Einen text übersetzen. Englisch - Deutsch


Feb. 2003
Kann mir jemand vielleicht diesen Text übersetzten (Google übersetzt Falsch)
1. At position 211263 (offset 3393F) the value 62 01 00 00. That is a long value swapped, so 00 00 01 62 in hex = the value 354 in decimal. This means the top of the progress bar is 354 pixels from the top of the screen.
2. At position 207838 (offset 32BDE) the value 62 01 00 00. Same as above.
3. At position 207808 (offset 32BC0) the value 62 01 00 00. Same as above.

4. At position 211389 (offset 339BD) the value 6A 01 00 00. That is a long value swapped, so 00 00 01 6A in hex = the value 362 in decimal (or 354 + 9 pixels the height of progress bar -1). In other words from pixel 354 to pixel 362 there are 9 pixels (the height of progress bar).
5. At position 207798 (offset 32BB6) the value 6A 01 00 00. Same as above.

So, if you want to change the position or size of the progress bar, you must change the above 5 values.

For example... If you want the progress bar to be the same size, just at the very bottom of the screen, you would change the first three values to decimal 471 (="D7 01 00 00" as you would type it into the kernel) and the last 2 to decimal 480 (="E0 01 00 00" as you would type it into the kernel.)

If you want to make the progress bar disappear (I've never tried it, so let me know) you would simply change the last 2 values to match the first 3.

If you want a bigger progress bar make values 4 and 5 bigger (bigger difference between valeus1,2,3, and values 4,5), and if you want a smaller progress bar, make them smaller (less difference between values 1,2,3, and values 4,5.)

Danke im vorraus

Edit: braucht man nicht mehr übersetzten, bin selber darauf gekommen
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