Englisch - GTX 980 Boot error Hackintosh

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Cadet 2nd Year
Okt. 2014
I have A massive Question that takes me to freak out.
When I'm starting the installer with GPU, CPU and both RAM sticks, there comes everytime A Debugger not configured error. So I read that this Problem could be the GPU and two RAM sticks. Now I took out one Stick and the GPU, now the installer works.
All things set.
Starting Yosemite... (10.10.5)
Not Working...
Trying " nv_disable=1", now works.
Setting up Mac...
Now im in Yosemite.
So I made all the Updates from Apple, finished.
OK, works.
Now i'm going to installiert NVIDIA WebDrivers in latest Version. Okay.
Starting MultiBeast.
Selecting DSDT-FREE, selected Network drivers, audio drivers, USB 3.0 Support, Intel Fix. Finished
Install successfull.
Works. OK.
Audio now Works!
LAN doesn't longer works.
But, okay.
So now I put in my Graphics-card and the 2nd RAM Stick.
Boot into Yosemite...
Used already bootflags like GraphicsEnabler=Yes or nv_disable=1 or nvda_drv=0 not Working.
Startet with this Flags: -v -F npci=0x2000 nv_disable=1 PCIRootUID=1 ...
Worked, slowly, unstable and buggy, but worked.
So now installed few drivers, and updated the Pop-Up for Nvidia WebDrivers and restarted.
Not working.
Also with the Flags that were Working before, there is now when booting with Flags: p, pan, panic, panic (CPU 6 ***) for A few seconds and the system goes for reboot. Than i'm again in startup Menu (bootloader)

My components:

Mainboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97-HD3
Graphics-Card: MSi GeForce GTX 980
Ram: 8GB Ballistix (2x4GB)
Processor: Intel Core i7 4790K

Have you any ideas? I dont want to install OSX Yosemite and do this process again, because it's going to fail again I think.

Have I installed something wrong?
Or do I need something in MultiBeast to get this things Working?

Please Tell me your ideas :3 :(

Thank You!

Hoffentlich ist es okay, wenn der Beitrag auf Englisch ist, habe ihn zuvor in einem Englischen Forum gepostet.
Wenn nicht dann muss ich ihn umschreiben. :c
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Da hast du nur teilweise recht.
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Jedoch wenn es in dem Forum nicht erlaubt ist, ist es okay für Mich.
In Deutschland kommts drauf an. Es kann Illegal sein, muss aber nicht.
Da das bei der Beratung unter Umständen in der Grauzone wäre, wird das hier nicht unterstützt.
Da Hackintosh und Rechtlich zumindest fragwürdig:

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