Hallo ich habe ein dickes Problem ein kollege hat mir ein booster für cemu geben
Ich habe ihn probiert und jetzt läuft nichts mehr, ich starte cs go und die cpu auslastung ist maximal bei 1 %
in der datei war das enthalten ^^ blickt da jemand durch ?
Try {
$HighPerf = powercfg -l | %{if($_.contains("High performance")) {$_.split()[3]}}
$CurrPlan = $(powercfg -getactivescheme).split()[3]
if ($CurrPlan -ne $HighPerf) {powercfg -setactive $HighPerf}
} Catch {
Write-Warning -Message "Unable to set power plan to high performance"
get-process Cemu | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=15 }
get-process Taskmgr | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=1 }
get-process chrome | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=1 }
get-process explorer | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=1 }
get-process svchost | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=1 }
get-process dwm | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=1 }
get-process lsass | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=1 }
get-process spoolsv | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=1 }
get-process dllhost | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=1 }
get-process Cemu | % { $_.PriorityClass='High' }
get-process Taskmgr | % { $_.PriorityClass='Idle' }
get-process chrome | % { $_.PriorityClass='Idle' }
get-process explorer | % { $_.PriorityClass='Idle' }
get-process svchost | % { $_.PriorityClass='Idle' }
get-process dwm | % { $_.PriorityClass='Idle' }
get-process lsass | % { $_.PriorityClass='Idle' }
get-process spoolsv | % { $_.PriorityClass='Idle' }
get-process dllhost | % { $_.PriorityClass='Idle' }
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
$wshell.Popup("Press OK to go back to normal",0,"BOOSTED",0x1)
Get-Process RAMRush | Foreach-Object { $_.CloseMainWindow() | Out-Null } | stop-process –force
Get-Process Cemu | Foreach-Object { $_.CloseMainWindow() | Out-Null } | stop-process –force
get-process Taskmgr | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=15 }
get-process chrome | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=15 }
get-process explorer | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=15 }
get-process svchost | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=15 }
get-process dwm | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=15 }
get-process lsass | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=15 }
get-process spoolsv | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=15 }
get-process dllhost | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=15 }
get-process Taskmgr | % { $_.PriorityClass='Normal' }
get-process chrome | % { $_.PriorityClass='Normal' }
get-process explorer | % { $_.PriorityClass='Normal' }
get-process svchost | % { $_.PriorityClass='Normal' }
get-process dwm | % { $_.PriorityClass='Normal' }
get-process lsass | % { $_.PriorityClass='Normal' }
get-process spoolsv | % { $_.PriorityClass='Normal' }
get-process dllhost | % { $_.PriorityClass='Normal' }
Ich habe nicht viel ahnung von powershell und habe alles versucht, ich bin echt grad am verzweifeln
Ich habe ihn probiert und jetzt läuft nichts mehr, ich starte cs go und die cpu auslastung ist maximal bei 1 %
in der datei war das enthalten ^^ blickt da jemand durch ?
Try {
$HighPerf = powercfg -l | %{if($_.contains("High performance")) {$_.split()[3]}}
$CurrPlan = $(powercfg -getactivescheme).split()[3]
if ($CurrPlan -ne $HighPerf) {powercfg -setactive $HighPerf}
} Catch {
Write-Warning -Message "Unable to set power plan to high performance"
get-process Cemu | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=15 }
get-process Taskmgr | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=1 }
get-process chrome | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=1 }
get-process explorer | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=1 }
get-process svchost | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=1 }
get-process dwm | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=1 }
get-process lsass | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=1 }
get-process spoolsv | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=1 }
get-process dllhost | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=1 }
get-process Cemu | % { $_.PriorityClass='High' }
get-process Taskmgr | % { $_.PriorityClass='Idle' }
get-process chrome | % { $_.PriorityClass='Idle' }
get-process explorer | % { $_.PriorityClass='Idle' }
get-process svchost | % { $_.PriorityClass='Idle' }
get-process dwm | % { $_.PriorityClass='Idle' }
get-process lsass | % { $_.PriorityClass='Idle' }
get-process spoolsv | % { $_.PriorityClass='Idle' }
get-process dllhost | % { $_.PriorityClass='Idle' }
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
$wshell.Popup("Press OK to go back to normal",0,"BOOSTED",0x1)
Get-Process RAMRush | Foreach-Object { $_.CloseMainWindow() | Out-Null } | stop-process –force
Get-Process Cemu | Foreach-Object { $_.CloseMainWindow() | Out-Null } | stop-process –force
get-process Taskmgr | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=15 }
get-process chrome | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=15 }
get-process explorer | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=15 }
get-process svchost | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=15 }
get-process dwm | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=15 }
get-process lsass | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=15 }
get-process spoolsv | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=15 }
get-process dllhost | % { $_.ProcessorAffinity=15 }
get-process Taskmgr | % { $_.PriorityClass='Normal' }
get-process chrome | % { $_.PriorityClass='Normal' }
get-process explorer | % { $_.PriorityClass='Normal' }
get-process svchost | % { $_.PriorityClass='Normal' }
get-process dwm | % { $_.PriorityClass='Normal' }
get-process lsass | % { $_.PriorityClass='Normal' }
get-process spoolsv | % { $_.PriorityClass='Normal' }
get-process dllhost | % { $_.PriorityClass='Normal' }
Ich habe nicht viel ahnung von powershell und habe alles versucht, ich bin echt grad am verzweifeln

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