Sysprep bringt folgenden Fehler


Cadet 1st Year
Nov. 2015
Ich wollte eben ein Sysprep von einem Win10 System durchführen mit OOBE Verallgemeinern.
Nun kommt folgende Fehlermeldung:
Von Sysprep konnte die Windows-Installation nicht überprüft werden. Weitere Einzelheiten finden Sie in der Protokolldatei....
Wer kann mir hier weiterhelfen?

Hier die Log Datei:
2018-03-29 13:30:27, Info SYSPRP ========================================================
2018-03-29 13:30:27, Info SYSPRP === Beginning of a new sysprep run ===
2018-03-29 13:30:27, Info SYSPRP ========================================================
2018-03-29 13:30:27, Info [0x0f004d] SYSPRP The time is now 2018-03-29 13:30:27
2018-03-29 13:30:27, Info [0x0f004e] SYSPRP Initialized SysPrep log at C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Panther
2018-03-29 13:30:27, Info [0x0f0054] SYSPRP ValidatePrivileges:User has required privileges to sysprep machine
2018-03-29 13:30:27, Info [0x0f007e] SYSPRP FCreateTagFile:Tag file C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep_succeeded.tag does not already exist, no need to delete anything
2018-03-29 13:30:27, Info [0x0f003d] SYSPRP WinMain:Displaying dialog box for user to choose sysprep mode...
2018-03-29 13:30:29, Error [0x0f0043] SYSPRP WinMain:The sysprep dialog box returned FALSE
2018-03-29 13:30:29, Info [0x0f0052] SYSPRP Shutting down SysPrep log
2018-03-29 13:30:29, Info [0x0f004d] SYSPRP The time is now 2018-03-29 13:30:29
2018-03-29 13:30:31, Info SYSPRP ========================================================
2018-03-29 13:30:31, Info SYSPRP === Beginning of a new sysprep run ===
2018-03-29 13:30:31, Info SYSPRP ========================================================
2018-03-29 13:30:31, Info [0x0f004d] SYSPRP The time is now 2018-03-29 13:30:31
2018-03-29 13:30:31, Info [0x0f004e] SYSPRP Initialized SysPrep log at C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Panther
2018-03-29 13:30:31, Info [0x0f0054] SYSPRP ValidatePrivileges:User has required privileges to sysprep machine
2018-03-29 13:30:31, Info [0x0f007e] SYSPRP FCreateTagFile:Tag file C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep_succeeded.tag does not already exist, no need to delete anything
2018-03-29 13:30:31, Info [0x0f003d] SYSPRP WinMain:Displaying dialog box for user to choose sysprep mode...
2018-03-29 13:30:35, Info [0x0f00d7] SYSPRP WinMain:Pre-validing 'cleanup' internal providers.
2018-03-29 13:30:35, Info SYSPRP RunExternalDlls:Running platform actions specified in action file for phase 3
2018-03-29 13:30:35, Info [0x0f00ba] SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateSession: Successfully created instance with mount path C:, action file C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Cleanup.xml, and mode <null>
2018-03-29 13:30:35, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::Validate: Beginning action execution from C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Cleanup.xml
2018-03-29 13:30:35, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::GetStringValue: Getting REG_SZ value SysprepMode under key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Sysprep
2018-03-29 13:30:35, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::GetValue: Getting value SysprepMode under key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Sysprep
2018-03-29 13:30:35, Warning SYSPRP ActionPlatform::GetValue: Error from RegQueryValueEx on value SysprepMode under key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Sysprep; dwRet = 0x2
2018-03-29 13:30:35, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateXPathForSelection: Sysprep mode in registry is <null>
2018-03-29 13:30:35, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::GetStringValue: Getting REG_SZ value PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE under key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
2018-03-29 13:30:35, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::GetValue: Getting value PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE under key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
2018-03-29 13:30:35, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateXPathForSelection: Processor architecture in registry is AMD64
2018-03-29 13:30:35, Info [0x0f0080] SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Found 'Sysprep_Clean_Validate_Opk' in C:\Windows\System32\spopk.dll; executing it
2018-03-29 13:30:36, Info [0x0f0081] SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Successfully executed 'Sysprep_Clean_Validate_Opk' from C:\Windows\System32\spopk.dll without error
2018-03-29 13:30:36, Info [0x0f00d7] SYSPRP WinMain:Pre-validing 'generalize' internal providers.
2018-03-29 13:30:36, Info SYSPRP RunExternalDlls:Running platform actions specified in action file for phase 1
2018-03-29 13:30:36, Info [0x0f00ba] SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateSession: Successfully created instance with mount path C:, action file C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Generalize.xml, and mode <null>
2018-03-29 13:30:36, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::Validate: Beginning action execution from C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Generalize.xml
2018-03-29 13:30:36, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::GetStringValue: Getting REG_SZ value SysprepMode under key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Sysprep
2018-03-29 13:30:36, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::GetValue: Getting value SysprepMode under key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Sysprep
2018-03-29 13:30:36, Warning SYSPRP ActionPlatform::GetValue: Error from RegQueryValueEx on value SysprepMode under key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Sysprep; dwRet = 0x2
2018-03-29 13:30:36, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateXPathForSelection: Sysprep mode in registry is <null>
2018-03-29 13:30:36, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::GetStringValue: Getting REG_SZ value PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE under key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
2018-03-29 13:30:36, Info SYSPRP ActionPlatform::GetValue: Getting value PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE under key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
2018-03-29 13:30:36, Info SYSPRP SysprepSession::CreateXPathForSelection: Processor architecture in registry is AMD64
2018-03-29 13:30:36, Info [0x0f0080] SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Found 'ValidateBitLockerState' in C:\Windows\System32\BdeSysprep.dll; executing it
2018-03-29 13:30:36, Info [0x0f0081] SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Successfully executed 'ValidateBitLockerState' from C:\Windows\System32\BdeSysprep.dll without error
2018-03-29 13:30:36, Info [0x0f0080] SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Found 'SysprepGeneralizeValidate' in C:\Windows\System32\AppxSysprep.dll; executing it
2018-03-29 13:30:36, Info SYSPRP Entering SysprepGeneralizeValidate (Appx) - validating whether all apps are also provisioned.

2018-03-29 13:30:38, Error SYSPRP Package Microsoft.XboxApp_39.39.1002.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe was installed for a user, but not provisioned for all users. This package will not function properly in the sysprep image.

2018-03-29 13:30:38, Error SYSPRP Failed to remove apps for the current user: 0x80073cf2.

2018-03-29 13:30:38, Error SYSPRP Exit code of RemoveAllApps thread was 0x3cf2.

2018-03-29 13:30:38, Error [0x0f0082] SYSPRP ActionPlatform::LaunchModule: Failure occurred while executing 'SysprepGeneralizeValidate' from C:\Windows\System32\AppxSysprep.dll; dwRet = 0x3cf2
2018-03-29 13:30:38, Error SYSPRP SysprepSession::Validate: Error in validating actions from C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ActionFiles\Generalize.xml; dwRet = 0x3cf2
2018-03-29 13:30:38, Error SYSPRP RunPlatformActions:Failed while validating SysprepSession actions; dwRet = 0x3cf2
2018-03-29 13:30:38, Error [0x0f0070] SYSPRP RunExternalDlls:An error occurred while running registry sysprep DLLs, halting sysprep execution. dwRet = 0x3cf2
2018-03-29 13:30:38, Error [0x0f00d8] SYSPRP WinMain:Hit failure while pre-validate sysprep generalize internal providers; hr = 0x80073cf2
2018-03-29 13:32:50, Info [0x0f0052] SYSPRP Shutting down SysPrep log
2018-03-29 13:32:50, Info [0x0f004d] SYSPRP The time is now 2018-03-29 13:32:50
Wusste gar nicht dass es SYSPREP überhaupt noch gibt bzw dass man es benötigen würde.
Man lernt nie aus.
Man bin ich froh wenn ich MS Windows entgültig in die Tonne werfen kann.
2020 ist es soweit. JUHU
Für Deployment und Domänennetzwerke ist das Sysprep notwendig soweit ich weiß. Ich könnte jetzt eine Wiederherstellung durchführen, dann geht das Sysprep wieder, aber das kann ja nicht der endgültige Weg sein.
Problem sind die Windows Apps. In dem Log von oben zeigt sich die Xbox App als Fehler.

2018-03-29 13:30:36, Info SYSPRP Entering SysprepGeneralizeValidate (Appx) - validating whether all apps are also provisioned.

2018-03-29 13:30:38, Error SYSPRP Package Microsoft.XboxApp_39.39.1002.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe was installed for a user, but not provisioned for all users. This package will not function properly in the sysprep image.

Microsoft hat vor kurzem etwas geändert, was den Sysprep mit verschiedenen Apps scheitern läßt. Abhilfe hilft nur die entsprechende App löschen und den Sysprep neu versuchen.
Problem kann aber nach dem Sysprep sein das sich Apps nicht installieren lassen/nicht funktionieren. Weiß man leider erst wenn man den Sysprep testet nach meiner Erfahrung.