Dort wurde nichts gefunden.
wenn ich Validate against external XML Schema wähle ist gefühlt jede Zeile Falsch.
217 errors have been found!
Click on to jump to the error. In the document, you can point at with your mouse to see the error message.
Errors in the XML document:
1: 18 cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'lexicon-segment'.
Errors in file xml-schema:
1: 18 s4s-elt-invalid: Element 'lexicon-segment' is not a valid element in a schema document.
1: 18 s4s-elt-schema-ns: The namespace of element 'lexicon-segment' must be from the schema namespace, ''.
1: 18 schema_reference.4: Failed to read schema document 'file:///xml-schema', because 1) could not find the document; 2) the document could not be read; 3) the root element of the document is not <xsd:schema>.
1: 65 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Cassandra, Michael'.
1: 96 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'a, Christina, Christian, Leonie'.
1: 143 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Hund'.
1: 189 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Frau'.
1: 241 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Haus'.
1: 294 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Stuhl'.
1: 342 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'B'.
1: 348 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'ä'.
1: 349 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'r'.
XML document:
1 <lexicon-segment><group name="Pretty in Pink">Cassandra, Michaela, Christina, Christian, Leonie</group><word gender="masc" plural="Hunde">Hund</word><word gender="fem" plural="Frauen">Frau</word><word gender="neut" plural="Häuser">Haus</word><word gender="masc" plural="Stühle">Stuhl</word><word gender="masc" plural="Bären">Bär</word></lexicon-segment>
1 <lexicon-segment><group name="Pretty in Pink">Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4</group><word gender="masc" plural="Hunde">Hund</word><word gender="fem" plural="Frauen">Frau</word><word gender="neut" plural="Häuser">Haus</word><word gender="masc" plural="Stühle">Stuhl</word><word gender="masc" plural="Bären">Bär</word></lexicon-segment>
Und bei der funktioniert das Einlesen.
Und hier die nicht Funktioniert hat:
8416 errors have been found!
Click on to jump to the error. In the document, you can point at with your mouse to see the error message.
Errors in the XML document:
1: 18 cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'lexicon-segment'.
Errors in file xml-schema:
1: 18 s4s-elt-invalid: Element 'lexicon-segment' is not a valid element in a schema document.
1: 18 s4s-elt-schema-ns: The namespace of element 'lexicon-segment' must be from the schema namespace, ''.
1: 18 schema_reference.4: Failed to read schema document 'file:///xml-schema', because 1) could not find the document; 2) the document could not be read; 3) the root element of the document is not <xsd:schema>.
3: 20 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Imke Grothenn, Is'.
3: 77 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'abelle Schulz, Lea Jakubigk, Saskia Langrock Nicole Hober'.
5: 41 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Film'.
6: 44 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Autor'.
7: 47 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Schnitt'.
8: 40 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Dame'.
9: 51 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Drehbuch'.
10: 44 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Licht'.
11: 40 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Ton'.
12: 43 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Preis'.
13: 50 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Abenteuer'.
14: 62 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Schauspielerin'.
15: 46 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Sprache'.
16: 43 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Wort'.
17: 41 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Laut'.
18: 49 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Ausdruck'.
19: 59 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Kommunikation'.
20: 51 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Gespräch'.
21: 42 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Satz'.
22: 69 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Sprachwissenschaft'.
23: 52 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Wortgruppe'.
24: 56 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Sprachwandel'.
25: 45 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Bilanz'.
26: 45 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Gewinn'.
27: 47 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Verlust'.
28: 44 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Steuer'.
29: 47 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Konzern'.
30: 48 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Vertrag'.
31: 48 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Abkommen'.
32: 50 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Strategie'.
33: 41 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Bank'.
34: 50 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Vorstand'.
35: 43 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Baum'.
36: 40 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Ast'.
37: 43 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Wald'.
38: 42 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Blume'.
39: 44 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Blüte'.
40: 43 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Gras'.
41: 44 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Käfer'.
42: 41 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Tier'.
43: 44 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Busch'.
44: 41 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Pilz'.
45: 43 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Kunst'.
46: 50 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Künstler'.
47: 42 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Bild'.
48: 49 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Porträt'.
49: 48 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Gemälde'.
50: 44 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Pinsel'.
51: 51 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Zeichnung'.
52: 42 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Farbe'.
53: 43 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Stift'.
54: 51 s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'Staffelei'.
XML document:
1 <lexicon-segment>
2 <group name="Samantha">
3 Imke Grothenn, Isabelle Schulz, Lea Jakubigk, Saskia Langrock Nicole Hober
4 </group>
5 <word gender="masc" plural="Filme">Film</word>
6 <word gender="masc" plural="Autoren">Autor</word>
7 <word gender="masc" plural="Schnitte">Schnitt</word>
8 <word gender="fem" plural="Damen">Dame</word>
9 <word gender="neut" plural="Drehbücher">Drehbuch</word>
10 <word gender="neut" plural="Lichter">Licht</word>
11 <word gender="masc" plural="Töne">Ton</word>
12 <word gender="masc" plural="Preise">Preis</word>
13 <word gender="neut" plural="Abenteuer">Abenteuer</word>
14 <word gender="fem" plural="Schauspielerinnen">Schauspielerin</word>
15 <word gender="fem" plural="Sprachen">Sprache</word>
16 <word gender="neut" plural="Wörter">Wort</word>
17 <word gender="masc" plural="Laute">Laut</word>
18 <word gender="fem" plural="Ausdrücke">Ausdruck</word>
19 <word gender="fem" plural="Kommunikationen">Kommunikation</word>
20 <word gender="neut" plural="Gespräche">Gespräch</word>
21 <word gender="masc" plural="Sätze">Satz</word>
22 <word gender="fem" plural="Sprachwissenschaften">Sprachwissenschaft</word>
23 <word gender="fem" plural="Wortgruppen">Wortgruppe</word>
24 <word gender="masc" plural="Sprachwandel">Sprachwandel</word>
25 <word gender="fem" plural="Bilanzen">Bilanz</word>
26 <word gender="masc" plural="Gewinne">Gewinn</word>
27 <word gender="masc" plural="Verluste">Verlust</word>
28 <word gender="fem" plural="Steuern">Steuer</word>
29 <word gender="masc" plural="Konzerne">Konzern</word>
30 <word gender="masc" plural="Verträge">Vertrag</word>
31 <word gender="neut" plural="Abkommen">Abkommen</word>
32 <word gender="fem" plural="Strategien">Strategie</word>
33 <word gender="fem" plural="Banken">Bank</word>
34 <word gender="masc" plural="Vorstände">Vorstand</word>
35 <word gender="masc" plural="Bäume">Baum</word>
36 <word gender="masc" plural="Ã?ste">Ast</word>
37 <word gender="masc" plural="Wälder">Wald</word>
38 <word gender="fem" plural="Blumen">Blume</word>
39 <word gender="fem" plural="Blüten">Blüte</word>
40 <word gender="neut" plural="Gräser">Gras</word>
41 <word gender="masc" plural="Käfer">Käfer</word>
42 <word gender="neut" plural="Tiere">Tier</word>
43 <word gender="masc" plural="Büsche">Busch</word>
44 <word gender="masc" plural="Pilze">Pilz</word>
45 <word gender="fem" plural="Künste">Kunst</word>
46 <word gender="masc" plural="Künstler">Künstler</word>
47 <word gender="neut" plural="Bilder">Bild</word>
48 <word gender="neut" plural="Porträts">Porträt</word>
49 <word gender="neut" plural="Gemälde">Gemälde</word>
50 <word gender="masc" plural="Pinsel">Pinsel</word>
51 <word gender="fem" plural="Zeichnungen">Zeichnung</word>
52 <word gender="fem" plural="Farben">Farbe</word>
53 <word gender="masc" plural="Stifte">Stift</word>
54 <word gender="fem" plural="Staffeleien">Staffelei</word>
55 </lexicon-segment>
1 <lexicon-segment>
2 <group name="Samantha">
3 Imke Grothenn, Isabelle Schulz, Lea Jakubigk, Saskia Langrock Nicole Hober
4 </group>
5 <word gender="masc" plural="Filme">Film</word>
6 <word gender="masc" plural="Autoren">Autor</word>
7 <word gender="masc" plural="Schnitte">Schnitt</word>
8 <word gender="fem" plural="Damen">Dame</word>
9 <word gender="neut" plural="Drehbücher">Drehbuch</word>
10 <word gender="neut" plural="Lichter">Licht</word>
11 <word gender="masc" plural="Töne">Ton</word>
12 <word gender="masc" plural="Preise">Preis</word>
13 <word gender="neut" plural="Abenteuer">Abenteuer</word>
14 <word gender="fem" plural="Schauspielerinnen">Schauspielerin</word>
15 <word gender="fem" plural="Sprachen">Sprache</word>
16 <word gender="neut" plural="Wörter">Wort</word>
17 <word gender="masc" plural="Laute">Laut</word>
18 <word gender="fem" plural="Ausdrücke">Ausdruck</word>
19 <word gender="fem" plural="Kommunikationen">Kommunikation</word>
20 <word gender="neut" plural="Gespräche">Gespräch</word>
21 <word gender="masc" plural="Sätze">Satz</word>
22 <word gender="fem" plural="Sprachwissenschaften">Sprachwissenschaft</word>
23 <word gender="fem" plural="Wortgruppen">Wortgruppe</word>
24 <word gender="masc" plural="Sprachwandel">Sprachwandel</word>
25 <word gender="fem" plural="Bilanzen">Bilanz</word>
26 <word gender="masc" plural="Gewinne">Gewinn</word>
27 <word gender="masc" plural="Verluste">Verlust</word>
28 <word gender="fem" plural="Steuern">Steuer</word>
29 <word gender="masc" plural="Konzerne">Konzern</word>
30 <word gender="masc" plural="Verträge">Vertrag</word>
31 <word gender="neut" plural="Abkommen">Abkommen</word>
32 <word gender="fem" plural="Strategien">Strategie</word>
33 <word gender="fem" plural="Banken">Bank</word>
34 <word gender="masc" plural="Vorstände">Vorstand</word>
35 <word gender="masc" plural="Bäume">Baum</word>
36 <word gender="masc" plural="Ã?ste">Ast</word>
37 <word gender="masc" plural="Wälder">Wald</word>
38 <word gender="fem" plural="Blumen">Blume</word>
39 <word gender="fem" plural="Blüten">Blüte</word>
40 <word gender="neut" plural="Gräser">Gras</word>
41 <word gender="masc" plural="Käfer">Käfer</word>
42 <word gender="neut" plural="Tiere">Tier</word>
43 <word gender="masc" plural="Büsche">Busch</word>
44 <word gender="masc" plural="Pilze">Pilz</word>
45 <word gender="fem" plural="Künste">Kunst</word>
46 <word gender="masc" plural="Künstler">Künstler</word>
47 <word gender="neut" plural="Bilder">Bild</word>
48 <word gender="neut" plural="Porträts">Porträt</word>
49 <word gender="neut" plural="Gemälde">Gemälde</word>
50 <word gender="masc" plural="Pinsel">Pinsel</word>
51 <word gender="fem" plural="Zeichnungen">Zeichnung</word>
52 <word gender="fem" plural="Farben">Farbe</word>
53 <word gender="masc" plural="Stifte">Stift</word>
54 <word gender="fem" plural="Staffeleien">Staffelei</word>
55 </lexicon-segment>