ZOTAC MAGNUS EN72070V Bios Update


Juli 2012
Hallo ich versuche schon 3 Std verzweifelt das Bios Update einzuspielen aber es geht nicht, ich komme nur bis zum 3 Punkt bzw. Punkt 4 kann ich nicht finden im Bios. Ich habe bei Boot Optionen nur den Windows Bootmanager mehr nicht. Kann mir jemand helfen? USB STick ist FAT32 und alle Daten wurden 1:1 auf den Stick kopiert.

Bei meinen Intel Nucs damals ging das sehr einfach, hier ist das total kompliziert.

Procedures for BIOS update (for UEFI - Shell) :
(Please read all the instructions carefully as below, before starting the BIOS update)

[1] Prepare a USB Flash Drive formatted in FAT32, decompress all files inside this ZIP file to the root of the USB Flash Drive

[2] Plug the USB Flash Drive to a USB Port on the target PC

[3] Startup the target PC, press <Del> key to enter CMOS Setup

[4] Under the [Boot] options, select the "UEFI : USB Flash Drive" as First Priority Boot Device, Save & Exit

[5] Reboot, press <Del> key to enter CMOS Setup

[6] Under the [Boot] options, scroll to "ME Update Control", press <Enter> to go to "ME Debug Mode" screen

[7] Press <Enter> to bring up the "ME Debug Mode" (Disable / Enable) selections

[8] Scroll to "Enable", then press <Enter>, PC will reboot automatically

[9] The PC will boot to the UEFI Shell Command mode from the USB Flash Drive

[10] Type the Shell Command (FLASH), then press <Enter>, wait for the BIOS writing to complete (may take a few minutes !!!)

[11] Disconnect the power cord for 15 seconds, then reconnect the power cord

[12] Remove the USB Flash Drive

[13] Restart the PC, Press <Del> key to enter CMOS Setup, check the new BIOS (with new built date and project version number) is in place

[14] Save & Exit to reboot the PC
Naja nur weil es bei den NUC einfach ging, muss es nicht zwangsweise bei allen so sein, vor allem sprechen wir ja nicht von nem 0815 Motherboard sondern von nem Mini PC

Auf der ZOTAC Seite, wo du ja auch gepostet hast, hat der Support bei nem anderen User geantwortet und meinte nur dass die Anleitung nicht für alle Geräte universell ist

Ich würde dir raten mal abzuwarten was der Support antwortet oder noch weiter zu googeln, da es doch recht speziell ist das Thema, sorry
Schon einen anderen USB Stick probiert?
Wie groß ist dein jetziger?
klpp schrieb:
Schon einen anderen USB Stick probiert?
Wie groß ist dein jetziger?

32GB FAT32 Dateien sind wie in der Anleitung rüberkopiert worden.


  • Anmerkung 2020-04-26 113719.jpg
    Anmerkung 2020-04-26 113719.jpg
    112 KB · Aufrufe: 378
Showtek007 schrieb:
32GB FAT32 Dateien sind wie in der Anleitung rüberkopiert worden.
Hast du schon einen anderen USB Stick ausprobiert?
USB Einstellungen im BIOS überprüft
Anderen USB Port probiert?
Mach mal ein Foto der, wenn möglich, anderen USB Einstellungen.
Ich probiere das mal aus, noch eine Frage ich versuche
ZBOX MAGNUS EN72070V Intel Management Engine (Win 10, 64bits )
OS: Windows 10 64-bit

Runterzuladen dann bekomme ich diese Meldung.

In der Log steht das, das hat wohl was mit dem Bios Update zu tun.

2020:04:26 18:11:43:478: Dumping properties (34 total)
2020:04:26 18:11:43:479: IIF_MSILOGLEVEL=4096
2020:04:26 18:11:43:479: ME_WMI_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:480: ME_LMS_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:481: ME_NAC_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:481: ME_IMSS_STATE=0
2020:04:26 18:11:43:482: ME_VCCRT_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:482: ME_DAL_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:483: ME_GEMALTO_FW=0
2020:04:26 18:11:43:483: IIF_NOPRUNE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:484: IIF_NOMSITRANSACTIONS=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:484: ME_ICLS_ONLY=0
2020:04:26 18:11:43:484: ME_ICLS_SHOW=0
2020:04:26 18:11:43:485: IIF_LOGFOLDER=C:\Users\User\Intel\Logs
2020:04:26 18:11:43:485: IIF_SETUPVERSION=12.0.2702.2
2020:04:26 18:11:43:486: IIF_PACKAGEVERSION=1805.12.0.1097
2020:04:26 18:11:43:486: IIF_SETUPPATH=C:\Users\User\Desktop\ME
2020:04:26 18:11:43:486: IIF_CACHELOC=C:\ProgramData\Intel\Package Cache\{1CEAC85D-2590-4760-800F-8DE5E91F3700}
2020:04:26 18:11:43:487: IIF_OS=10.0
2020:04:26 18:11:43:487: IIF_OSSERVICEPACK=0
2020:04:26 18:11:43:488: IIF_IS64=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:488: IIF_NET40CLIENT=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:488: IIF_NET40FULL=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:489: IIF_NET45CLIENT=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:489: IIF_NET45FULL=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:489: IIF_INSTALLFOLDER=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components
2020:04:26 18:11:43:490: IIF_LANGCOUNTRY=de-DE
2020:04:26 18:11:43:490: IIF_PROGRAMFILES86FOLDER=C:\Program Files (x86)
2020:04:26 18:11:43:490: IIF_PROGRAMFILESFOLDER=C:\Program Files
2020:04:26 18:11:43:491: IIF_HASBATTERY=0
2020:04:26 18:11:43:491: IIF_RESOURCEFOLDER=C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2288.tmp
2020:04:26 18:11:43:491: IIF_SETUPMODE=INSTALL
2020:04:26 18:11:43:492: IIF_EXITCODE=20004
2020:04:26 18:11:43:492: IIF_LICENSE=
2020:04:26 18:11:43:492: IIF_README=
2020:04:26 18:11:43:492: Dumping feature states
2020:04:26 18:11:43:492: Feature: 'DriverFeature' | Package: '{EBB4E1B1-D0A2-4F8E-BAFC-EF49A4D4E2A7}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:493: Feature: 'LangFeature' | Package: '{4792E8B1-F79E-4C5B-A8DC-391F64C30B75}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:493: Feature: 'VCRedistx86' | Package: '{9A048310-A23E-4E0C-9DDC-95748970F9CE}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:493: Feature: 'UCRTx86' | Package: '{9A048310-A23E-4E0C-9DDC-95748970F9CE}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:494: Feature: 'VCRedistx64' | Package: '{AC14C73B-181A-46C8-BA0F-1FA3E5493297}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:494: Feature: 'UCRTx64' | Package: '{AC14C73B-181A-46C8-BA0F-1FA3E5493297}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:494: Feature: 'LMSFeature' | Package: '{C769B4D9-C208-4FC9-BBEF-420C8C219253}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:495: Feature: 'WMIFeature' | Package: '{C769B4D9-C208-4FC9-BBEF-420C8C219253}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:495: Feature: 'NACFeature' | Package: '{C769B4D9-C208-4FC9-BBEF-420C8C219253}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:495: Feature: 'DALFeature' | Package: '{C769B4D9-C208-4FC9-BBEF-420C8C219253}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:495: Exit code (command line): 1603
2020:04:26 18:11:43:496: >>> Log End
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970:
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: >>>Dumping deffered logs
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding XP-x86 (0x50000501 == 0x40000501)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding XP-x64 (0x90000502 == 0x80000502)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding W2K3-x64 (0xA0000502 == 0x80000502)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding W2K3-x86 (0x60000502 == 0x40000502)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Vista-x64 (0x90000600 == 0x80000600)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding W2K8-x64 (0xA0000600 == 0x80000600)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Vista-x86 (0x50000600 == 0x40000600)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding W2K8-x86 (0x60000600 == 0x40000600)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Windows7-x64 (0x90000601 == 0x80000601)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding W2K8R2-x64 (0xA0000601 == 0x80000601)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Windows7-x86 (0x50000601 == 0x40000601)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Windows8-x64 (0x90000602 == 0x80000602)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding W2K12-x64 (0xA0000602 == 0x80000602)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Windows8-x86 (0x50000602 == 0x40000602)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Windows8.1-x64 (0x90000603 == 0x80000603)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding W2K12R2-x64 (0xA0000603 == 0x80000603)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Windows8.1-x86 (0x50000603 == 0x40000603)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Windows10-x64 (0x90000A00 == 0x80000A00)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding W2K16-x64 (0xA0000A00 == 0x80000A00)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Windows10-x86 (0x50000A00 == 0x40000A00)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Expected version: v2.0.50727
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Expected version: v3.0
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Expected version: v3.5
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Expected version: v4\Client
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Found registry key for the expected .NET version.
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Expected version: v4\Full
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Found registry key for the expected .NET version.
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Expected version: v4.5\Client
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Found registry key for the expected .NET version.
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Looking for .NET version 4.5 or above
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Found version: 4.8.04084
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Expected version: v4.5\Full
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Found registry key for the expected .NET version.
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Looking for .NET version 4.5 or above
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Found version: 4.8.04084
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Loading saved properties
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Effective command line: "C:\Users\User\Desktop\ME\Setup.exe"
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: >>> Log start
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Mutex with given name doesn't exist. Creating new one.

2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Obtained mutex succesfully.
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Single-instance mutex has been obtained
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Core version: 2.7.2
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Setup version: 12.0.2702.2
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Command line: "C:\Users\User\Desktop\ME\Setup.exe"
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: OS data: 10-0-1-0 64-bit
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: System up time: 309 sec
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Reboot pending: No
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Current UI language: 0407
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Language folder: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp
2020:04:26 18:11:45:986: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\ar-SA\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0401. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:001: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\cs-CZ\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0405. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:001: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\da-DK\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0406. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:017: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\de-DE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0407. Rank 3
2020:04:26 18:11:46:032: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\el-GR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0408. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:049: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\en-US\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0409. Rank 1
2020:04:26 18:11:46:060: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\es-ES\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0C0A. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:072: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\fi-FI\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040B. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:084: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\fr-FR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040C. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:095: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\he-IL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040D. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:106: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\hu-HU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040E. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:117: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\it-IT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0410. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:129: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\ja-JP\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0411. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:140: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\ko-KR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0412. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:151: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\nb-NO\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0414. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:163: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\nl-NL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0413. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:175: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\pl-PL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0415. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:186: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\pt-BR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0416. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:197: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\pt-PT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0816. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:209: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\ru-RU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0419. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:220: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\sk-SK\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041B. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:232: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\sl-SI\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0424. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:243: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\sv-SE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041D. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:255: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\th-TH\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041E. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:266: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\tr-TR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041F. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:277: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\zh-CN\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0804. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:288: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\zh-TW\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0404. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:289: Loading language 0407
2020:04:26 18:11:46:291: Relaunching setup as elevated
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: Dumping properties (30 total)
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_MSILOGLEVEL=4096
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: ME_WMI_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: ME_LMS_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: ME_NAC_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: ME_IMSS_STATE=0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: ME_VCCRT_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: ME_DAL_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: ME_GEMALTO_FW=0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_NOPRUNE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_NOMSITRANSACTIONS=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117:
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_SETUPVERSION=12.0.2702.2
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_PACKAGEVERSION=1805.12.0.1097
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_SETUPPATH=C:\Users\User\Desktop\ME
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_CACHELOC=C:\ProgramData\Intel\Package Cache\{1CEAC85D-2590-4760-800F-8DE5E91F3700}
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_OS=10.0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_OSSERVICEPACK=0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_IS64=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_NET40CLIENT=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: IIF_NET40FULL=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: IIF_NET45CLIENT=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: IIF_NET45FULL=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: IIF_INSTALLFOLDER=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: IIF_LANGCOUNTRY=de-DE
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: IIF_PROGRAMFILES86FOLDER=C:\Program Files (x86)
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: IIF_PROGRAMFILESFOLDER=C:\Program Files
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: IIF_HASBATTERY=0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: IIF_RESOURCEFOLDER=C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Dumping feature states
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'DriverFeature' | Package: '{EBB4E1B1-D0A2-4F8E-BAFC-EF49A4D4E2A7}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'LangFeature' | Package: '{4792E8B1-F79E-4C5B-A8DC-391F64C30B75}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'VCRedistx86' | Package: '{9A048310-A23E-4E0C-9DDC-95748970F9CE}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'UCRTx86' | Package: '{9A048310-A23E-4E0C-9DDC-95748970F9CE}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'VCRedistx64' | Package: '{AC14C73B-181A-46C8-BA0F-1FA3E5493297}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'UCRTx64' | Package: '{AC14C73B-181A-46C8-BA0F-1FA3E5493297}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'LMSFeature' | Package: '{C769B4D9-C208-4FC9-BBEF-420C8C219253}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'WMIFeature' | Package: '{C769B4D9-C208-4FC9-BBEF-420C8C219253}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'NACFeature' | Package: '{C769B4D9-C208-4FC9-BBEF-420C8C219253}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'DALFeature' | Package: '{C769B4D9-C208-4FC9-BBEF-420C8C219253}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Exit code (command line): 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: >>> Log End
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Obtained mutex succesfully.
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Single-instance mutex has been obtained
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Core version: 2.7.2
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Setup version: 12.0.2702.2
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Command line: "C:\Users\User\Desktop\ME\Setup.exe"
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: OS data: 10-0-1-0 64-bit
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: System up time: 311 sec
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Reboot pending: No
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Current UI language: 0407
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Language folder: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp
2020:04:26 18:11:48:164: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\ar-SA\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0401. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:180: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\cs-CZ\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0405. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:180: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\da-DK\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0406. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:195: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\de-DE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0407. Rank 3
2020:04:26 18:11:48:211: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\el-GR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0408. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:227: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\en-US\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0409. Rank 1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:242: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\es-ES\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0C0A. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:242: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\fi-FI\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040B. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:258: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\fr-FR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040C. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:274: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\he-IL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040D. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:289: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\hu-HU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040E. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:289: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\it-IT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0410. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:305: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\ja-JP\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0411. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:320: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\ko-KR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0412. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:336: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\nb-NO\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0414. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:336: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\nl-NL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0413. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:352: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\pl-PL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0415. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:367: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\pt-BR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0416. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:383: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\pt-PT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0816. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:383: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\ru-RU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0419. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:398: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\sk-SK\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041B. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:414: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\sl-SI\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0424. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:430: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\sv-SE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041D. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:430: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\th-TH\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041E. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:445: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\tr-TR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041F. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:461: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\zh-CN\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0804. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\zh-TW\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0404. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Loading language 0407
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Setup mode: Installation
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Looking for OS: 5.1 5.2
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Preparing to check for Kernal Mode Driver Framework 1.11 or higher
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: KMDF 1.11 or higher detected!
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Expected version: v3.5
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Expected version: v4\Client
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Found registry key for the expected .NET version.
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: .NET version check passed
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Looking for OS: 5.1 5.2 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 10.0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: OS check passed
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Expected version: v3.5
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Expected version: v4\Client
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Found registry key for the expected .NET version.
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: .NET version check passed
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Resolving driver source
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Using embedded driver(s). Temp source is 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC3CA.tmp'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:492: Using folder 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC3CA.tmp' as the driver source
2020:04:26 18:11:48:492: Scanning all active devices
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Scanning HECI_REL\win10\heci.inf (Name: HECI_REL_WIN10_HECI, Version: 1803.12.0.1093)
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Section with the best match: Intel.NTamd64.10.0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9CBA (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D3A (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A13A (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A2BA (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A1BA (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A23A (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9DE0 (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A360 (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: MUP OS bits: 0x1FF000
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Scanning HECI_REL\win7\heci.inf (Name: HECI_REL_WIN7_HECI, Version: 1803.12.0.1093)
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Section with the best match: Intel.NTamd64.6.1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9CBA (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D3A (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A13A (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A2BA (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A1BA (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A23A (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: MUP OS bits: 0xE00
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: E Win32 exception occurred!!
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Error code: 0x4E24 (20004)
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Error text: ''
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Extended error text: 'Error in device matching'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Debug info: 'Setup.cpp (824)'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Reading storyboard
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Page count: 7
2020:04:26 18:11:48:539: Added: Welcome
2020:04:26 18:11:48:539: Added: Modify
2020:04:26 18:11:48:539: Added: License
2020:04:26 18:11:48:539: Added: Destination
2020:04:26 18:11:48:539: Added: Progress
2020:04:26 18:11:48:539: Added: Finish
2020:04:26 18:11:48:539: Added: Error
2020:04:26 18:11:48:539: Reading string map
2020:04:26 18:11:48:539: No string map present
2020:04:26 18:11:48:555: Showing page: Error
2020:04:26 18:14:52:558: Link: Launching 'C:\Users\User\Intel\Logs'


  • Anmerkung 2020-04-26 181437.jpg
    Anmerkung 2020-04-26 181437.jpg
    100,6 KB · Aufrufe: 365
Ergänzung ()

Showtek007 schrieb:
Ich probiere das mal aus, noch eine Frage ich versuche
ZBOX MAGNUS EN72070V Intel Management Engine (Win 10, 64bits )
OS: Windows 10 64-bit

Runterzuladen dann bekomme ich diese Meldung.

In der Log steht das, das hat wohl was mit dem Bios Update zu tun.

2020:04:26 18:11:43:478: Dumping properties (34 total)
2020:04:26 18:11:43:479: IIF_MSILOGLEVEL=4096
2020:04:26 18:11:43:479: ME_WMI_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:480: ME_LMS_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:481: ME_NAC_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:481: ME_IMSS_STATE=0
2020:04:26 18:11:43:482: ME_VCCRT_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:482: ME_DAL_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:483: ME_GEMALTO_FW=0
2020:04:26 18:11:43:483: IIF_NOPRUNE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:484: IIF_NOMSITRANSACTIONS=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:484: ME_ICLS_ONLY=0
2020:04:26 18:11:43:484: ME_ICLS_SHOW=0
2020:04:26 18:11:43:485: IIF_LOGFOLDER=C:\Users\User\Intel\Logs
2020:04:26 18:11:43:485: IIF_SETUPVERSION=12.0.2702.2
2020:04:26 18:11:43:486: IIF_PACKAGEVERSION=1805.12.0.1097
2020:04:26 18:11:43:486: IIF_SETUPPATH=C:\Users\User\Desktop\ME
2020:04:26 18:11:43:486: IIF_CACHELOC=C:\ProgramData\Intel\Package Cache\{1CEAC85D-2590-4760-800F-8DE5E91F3700}
2020:04:26 18:11:43:487: IIF_OS=10.0
2020:04:26 18:11:43:487: IIF_OSSERVICEPACK=0
2020:04:26 18:11:43:488: IIF_IS64=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:488: IIF_NET40CLIENT=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:488: IIF_NET40FULL=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:489: IIF_NET45CLIENT=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:489: IIF_NET45FULL=1
2020:04:26 18:11:43:489: IIF_INSTALLFOLDER=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components
2020:04:26 18:11:43:490: IIF_LANGCOUNTRY=de-DE
2020:04:26 18:11:43:490: IIF_PROGRAMFILES86FOLDER=C:\Program Files (x86)
2020:04:26 18:11:43:490: IIF_PROGRAMFILESFOLDER=C:\Program Files
2020:04:26 18:11:43:491: IIF_HASBATTERY=0
2020:04:26 18:11:43:491: IIF_RESOURCEFOLDER=C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF2288.tmp
2020:04:26 18:11:43:491: IIF_SETUPMODE=INSTALL
2020:04:26 18:11:43:492: IIF_EXITCODE=20004
2020:04:26 18:11:43:492: IIF_LICENSE=
2020:04:26 18:11:43:492: IIF_README=
2020:04:26 18:11:43:492: Dumping feature states
2020:04:26 18:11:43:492: Feature: 'DriverFeature' | Package: '{EBB4E1B1-D0A2-4F8E-BAFC-EF49A4D4E2A7}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:493: Feature: 'LangFeature' | Package: '{4792E8B1-F79E-4C5B-A8DC-391F64C30B75}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:493: Feature: 'VCRedistx86' | Package: '{9A048310-A23E-4E0C-9DDC-95748970F9CE}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:493: Feature: 'UCRTx86' | Package: '{9A048310-A23E-4E0C-9DDC-95748970F9CE}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:494: Feature: 'VCRedistx64' | Package: '{AC14C73B-181A-46C8-BA0F-1FA3E5493297}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:494: Feature: 'UCRTx64' | Package: '{AC14C73B-181A-46C8-BA0F-1FA3E5493297}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:494: Feature: 'LMSFeature' | Package: '{C769B4D9-C208-4FC9-BBEF-420C8C219253}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:495: Feature: 'WMIFeature' | Package: '{C769B4D9-C208-4FC9-BBEF-420C8C219253}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:495: Feature: 'NACFeature' | Package: '{C769B4D9-C208-4FC9-BBEF-420C8C219253}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:495: Feature: 'DALFeature' | Package: '{C769B4D9-C208-4FC9-BBEF-420C8C219253}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:43:495: Exit code (command line): 1603
2020:04:26 18:11:43:496: >>> Log End
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970:
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: >>>Dumping deffered logs
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding XP-x86 (0x50000501 == 0x40000501)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding XP-x64 (0x90000502 == 0x80000502)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding W2K3-x64 (0xA0000502 == 0x80000502)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding W2K3-x86 (0x60000502 == 0x40000502)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Vista-x64 (0x90000600 == 0x80000600)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding W2K8-x64 (0xA0000600 == 0x80000600)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Vista-x86 (0x50000600 == 0x40000600)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding W2K8-x86 (0x60000600 == 0x40000600)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Windows7-x64 (0x90000601 == 0x80000601)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding W2K8R2-x64 (0xA0000601 == 0x80000601)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Windows7-x86 (0x50000601 == 0x40000601)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Windows8-x64 (0x90000602 == 0x80000602)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding W2K12-x64 (0xA0000602 == 0x80000602)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Windows8-x86 (0x50000602 == 0x40000602)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Windows8.1-x64 (0x90000603 == 0x80000603)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding W2K12R2-x64 (0xA0000603 == 0x80000603)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Windows8.1-x86 (0x50000603 == 0x40000603)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Windows10-x64 (0x90000A00 == 0x80000A00)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding W2K16-x64 (0xA0000A00 == 0x80000A00)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Adding Windows10-x86 (0x50000A00 == 0x40000A00)
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Expected version: v2.0.50727
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Expected version: v3.0
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Expected version: v3.5
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Expected version: v4\Client
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Found registry key for the expected .NET version.
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Expected version: v4\Full
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Found registry key for the expected .NET version.
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Expected version: v4.5\Client
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Found registry key for the expected .NET version.
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Looking for .NET version 4.5 or above
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Found version: 4.8.04084
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Expected version: v4.5\Full
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Found registry key for the expected .NET version.
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Looking for .NET version 4.5 or above
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Found version: 4.8.04084
2020:04:26 18:11:45:954: Loading saved properties
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Effective command line: "C:\Users\User\Desktop\ME\Setup.exe"
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: >>> Log start
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Mutex with given name doesn't exist. Creating new one.

2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Obtained mutex succesfully.
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Single-instance mutex has been obtained
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Core version: 2.7.2
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Setup version: 12.0.2702.2
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Command line: "C:\Users\User\Desktop\ME\Setup.exe"
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: OS data: 10-0-1-0 64-bit
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: System up time: 309 sec
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Reboot pending: No
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Current UI language: 0407
2020:04:26 18:11:45:970: Language folder: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp
2020:04:26 18:11:45:986: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\ar-SA\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0401. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:001: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\cs-CZ\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0405. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:001: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\da-DK\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0406. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:017: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\de-DE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0407. Rank 3
2020:04:26 18:11:46:032: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\el-GR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0408. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:049: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\en-US\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0409. Rank 1
2020:04:26 18:11:46:060: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\es-ES\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0C0A. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:072: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\fi-FI\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040B. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:084: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\fr-FR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040C. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:095: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\he-IL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040D. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:106: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\hu-HU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040E. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:117: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\it-IT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0410. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:129: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\ja-JP\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0411. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:140: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\ko-KR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0412. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:151: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\nb-NO\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0414. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:163: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\nl-NL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0413. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:175: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\pl-PL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0415. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:186: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\pt-BR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0416. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:197: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\pt-PT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0816. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:209: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\ru-RU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0419. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:220: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\sk-SK\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041B. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:232: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\sl-SI\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0424. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:243: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\sv-SE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041D. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:255: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\th-TH\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041E. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:266: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\tr-TR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041F. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:277: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\zh-CN\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0804. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:288: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp\zh-TW\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0404. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:46:289: Loading language 0407
2020:04:26 18:11:46:291: Relaunching setup as elevated
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: Dumping properties (30 total)
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_MSILOGLEVEL=4096
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: ME_WMI_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: ME_LMS_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: ME_NAC_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: ME_IMSS_STATE=0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: ME_VCCRT_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: ME_DAL_STATE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: ME_GEMALTO_FW=0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_NOPRUNE=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_NOMSITRANSACTIONS=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117:
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_SETUPVERSION=12.0.2702.2
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_PACKAGEVERSION=1805.12.0.1097
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_SETUPPATH=C:\Users\User\Desktop\ME
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_CACHELOC=C:\ProgramData\Intel\Package Cache\{1CEAC85D-2590-4760-800F-8DE5E91F3700}
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_OS=10.0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_OSSERVICEPACK=0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_IS64=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:117: IIF_NET40CLIENT=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: IIF_NET40FULL=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: IIF_NET45CLIENT=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: IIF_NET45FULL=1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: IIF_INSTALLFOLDER=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: IIF_LANGCOUNTRY=de-DE
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: IIF_PROGRAMFILES86FOLDER=C:\Program Files (x86)
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: IIF_PROGRAMFILESFOLDER=C:\Program Files
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: IIF_HASBATTERY=0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: IIF_RESOURCEFOLDER=C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFBA05.tmp
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Dumping feature states
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'DriverFeature' | Package: '{EBB4E1B1-D0A2-4F8E-BAFC-EF49A4D4E2A7}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'LangFeature' | Package: '{4792E8B1-F79E-4C5B-A8DC-391F64C30B75}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'VCRedistx86' | Package: '{9A048310-A23E-4E0C-9DDC-95748970F9CE}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'UCRTx86' | Package: '{9A048310-A23E-4E0C-9DDC-95748970F9CE}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'VCRedistx64' | Package: '{AC14C73B-181A-46C8-BA0F-1FA3E5493297}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'UCRTx64' | Package: '{AC14C73B-181A-46C8-BA0F-1FA3E5493297}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'LMSFeature' | Package: '{C769B4D9-C208-4FC9-BBEF-420C8C219253}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'WMIFeature' | Package: '{C769B4D9-C208-4FC9-BBEF-420C8C219253}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'NACFeature' | Package: '{C769B4D9-C208-4FC9-BBEF-420C8C219253}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Feature: 'DALFeature' | Package: '{C769B4D9-C208-4FC9-BBEF-420C8C219253}' | Current: 'false' | New: 'false'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Exit code (command line): 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: >>> Log End
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Obtained mutex succesfully.
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Single-instance mutex has been obtained
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Core version: 2.7.2
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Setup version: 12.0.2702.2
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Command line: "C:\Users\User\Desktop\ME\Setup.exe"
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: OS data: 10-0-1-0 64-bit
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: System up time: 311 sec
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Reboot pending: No
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Current UI language: 0407
2020:04:26 18:11:48:133: Language folder: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp
2020:04:26 18:11:48:164: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\ar-SA\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0401. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:180: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\cs-CZ\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0405. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:180: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\da-DK\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0406. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:195: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\de-DE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0407. Rank 3
2020:04:26 18:11:48:211: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\el-GR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0408. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:227: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\en-US\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0409. Rank 1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:242: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\es-ES\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0C0A. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:242: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\fi-FI\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040B. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:258: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\fr-FR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040C. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:274: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\he-IL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040D. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:289: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\hu-HU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040E. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:289: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\it-IT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0410. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:305: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\ja-JP\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0411. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:320: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\ko-KR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0412. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:336: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\nb-NO\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0414. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:336: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\nl-NL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0413. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:352: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\pl-PL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0415. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:367: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\pt-BR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0416. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:383: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\pt-PT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0816. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:383: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\ru-RU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0419. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:398: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\sk-SK\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041B. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:414: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\sl-SI\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0424. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:430: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\sv-SE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041D. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:430: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\th-TH\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041E. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:445: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\tr-TR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041F. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:461: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\zh-CN\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0804. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Found C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC271.tmp\zh-TW\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0404. Rank 0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Loading language 0407
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Setup mode: Installation
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Looking for OS: 5.1 5.2
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Preparing to check for Kernal Mode Driver Framework 1.11 or higher
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: KMDF 1.11 or higher detected!
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Expected version: v3.5
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Expected version: v4\Client
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Found registry key for the expected .NET version.
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: .NET version check passed
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Looking for OS: 5.1 5.2 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 10.0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: OS check passed
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Expected version: v3.5
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Couldn't open or find registry key for the expected .NET version
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Checking .NET version...
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Expected version: v4\Client
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Found registry key for the expected .NET version.
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: .NET version check passed
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Resolving driver source
2020:04:26 18:11:48:477: Using embedded driver(s). Temp source is 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC3CA.tmp'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:492: Using folder 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\IIFC3CA.tmp' as the driver source
2020:04:26 18:11:48:492: Scanning all active devices
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Scanning HECI_REL\win10\heci.inf (Name: HECI_REL_WIN10_HECI, Version: 1803.12.0.1093)
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Section with the best match: Intel.NTamd64.10.0
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9CBA (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D3A (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A13A (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A2BA (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A1BA (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A23A (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9DE0 (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A360 (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:508: MUP OS bits: 0x1FF000
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Scanning HECI_REL\win7\heci.inf (Name: HECI_REL_WIN7_HECI, Version: 1803.12.0.1093)
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Section with the best match: Intel.NTamd64.6.1
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9CBA (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9D3A (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A13A (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A2BA (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A1BA (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A23A (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: MUP OS bits: 0xE00
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: E Win32 exception occurred!!
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Error code: 0x4E24 (20004)
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Error text: ''
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Extended error text: 'Error in device matching'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Debug info: 'Setup.cpp (824)'
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Reading storyboard
2020:04:26 18:11:48:523: Page count: 7
2020:04:26 18:11:48:539: Added: Welcome
2020:04:26 18:11:48:539: Added: Modify
2020:04:26 18:11:48:539: Added: License
2020:04:26 18:11:48:539: Added: Destination
2020:04:26 18:11:48:539: Added: Progress
2020:04:26 18:11:48:539: Added: Finish
2020:04:26 18:11:48:539: Added: Error
2020:04:26 18:11:48:539: Reading string map
2020:04:26 18:11:48:539: No string map present
2020:04:26 18:11:48:555: Showing page: Error
2020:04:26 18:14:52:558: Link: Launching 'C:\Users\User\Intel\Logs'
Hast du Windows neu aufgesetzt und etwas an den Partitionen geändert?
Wie erkennst du, dass es am BIOS liegt?
@klppist komplett neu aufgesetzt
Ergänzung ()

klpp schrieb:
Ergänzung ()

Wie erkennst du, dass es am BIOS liegt?
Weil im BIOS ME Firmware steht und für das Update des BIOS brauche ich wohl Intel ME.


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Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das hört sich sehr wage an.
Aber dass der USB Stick nicht erkannt wird, liegt meines Erachtens an etwas anderem.
Ich glaube die Anleitung ist nicht ganz korrekt, wie soll der USB Stick Bootbar sein wenn man nur Files drauf packt. Ich versuche mal später den anderen USB Stick womit ich Windows drauf installiert hatte.
Der Stick soll ja in diesem Fall nicht direkt bootbar sein, er soll nur als solcher erkannt werden und die für das Update benötigten Dateien zur verfügung stellen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet: (Typo)
Es liegt nicht zufällig dran das es für Windows 10 32Bit ist, oder?
Ergänzung ()

So mit meinem SanDisk 32GB Stick ging es:daumen:


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    Anmerkung 2020-04-29 005657.jpg
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Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ja schau her, in der Ruhe liegt die Kraft! 👌