Nullsoft gibt Winamp 5.2 frei
Nullsoft hat nach einigen Beta-Versionen, die zur einen Hälfte offiziell und zur anderen inoffiziell durch Internet gewandert sind, Winamp 5.2 nun offiziell zum Download freigegeben. Das Changelog zur letzten verfügbaren Version 5.13 umfasst dabei mehr als 50 Punkte.
Die wohl auffälligste Neuerung ist gleich an Punkt 1 des Changelogs aufgeführt. So soll sich fortan die Musikbibliothek von Winamp mit portablen Mediaplayern von Creative, Apple und Microsoft synchronisieren lassen.
Neben einigen weiteren Neuerungen besteht ein Großteil der Änderungen aus dem Beheben von Problemen, eingefasst von einigen Verbesserungen und internen Updates. Das umfangreiche Changelog haben wir wegen der besseren Übersicht in den Klapptext verbannt.
- New: [ml_pmp] Synchronize your Media Library with your portable media player
Compatible with iPod, Creative, and Microsoft Plays For Sure devices
- New: [enc_aacplus] Coding Technologies aacPlus High Bitrate encoder available in Winamp Pro
- New: [enc_aacplus] Coding Technologies aacPlus (HE-AAC) in MP4 container
- New: [enc_aacplus] Coding Technologies LC-AAC encoder
- New: [gen_ml] icons in treeview
- New: [ml_online] Dynamic AJAX Internet Media Hub
- New: [in_nsv] Using Coding Technologies AAC playback within NSV container
- New: [in_mp3] gapless MP3 playback
- New: [installer] multi-user profile options
- New: [installer] remembers your previous installer settings
- New: [in_wave] in_wave 3.0
- New: right-to-left playlist display
- Improved: new ATF functions and tags, including:
$repeat(x, count) - creates a string with x repeated count times
$lpad() - same as $pad, but adds padding to the left
$decode(...) - switch/case function. example: $decode($fileext(%filename%),MP3,MPEG-1 Layer 3,MP4,MPEG-4 Container,Other)
$IfStrEqual(string1,string2,result) - if string1 and string2 are equal, displays result. case insensitive
$IfStrEqual2(string1,string2,result,else) - if string1 and string2 are equal, displays result, otherwise displays else. case insensitive
%folder% - top level folder name of the file
- Improved: Stereo beat visualization for modern skins
- Improved: [gen_ff] new vis modes available to skinners
- Improved: [gen_ml] CD drive info view (Rip & Burn)
- Improved: [gen_tray] gen_tray v1.0 (thanks DrO)
- Improved: [in_midi] provides metadata to media library
- Improved: [in_mod] provides metadata to media library
- Improved: [in_mp3] unicode id3 tags
- Improved: [in_mp3] preliminary id3v2.4 support
- Fixed: broken playlist sorting
- Fixed: playlist problems with multi-line tags (e.g. %comment%)
- Fixed: shuffle with only one song in playlist
- Fixed: ghost seek slider appears if Winamp loses focus during seeking
- Fixed: video options from video window right-click context menu
- Fixed: playlist winshade international character support
- Fixed: fullscreen video display international character support
- Fixed: m3u playlist handling security vulnerability (thanks to NSFOCUS and Information Risk Management Plc)
- Fixed: [enc_lame] bit reservoir
- Fixed: [enc_lame] cutoff of last frame
- Fixed: [gen_ff] regions on components don't work
- Fixed: [gen_ff] playlist & video focus bug
- Fixed: [gen_ff] playlist winshade memory leak
- Fixed: [gen_ff] GDI Object leak with Current Skin prefs page
- Fixed: [in_midi] not following winamp's title formatting options
- Fixed: [in_midi] reset button blocks further access to config
- Fixed: [in_mod] not following winamp's title formatting options
- Fixed: [in_mp3] incorrect version identification (showed 5.18 in 5.12)
- Fixed: [in_mp3] incorrect information shown for AAC+ files
- Fixed: [in_mp3] reading incorrect id3 comment tag
- Fixed: [in_mp3] sometimes failing to read last id3 frame
- Fixed: [in_mp3] id3v2 album art loss when editing tags
- Fixed: [in_mp4] loss of album art when modifying metadata
- Fixed: [in_vorbis] not following winamp's title formatting options
- Fixed: [in_vorbis] registry usage (now multi-user profile safe)
- Fixed: [in_wave] 32bit floating point WAV playback distortion
- Fixed: [in_wm] changes made with Attribute Editor not updating in ML/Playlist
- Fixed: [vis_milk] missing files from distro (you can stop bugging us now, Rovastar :)
- Fixed: [vis_milk] 100% cpu usage when paused
- Updated: [gen_jumpex] DrO's Jump To File Extension 0.97
- Updated: [enc_lame] LAME 3.97b2
- Updated: [gen_ff] libpng 1.2.8
- Updated: [gen_ff] FreeType 2.1.10
- Updated: [enc_aacplus] Coding Technologies aacPlus encoder v7.2.0a
Winamp Download
4,3 SterneWinamp ist der Klassiker unter den Audio-Playern für Windows und hat viele treue Fans.
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