Kein Zugriff auf dynamische Festplatte / nur RAW Format angezeigt


Apr. 2013
Hallo zusammen,

habe schon einiges hier durchgelesen, will aber nichts falsch machen, daher mein Post:

Ich habe gestern auf meiner 500GB Festplatte die "mittlere" der 3 Partitionen (unter Win7) gelöscht und wollte dann die letzte um den frei gewordenen Bereich erweitern. Win7 hat dann etwas von dynamischem Datenträger erzählt und ich habe ehrlich gesagt bestätigt ohne genau zu wissen was das bedeutet.
Ich habe dann direkt versucht das Ganze mit testdisk rückgängig zu machen (analyze -> write) Anschließend hat auch alles wunderbar funktioniert, allerdings habe ich nach dem reboot keinen Zugriff mehr auf die Festplatte, beide Partitionen werden nur als RAW angezeigt.

Wie auf den Bildern zu sehen werden nach quick search 2 Elemente angezeigt, auf das zweite kann ich zumindest mit "p" zugreifen und die Daten schienen vorhanden zu sein, beim ersten funktioniert das nicht.

Könnt ihr mir bitte, bitte weiterhelfen? Formatieren ist leider keine Option.

Vielen Dank!


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Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ontrack easy recovery laden und mal drüberschicken, hierzu benögst du eine weitere hdd mit weit mehr als dem eigentlichen maximalen theoretisch möglichen dateninhalt. im modus "RAW-Recovery" wird alles, was auch nur halbweegs nach datei ausschaut, auf der neuen hdd abgelegt, auch sehr viel datei-müll, der eigentlich keine datei mehr sein kann.

riesen problem nach "erfolgreicher" datenrettung: mp3s werden in etwa so abgelegt: fil0000.mp3, fil00001.mp3 usw. das gleiche nochmal für jede nur auffindbare dateitype. jetzt mußt du "nur noch" wieder neue namen vergeben. evtl findet eine andere recoveryfunktion ja auch noch was brauchbares, jedoch kann ich außer lobliedern auch die eine oder andere heulende hymne wiedergebn, die man mir vorheulte. ^^

evtl kaufst du dir auch noch eine hdd und legst erstmal ne sektorkopie deiner zerschossenen hdd an, dann kannst du an der kopie rumfingern, ohne weitere fehlgriffe fürchten zu müssen.

sorry für die düsteren legenden, aber ich habe zu viel zu dem thema gesehen und gehört. bei mir laufen die daten auf drei physikalisch getrennten systemen mit datensicherung alle 1 bzw. 2 wochen. so kann ich auf 3 zeitlich differierende stadien zugreifen.
Das klingt ja nicht so gut...

Ich habe jetzt nochmal eine deeper search gemacht, da wurden dann meine beiden verlorenen Partitionen gefunden (heißen beide praktischerweise "Programme", beide enthalten auch noch die Daten. Gibt es keine Möglichkeit die Partitionstabelle neu zu schreiben, sodass der Zugriff wieder funktioniert?

Vielen Dank

Mon Apr  8 23:32:39 2013
Command line: TestDisk

TestDisk 6.13, Data Recovery Utility, November 2011
Christophe GRENIER <>
OS: Windows 7 (7601) SP1
Compiler: GCC 4.3, Cygwin 1007.7
Compilation date: 2011-11-15T08:36:54
ext2fs lib: 1.41.8, ntfs lib: 10:0:0, reiserfs lib: 0.3.1-rc8, ewf lib: 20100226
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(/dev/sda)=500106780160
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(/dev/sdb)=180045766656
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(/dev/sdc)=4267704320
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(\\.\PhysicalDrive0)=500106780160
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(\\.\PhysicalDrive1)=180045766656
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(\\.\PhysicalDrive2)=4267704320
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(\\.\C:)=179938787328
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(\\.\D:)=50009670144
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(\\.\E:)=400083845120
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(\\.\F:)=4265558016
filewin32_getfilesize(\\.\G:) GetFileSize err Unzulässige Funktion.

filewin32_setfilepointer(\\.\G:) SetFilePointer err Unzulässige Funktion.

Warning: can't get size for \\.\G:
file_pread(4,1,buffer,976784129(60801/254/63)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(5,1,buffer,351662849(21889/254/63)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(6,1,buffer,8337734(518/254/63)) lseek err Invalid argument
Hard disk list
Disk /dev/sda - 500 GB / 465 GiB - CHS 60801 255 63, sector size=512 - ST3500320AS, S/N:2020202020202020202020205135304d485a3247, FW:SD15
Disk /dev/sdb - 180 GB / 167 GiB - CHS 21889 255 63, sector size=512 - INTEL SSDSC2CT180A3, S/N:5643504d3232303238304648383143304e472020, FW:300i
Disk /dev/sdc - 4267 MB / 4070 MiB - CHS 518 255 63, sector size=512 - Generic Flash Disk, FW:8.00

Partition table type (auto): Intel
Disk /dev/sda - 500 GB / 465 GiB - ST3500320AS
Partition table type: Intel

Interface Advanced
Geometry from i386 MBR: head=255 sector=63
NTFS at 0/1/1
NTFS at 12160/1/1
Error: size boot_sector 879084928 > partition 781413760
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 07
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=255 nbr=5
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=8 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=16 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=32 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=64 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=128 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=240 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=255 nbr=5
 1 * HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
     NTFS, 50 GB / 46 GiB
 2 E extended LBA         12160   0  1 60800 254 63  781417665
 5 L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 194  1  781413760

Analyse Disk /dev/sda - 500 GB / 465 GiB - CHS 60801 255 63
Geometry from i386 MBR: head=255 sector=63
NTFS at 0/1/1
NTFS at 12160/1/1
Error: size boot_sector 879084928 > partition 781413760
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 07
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=255 nbr=5
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=8 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=16 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=32 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=64 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=128 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=240 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=255 nbr=5
Current partition structure:
 1 * HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
 2 E extended LBA         12160   0  1 60800 254 63  781417665
Error: size boot_sector 879084928 > partition 781413760
Invalid NTFS or EXFAT boot
 5 L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 194  1  781413760
 5 L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 194  1  781413760
$MFT has invalid magic.
ntfs_mft_load(): Failed.
Failed to load $MFT: Input/Output error.
Failed to startup volume: Input/Output error.
$MFT has invalid magic.
ntfs_mft_load(): Failed.
Failed to load $MFT: Input/Output error.
$MFT has invalid magic.
ntfs_mft_load(): Failed.
Failed to load $MFT: Input/Output error.
Failed to startup volume: Input/Output error.
$MFT has invalid magic.
ntfs_mft_load(): Failed.
Failed to load $MFT: Input/Output error.
Ask the user for vista mode
Computes LBA from CHS for Disk /dev/sda - 500 GB / 465 GiB - CHS 60802 255 63
Allow partial last cylinder : Yes
search_vista_part: 1

Disk /dev/sda - 500 GB / 465 GiB - CHS 60802 255 63
NTFS at 0/1/1
filesystem size           97675137
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
     NTFS, 50 GB / 46 GiB
Error: size boot_sector 879084928 > partition 781413760
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 07
     HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 194  1  781413760
file_pread(4,2,buffer,976771072(60801/47/47)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,1,buffer,976771072(60801/47/47)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,7,buffer,976771073(60801/47/48)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,1,buffer,976771073(60801/47/48)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,8,buffer,976771080(60801/47/55)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,3,buffer,976771088(60801/47/63)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,3,buffer,976771135(60801/48/47)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,8,buffer,976771151(60801/48/63)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,11,buffer,976771198(60801/49/47)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,2,buffer,976773120(60801/80/16)) lseek err Invalid argument
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=255 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=8 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=16 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=32 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=64 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=128 nbr=2
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=240 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=255 nbr=3

   * HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
     NTFS, 50 GB / 46 GiB
   L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 254 63  781417602
Not an exFAT boot sector.

   * HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
     NTFS, 50 GB / 46 GiB
Can't open filesystem. Filesystem seems damaged.

dir_partition inode=5
   L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 254 63  781417602
Directory /
       5 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 22:18 .
       5 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 22:18 ..
   33759 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0 16-Dec-2012 15:33 $RECYCLE.BIN
      27 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  3-Dec-2012 21:18 System Volume Information
      29 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 14:12 Programme
   84185 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 23:46 backup
     176 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0 18-Jan-2010 00:20 RECYCLER

 1 * HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
 2 E extended LBA         12160   0  1 60800 254 63  781417665
 5 L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 254 63  781417602

 1 * HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
 2 E extended LBA          6080   0  1 60801 254 63  879108930
 5 L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 254 63  781417602

 1 * HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
 2 E extended LBA         12160   0  1 60800 254 63  781417665
 5 L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 254 63  781417602
simulate write!

write_mbr_i386: starting...
write_all_log_i386: starting...
write_all_log_i386: CHS: 12160/0/1,lba=195350400

Analyse Disk /dev/sda - 500 GB / 465 GiB - CHS 60802 255 63
Geometry from i386 MBR: head=255 sector=63
NTFS at 0/1/1
NTFS at 12160/1/1
Error: size boot_sector 879084928 > partition 781413760
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 07
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=255 nbr=5
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=8 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=16 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=32 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=64 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=128 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=240 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=255 nbr=5
Current partition structure:
 1 * HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
 2 E extended LBA         12160   0  1 60800 254 63  781417665
Error: size boot_sector 879084928 > partition 781413760
Invalid NTFS or EXFAT boot
 5 L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 194  1  781413760
 5 L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 194  1  781413760
Ask the user for vista mode
Allow partial last cylinder : Yes
search_vista_part: 1

Disk /dev/sda - 500 GB / 465 GiB - CHS 60802 255 63
NTFS at 0/1/1
filesystem size           97675137
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
     NTFS, 50 GB / 46 GiB
Error: size boot_sector 879084928 > partition 781413760
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 07
     HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 194  1  781413760
file_pread(4,2,buffer,976771072(60801/47/47)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,1,buffer,976771072(60801/47/47)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,7,buffer,976771073(60801/47/48)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,1,buffer,976771073(60801/47/48)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,8,buffer,976771080(60801/47/55)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,3,buffer,976771088(60801/47/63)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,3,buffer,976771135(60801/48/47)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,8,buffer,976771151(60801/48/63)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,11,buffer,976771198(60801/49/47)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,2,buffer,976773120(60801/80/16)) lseek err Invalid argument
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=255 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=8 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=16 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=32 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=64 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=128 nbr=2
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=240 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=255 nbr=3

   * HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
     NTFS, 50 GB / 46 GiB
   L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 254 63  781417602

 1 * HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
 2 E extended LBA         12160   0  1 60800 254 63  781417665
 5 L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 254 63  781417602

Disk /dev/sda - 500 GB / 465 GiB - CHS 60802 255 63
NTFS at 0/1/1
filesystem size           97675137
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
     NTFS, 50 GB / 46 GiB
NTFS at 0/32/33
filesystem size           97671168
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS              0  32 33  6079 223 32   97671168 [Programme]
     NTFS, 50 GB / 46 GiB
Search for partition aborted
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=255 nbr=2
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=8 nbr=2
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=16 nbr=2
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=32 nbr=2
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=64 nbr=2
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=128 nbr=1
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=240 nbr=2
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=255 nbr=2

     HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
     NTFS, 50 GB / 46 GiB
     HPFS - NTFS              0  32 33  6079 223 32   97671168 [Programme]
     NTFS, 50 GB / 46 GiB

No partition found or selected for recovery
simulate write!

write_mbr_i386: starting...
write_all_log_i386: starting...
No extended partition

Analyse Disk /dev/sda - 500 GB / 465 GiB - CHS 60802 255 63
Geometry from i386 MBR: head=255 sector=63
NTFS at 0/1/1
NTFS at 12160/1/1
Error: size boot_sector 879084928 > partition 781413760
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 07
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=255 nbr=5
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=8 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=16 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=32 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=64 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=128 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=240 nbr=4
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=255 nbr=5
Current partition structure:
 1 * HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
 2 E extended LBA         12160   0  1 60800 254 63  781417665
Error: size boot_sector 879084928 > partition 781413760
Invalid NTFS or EXFAT boot
 5 L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 194  1  781413760
 5 L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 194  1  781413760
Failed to open index bitmap attribute: Input/Output error.
Failed to open index allocation attribute. Directory inode 0xbf45 is corrupt or bug: Input/Output error.
Failed to open index allocation attribute. Directory inode 0xbefb is corrupt or bug: Input/Output error.
Failed to open index allocation attribute. Directory inode 0x104c4 is corrupt or bug: Input/Output error.
Failed to open index allocation attribute. Directory inode 0x4bc51 is corrupt or bug: Input/Output error.
Failed to open index allocation attribute. Directory inode 0x4bb51 is corrupt or bug: Input/Output error.
Failed to open index allocation attribute. Directory inode 0x4c24a is corrupt or bug: Input/Output error.
Failed to open index allocation attribute. Directory inode 0x4ba01 is corrupt or bug: Input/Output error.
Failed to open index allocation attribute. Directory inode 0x2bfe2 is corrupt or bug: Input/Output error.
Ask the user for vista mode
Allow partial last cylinder : Yes
search_vista_part: 1

Disk /dev/sda - 500 GB / 465 GiB - CHS 60802 255 63
NTFS at 0/1/1
filesystem size           97675137
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
     NTFS, 50 GB / 46 GiB
Error: size boot_sector 879084928 > partition 781413760
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 07
     HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 194  1  781413760
file_pread(4,2,buffer,976771072(60801/47/47)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,1,buffer,976771072(60801/47/47)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,7,buffer,976771073(60801/47/48)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,1,buffer,976771073(60801/47/48)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,8,buffer,976771080(60801/47/55)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,3,buffer,976771088(60801/47/63)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,3,buffer,976771135(60801/48/47)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,8,buffer,976771151(60801/48/63)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,11,buffer,976771198(60801/49/47)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,2,buffer,976773120(60801/80/16)) lseek err Invalid argument
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=255 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=8 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=16 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=32 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=64 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=128 nbr=2
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=240 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=255 nbr=3

   * HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
     NTFS, 50 GB / 46 GiB
   L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 254 63  781417602

dir_partition inode=5
   L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 254 63  781417602
Directory /
       5 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 22:18 .
       5 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 22:18 ..
   33759 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0 16-Dec-2012 15:33 $RECYCLE.BIN
      27 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  3-Dec-2012 21:18 System Volume Information
      29 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 14:12 Programme
   84185 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 23:46 backup
     176 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0 18-Jan-2010 00:20 RECYCLER

dir_partition inode=29
   L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 254 63  781417602
Directory /Programme
      29 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 14:12 .
       5 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 22:18 ..
    1139 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 13:59 Adobe
Directory /
       5 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 22:18 .
       5 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 22:18 ..
   33759 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0 16-Dec-2012 15:33 $RECYCLE.BIN
      27 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  3-Dec-2012 21:18 System Volume Information
      29 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 14:12 Programme
   84185 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 23:46 backup
     176 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0 18-Jan-2010 00:20 RECYCLER
ntfs_readdir failed
ntfs_readdir failed
ntfs_readdir failed
ntfs_readdir failed
ntfs_readdir failed
ntfs_readdir failed
ntfs_readdir failed
ntfs_readdir failed
ntfs_readdir failed

dir_partition inode=29
   L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 254 63  781417602
Directory /Programme
      29 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 14:12 .
       5 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 22:18 ..
    1139 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 13:59 Adobe
Directory /
       5 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 22:18 .
       5 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 22:18 ..
   33759 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0 16-Dec-2012 15:33 $RECYCLE.BIN
      27 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  3-Dec-2012 21:18 System Volume Information
      29 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 14:12 Programme
   84185 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 23:46 backup
     176 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0 18-Jan-2010 00:20 RECYCLER

dir_partition inode=176
   L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 254 63  781417602
Directory /RECYCLER
     176 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0 18-Jan-2010 00:20 .
       5 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 22:18 ..
     177 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  2-Dec-2012 20:09 S-1-5-21-1715567821-1580818891-725345543-1003
  106119 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0 20-Jan-2010 19:53 S-1-5-21-1715567821-1580818891-725345543-501
Directory /
       5 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 22:18 .
       5 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 22:18 ..
   33759 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0 16-Dec-2012 15:33 $RECYCLE.BIN
      27 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  3-Dec-2012 21:18 System Volume Information
      29 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 14:12 Programme
   84185 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0  7-Apr-2013 23:46 backup
     176 dr-xr-xr-x     0      0         0 18-Jan-2010 00:20 RECYCLER

 1 * HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
 2 E extended LBA         12160   0  1 60800 254 63  781417665
 5 L HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 254 63  781417602

Disk /dev/sda - 500 GB / 465 GiB - CHS 60802 255 63
NTFS at 0/1/1
filesystem size           97675137
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
     NTFS, 50 GB / 46 GiB
NTFS at 0/32/33
filesystem size           97671168
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS              0  32 33  6079 223 32   97671168 [Programme]
     NTFS, 50 GB / 46 GiB

recover_EXT2: s_block_group_nr=0/151, s_mnt_count=4/4294967295, s_blocks_per_group=32768, s_inodes_per_group=8192
recover_EXT2: s_blocksize=4096
recover_EXT2: s_blocks_count 4980480
recover_EXT2: part_size 39843840
     Linux                 2042 229 44  4523  16 37   39843840
     EXT4 Large file Sparse superblock Recover, 20 GB / 18 GiB

recover_EXT2: s_block_group_nr=0/151, s_mnt_count=4/4294967295, s_blocks_per_group=32768, s_inodes_per_group=8192
recover_EXT2: s_blocksize=4096
recover_EXT2: s_blocks_count 4980480
recover_EXT2: part_size 39843840
     Linux                 2043  72 14  4523 114  7   39843840
     EXT4 Large file Sparse superblock Recover, 20 GB / 18 GiB

recover_EXT2: s_block_group_nr=0/151, s_mnt_count=3/4294967295, s_blocks_per_group=32768, s_inodes_per_group=8192
recover_EXT2: s_blocksize=4096
recover_EXT2: s_blocks_count 4980480
recover_EXT2: part_size 39843840
     Linux                 2217 140 36  4697 182 29   39843840
     EXT4 Large file Sparse superblock Recover, 20 GB / 18 GiB

recover_EXT2: s_block_group_nr=0/151, s_mnt_count=3/4294967295, s_blocks_per_group=32768, s_inodes_per_group=8192
recover_EXT2: s_blocksize=4096
recover_EXT2: s_blocks_count 4980480
recover_EXT2: part_size 39843840
     Linux                 2219  20 42  4699  62 35   39843840
     EXT4 Large file Sparse superblock Recover, 20 GB / 18 GiB

recover_EXT2: s_block_group_nr=0/151, s_mnt_count=3/4294967295, s_blocks_per_group=32768, s_inodes_per_group=8192
recover_EXT2: s_blocksize=4096
recover_EXT2: s_blocks_count 4980480
recover_EXT2: part_size 39843840
     Linux                 2220 155 48  4700 197 41   39843840
     EXT4 Large file Sparse superblock Recover, 20 GB / 18 GiB

recover_EXT2: s_block_group_nr=0/151, s_mnt_count=3/4294967295, s_blocks_per_group=32768, s_inodes_per_group=8192
recover_EXT2: s_blocksize=4096
recover_EXT2: s_blocks_count 4980480
recover_EXT2: part_size 39843840
     Linux                 2221 128 20  4701 170 13   39843840
     EXT4 Large file Sparse superblock Recover, 20 GB / 18 GiB
NTFS at 6079/223/32
filesystem size           97671168
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS              0  32 33  6079 223 32   97671168 [Programme]
     NTFS found using backup sector!, 50 GB / 46 GiB
NTFS at 6079/254/63
filesystem size           97675137
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
     NTFS found using backup sector!, 50 GB / 46 GiB
Error: size boot_sector 879084928 > partition 781413760
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 07
     HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 194  1  781413760
NTFS at 6080/1/1
filesystem size           97675137
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               6104696
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS              0   2  2  6080   1  1   97675137
     NTFS found using backup sector!, 50 GB / 46 GiB
NTFS at 6080/1/1
filesystem size           97675137
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               6104696
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS           6080   1  1 12159 254 63   97675137 [Daten]
     NTFS, 50 GB / 46 GiB
NTFS at 12159/159/32
filesystem size           879084928
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               32000471
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
NTFS part_offset=100016324096, part_size=450091483136, sector_size=512
NTFS partition cannot be added (part_offset<part_size).
NTFS at 12159/254/63
filesystem size           97675137
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               6104696
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS           6080   1  1 12159 254 63   97675137 [Daten]
     NTFS found using backup sector!, 50 GB / 46 GiB
Error: size boot_sector 879084928 > partition 781413760
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 07
     HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 194  1  781413760
NTFS at 12160/1/1
filesystem size           879084928
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               32000471
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 66880 130  1  879084928 [Programme]
     NTFS, 450 GB / 419 GiB
This partition ends after the disk limits. (start=195350463, size=879084928, end=1074435390, disk end=976784130)
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 07
     HPFS - NTFS          36130   1  1 44030 254 63  126929502
NTFS at 44030/254/63
filesystem size           512007552
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               32000471
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 44030 254 63  512007552 [Programme]
     NTFS found using backup sector!, 262 GB / 244 GiB

recover_EXT2: s_block_group_nr=0/985, s_mnt_count=6/34, s_blocks_per_group=32768, s_inodes_per_group=8192
recover_EXT2: s_blocksize=4096
recover_EXT2: s_blocks_count 32296666
recover_EXT2: part_size 258373328
     Linux                44031   1  1 60113 254 59  258373328
     EXT3 Large file Sparse superblock, 132 GB / 123 GiB

block_group_nr 3

recover_EXT2: "e2fsck -b 98304 -B 4096 device" may be needed
recover_EXT2: s_block_group_nr=3/985, s_mnt_count=0/34, s_blocks_per_group=32768, s_inodes_per_group=8192
recover_EXT2: s_blocksize=4096
recover_EXT2: s_blocks_count 32296666
recover_EXT2: part_size 258373328
     Linux                44031   1  1 60113 254 59  258373328
     EXT3 Large file Sparse superblock Backup superblock, 132 GB / 123 GiB
     Linux Swap           60114   1  1 60800 254 47   11036576
     SWAP2 version 1, 5650 MB / 5388 MiB
file_pread(4,2,buffer,976771072(60801/47/47)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,1,buffer,976771072(60801/47/47)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,1,buffer,976771071(60801/47/46)) lseek err Invalid argument
file_pread(4,1,buffer,976771072(60801/47/47)) lseek err Invalid argument
Disk /dev/sda - 500 GB / 465 GiB - CHS 60802 255 63
Check the harddisk size: HD jumpers settings, BIOS detection...
The harddisk (500 GB / 465 GiB) seems too small! (< 550 GB / 512 GiB)
The following partition can't be recovered:
     HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 66880 130  1  879084928 [Programme]
     NTFS, 450 GB / 419 GiB
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=255 nbr=13
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=8 nbr=6
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=16 nbr=6
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=32 nbr=6
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=64 nbr=6
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=128 nbr=3
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=240 nbr=6
get_geometry_from_list_part_aux head=255 nbr=13

     HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1  6079 254 63   97675137
     NTFS, 50 GB / 46 GiB
     HPFS - NTFS              0   2  2  6080   1  1   97675137
     NTFS found using backup sector!, 50 GB / 46 GiB
     HPFS - NTFS              0  32 33  6079 223 32   97671168 [Programme]
     NTFS, 50 GB / 46 GiB
     Linux                 2042 229 44  4523  16 37   39843840
     EXT4 Large file Sparse superblock Recover, 20 GB / 18 GiB
     Linux                 2043  72 14  4523 114  7   39843840
     EXT4 Large file Sparse superblock Recover, 20 GB / 18 GiB
     Linux                 2217 140 36  4697 182 29   39843840
     EXT4 Large file Sparse superblock Recover, 20 GB / 18 GiB
     Linux                 2219  20 42  4699  62 35   39843840
     EXT4 Large file Sparse superblock Recover, 20 GB / 18 GiB
     Linux                 2220 155 48  4700 197 41   39843840
     EXT4 Large file Sparse superblock Recover, 20 GB / 18 GiB
     Linux                 2221 128 20  4701 170 13   39843840
     EXT4 Large file Sparse superblock Recover, 20 GB / 18 GiB
     HPFS - NTFS           6080   1  1 12159 254 63   97675137 [Daten]
     NTFS, 50 GB / 46 GiB
     HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 44030 254 63  512007552 [Programme]
     NTFS found using backup sector!, 262 GB / 244 GiB
     HPFS - NTFS          12160   1  1 60800 194  1  781413760
     HPFS - NTFS          36130   1  1 44030 254 63  126929502
     Linux                44031   1  1 60113 254 59  258373328
     EXT3 Large file Sparse superblock, 132 GB / 123 GiB
     Linux Swap           60114   1  1 60800 254 47   11036576
     SWAP2 version 1, 5650 MB / 5388 MiB

... (browsing)...

No partition found or selected for recovery
simulate write!

write_mbr_i386: starting...
write_all_log_i386: starting...
No extended partition

TestDisk exited normally.
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