
Cadet 4th Year
Okt. 2013
Hallo CB-Community,
ein Kumpel bat mich seinen Rechner unter die Lupe zu nehmen. Das Problem besteht dahin, dass der PC in einer Bootschleife steckt. Sobald das Windows Logo erscheint, kommt direkt danach ein BlueScreen mit "SYSTEM_EXECEPTION_NOT_HANDLED(netio.sys)" Meldung.

Laut meinem Kumpel ist sein Rechner mal wieder abgeschmiert, darauf hin hat er das Bios auf Default Settings zurück gesetzt (warum auch immer.....).

Habe etwas im Internet gesucht und so einiges gefunden. Da wurde mehrmals die Netzwerkkarte angesprochen. Allerdings konnten die User den PC hochfahren und im Windows arbeiten. Das ist hier nicht der Fall. Auch der Abgesicherte Modus funktioniert nicht. Systemwiederherstellungspunkte sind keine vorhanden und das zurücksetzten des System funktioniert auch nicht (Festplatte auf der sich WIndows befindet ist Verschlüsselt, laut Aussage der Windows Anzeige).

Habe mal nach dem Problem mit der Verschlüsselung gesucht und bin auf den Befehl BootRec /ScanOS gestoßen. Dieser sagt mir, es sei kein Windows Installiert. Ebenfalls ist mir aufgefallen dass Windows die letzt Dumpdatei vor 4 Tagen erstellt hat (5.7.16). Diese habe ich weiter unten für euch ran gehängt. Da vermute ich nicht den "netio.sys fehler".

Hat einer von euch noch eine Idee was ich da tun könnte ? Windows neu aufsetzten ist die letzte Option.

Zur Hardware kann ich derzeit keine genau Angaben machen !

CPU Intel i-7 6700K
16 GB Ram G.Skill DDR3 ???
GTX 980TI von Zotac
Und irgend ein aktuelles Gaming Mainboard( bekannt, rot und schwarz :-D )

Instant Online Crash Analysis, brought to you by OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.
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Crash Dump Analysis provided by OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc. (
Online Crash Dump Analysis Service
See for more information
Windows 8 Kernel Version 10586 MP (4 procs) Free x64
Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS
Built by: 10586.420.amd64fre.th2_release_sec.160527-1834
Machine Name:
Kernel base = 0xfffff802`c7891000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff802`c7b6fcf0
Debug session time: Tue Jul 5 17:47:52.954 2016 (UTC - 4:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:17:06.580
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *

An exception happened while executing a system service routine.
Arg1: 00000000c0000005, Exception code that caused the bugcheck
Arg2: fffff802c78f5d0a, Address of the instruction which caused the bugcheck
Arg3: ffffd00021696a20, Address of the context record for the exception that caused the bugcheck
Arg4: 0000000000000000, zero.

Debugging Details:

TRIAGER: Could not open triage file : e:\dump_analysis\program\triage\modclass.ini, error 2

OVERLAPPED_MODULE: Address regions for 'dump_iaStorA' and 'dump_storpor' overlap

EXCEPTION_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at "0x%08lx" referenced memory at "0x%08lx". The memory could not be "%s".

fffff802`c78f5d0a 4d396740 cmp qword ptr [r15+40h],r12

CONTEXT: ffffd00021696a20 -- (.cxr 0xffffd00021696a20)
rax=ffffe000bc7dfec8 rbx=000000007ee0ffff rcx=0000000000000000
rdx=0000000000084008 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000
rip=fffff802c78f5d0a rsp=ffffd00021697440 rbp=ffffd00021697509
r8=ffffe000bdd72ba8 r9=0000000000000003 r10=7fffe000bdd72ba8
r11=7ffffffffffffffc r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
r14=ffffe000bcf85f70 r15=ffdfe000bc7dfe50
iopl=0 nv up ei ng nz ac pe cy
cs=0010 ss=0018 ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010293
fffff802`c78f5d0a 4d396740 cmp qword ptr [r15+40h],r12 ds:002b:ffdfe000`bc7dfe90=????????????????
Resetting default scope




PROCESS_NAME: NvNetworkServi


LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from fffff802c7c51096 to fffff802c78f5d0a

ffffd000`21697440 fffff802`c7c51096 : fffff802`00000000 ffffe000`bcf85f70 ffffe000`be20d080 ffffe000`bdd72840 : nt!MiDeleteVad+0x3da
ffffd000`21697570 fffff802`c7c50ef6 : 00000000`00040000 ffffe000`be20d080 00000000`00000001 ffffe000`bdd72840 : nt!MmCleanProcessAddressSpace+0xea
ffffd000`216975d0 fffff802`c7cd2983 : ffffe000`bdd72840 ffffc000`78d7da80 ffffd000`216976c0 ffffe000`be20d080 : nt!PspRundownSingleProcess+0x1be
ffffd000`21697650 fffff802`c7d3b082 : fffff802`00000000 ffffe000`be20d080 ffffd000`21697a00 ffffe000`be20d128 : nt!PspExitThread+0x4f7
ffffd000`21697790 fffff802`c79127e2 : ffffe000`bcf859b0 00000000`01edf83c 00000000`01ddebe0 00000000`00000001 : nt!KiSchedulerApcTerminate+0x2e
ffffd000`216977c0 fffff802`c79d6b30 : 00000000`01ddebe0 00000000`01ddebe0 ffffe000`00000001 ffffe000`00000000 : nt!KiDeliverApc+0x2f2
ffffd000`21697850 fffff802`c79de14a : ffffe000`be20d080 00000000`01dde518 ffffd000`216979a8 00000000`00f7b000 : nt!KiInitiateUserApc+0x70
ffffd000`21697990 00007ff8`de9d87f4 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiSystemServiceExit+0x9f
00000000`01dde4b8 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x7ff8`de9d87f4

fffff802`c78f5d0a 4d396740 cmp qword ptr [r15+40h],r12


SYMBOL_NAME: nt!MiDeleteVad+3da




STACK_COMMAND: .cxr 0xffffd00021696a20 ; kb

IMAGE_NAME: memory_corruption

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: X64_0x3B_nt!MiDeleteVad+3da

BUCKET_ID: X64_0x3B_nt!MiDeleteVad+3da

Followup: MachineOwner

This free analysis is provided by OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.
Want a deeper understanding of crash dump analysis? Check out our Windows Kernel Debugging and Crash Dump Analysis Seminar (opens in new tab/window)
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Hide DivLoaded Module List

start end module name
fffff800`25000000 fffff800`2500b000 BOOTVID BOOTVID.dll
fffff800`25010000 fffff800`2501e000 cmimcext cmimcext.sys
fffff800`25020000 fffff800`2502c000 ntosext ntosext.sys
fffff800`25030000 fffff800`250c9000 CI CI.dll
fffff800`250d0000 fffff800`2512c000 msrpc msrpc.sys
fffff800`25130000 fffff800`25192000 FLTMGR FLTMGR.SYS
fffff800`251a0000 fffff800`251c5000 ksecdd ksecdd.sys
fffff800`251d0000 fffff800`25275000 clipsp clipsp.sys
fffff800`25280000 fffff800`25345000 Wdf01000 Wdf01000.sys
fffff800`25350000 fffff800`25363000 WDFLDR WDFLDR.SYS
fffff800`25370000 fffff800`25393000 acpiex acpiex.sys
fffff800`253a0000 fffff800`253ad000 WppRecorder WppRecorder.sys
fffff800`253b0000 fffff800`25448000 cng cng.sys
fffff800`25450000 fffff800`254e0000 ACPI ACPI.sys
fffff800`254e0000 fffff800`254ec000 WMILIB WMILIB.SYS
fffff800`25500000 fffff800`2551f000 WindowsTrustedRT WindowsTrustedRT.sys
fffff800`25520000 fffff800`2552b000 WindowsTrustedRTProxy WindowsTrustedRTProxy.sys
fffff800`25530000 fffff800`25542000 pcw pcw.sys
fffff800`25550000 fffff800`25560000 FNETHYRAMAS FNETHYRAMAS.SYS
fffff800`25560000 fffff800`2556b000 msisadrv msisadrv.sys
fffff800`25570000 fffff800`255c6000 pci pci.sys
fffff800`255d0000 fffff800`255e2000 vdrvroot vdrvroot.sys
fffff800`255f0000 fffff800`2560e000 pdc pdc.sys
fffff800`25610000 fffff800`25629000 CEA CEA.sys
fffff800`25630000 fffff800`25652000 partmgr partmgr.sys
fffff800`25660000 fffff800`256e6000 spaceport spaceport.sys
fffff800`256f0000 fffff800`25708000 volmgr volmgr.sys
fffff800`25710000 fffff800`2576e000 volmgrx volmgrx.sys
fffff800`25770000 fffff800`2578d000 mountmgr mountmgr.sys
fffff800`25790000 fffff800`25d03000 iaStorA iaStorA.sys
fffff800`25d10000 fffff800`25d88000 storport storport.sys
fffff800`25d90000 fffff800`25dac000 EhStorClass EhStorClass.sys
fffff800`25db0000 fffff800`25dc9000 fileinfo fileinfo.sys
fffff800`25dd0000 fffff800`25e08000 Wof Wof.sys
fffff800`25e10000 fffff800`25e88000 NETIO NETIO.SYS
fffff800`25ea0000 fffff800`25f2e000 mcupdate_GenuineIntel mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll
fffff800`25f30000 fffff800`25f40000 werkernel werkernel.sys
fffff800`25f40000 fffff800`25fa5000 CLFS CLFS.SYS
fffff800`25fb0000 fffff800`25fd5000 tm tm.sys
fffff800`25fe0000 fffff800`25ff7000 PSHED PSHED.dll
fffff800`26000000 fffff800`26120000 ndis ndis.sys
fffff800`26120000 fffff800`2614e000 ksecpkg ksecpkg.sys
fffff800`26160000 fffff800`26378000 NTFS NTFS.sys
fffff800`26380000 fffff800`2638d000 Fs_Rec Fs_Rec.sys
fffff800`26390000 fffff800`263c1000 cdrom cdrom.sys
fffff800`263d0000 fffff800`263da000 Null Null.SYS
fffff800`263e0000 fffff800`263ea000 Beep Beep.SYS
fffff800`263f0000 fffff800`263f9000 FNETURPX FNETURPX.SYS
fffff800`26400000 fffff800`2644a000 avgidsha avgidsha.sys
fffff800`26450000 fffff800`264f1000 fvevol fvevol.sys
fffff800`26500000 fffff800`26569000 volsnap volsnap.sys
fffff800`26570000 fffff800`265b4000 rdyboost rdyboost.sys
fffff800`265c0000 fffff800`265e5000 mup mup.sys
fffff800`265f0000 fffff800`26600000 intelpep intelpep.sys
fffff800`26600000 fffff800`2660c000 tbs tbs.sys
fffff800`26610000 fffff800`2662f000 disk disk.sys
fffff800`26630000 fffff800`26690000 CLASSPNP CLASSPNP.SYS
fffff800`26690000 fffff800`2669a000 avgrkx64 avgrkx64.sys
fffff800`266a0000 fffff800`266fb000 avgloga avgloga.sys
fffff800`26720000 fffff800`26739000 crashdmp crashdmp.sys
fffff800`26740000 fffff800`26cb3000 dump_iaStorA dump_iaStorA.sys
fffff800`26cc0000 fffff800`26d70000 srv2 srv2.sys
fffff800`26d70000 fffff800`26d84000 mmcss mmcss.sys
fffff800`26d90000 fffff800`26dde000 mrxsmb10 mrxsmb10.sys
fffff800`26de0000 fffff800`26e06000 Ndu Ndu.sys
fffff800`26e10000 fffff800`26e21000 vwifimp vwifimp.sys
fffff800`26e30000 fffff800`26ef0000 peauth peauth.sys
fffff800`26ef0000 fffff800`26f7c000 srv srv.sys
fffff800`26f80000 fffff800`26f94000 tcpipreg tcpipreg.sys
fffff800`27050000 fffff800`27161000 HTTP HTTP.sys
fffff800`27170000 fffff800`271e2000 mrxsmb mrxsmb.sys
fffff800`271f0000 fffff800`27201000 condrv condrv.sys
fffff800`27210000 fffff800`27252000 srvnet srvnet.sys
fffff800`272a0000 fffff800`272bd000 filecrypt filecrypt.sys
fffff800`272c0000 fffff800`27517000 tcpip tcpip.sys
fffff800`27520000 fffff800`27587000 fwpkclnt fwpkclnt.sys
fffff800`27590000 fffff800`275ba000 wfplwfs wfplwfs.sys
fffff800`275c0000 fffff800`27600000 avgmfx64 avgmfx64.sys
fffff800`27800000 fffff800`279ed000 dxgkrnl dxgkrnl.sys
fffff800`279f0000 fffff800`27a02000 BasicRender BasicRender.sys
fffff800`27a10000 fffff800`27a29000 Npfs Npfs.SYS
fffff800`27a30000 fffff800`27a3f000 Msfs Msfs.SYS
fffff800`27a40000 fffff800`27a8c000 avgwfpa avgwfpa.sys
fffff800`27a90000 fffff800`27ab3000 tdx tdx.sys
fffff800`27ac0000 fffff800`27acf000 TDI TDI.SYS
fffff800`27ad0000 fffff800`27ade000 NFC_Driver NFC_Driver.sys
fffff800`27ae0000 fffff800`27b2a000 netbt netbt.sys
fffff800`27b30000 fffff800`27bc2000 afd afd.sys
fffff800`27bd0000 fffff800`27be9000 vwififlt vwififlt.sys
fffff800`27bf0000 fffff800`27c1b000 pacer pacer.sys
fffff800`27c20000 fffff800`27c32000 netbios netbios.sys
fffff800`27c40000 fffff800`27c89000 avgldx64 avgldx64.sys
fffff800`27c90000 fffff800`27d01000 rdbss rdbss.sys
fffff800`27d10000 fffff800`27d9e000 csc csc.sys
fffff800`27da0000 fffff800`27db0000 nsiproxy nsiproxy.sys
fffff800`27db0000 fffff800`27dbd000 npsvctrig npsvctrig.sys
fffff800`27dc0000 fffff800`27dd0000 mssmbios mssmbios.sys
fffff800`27dd0000 fffff800`27dda000 HWiNFO64A HWiNFO64A.SYS
fffff800`27de0000 fffff800`27dea000 gpuenergydrv gpuenergydrv.sys
fffff800`27df0000 fffff800`27e1a000 dfsc dfsc.sys
fffff800`27e20000 fffff800`27e39000 mpsdrv mpsdrv.sys
fffff800`27e40000 fffff800`27e93000 avgidsdrivera avgidsdrivera.sys
fffff800`27ea0000 fffff800`27ec9000 avgdiska avgdiska.sys
fffff800`27ed0000 fffff800`27ed7000 AsUpIO AsUpIO.sys
fffff800`27ee0000 fffff800`27ee6000 AsIO AsIO.sys
fffff800`27ef0000 fffff800`27f2c000 ahcache ahcache.sys
fffff800`27f30000 fffff800`27f41000 CompositeBus CompositeBus.sys
fffff800`27f50000 fffff800`27f5d000 kdnic kdnic.sys
fffff800`27f60000 fffff800`27f75000 umbus umbus.sys
fffff800`28500000 fffff800`28592000 dxgmms2 dxgmms2.sys
fffff800`285a0000 fffff800`285b0000 monitor monitor.sys
fffff800`285b0000 fffff800`285d6000 luafv luafv.sys
fffff800`285e0000 fffff800`285f9000 storqosflt storqosflt.sys
fffff800`28600000 fffff800`28616000 lltdio lltdio.sys
fffff800`28620000 fffff800`2863a000 mslldp mslldp.sys
fffff800`28640000 fffff800`2864a000 NvStreamKms NvStreamKms.sys
fffff800`28650000 fffff800`28664000 BasicDisplay BasicDisplay.sys
fffff800`28670000 fffff800`28685000 watchdog watchdog.sys
fffff800`28690000 fffff800`286aa000 rspndr rspndr.sys
fffff800`286b0000 fffff800`286c6000 ndisuio ndisuio.sys
fffff800`286d0000 fffff800`28758000 nwifi nwifi.sys
fffff800`28760000 fffff800`2877d000 WudfPf WudfPf.sys
fffff800`28780000 fffff800`287a3000 bowser bowser.sys
fffff800`287b0000 fffff800`287ea000 mrxsmb20 mrxsmb20.sys
fffff800`287f0000 fffff800`287f9000 IOMap64 IOMap64.sys
fffff800`29600000 fffff800`2961a000 HDAudBus HDAudBus.sys
fffff800`29620000 fffff800`29678000 portcls portcls.sys
fffff800`29680000 fffff800`296a1000 drmk drmk.sys
fffff800`296b0000 fffff800`29718000 ks ks.sys
fffff800`29720000 fffff800`29721f80 AiChargerPlus AiChargerPlus.sys
fffff800`29730000 fffff800`29791000 USBXHCI USBXHCI.SYS
fffff800`297a0000 fffff800`297d8000 ucx01000 ucx01000.sys
fffff800`297e0000 fffff800`29810000 TeeDriverW8x64 TeeDriverW8x64.sys
fffff800`29810000 fffff800`2987d000 asmtxhci asmtxhci.sys
fffff800`29880000 fffff800`2989b000 serial serial.sys
fffff800`298a0000 fffff800`298af000 serenum serenum.sys
fffff800`298b0000 fffff800`29937000 e1d65x64 e1d65x64.sys
fffff800`29940000 fffff800`2994c000 wmiacpi wmiacpi.sys
fffff800`29950000 fffff800`2997b000 intelppm intelppm.sys
fffff800`29980000 fffff800`2998b000 acpipagr acpipagr.sys
fffff800`29990000 fffff800`2999d000 nvvad64v nvvad64v.sys
fffff800`299a0000 fffff800`299ae000 ksthunk ksthunk.sys
fffff800`299b0000 fffff800`299bd000 NdisVirtualBus NdisVirtualBus.sys
fffff800`299c0000 fffff800`299cc000 swenum swenum.sys
fffff800`299d0000 fffff800`299de000 rdpbus rdpbus.sys
fffff800`299e0000 fffff800`29a14000 nvhda64v nvhda64v.sys
fffff800`29a20000 fffff800`29aa7000 UsbHub3 UsbHub3.sys
fffff800`29ab0000 fffff800`29abe000 USBD USBD.SYS
fffff800`29ac0000 fffff800`29f8b000 RTKVHD64 RTKVHD64.sys
fffff800`29f90000 fffff800`29fb6000 asmthub3 asmthub3.sys
fffff800`29fc0000 fffff800`29feb000 usbccgp usbccgp.sys
fffff800`29ff0000 fffff800`2a3bb000 rtwlanu rtwlanu.sys
fffff800`2a3c0000 fffff800`2a3ce000 vwifibus vwifibus.sys
fffff800`2a3d0000 fffff800`2a3d8500 AndroidAFDx64 AndroidAFDx64.sys
fffff800`2a3e0000 fffff800`2a3f1000 hidusb hidusb.sys
fffff800`2a400000 fffff800`2a42f000 HIDCLASS HIDCLASS.SYS
fffff800`2a430000 fffff800`2a441000 HIDPARSE HIDPARSE.SYS
fffff800`2a450000 fffff800`2a476000 usbaudio usbaudio.sys
fffff800`2a480000 fffff800`2a490000 kbdhid kbdhid.sys
fffff800`2a490000 fffff800`2a4a3000 kbdclass kbdclass.sys
fffff800`2a4b0000 fffff800`2a4bf000 mouhid mouhid.sys
fffff800`2a4c0000 fffff800`2a4d2000 mouclass mouclass.sys
fffff800`2a4e0000 fffff800`2a513000 rzudd rzudd.sys
fffff800`2a520000 fffff800`2a53e000 cdfs cdfs.sys
Ergänzung ()

Teil 2

fffff800`2a550000 fffff800`2a55f000 dump_diskdump dump_diskdump.sys
fffff800`2a580000 fffff800`2a59c000 dump_dumpfve dump_dumpfve.sys
fffff800`2a5a0000 fffff800`2b1f1000 nvlddmkm nvlddmkm.sys
fffff802`c629c000 fffff802`c62a7000 kd kd.dll
fffff802`c781e000 fffff802`c7891000 hal hal.dll
fffff802`c7891000 fffff802`c805d000 nt ntkrnlmp.exe
fffff961`aac00000 fffff961`aaf81000 win32kfull win32kfull.sys
fffff961`aaf90000 fffff961`ab0f0000 win32kbase win32kbase.sys
fffff961`ab100000 fffff961`ab10a000 TSDDD TSDDD.dll
fffff961`ab110000 fffff961`ab171000 ATMFD ATMFD.DLL
fffff961`ab180000 fffff961`ab1bc000 cdd cdd.dll
fffff961`ab230000 fffff961`ab253000 win32k win32k.sys

Unloaded modules:
fffff800`26750000 fffff800`2675f000 dump_storpor
fffff800`26ce0000 fffff800`27253000 dump_iaStorA
fffff800`27280000 fffff800`2729c000 dump_dumpfve
fffff800`27e20000 fffff800`27e33000 dam.sys
fffff800`254f0000 fffff800`254f8000 avgboota.sys
fffff800`26600000 fffff800`2660e000 hwpolicy.sys

Show DivRaw Stack Contents
Hide DivDump Header Information

----- 64 bit Kernel Mini Dump Analysis

MajorVersion 0000000f
MinorVersion 0000295a
KdSecondaryVersion 00000000
DirectoryTableBase 00000001`496df000
PfnDataBase fffff802`c7c10270
PsLoadedModuleList fffff802`c7b6fcf0
PsActiveProcessHead fffff802`c7b6a180
MachineImageType 00008664
NumberProcessors 00000004
BugCheckCode 0000003b
BugCheckParameter1 00000000`c0000005
BugCheckParameter2 fffff802`c78f5d0a
BugCheckParameter3 ffffd000`21696a20
BugCheckParameter4 00000000`00000000
KdDebuggerDataBlock fffff802`c7b55a60
ProductType 00000001
SuiteMask 00000110
WriterStatus 00000000
MiniDumpFields 00000cff

ServicePackBuild 00000000
SizeOfDump 0003ff0c
ValidOffset 0003ff08
ContextOffset 00000348
ExceptionOffset 00000f00
MmOffset 00002080
UnloadedDriversOffset 000020d0
PrcbOffset 00002228
ProcessOffset 00008b28
ThreadOffset 000092b0
CallStackOffset 00009a70
SizeOfCallStack 00001ec8
DriverListOffset 0000bc98
DriverCount 000000b0
StringPoolOffset 00011f98
StringPoolSize 00003c88
BrokenDriverOffset 00000000
TriageOptions ffffffff
TopOfStack ffffd000`21696138
BStoreOffset 00000000
SizeOfBStore 00000000
LimitOfBStore 00000000`00000000
DebuggerDataOffset 0000b938
DebuggerDataSize 00000360
DataBlocksOffset 00015c20
DataBlocksCount 000002bf
fffff802`c7b6f7a0 - fffff802`c7b6f83b at offset 00018810
fffff802`c7ac7bd0 - fffff802`c7ac7ccf at offset 000188ac
fffff802`c78f5000 - fffff802`c78f5fff at offset 000189ac
ffffd000`21696000 - ffffd000`21696fff at offset 000199ac
fffff802`c7b897b0 - fffff802`c7b897b3 at offset 0001a9ac
fffff802`c7b897c0 - fffff802`c7b898ef at offset 0001a9b0
fffff802`c7b6bda0 - fffff802`c7b6bdaf at offset 0001aae0
ffffe000`c0410000 - ffffe000`c041038f at offset 0001aaf0
fffff802`c7b766e0 - fffff802`c7b766e7 at offset 0001ae80
fffff802`c7b766e8 - fffff802`c7b766ef at offset 0001ae88
fffff802`c7b93e40 - fffff802`c7b93e9f at offset 0001ae90
fffff6fb`7da00018 - fffff6fb`7da0001f at offset 0001aef0
fffff6fb`7dbed000 - fffff6fb`7dbed007 at offset 0001aef8
fffff6fb`7e00b1e0 - fffff6fb`7e00b1e7 at offset 0001af00
fffff6fb`7dbf0058 - fffff6fb`7dbf005f at offset 0001af08
fffff6fb`7dbedf80 - fffff6fb`7dbedf87 at offset 0001af10
fffff6e8`0010b4b0 - fffff6e8`0010b4b7 at offset 0001af18
fffff6fb`74000858 - fffff6fb`7400085f at offset 0001af20
fffff6fb`7dba0000 - fffff6fb`7dba0007 at offset 0001af28
fffff6fb`7dbedd00 - fffff6fb`7dbedd07 at offset 0001af30
fffff6fb`40000000 - fffff6fb`40000007 at offset 0001af38
fffff6fb`7da00000 - fffff6fb`7da00007 at offset 0001af40
fffff6fb`7e00b1e8 - fffff6fb`7e00b1ef at offset 0001af48
fffff6e8`0010b4b8 - fffff6e8`0010b4bf at offset 0001af50
fffff802`c7b6f760 - fffff802`c7b6f797 at offset 0001af58
fffff802`c79d3000 - fffff802`c79d3fff at offset 0001af90
fffff802`c7bc2000 - fffff802`c7bc2fff at offset 0001bf90
fffff802`c7bd5000 - fffff802`c7bd5fff at offset 0001cf90
ffffd000`21697000 - ffffd000`21697fff at offset 0001df90
fffff802`c79de000 - fffff802`c79defff at offset 0001ef90
fffff802`c78a86e6 - fffff802`c78a87e5 at offset 0001ff90
fffff802`c7b8d8b8 - fffff802`c7b8d9b7 at offset 00020090
fffff802`c7b8d7d8 - fffff802`c7b8d8b7 at offset 00020190
ffffe000`c0758d58 - ffffe000`c0758e57 at offset 00020270
Ergänzung ()

Teil 3

fffff781`00000000 - fffff781`000000ff at offset 00020370
ffffe000`bc7dfec8 - ffffe000`bc7dffc7 at offset 00020470
ffffc000`7b73e010 - ffffc000`7b73e10f at offset 00020570
ffffe000`bc60bea0 - ffffe000`bc60bf9f at offset 00020670
ffffe000`bfebea90 - ffffe000`bfebeb8f at offset 00020770
ffffe000`bd7da8f3 - ffffe000`bd7da9f2 at offset 00020870
fffff802`c7b93f00 - fffff802`c7b93fff at offset 00020970
ffffe000`bbfff080 - ffffe000`bbfff17f at offset 00020a70
ffffc000`7672e03d - ffffc000`7672e13c at offset 00020b70
ffffe000`bc7bbe98 - ffffe000`bc7bbf97 at offset 00020c70
ffffe000`bd7f5f90 - ffffe000`bd7f608f at offset 00020d70
ffffe000`bc7dffc8 - ffffe000`bc7e009f at offset 00020e70
ffffe000`bc7bbe70 - ffffe000`bc7bbe97 at offset 00020f48
fffff802`c7ac12b1 - fffff802`c7ac13b0 at offset 00020f70
fffff802`c790dfef - fffff802`c790e0ee at offset 00021070
ffffe000`bdd72840 - ffffe000`bdd7293f at offset 00021170
ffffe000`be20d080 - ffffe000`be20d17f at offset 00021270
ffffe000`bcf85f70 - ffffe000`bcf8606f at offset 00021370
ffffe000`bdd72ba8 - ffffe000`bdd72ca7 at offset 00021470
ffffc000`78d53990 - ffffc000`78d53a8f at offset 00021570
ffffd002`012b4000 - ffffd002`012b40ff at offset 00021670
ffffe000`b853f180 - ffffe000`b853f27f at offset 00021770
ffffc000`75a16320 - ffffc000`75a1641f at offset 00021870
ffffe000`be3c8180 - ffffe000`be3c827f at offset 00021970
ffffe000`bd0658b0 - ffffe000`bd0659af at offset 00021a70
ffffe000`bdeca900 - ffffe000`bdeca9ff at offset 00021b70
ffffe000`bd05b9c0 - ffffe000`bd05babf at offset 00021c70
ffffe000`bd06e610 - ffffe000`bd06e70f at offset 00021d70
ffffc000`7b73e808 - ffffc000`7b73e907 at offset 00021e70
ffffe000`bdda67c0 - ffffe000`bdda68bf at offset 00021f70
ffffe000`bde366e0 - ffffe000`bde367df at offset 00022070
ffffe000`bdd72940 - ffffe000`bdd72940 at offset 00022170
fffffa80`00000002 - fffffa80`00000101 at offset 00022171
fffffa80`03dd0c40 - fffffa80`03dd0d3f at offset 00022271
fffff802`c79dc97d - fffff802`c79dca7c at offset 00022371
fffff802`c79ddcfc - fffff802`c79dddfb at offset 00022471
fffff802`c7cd2983 - fffff802`c7cd2a82 at offset 00022571
fffff802`c7bea104 - fffff802`c7bea203 at offset 00022671
fffff802`c7d3b083 - fffff802`c7d3b182 at offset 00022771
fffff802`c7891000 - fffff802`c78910ff at offset 00022871
fffff802`c7bc7364 - fffff802`c7bc7463 at offset 00022971
fffff802`c7be5d90 - fffff802`c7be5e8f at offset 00022a71
fffff802`c7be5d84 - fffff802`c7be5d8f at offset 00022b71
fffff802`c7bee814 - fffff802`c7bee913 at offset 00022b7d
fffff802`c7bc8978 - fffff802`c7bc8a77 at offset 00022c7d
fffff802`c792aa43 - fffff802`c792ab42 at offset 00022d7d
fffff802`c79d984d - fffff802`c79d994c at offset 00022e7d
ffffc000`77d3dd30 - ffffc000`77d3de2f at offset 00022f7d
ffffe000`bd03f6d0 - ffffe000`bd03f7cf at offset 0002307d
fffff802`c790996f - fffff802`c7909a6e at offset 0002317d
fffff802`c7c500bb - fffff802`c7c501ba at offset 0002327d
ffffe000`bd03f7d0 - ffffe000`bd03f82f at offset 0002337d
ffffe000`c0069040 - ffffe000`c006913f at offset 000233dd
fffff802`c78e014c - fffff802`c78e024b at offset 000234dd
fffff802`c79ddc80 - fffff802`c79ddcfb at offset 000235dd
fffff802`c7b424c4 - fffff802`c7b425c3 at offset 00023659
ffffe000`bf11c960 - ffffe000`bf11ca5f at offset 00023759
fffff802`c7914f29 - fffff802`c7915028 at offset 00023859
fffff800`25136366 - fffff800`25136465 at offset 00023959
ffffe000`be8c8501 - ffffe000`be8c8600 at offset 00023a59
ffffe000`be8c8688 - ffffe000`be8c8787 at offset 00023b59
fffff802`c791415e - fffff802`c791425d at offset 00023c59
fffff802`c792bc19 - fffff802`c792bd18 at offset 00023d59
ffffe000`b3dff010 - ffffe000`b3dff10f at offset 00023e59
ffffe000`b482f7e0 - ffffe000`b482f8df at offset 00023f59
ffffe000`b4f0ab40 - ffffe000`b4f0ac3f at offset 00024059
ffffe000`bd0f3350 - ffffe000`bd0f344f at offset 00024159
fffff802`c79c48fe - fffff802`c79c49fd at offset 00024259
ffffc000`79331100 - ffffc000`793311ff at offset 00024359
fffff802`c795fb20 - fffff802`c795fc1f at offset 00024459
fffff802`c79c4882 - fffff802`c79c48fd at offset 00024559
fffff802`c78e6c90 - fffff802`c78e6d8f at offset 000245d5
fffff802`c78c0055 - fffff802`c78c0154 at offset 000246d5
ffffe000`bf2bcc08 - ffffe000`bf2bcd07 at offset 000247d5
ffffe000`b4252720 - ffffe000`b425281f at offset 000248d5
ffffe000`bfb925a0 - ffffe000`bfb9269f at offset 000249d5
ffffe000`bd771180 - ffffe000`bd77127f at offset 00024ad5
ffffe000`c02ad4b0 - ffffe000`c02ad5af at offset 00024bd5
ffffe000`b4252820 - ffffe000`b425285f at offset 00024cd5
ffffe000`bda02c50 - ffffe000`bda02d4f at offset 00024d15
ffffe000`bff40010 - ffffe000`bff4010f at offset 00024e15
ffffe000`b424acf0 - ffffe000`b424adef at offset 00024f15
ffffe000`bfee7010 - ffffe000`bfee710f at offset 00025015
ffffe000`b3e571c0 - ffffe000`b3e572bf at offset 00025115
ffffe000`bfbc2910 - ffffe000`bfbc2a0f at offset 00025215
ffffe000`c0033120 - ffffe000`c003321f at offset 00025315
ffffe000`c09176d0 - ffffe000`c09177cf at offset 00025415
ffffe000`b3ec9dd0 - ffffe000`b3ec9ecf at offset 00025515
ffffe000`be486250 - ffffe000`be48634f at offset 00025615
ffffe000`bfbf32a0 - ffffe000`bfbf339f at offset 00025715
ffffe000`b3f065b0 - ffffe000`b3f066af at offset 00025815
ffffe000`bfee7130 - ffffe000`bfee722f at offset 00025915
ffffe000`bfacb7e8 - ffffe000`bfacb8e7 at offset 00025a15
ffffe000`be486350 - ffffe000`be4863b7 at offset 00025b15
ffffe000`be4863b8 - ffffe000`be4863c7 at offset 00025b7d
ffffe000`bff54c90 - ffffe000`bff54d8f at offset 00025b8d
ffffe000`bea7b440 - ffffe000`bea7b53f at offset 00025c8d
ffffe000`bd89d960 - ffffe000`bd89da5f at offset 00025d8d
ffffe000`beec92a0 - ffffe000`beec939f at offset 00025e8d
ffffe000`bdc6b040 - ffffe000`bdc6b13f at offset 00025f8d
ffffe000`be8eb698 - ffffe000`be8eb797 at offset 0002608d
ffffe000`bebdc5f8 - ffffe000`bebdc6f7 at offset 0002618d
ffffe000`beb1cf50 - ffffe000`beb1d04f at offset 0002628d
ffffe000`bea7b620 - ffffe000`bea7b71f at offset 0002638d
fffff800`2732b9c0 - fffff800`2732babf at offset 0002648d
ffffe000`bdc67010 - ffffe000`bdc6710f at offset 0002658d
ffffe000`bdc6d010 - ffffe000`bdc6d10f at offset 0002668d
ffffe000`b3e06010 - ffffe000`b3e0610f at offset 0002678d
ffffe000`bf40a4b0 - ffffe000`bf40a5af at offset 0002688d
ffffe000`bffc6520 - ffffe000`bffc661f at offset 0002698d
ffffe000`b3e06110 - ffffe000`b3e06133 at offset 00026a8d
ffffe000`b3e06438 - ffffe000`b3e06537 at offset 00026ab1
ffffe000`b4047010 - ffffe000`b404710f at offset 00026bb1
ffffe000`b3e841d0 - ffffe000`b3e842cf at offset 00026cb1
ffffe000`bfee7110 - ffffe000`bfee712f at offset 00026db1
ffffe000`bfb6e388 - ffffe000`bfb6e487 at offset 00026dd1
ffffc000`81ea6010 - ffffc000`81ea610f at offset 00026ed1
ffffe000`b74e8000 - ffffe000`b74e80ff at offset 00026fd1
ffffe000`b3f1c8c0 - ffffe000`b3f1c9bf at offset 000270d1
ffffe000`b3e06200 - ffffe000`b3e062ff at offset 000271d1
ffffe000`b3e06300 - ffffe000`b3e06317 at offset 000272d1
ffffe000`b3e06318 - ffffe000`b3e06327 at offset 000272e9
ffffe000`b3e06328 - ffffe000`b3e06347 at offset 000272f9
ffffe000`b43dcbd0 - ffffe000`b43dcccf at offset 00027319
ffffe000`c01d7790 - ffffe000`c01d788f at offset 00027419
ffffe000`bfb09a10 - ffffe000`bfb09b0f at offset 00027519
ffffe000`bfeec2e0 - ffffe000`bfeec3df at offset 00027619
ffffe000`b3e06348 - ffffe000`b3e063cf at offset 00027719
ffffe000`bfee7230 - ffffe000`bfee7247 at offset 000277a1
ffffe000`bfee7248 - ffffe000`bfee725f at offset 000277b9
ffffe000`bfee7260 - ffffe000`bfee7277 at offset 000277d1
ffffe000`bfee7278 - ffffe000`bfee728f at offset 000277e9
ffffe000`bfee7290 - ffffe000`bfee72a7 at offset 00027801
ffffe000`bfee72a8 - ffffe000`bfee72bf at offset 00027819
ffffe000`bf559080 - ffffe000`bf55917f at offset 00027831
ffffe000`b2f07080 - ffffe000`b2f0717f at offset 00027931
ffffe000`bfee72c0 - ffffe000`bfee730f at offset 00027a31
ffffe000`bfb97f28 - ffffe000`bfb98027 at offset 00027a81
ffffe000`bde26958 - ffffe000`bde26a57 at offset 00027b81
ffffe000`bfb98028 - ffffe000`bfb98037 at offset 00027c81
ffffe000`bfb98038 - ffffe000`bfb98047 at offset 00027c91
ffffe000`b3fa29d0 - ffffe000`b3fa2acf at offset 00027ca1
ffffe000`bc7a9e28 - ffffe000`bc7a9f27 at offset 00027da1
ffffc000`77e849c0 - ffffc000`77e84abf at offset 00027ea1
ffffc000`77e84c60 - ffffc000`77e84d5f at offset 00027fa1
ffffe000`beeea070 - ffffe000`beeea16f at offset 000280a1
ffffe000`bfe7dcd0 - ffffe000`bfe7ddcf at offset 000281a1
ffffe000`bf559180 - ffffe000`bf559180 at offset 000282a1
ffffe000`bf2bcd08 - ffffe000`bf2bcdd7 at offset 000282a2
ffffe000`bf2bcdd8 - ffffe000`bf2bcde7 at offset 00028372
ffffe000`bf2bcde8 - ffffe000`bf2bce37 at offset 00028382
ffffe000`bf2bce38 - ffffe000`bf2bceff at offset 000283d2
ffffe000`b42d4630 - ffffe000`b42d472f at offset 0002849a
ffffe000`b43eb880 - ffffe000`b43eb97f at offset 0002859a
ffffe000`b2e43180 - ffffe000`b2e4327f at offset 0002869a
fffff800`25e73308 - fffff800`25e73407 at offset 0002879a
ffffe000`b468e010 - ffffe000`b468e10f at offset 0002889a
ffffe000`b468e110 - ffffe000`b468e11f at offset 0002899a
ffffe000`b468e120 - ffffe000`b468e12f at offset 000289aa
ffffe000`b468e130 - ffffe000`b468e13f at offset 000289ba
ffffe000`b468e140 - ffffe000`b468e14f at offset 000289ca
ffffe000`b468e150 - ffffe000`b468e15f at offset 000289da
ffffe000`b468e160 - ffffe000`b468e16f at offset 000289ea
ffffe000`b468e170 - ffffe000`b468e17f at offset 000289fa
ffffe000`b468e180 - ffffe000`b468e18f at offset 00028a0a
ffffe000`b468e190 - ffffe000`b468e19f at offset 00028a1a
ffffe000`b468e1a0 - ffffe000`b468e1af at offset 00028a2a
ffffe000`b468e1b0 - ffffe000`b468e1bf at offset 00028a3a
ffffe000`b468e1c0 - ffffe000`b468e1cf at offset 00028a4a
ffffe000`b468e1d0 - ffffe000`b468e1df at offset 00028a5a
ffffe000`b468e1e0 - ffffe000`b468e1ef at offset 00028a6a
ffffe000`b468e1f0 - ffffe000`b468e1ff at offset 00028a7a
ffffe000`bcb78010 - ffffe000`bcb7810f at offset 00028a8a
ffffe000`b3bbf300 - ffffe000`b3bbf3ff at offset 00028b8a
ffffe000`b464ddc0 - ffffe000`b464debf at offset 00028c8a
ffffe000`b2f458c0 - ffffe000`b2f459bf at offset 00028d8a
fffff800`25e377f0 - fffff800`25e378ef at offset 00028e8a
fffff800`25e54dc0 - fffff800`25e54ebf at offset 00028f8a
ffffe000`b3bbf400 - ffffe000`b3bbf46f at offset 0002908a
fffff800`25e73408 - fffff800`25e734e7 at offset 000290fa
fffff800`25e73038 - fffff800`25e73137 at offset 000291da
ffffe000`b4858d28 - ffffe000`b4858e27 at offset 000292da
ffffe000`b3c83530 - ffffe000`b3c8362f at offset 000293da
fffff800`25e734e8 - fffff800`25e7354f at offset 000294da
ffffe000`b3bc7590 - ffffe000`b3bc768f at offset 00029542
ffffc000`75d0a4e0 - ffffc000`75d0a5df at offset 00029642
fffff800`25e73550 - fffff800`25e73597 at offset 00029742
fffff800`25e73598 - fffff800`25e735c7 at offset 0002978a
ffffe000`b3bdcb50 - ffffe000`b3bdcc4f at offset 000297ba
ffffe000`b468e760 - ffffe000`b468e85f at offset 000298ba
ffffe000`b468e860 - ffffe000`b468e86f at offset 000299ba
ffffe000`b468e870 - ffffe000`b468e87f at offset 000299ca
ffffe000`b468e880 - ffffe000`b468e88f at offset 000299da
ffffe000`b468e890 - ffffe000`b468e89f at offset 000299ea
ffffe000`b468e8a0 - ffffe000`b468e8af at offset 000299fa
ffffe000`b468e8b0 - ffffe000`b468e8bf at offset 00029a0a
ffffe000`b468e8c0 - ffffe000`b468e8cf at offset 00029a1a
ffffe000`b468e8d0 - ffffe000`b468e8df at offset 00029a2a
ffffe000`b468e8e0 - ffffe000`b468e8ef at offset 00029a3a
ffffe000`b468e8f0 - ffffe000`b468e8ff at offset 00029a4a
fffff802`c792a028 - fffff802`c792a127 at offset 00029a5a
fffff6fb`40001df8 - fffff6fb`40001ef7 at offset 00029b5a
ffffc000`783a0ed0 - ffffc000`783a0fcf at offset 00029c5a
fffff6fb`40000040 - fffff6fb`4000013f at offset 00029d5a
ffffc000`783a0ad8 - ffffc000`783a0bd7 at offset 00029e5a
ffffc000`783a0bd8 - ffffc000`783a0bdf at offset 00029f5a
ffffc000`783a0be0 - ffffc000`783a0be7 at offset 00029f62
ffffe000`b2eeb830 - ffffe000`b2eeb92f at offset 00029f6a
ffffe000`bdd72941 - ffffe000`bdd72957 at offset 0002a06a
ffffe000`be20d378 - ffffe000`be20d477 at offset 0002a081
Ergänzung ()

Teil 4

ffffe000`bdd72958 - ffffe000`bdd72a37 at offset 0002a181
fffff802`c7b8dc80 - fffff802`c7b8dd7f at offset 0002a261
fffff802`c7c51096 - fffff802`c7c51195 at offset 0002a361
fffff802`c7c5cf68 - fffff802`c7c5d067 at offset 0002a461
fffff802`c7c50ef6 - fffff802`c7c50ff5 at offset 0002a561
fffff802`c7ba5b88 - fffff802`c7ba5c87 at offset 0002a661
fffff802`c7ba5b80 - fffff802`c7ba5b87 at offset 0002a761
ffffe000`be20d478 - ffffe000`be20d4ef at offset 0002a769
ffffe000`bd066650 - ffffe000`bd06674f at offset 0002a7e1
ffffe000`bd066750 - ffffe000`bd066787 at offset 0002a8e1
ffffe000`b4821920 - ffffe000`b4821a1f at offset 0002a919
fffff802`c78f74cf - fffff802`c78f75ce at offset 0002aa19
ffffc000`78011bc0 - ffffc000`78011cbf at offset 0002ab19
ffffc000`77d398d0 - ffffc000`77d399cf at offset 0002ac19
ffffc000`77d43a10 - ffffc000`77d43b0f at offset 0002ad19
ffffc000`767ae0a0 - ffffc000`767ae19f at offset 0002ae19
ffffc000`77d43930 - ffffc000`77d43a0f at offset 0002af19
ffffc000`77f661e0 - ffffc000`77f662df at offset 0002aff9
ffffc000`77d47130 - ffffc000`77d4722f at offset 0002b0f9
ffffe000`b2e3b2c0 - ffffe000`b2e3b3bf at offset 0002b1f9
ffffe000`bf2d4e20 - ffffe000`bf2d4f1f at offset 0002b2f9
ffffc000`77d3de30 - ffffc000`77d3df17 at offset 0002b3f9
ffffe000`bd87b720 - ffffe000`bd87b81f at offset 0002b4e1
ffffe000`bdecb0f0 - ffffe000`bdecb1ef at offset 0002b5e1
ffffe000`bd05bb00 - ffffe000`bd05bbff at offset 0002b6e1
ffffe000`bfca6290 - ffffe000`bfca638f at offset 0002b7e1
ffffe000`b4789c80 - ffffe000`b4789d7f at offset 0002b8e1
ffffe000`bd03f830 - ffffe000`bd03f877 at offset 0002b9e1
ffffe000`bd03f878 - ffffe000`bd03f93f at offset 0002ba29
ffffe000`bd067050 - ffffe000`bd06714f at offset 0002baf1
ffffe000`be20d180 - ffffe000`be20d187 at offset 0002bbf1
ffffd000`21691000 - ffffd000`216910ff at offset 0002bbf9
ffffe000`be20d188 - ffffe000`be20d217 at offset 0002bcf9
ffffe000`be20d218 - ffffe000`be20d227 at offset 0002bd89
ffffe000`be20d228 - ffffe000`be20d2bf at offset 0002bd99
ffffe000`be244158 - ffffe000`be244257 at offset 0002be31
fffff802`c7bb4710 - fffff802`c7bb480f at offset 0002bf31
ffffe000`bd068c80 - ffffe000`bd068d7f at offset 0002c031
fffff802`c79307d8 - fffff802`c79308d7 at offset 0002c131
ffffe000`bde78040 - ffffe000`bde7813f at offset 0002c231
ffffe000`c0069140 - ffffe000`c006918f at offset 0002c331
ffffe000`b4180020 - ffffe000`b418011f at offset 0002c381
ffffe000`c0420020 - ffffe000`c042011f at offset 0002c481
ffffe000`c0069190 - ffffe000`c00691a7 at offset 0002c581
ffffe000`b4160038 - ffffe000`b4160137 at offset 0002c599
ffffe000`c0a70038 - ffffe000`c0a70137 at offset 0002c699
ffffe000`c00691a8 - ffffe000`c00691bf at offset 0002c799
ffffe000`c00693d0 - ffffe000`c00694cf at offset 0002c7b1
ffffc000`81ea49a0 - ffffc000`81ea4a9f at offset 0002c8b1
ffffe000`b4796880 - ffffe000`b479697f at offset 0002c9b1
ffffd002`021a9180 - ffffd002`021a927f at offset 0002cab1
ffffe000`bf11ca60 - ffffe000`bf11ca7f at offset 0002cbb1
ffffc000`793c4000 - ffffc000`793c40ff at offset 0002cbd1
ffffe000`beae8840 - ffffe000`beae893f at offset 0002ccd1
ffffe000`b4776e88 - ffffe000`b4776f87 at offset 0002cdd1
ffffe000`bf11cdd8 - ffffe000`bf11ced7 at offset 0002ced1
ffffe000`beb5adb0 - ffffe000`beb5aeaf at offset 0002cfd1
ffffe000`bf11cd90 - ffffe000`bf11cdd7 at offset 0002d0d1
ffffe000`bf334840 - ffffe000`bf33493f at offset 0002d119
Zonealarm mal installiert gehabt? Laut Google erzeugt oft dieses Programm diesen Fehler.
Removaltool ausführen.

Ansonsten wird es auch oft von Gerätetreibern erzeugt. Das verzwickte ist, dass durch Zonealarmfehler es so aussehen kann, als ob andere Gerätetreiber, oftmals Netzwerkgeräte, diesen Fehler erzeugen. Auch Viren können eine Ursache sein, aber das können sie ja immer.

Hier siehts so aus als wäre "NvNetworkService.exe" die Ursache.

Nvidia Network Service gehört zum Nvidia Treiber.

- Erstmal checken ob Zonealarm die Ursache sein könnte. Ggf. den restlos entfernen, wenn der es nicht war, Nvidia Network Service deinstallieren, oder einen anderen Nvidia Treiber installieren.

Ach ja Bioseinstellungen wieder machen nicht vergessen.

Das wären so meine ersten Tipps. Google gibt übrigens viele Ergebnisse.
Das NVIDIA Problem konnte ich auch raus lesen. Würde mich aber stark wundern :-/

Hast du noch ein Tip wie ich bequem die Treiber per CMD löschen kann ? Oder bleibt mir nur der delete Befehl ?

Komme ja auf keine GUI .

Das BIOS ist auf default gesetzt bzw. der CPU Lüfter hat am Anfang zu wenig gedreht sodass beim booten direkt eine Fehlermeldung kam. Dem hab ich jetzt einfach mehr Schub am Start verpasst
Der Nvidia Treiber ist nur der aktive Prozess, während des Absturzes und vermutlich nicht die Ursache.
Sofern es überhaupt ein Treiberproblem ist!

Ich würde zunächst dem hier nachgehen:
OVERLAPPED_MODULE: Address regions for 'dump_iaStorA' and 'dump_storpor' overlap

Die in der Auswertung dargestellten Speicherprobleme ...
Arg1: 00000000c0000005, Exception code that caused the bugcheck
IMAGE_NAME: memory_corruption
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: X64_0x3B_nt!MiDeleteVad+3da

... könnten durch den Intel Rapid Storage hervorgerufen werden.
Deinstalliere den Intel Rapid Storage (sollte im abgesicherten Modus funktionieren: und beobachte, ob die Probleme bleiben.
Ja stimmt "IMAGE_NAME: memory_corruption" weißt in der Tat auf ein Speicherproblem hin. Hatte ich da soweit unten gar nicht gesehen.
Bin davon ausgegangen, dass "OVERLAPPED_MODULE:..." sich auf die dump-Datei Erzeugung bezieht. Zumal man das TRIAGER-Problem darüber ja kennt (32-bit / 64-bit Problem).

Naja.. der Exception Code weißt ja auch auf ein Speicherproblem hin.
Hab mich von "DEFAULT_BUCKET_ID: WIN8_DRIVER_FAULT" + "PROCESS_NAME: NvNetworkServi" irre leiten lassen.

- Dann mal gucken ob der Speicher richtig in den Slots sitzt.
- Timings + Taktung + Spannung im Bios richtig? Wenn möglich XMP-Profil laden.
- Memtest86+
- mit "chkdsk" Festplatten prüfen

Zuletzt wenn alles nichts geholfen hat vielleicht trotzdem mal einen anderen Nvidia Treiber probieren, oder Intel Rapid Storage deinstallieren. Auch bei Raid brauch man den nicht unbedingt.