Hallo alle zusammen,
ich versuche als Administrator auf dem Windows 10 Rechner den Befehl:
Get-Item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts zu starten aber ich bekomme folgende Fehlermeldung.
Kann jemand Sagen wie ich das beheben kann?
Nachdem ich auf diesen Artikel hier gestoßen bin.
ging es auf einmal.
Here is all my tests so far to try to trouble shoot this.
PS C:\Script\Work> Test-WSMan
wsmid : http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wsman/identity/1/wsmanidentity.xsd
ProtocolVersion : http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wsman/1/wsman.xsd
ProductVendor : Microsoft Corporation
ProductVersion : OS: 0.0.0 SP: 0.0 Stack: 3.0
PS C:\Script\Work>
PS C:\Script\Work> winrm quickconfig
WinRM service is already running on this machine.
Message = The WinRM client cannot process the request. Negotiate authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration. Change the client configuration and try the request again. If this is a request for the local configuration, use one of the enabled authentication mechanisms still enabled. To use Kerberos, specify the local computer name as the remote destination. To use Basic, specify the local computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentication and provide user name and password.
Error number: -2144108319 0x803380E1
The WinRM client cannot process the request. Negotiate authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration. Change the
client configuration and try the request again. If this is a request for the local configuration, use one of the enabled authentication mechanisms still enabled. To use Kerberos, specify the local computer name as the remote destination. To use Basic, specify the local computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentication and provide user name and password.
PS C:\Script\Work>
PS C:\Script\Work> winrm get winrm/config/client
Message = The WinRM client cannot process the request. Negotiate authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration. Change the client configuration and try the request again. If this is a request for the local configuration, use one of the enabled authentication mechanisms still enabled. To use Kerberos, specify the local computer name as the remote destination. To use Basic, specify the local computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentication and provide user name and password.
Error number: -2144108319 0x803380E1
The WinRM client cannot process the request. Negotiate authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration. Change the
client configuration and try the request again. If this is a request for the local configuration, use one of the enabled authentication mechanisms still enabled. To use Kerberos, specify the local computer name as the remote destination. To use Basic, specify the local computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentication and provide user name and password.
PS C:\Script\Work>
PS C:\Windows\System32> winrm get winrm/config/service
Message = The WinRM client cannot process the request. Negotiate authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration. Change the client configuration and try the request again. If this is a request for the local configuration, use one of the enabled authentication mechanisms still enabled. To use Kerberos, specify the local computer name as the remote destination. To use Basic, specify the local computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentication and provide user name and password.
Error number: -2144108319 0x803380E1
The WinRM client cannot process the request. Negotiate authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration. Change the client configuration and try the request again. If this is a request for the local configuration, use one of the enabled authentication mechanisms still enabled. To use Kerberos, specify the local computer name as the remote destination. To use Basic, specify the local computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentication and provide user name and password.
PS C:\Windows\System32>
PS C:\Windows\System32> winrm enumerate winrm/config/listener
Message = The WinRM client cannot process the request. Negotiate authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration. Change the client configuration and try the request again. If this is a request for the local configuration, use one of the enabled authentication mechanisms still enabled. To use Kerberos, specify the local computer name as the remote destination. To use Basic, specify the local computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentication and provide user name and password.
Error number: -2144108319 0x803380E1
The WinRM client cannot process the request. Negotiate authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration. Change the client configuration and try the request again. If this is a request for the local configuration, use one of the enabled authentication mechanisms still enabled. To use Kerberos, specify the local computer name as the remote destination. To use Basic, specify the local computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentication and provide user name and password.
PS C:\Windows\System32>
PS C:\Windows\System32> Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 5985
LocalAddress LocalPort RemoteAddress RemotePort State AppliedSetting
------------ --------- ------------- ---------- ----- --------------
:: 5985 :: 0 Listen
PS C:\Windows\System32>
PS C:\Script\Work> Test-NetConnection -ComputerName someservername -port 5985
ComputerName : alawptelrec201.risk.regn.net
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort : 5985
InterfaceAlias : Ethernet 2
SourceAddress :
TcpTestSucceeded : True
PS C:\Windows\System32> Get-Item WSMan:\localhost\client\TrustedHosts
Get-Item: Cannot find path 'WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts' because it does not exist.
PS C:\Windows\System32
ich versuche als Administrator auf dem Windows 10 Rechner den Befehl:
Get-Item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts zu starten aber ich bekomme folgende Fehlermeldung.
Kann jemand Sagen wie ich das beheben kann?
PS C:\windows\system32> Get-Item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts
Get-Item : Der Pfad "WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts" kann nicht gefunden werden, da er nicht vorhanden ist.
In Zeile:1 Zeichen:1
+ Get-Item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts:String) [Get-Item], ItemNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetItemCommand
PS C:\windows\system32>
Ergänzung ()
Nachdem ich auf diesen Artikel hier gestoßen bin.
ging es auf einmal.
Here is all my tests so far to try to trouble shoot this.
PS C:\Script\Work> Test-WSMan
wsmid : http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wsman/identity/1/wsmanidentity.xsd
ProtocolVersion : http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wsman/1/wsman.xsd
ProductVendor : Microsoft Corporation
ProductVersion : OS: 0.0.0 SP: 0.0 Stack: 3.0
PS C:\Script\Work>
PS C:\Script\Work> winrm quickconfig
WinRM service is already running on this machine.
Message = The WinRM client cannot process the request. Negotiate authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration. Change the client configuration and try the request again. If this is a request for the local configuration, use one of the enabled authentication mechanisms still enabled. To use Kerberos, specify the local computer name as the remote destination. To use Basic, specify the local computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentication and provide user name and password.
Error number: -2144108319 0x803380E1
The WinRM client cannot process the request. Negotiate authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration. Change the
client configuration and try the request again. If this is a request for the local configuration, use one of the enabled authentication mechanisms still enabled. To use Kerberos, specify the local computer name as the remote destination. To use Basic, specify the local computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentication and provide user name and password.
PS C:\Script\Work>
PS C:\Script\Work> winrm get winrm/config/client
Message = The WinRM client cannot process the request. Negotiate authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration. Change the client configuration and try the request again. If this is a request for the local configuration, use one of the enabled authentication mechanisms still enabled. To use Kerberos, specify the local computer name as the remote destination. To use Basic, specify the local computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentication and provide user name and password.
Error number: -2144108319 0x803380E1
The WinRM client cannot process the request. Negotiate authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration. Change the
client configuration and try the request again. If this is a request for the local configuration, use one of the enabled authentication mechanisms still enabled. To use Kerberos, specify the local computer name as the remote destination. To use Basic, specify the local computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentication and provide user name and password.
PS C:\Script\Work>
PS C:\Windows\System32> winrm get winrm/config/service
Message = The WinRM client cannot process the request. Negotiate authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration. Change the client configuration and try the request again. If this is a request for the local configuration, use one of the enabled authentication mechanisms still enabled. To use Kerberos, specify the local computer name as the remote destination. To use Basic, specify the local computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentication and provide user name and password.
Error number: -2144108319 0x803380E1
The WinRM client cannot process the request. Negotiate authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration. Change the client configuration and try the request again. If this is a request for the local configuration, use one of the enabled authentication mechanisms still enabled. To use Kerberos, specify the local computer name as the remote destination. To use Basic, specify the local computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentication and provide user name and password.
PS C:\Windows\System32>
PS C:\Windows\System32> winrm enumerate winrm/config/listener
Message = The WinRM client cannot process the request. Negotiate authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration. Change the client configuration and try the request again. If this is a request for the local configuration, use one of the enabled authentication mechanisms still enabled. To use Kerberos, specify the local computer name as the remote destination. To use Basic, specify the local computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentication and provide user name and password.
Error number: -2144108319 0x803380E1
The WinRM client cannot process the request. Negotiate authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration. Change the client configuration and try the request again. If this is a request for the local configuration, use one of the enabled authentication mechanisms still enabled. To use Kerberos, specify the local computer name as the remote destination. To use Basic, specify the local computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentication and provide user name and password.
PS C:\Windows\System32>
PS C:\Windows\System32> Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 5985
LocalAddress LocalPort RemoteAddress RemotePort State AppliedSetting
------------ --------- ------------- ---------- ----- --------------
:: 5985 :: 0 Listen
PS C:\Windows\System32>
PS C:\Script\Work> Test-NetConnection -ComputerName someservername -port 5985
ComputerName : alawptelrec201.risk.regn.net
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort : 5985
InterfaceAlias : Ethernet 2
SourceAddress :
TcpTestSucceeded : True
PS C:\Windows\System32> Get-Item WSMan:\localhost\client\TrustedHosts
Get-Item: Cannot find path 'WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts' because it does not exist.
PS C:\Windows\System32
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