten implementiert.