ATi veröffentlicht Catalyst 4.8
ATi hat gestern Abend mit dem Catalyst 4.8 das monatliche Treiber-Update für seine Grafikkarten der Radeon-Reihe veröffentlicht. Neben den üblichen Bug-Fixes und Performance-Verbesserungen in einzelnen Spielen werden auch drei neue Features geboten.
Für den User dürfte dabei wohl „Geometry Instancing“ am interessantesten sein, das zwar eigentlich Teil des Shader-Model 3.0 ist, von ATis DirectX-9-Karten aber trotzdem unterstützt wird und zum Beispiel in FarCry bei geringem Performance-Verlust eine deutlich schönere Hintergrund-Vegetation bietet.
Die gesamte Liste der neuen Features liest sich wie folgt:
- Geometry Instancing
This release of CATALYST introduces the support of Geometry Instancing. This new feature provides assistance when a game has to render many objects where the geometry is highly similar. Geometry Instancing allows the VPU to create multiple objects from a single geometric model, rather than passing an entire new model for each item on the screen. This increases the rendering speed of images such as leaves, or grass. - VPU Recover Enhancement
VPU Recover has been improved in this release of CATALYST. In most cases, VPU Recover will fully recover instead of switching to software rendering mode. This enhancement is supported under the Windows XP operating system. - EIA 861B Timing Specification
This release of CATALYST™ introduces EIA 861B Timing Specification for DVI based televisions. The RADEON™ Software Release version 8.04 will support 256 byte E-EDID and will decode CEA timing extensions. Further, it will retrieve DTV timing information. When the driver detects EIA 861B timings in E-EDID that the controller cannot handle, it will replace the EDID detail timing with adjusted timings suitable to our controller. The modes will be added as EDID detailed timing.
Der neue Treiber steht bislang nur für Nutzer von Windows XP und Windows 2000 zum Download bereit. Nutzer von Windows 98/ME müssen sich derweil mit dem Catalyst 4.7 begnügen. Die kompletten Release Notes finden interessierte Leser wie immer auf ATis Homepage. Für alle anderen gibt es im Klapptext eine Liste der behobenen Bugs und Performance-Gewinne.
Issues Resolved in CATALYST™ Version 4.8
- 3D Mark03: Display corruption is no longer noticed when running the Trolls Lair test 3 under Windows XP
- Beyond Divinity:Playing the game with FSAA set to 2x no longer results in display corruption when scrolling the display by moving the mouse to the left of the display
- High Heat Baseball 2003: The display no longer loses sync when exiting or changing player characters in the game High Heat Baseball 2003 under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON X800 series installed
- Madden NFL 2003: The game no longer fails to respond under Windows XP when an ATI RADEON 9800 XT is installed and attempting to set the Truform slider to Application Preference
- Need for Speed Underground:Playing the game under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON 9000/9200 installed no longer results in the road ahead not being lit up by the car's headlights
- Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow:Display corruption is no longer noticed when launching a multiplayer game under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON™ 9200 installed
- Thief 3:Inconsistent lighting and shadow flicker is no longer noticed when playing the game under Windows XP
- Unreal Tournament 2004: Playing the game under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON X600 series installed no longer results in game corruption being displayed when setting Anti-Aliasing to 4x and having the display properties set to 1600x1200 32bpp
Performance Improvements
- Direct3D driver efficiency has improved considerably. Significant performance gains are noted in multiple "CPU-bound" cases, including 3DMark2001, Aquamark 3, Comanche4, Dungeon Siege, and Unreal Tournament 2003 and 2004. Typical improvements are in the 1-5% range.
- OpenGL driver efficiency is also improved. Older OpenGL games such as Quake III Arena and Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory show small improvement (1-2%) at low resolutions. Call of Duty framerates are up approximately 4%. Doom3 improves considerably more (as much as 12% on some product configurations) as a result of the same software efficiency improvements.