Zyxel Switch Passive PoE


Dez. 2015

ich habe mir einen neuen Switch gekauft, um mein Netzwerk auf 2.5G / 10G aufzurüsten https://geizhals.de/zyxel-xmg1930-rackmount-2-5g-smart-switch-xmg1930-30hp-zz0101f-a3028455.html

Der soll jetzt also auch den PoE-Switch mit ablösen, das ist aktuell ein Ubiquity ES-8-150W.

Auf dem Balkon steht ein Freifunk Router, der braucht 24V Passive PoE.

Das kann ich im Menü des Zyxel aber nicht finden. Hier gibt es zur Auswahl:

802.3af – the Switch follows the IEEE 802.3af Power over Ethernet standard to supply power to theconnected PDs during power-up.

Legacy – the Switch can provide power to the connected PDs that require high inrush currents atpower-up. Inrush current is the maximum, instantaneous input current drawn by the PD when firstturned on.

Pre-802.3at – the Switch initially offers power on the port according to the IEEE 802.3af standard,and then switches to support the IEEE 802.3at standard within 75 milliseconds after a PD isconnected to the port. Select this option if the Switch is performing 2-event Layer-1 classification(PoE+ hardware classification) or the connected PD is NOT performing Layer 2 powerclassification using Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP).

802.3at – the Switch supports the IEEE 802.3at High Power over Ethernet standard and can supplypower of up to 30 W per Ethernet port. IEEE 802.3at is also known as PoE+ or PoE Plus. An IEEE802.3at compatible device is referred to as Type 2. Power Class 4 (High Power) can only be usedby Type 2 devices. If the connected PD requires a Class 4 current when it is turned on, it will bepowered up in this mode.

Force-802.3at – the Switch provides PD Wide Range Detection (WRD) with power of up to 33 W onthe port without performing PoE classification. Select this if the connected PD does not complywith any PoE standard.Note: Wide Range Detection (WRD) is integrated into Force-802.3at mode. Yourprevious WRD configuration will be retained if you upgrade firmware to ZyNOS4.70(xxxx.1) (‘xxxx’ refers to the Switch’s model code) or later with WRD enabled.If you now want to disable WRD, you need to use MAINTENANCE > Configuration> Erase Running Configuration to reset the Switch to its default settings. Note youwill lose all current settings.

Pre-802.3bt – the Switch offers power on the port according to the IEEE 802.3bt standard. Selectthis option if the connected PD was developed before the IEEE 802.3bt standard is implementedbut requires power between 33 W and 60 W. IEEE 802.3bt is also known as PoE++ or PoE Plus Plus.

802.3bt – the Switch supports the IEEE 802.3bt standard and can supply power of up to 60 W perEthernet port to the connected PDs at power-up.

Was ist da nun richtig? Legacy? Oder kann ich den Switch mit dem AP gar nicht verwenden?