ich überarbeite derzeit ein paar Seiten (kleines Messageboard) in der Hoffnung die Performance zu verbessern was bisher rechtanständig funktioniert. Vll. findet ja jemand noch ein paar Optimierungsmöglichkeiten.
Die urls werden evtl. noch verkürzt. index.php?c=id,site; explode($_GET['c']);
Kann man das noch irgendwie left joinen bzw. wäre es sinnvoll?
ich überarbeite derzeit ein paar Seiten (kleines Messageboard) in der Hoffnung die Performance zu verbessern was bisher rechtanständig funktioniert. Vll. findet ja jemand noch ein paar Optimierungsmöglichkeiten.
Die urls werden evtl. noch verkürzt. index.php?c=id,site; explode($_GET['c']);
/* */
class topic_details{
public $prc_topic_arr;
public $prc_post_arr;
public $prc_topic_reader;
public $prc_topic_warnings = false;
function convert_all($in){
return nl2br(bb_decode(htmlentities(convert($in), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')));
function post_array($r,$c,$os){
$this->prc_post_arr[] = array(
'user_id' => $r[1],
'user_name' => san($r[4]),
'user_avatar' => empty($r[5]) ? '/img/icon_set/default-user.jpg' : san($r[5]),
'user_num_posts' => $r[7],
'user_signature' => empty($r[6]) ? '' : $this->{'convert_all'}($r[6]),
'user_reg_date' => date('m.M.Y',$r[8]),
'user_online_status' => $os,
'post_date' => get_time_ago($r[2]),
'post_internal_id' => $r[0],
'post_external_id' => $c,
'post_text' => $this->{'convert_all'}($r[3]),
'owned_by_reader' => $r[1] == $this->prc_topic_reader['id'] ? true : false
// topic object
$prc_topic = new topic_details;
// log object
$logging = new log;
/* Create Sitenavigation */
$site_array = array(
'/index.php?se=[...]' => 'Search',
'/index.php?cat=list.all' => 'Categories',
'/index.php'.$prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_cat_url'].'' => $prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_cat_name'],
'/index.php?c=true&cnum=1&cid='.$prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_id'].'' => $prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_title']
/* query news data */
$sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT t.id, t.rubric, t.title, t.date, t.tags, t.count_comments, t.count_likes, t.count_views, a.id, c.rubrics, a.privatefolder, a.a_name
FROM news t, authors a, rubrics c
WHERE t.id = ? AND t.disabled IS NOT NULL AND a.id = t.author AND c.id = t.rubric');
$r = $sth->fetch();
if( $r === false ){ die( header('Location: /index.php?whoopsie=404' ) ); }
$prc_topic->prc_topic_reader = array(
'id' => isset($_SESSION['UID']) ? $_SESSION['UID'] : 'guest',
'topic_operator' => $r[8] == $_SESSION['UID'] || $authtype->authtype == 'Administrator' ? true : false
$prc_topic->prc_topic_arr = array(
'topic_id' => $r[0],
'topic_cat_id' => $r[1],
'topic_cat_name' => san($r[9]),
'topic_cat_url' => '?cnum=1&ql='.$r[1],
'topic_title' => san($r[2]),
'topic_date' => date('j.m.Y, H:i',$r[3]),
'topic_tags' => empty($r[4]) ? false : explode(",", san($r[4])),
'topic_num_comments' => $r[5],
'topic_num_likes' => $r[6],
'topic_num_views' => $r[7],
'topic_creator' => $r[8],
'topic_creator_name' => san($r[11]),
'topic_folder' => san($r[10]),
'topic_site' => isset($_GET['cnum']) ? (int)$_GET['cnum'] : 1,
'topic_link' => '?c=true&cnum='.(int)$_GET['cnum'].'&cid='.$r[0]
$_SESSION['topicid'] = $prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_id'];
$_SESSION['backlink'] = $prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_link'];
/* todo */
$sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT count(*) FROM control_poll WHERE article_id = ? AND views = \'true\' AND ip = ?');
$r = $sth->fetch();
if( $r[0] == 0 ) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE news SET count_views = count_views + 1 WHERE id = ? ');
$sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO control_poll VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)');
if( $authtype->authtenticated === true ){
/* Check if current User liked this article within his session */
$sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM control_poll WHERE article_id = ? AND likes = \'true\' AND session = ?');
$sth->execute(array($prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_id'], $prc_topic->prc_topic_reader['id']));
$r = $sth->fetch();
/* Create a no-func button if liked */
$likeButton = $r[0] > 0 ? '<button type="button" class="btr" name="Liked" id="Liked">I Liked</button>'
: '<button type="button" class="btr" name="LikeSubmit" id="LikeSubmit" value="'.$prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_id'].'" onclick="like(this.value)">Like</button>';
$choice = '<a id="toRoot" class="ply">Reply</a>';
$likeButton = '<button type="button" name="Liked" id="Liked" class="btr">Login to like</button>';
$choice = '<a id="toRoot" class="ply">Login to submit a comment</a>';
/* Create Taglist */
if( $prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_tags'] !== false ){
$taglist = '';
foreach($prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_tags'] as $value){ $taglist .= "<a href='/index.php?cnum=1&q=".urlencode(san($value))."'>".san($value)."</a>, "; }
$taglist = substr($taglist, 0, -7);
else{ $taglist = '<span style=\'font-size: 0.9em;\'>No tags associated with this topic</span>'; }
$fullpath = "../files/users/".$prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_folder']."/topics/".$prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_id']."/";
if(!is_dir($fullpath)){ mkdir($fullpath , 0750, true); }
$directory = dir($fullpath);
while ( (FALSE !== ($item = $directory->read())) && ( ! isset($directory_not_empty))){
if ($item != '.' && $item != '..'){ $directory_not_empty = true; }
catch (PDOException $p) {
header( 'Location: /e/handler.php?exception=4' );
<!-- Start HTML Output -->
<div class="tableTD">
<div id='fx-1' class='tableTD'>
<!-- comments topic-->
<div id='commentsContainer' >
<?php $current_site->{'generate_nav'}($site_array); ?>
<!-- print tags -->
<div id='generic-tags'><a>Tagged with: </a><?php echo $taglist; ?></div>
<div id='stats_news'>
<a>Discussion started by <?php echo $prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_creator_name']; ?>, <?php echo $prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_date']; ?>. </a><br />
<a class='st-1'><?php echo $prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_num_comments']; ?></a> comments
<a class='st-1'><?php echo $prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_num_views']; ?></a> views
<a id="t-likes" class='st-1'><?php echo $prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_num_likes']; ?></a> likes
<!-- create Filetree -->
if ( $directory_not_empty ){
echo '<div id=\'expandable-file-list\'><div class="g-10">';
require '/var/inc/file_tree_functions.php.inc';
createDir($fullpath, $prc_topic->prc_topic_reader['topic_operator'], $prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_link']);
echo "</div></div>";
/* delete message */
if( isset($_SESSION['deleted']) ){ $prc_topic->prc_topic_warnings = "<span class='del-1'>Comment successfully deleted</span>"; unset($_SESSION['deleted']); }
/* time limitation */
if( isset($_SESSION['ttw']) ){ $prc_topic->prc_topic_warnings = "<span class='del-1'>Our system requires a 1 second duration between each comment</span>"; unset($_SESSION['ttw']); }
/* number of pages with comments */
$ceil = ceil( $prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_num_comments'] / 20 );
$total_pages = $ceil <= 0 ? 1 : $ceil;
// page navigation
$site = &$prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_site'];
if( $site > $total_pages || $site == 0 ){ $site = 1; }
/* set query limit */
$start_from = ($site-1) * 20;
$string = "LIMIT ".(int)$start_from.", 20" ;
$msg_count = 0;
/* query posts and check if user is online */
$is_on = $dbh->prepare('SELECT count(*) FROM v_counter WHERE ip = ?');
$sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT c.id,c.author, c.date, c.message, a.a_name, a.avatar,a.signature,a.count_pub,a.registeredon
FROM comments c, authors a
WHERE c.article_id = ?
AND a.id = c.author
AND c.flag_deleted IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY c.id '.$string);
foreach($sth as $row){
$r = $is_on->fetch();
$os = $r[0] > 0 ? 'on' : 'off';
$cmsg = $msg_count+$start_from;
/* page navigation 1,2,3, [...] */
$newGet = 1;
$pagelist = '';
$urlB = '?c=true&cnum='.$newGet.'&cid='.$prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_id'];
/* highlight selected page */
if( $newGet == $site ){ $pagelist .= "<a class='openComment act'>".$newGet."</a>"; }
/* else normal font */
else{ $pagelist .= "<a class='openComment' href='index.php".$urlB."'>".$newGet."</a>"; }
/* Display Navigation Buttons */
$bp = $site == 1 ? "" : "<a href='index.php?c=true&cnum=".($site - 1)."&cid=".$prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_id']."' class='openComment'>Previous</a>";
$bn = $site == $total_pages ? "" : "<a class='openComment' href='index.php?c=true&cnum=".($site + 1)."&cid=".$prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_id']."'>Next</a>";
if($prc_topic->prc_topic_warnings){echo $prc_topic->prc_topic_warnings;}
<div class='pageswitcher'>
<form action="index.php" method="get" style="display: inline; margin-left: 8px; float: left; position: relative; top: 3px;">
<label class="page_switch">
Jump to page:
<input type="hidden" name="c" value="true">
<input type="hidden" name="cid" value="<?php echo $prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_id'];?>">
<input type="text" size="4" name="cnum" style="border: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204);">
<input class="openComment sw" type="submit" value="Go" >
<a class="ps"><?php echo $site." / ".$total_pages; ?></a>
<span><?php echo $ifpages.$bp.$pagelist.$bn; ?></span>
<div id="post_wrap">
<?php foreach ( $prc_topic->prc_post_arr as $key ) : ?>
<div id="post-<?php echo $key['post_internal_id']; ?>" class="c-listings">
<div class="c-20">
<ul class="socket">
<li class="u_avatar"><a class="back-link" href="/index.php?a=<?php echo $key['user_id']; ?>"><img src="<?php echo $key['user_avatar']; ?>"></a></li>
<li>Posts: <?php echo $key['user_num_posts']; ?></li>
<li>Member since:</li>
<li><?php echo $key['user_reg_date']; ?></li>
<li><a href="/index.php?load=msg&call=compose&to=<?php echo urlencode($key['user_name']); ?>" >Send PM</a></li>
<div class="box-wrap">
<div class="box-top">
<b><a href="#post-<?php echo $key['post_internal_id']; ?>">#<?php echo $key['post_external_id']; ?></a></b>
<span class="box-top-inner">
<a href="/index.php?a=<?php echo $key['user_id']; ?>"><?php echo $key['user_name']; ?></a><img class="socket" src="/img/icon_set/user-<?php echo $key['user_online_status']; ?>line.png" >
<b><?php echo $key['post_date']; ?></b>
<div class="box-content">
<div class="box-content-inner">
<div class="box-content-text"><?php echo $key['post_text']; ?><p class="def_sig"><?php echo $key['user_signature']; ?></p></div>
<div class="c-22">
<?php if($authtype->authtype == 'Administrator') : ?>
<form style="float:right;" method="post" action="/scripts/news/topicoptions/post_delete.php"><button name="del" type="submit" class="openComment" value="<?php echo $key['post_internal_id']; ?>">Delete</button></form>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if($key['owned_by_reader'] || $authtype->authtype == 'Administrator') : ?>
<a href="/index.php?msgedit=<?php echo $prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_id'].'.'.$key['post_internal_id'].'.'.$prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_cat_id'].'.'.$prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_site']; ?>" id="editmsg" class="openComment edit" >Edit</a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if($authtype->authtenticated === true) : ?>
<button type="button" class="openComment ply" >Reply</button><button type="button" class="openComment ply" value="1" >Quote</button>
<?php endif; ?>
<br clear="all" />
<?php endforeach; ?>
<div class='pageswitcher'>
<form action="index.php" method="get" style="display: inline; margin-left: 8px; float: left; position: relative; top: 3px;">
<label class="page_switch">
Jump to page:
<input type="hidden" name="c" value="true">
<input type="hidden" name="cid" value="<?php echo $prc_topic->prc_topic_arr['topic_id'];?>">
<input type="text" size="4" name="cnum" style="border: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204);">
<input class="openComment sw" type="submit" value="Go" >
<a class="ps"><?php echo $site." / ".$total_pages; ?></a>
<span><?php echo $ifpages.$bp.$pagelist.$bn; ?></span>
Ergänzung ()
Kann man das noch irgendwie left joinen bzw. wäre es sinnvoll?
$user_is_on = $dbh->prepare('SELECT count(*) FROM v_counter WHERE user_id = ?');
$sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT c.id,c.author, c.date, c.message, a.a_name, a.avatar,a.signature,a.count_pub,a.registeredon
FROM comments c, authors a
WHERE c.article_id = ?
AND a.id = c.author
AND c.flag_deleted IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY c.id '.$string);