Counter-Strike 1.1 released
Viele haben darauf gewartet, nun ist es soweit: Counter-Strike V1.1 ist released worden. Dienstag Nacht wurden auf der deutschen Counter-Strike Seite die Mirror-Server bekannt gegeben, von denen man sich entweder das 19 MByte große Update von 1.0 auf 1.1 oder die Vollinstallation mit 87 MByte downloaden konnte.
- Added spectator mode - allow_spectators (0/1)
- Terrorist bomb backpack re-added
- Upgraded player models to 512X512 textures
- CT defuse kit pack re-added
- Made jumping while shooting more inaccurate w/ submachineguns
- Took out sniper crosshair when zoomed out
- AWP leg shots now non-lethal
- Swimming animation added to models
- Status bar text uses team colors
- All CS Strings localized to titles.txt
- Added option to take "end game" screenshot
- Length of MOTD increased to 1536
- Added cs_thunder, de_vertigo, de_inferno, de_dust2 & de_rotterdam
- Upgraded de_dust de_cbble, de_vegas, de_aztec, cs_office, cs_siege, & cs_italy
- Logic used to cycle the map has been changed. The map will cycle if one of three conditions has been met: "mp_timelimit" has been met, "mp_winlimit" rounds have been won by one of the teams, or "mp_maxrounds" have been played.
- Fixed many cheats