Router bekommt keine IP


Lt. Junior Grade
Dez. 2007
Hallo zusammen,

Seit die Telekom gestern auf EasyLogin umgestellt hat, bekommt mein Router (TP-Link W8970(DE)) keine IP mehr.
Habe deshalb Folgendes gemacht:
Firmware Update und Zugangsdaten neu eingetragen.
EasyLogin im Kundencenter ausgeschaltet.
Router mehrmals 2 Minuten vom Strom getrennt.

Gleiches Ergebnis: Verbindung ist zwar ausgehandelt, es gibt aber keine IP. ScreenShot 735 TD-W8970B(DE) - Mozilla Firefox.png
Irgendwelche Ideen?
Router schon mal zurückgesetzt?
Liegt auch keine Störung an der Leitung selbst vor?
Was sagt das Log des Routers? Man sieht klar das er keine PPPoE Verbindung herstellen kann (sprich er kann sich nicht am Telekomsystem anmelden) und nur der Sync funktioniert.
Wenn du auf BNG umgestellt wurdest (was ich mal vermute, wenn du EasyLogin erwähnst), muss dein Router zwingend VLAN7-Tagging machen, sonst kommt keine Einwahl zustande. Ohne VLAN7 keine Interneteinwahl. Und EasyLogin funktioniert nur mit Telekom-Speedports, da muss man dann keine Zugangsdaten eintragen.
Das Stichwort BNG habe ich auch schon gelesen, dachte ich hätte das durch Deaktivieren von EasyLogin wieder deaktiviert. Wie kann mein Router VLAN7-Tagging machen?

Habe Logs angehängt.

1970-01-01 01:00:26 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000003a6)]
1970-01-01 01:00:26 [5] DSL: xdsl READY!!
1970-01-01 01:00:30 [5] DSL: xdsl HANDSHAKE!!
1970-01-01 01:00:31 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000003a6)]
1970-01-01 01:00:41 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000003a6)]
1970-01-01 01:00:43 [5] DSL: xDSL Training !!
1970-01-01 01:00:57 [5] DSL: xDSL Leave SHOWTIME!!
1970-01-01 01:01:00 [5] DSL: xdsl READY!!
1970-01-01 01:01:01 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:01:01 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:01:05 [5] DSL: xdsl HANDSHAKE!!
1970-01-01 01:01:18 [5] DSL: xDSL Training !!
1970-01-01 01:01:21 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000517)]
1970-01-01 01:01:26 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000517)]
1970-01-01 01:01:31 [5] DSL: xDSL Enter SHOWTIME!!
1970-01-01 01:01:36 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000517)]
1970-01-01 01:01:56 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:01:56 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:02:15 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000596)]
1970-01-01 01:02:19 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000596)]
1970-01-01 01:02:29 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000596)]
1970-01-01 01:02:49 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:02:49 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:02:52 [5] DHCPD: Recv REQUEST from 80:FA:5B:02:8E:A0
1970-01-01 01:02:53 [5] DHCPD: Send ACK to
1970-01-01 01:02:56 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x0000060f)]
1970-01-01 01:02:57 [5] DHCPD: Recv INFORM from 80:FA:5B:02:8E:A0
1970-01-01 01:03:01 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x0000060f)]
1970-01-01 01:03:11 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x0000060f)]
1970-01-01 01:03:31 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:03:31 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:03:32 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000688)]
1970-01-01 01:03:37 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000688)]
1970-01-01 01:03:47 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000688)]
1970-01-01 01:04:07 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:04:07 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:04:27 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000701)]
1970-01-01 01:04:32 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000701)]
1970-01-01 01:04:42 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000701)]
1970-01-01 01:05:02 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:05:02 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:05:22 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x0000077a)]
1970-01-01 01:05:26 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x0000077a)]
1970-01-01 01:05:36 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x0000077a)]
1970-01-01 01:05:57 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:05:57 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:06:16 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000007f3)]
1970-01-01 01:06:20 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000007f3)]
1970-01-01 01:06:30 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000007f3)]
1970-01-01 01:06:50 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:06:50 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:07:10 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x0000086c)]
1970-01-01 01:07:14 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x0000086c)]
1970-01-01 01:07:24 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x0000086c)]
1970-01-01 01:07:44 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:07:44 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:08:04 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000008e5)]
1970-01-01 01:08:08 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000008e5)]
1970-01-01 01:08:18 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000008e5)]
1970-01-01 01:08:38 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:08:38 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:08:58 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x0000095e)]
1970-01-01 01:09:02 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x0000095e)]
1970-01-01 01:09:12 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x0000095e)]
1970-01-01 01:09:32 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:09:32 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:09:52 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000009d7)]
1970-01-01 01:09:56 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000009d7)]
1970-01-01 01:10:05 [5] DHCPD: Recv REQUEST from 80:FA:5B:02:8E:A0
1970-01-01 01:10:05 [5] DHCPD: Send ACK to
1970-01-01 01:10:06 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000009d7)]
1970-01-01 01:10:08 [5] DHCPD: Recv INFORM from 80:FA:5B:02:8E:A0
1970-01-01 01:10:26 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:10:26 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:10:27 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000a50)]
1970-01-01 01:10:32 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000a50)]
1970-01-01 01:10:39 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000aba)]
1970-01-01 01:10:42 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000a50)]
1970-01-01 01:10:44 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000aba)]
1970-01-01 01:10:54 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000aba)]
1970-01-01 01:11:02 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:11:02 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:11:14 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:11:14 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:11:15 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000b56)]
1970-01-01 01:11:19 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000b56)]
1970-01-01 01:11:29 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000b56)]
1970-01-01 01:11:48 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000bc0)]
1970-01-01 01:11:49 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:11:49 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:11:53 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000bc0)]
1970-01-01 01:12:03 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000bc0)]
1970-01-01 01:12:23 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:12:23 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:12:28 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000c5c)]
1970-01-01 01:12:33 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000c5c)]
1970-01-01 01:12:43 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000c5c)]
1970-01-01 01:13:03 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:13:03 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:13:18 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000cd8)]
1970-01-01 01:13:23 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000cd8)]
1970-01-01 01:13:33 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000cd8)]
1970-01-01 01:13:53 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:13:53 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:13:54 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000d62)]
1970-01-01 01:13:58 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000d62)]
1970-01-01 01:14:08 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000d62)]
1970-01-01 01:14:28 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:14:28 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:14:30 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000dde)]
1970-01-01 01:14:35 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000dde)]
1970-01-01 01:14:45 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000dde)]
1970-01-01 01:15:05 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:15:05 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:15:12 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000e66)]
1970-01-01 01:15:17 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000e66)]
1970-01-01 01:15:27 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000e66)]
1970-01-01 01:15:47 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:15:47 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:15:51 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000edf)]
1970-01-01 01:15:56 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000edf)]
1970-01-01 01:15:59 [5] DHCPD: Recv INFORM from 80:FA:5B:02:8E:A0
1970-01-01 01:16:06 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000edf)]
1970-01-01 01:16:26 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:16:26 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:16:45 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000f58)]
1970-01-01 01:16:50 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000f58)]
1970-01-01 01:16:55 [5] DHCPD: Recv REQUEST from 80:FA:5B:02:8E:A0
1970-01-01 01:16:55 [5] DHCPD: Send ACK to
1970-01-01 01:16:58 [5] DHCPD: Recv INFORM from 80:FA:5B:02:8E:A0
1970-01-01 01:17:00 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000f58)]
1970-01-01 01:17:20 [3] PPP: ppp1 Timeout waiting for PADO packets
1970-01-01 01:17:20 [3] PPP: ppp1 
1970-01-01 01:17:22 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000fd1)]
1970-01-01 01:17:27 [6] PPP: ppp1 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000fd1)]
ScreenShot 736 TD-W8970B(DE) - Mozilla Firefox.pngScreenShot 737 TD-W8970B(DE) - Mozilla Firefox.png
Gut das scheint ja auch schon ein älteres Gerät zu sein (mit 450 Mbit WLAN n Standard, hat ein paar Jahre auf dem Buckel), das wird das geforderte VLAN Tagging sicherlich nicht beherrschen.
Wenns kein Firmware Update dafür gibt (oder was mit alternativen Firmwares möglich ist), kannst den Router so nicht mehr einsetzen.
Am besten mal bei TP-Link schauen oder nachfragen, ob man VLAN7 einschalten kann. Ohne VLAN-Tagging geht's am BNG nicht.
warum rufst du dein provider nicht einfach an und reklamierst?
Warum sollte er sich bei der Telekom beschweren, wenn er einen Router einsetzt, der vielleicht für BNG ungeeignet ist? Da kann ja dann die Telekom nichts dafür...

@hantelfix: Bei dem FW-Update steht nur was davon, dass Probleme mit DynDNS über No-IP behoben wurden. Hat also nichts mit dem Thema hier zu tun.
--- nichts dafür, ja, aber sie können ihm die augen öffnen...
Wie gesagt habe ich Firmware vom 8.8.16 (gestern runtergeladen und installiert Echt komisch wie wenig man unter dem Stichwort BNG findet.
Ich fände es bitter, wenn ein Router der seit 1.1.15 bei Amazon im Angebot ist schon wieder outdatet ist.

Ich habe parallel eine Störung bei der Telekom gemeldet und diese meint: "Nach der ersten Prüfung haben wir einen Fehler festgestellt".
Da ich bis Montag nicht zuhause bin, kann ich das leider nicht weiter verfolgen.

Edit: TP-Link hat bestätigt, dass mein TD-W8970B kein BNG unterstützt und die Telekom hat bestätigt, dass das Problem an meinem Router liegen könnte. Dann muss ich wohl meinen anderthalb Jahre alten Router schon ersetzen...
Zuletzt bearbeitet: