A10-7890K, 7860K, X4 880K im Test: AMDs schnellste Prozessoren für den Sockel FM2+
3/10Spiele (Full HD)
Die interessanteste Erkenntnis an dem Diagramm ist einmal mehr, welchen Grundstein die Sandy-Bridge-Architektur für Spiele gelegt hat. Den Core i7-2600K als Flaggschiff mit einem Alter von über vier Jahren trennen heute nur 16 Prozent von der neuesten Produktserie von Intel. Vier Kerne sollten es sein. Ab Sandy Bridge ist ein Spieler aber auf der sicheren Seite.
Gepaart mit einer starken Grafikkarte kann aber auch mit jeder AMD-CPU, sofern sie denn zwei Module und vier Threads besitzt, problemlos gespielt werden. Viele Spiele sehen gern einen hohen Takt, kommen mehr Threads hinzu, ist dies ebenfalls hilfreich. Es gibt dementsprechend Titel wie Call of Duty oder The Witcher 3, die kaum Anforderungen an die CPU haben, auf der anderen Seite aber auch die Total-War-Serie, wo man selbst mit einer der schnellsten Grafikkarten auf den FM2-Prozessoren in schwieriges Fahrwasser gerät.
- Gesamtrating Spiele (Full HD)
- Assassin's Creed Unity – 1080p
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – 1080p
- F1 2015 – 1080p
- GTA V – 1080p
- The Witcher 3 – 1080p
- Total War: Attila – 1080p
- Intel Core i5-5675C99
- Intel Core i7-6700K97
- Intel Core i7-4790K95
- Intel Core i5-6600K95
- Intel Core i7-5930K93
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v593
- Intel Core i7-5820K92
- Intel Core i5-4690K91
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v389
- Intel Core i7-3770K88
- Intel Core i7-2600K85
- Intel Core i5-2500K83
- AMD FX-837076
- AMD FX-835075
- Intel Core i3-433075
- AMD FX-8370e73
- AMD FX-630072
- AMD A10-7890K67
- AMD Athlon X4 880K66
- AMD A10-7870K66
- Intel Pentium G344064
- AMD A10-7860K63
- Intel Celeron G184057
- Intel Core i7-4790K112,56
- Intel Core i5-5675C111,76
- Intel Core i7-6700K111,48
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v3110,48
- Intel Core i7-3770K110,28
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v5109,28
- Intel Core i5-4690K109,08
- Intel Core i5-6600K108,80
- Intel Core i7-2600K106,88
- Intel Core i7-5820K106,56
- Intel Core i7-5930K105,72
- Intel Core i5-2500K102,72
- AMD FX-837094,04
- AMD FX-835092,12
- Intel Core i5-650090,68
- AMD FX-8370e87,64
- Intel Core i3-433085,12
- AMD FX-630084,28
- AMD Athlon X4 880K65,56
- AMD A10-7890K64,72
- AMD A10-7870K63,92
- AMD A10-7860K59,68
- Intel Pentium G344054,32
- Intel Celeron G184043,56
- Intel Core i7-6700K103
- Intel Core i7-4790K103
- Intel Core i5-5675C102
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v399
- Intel Core i7-5820K98
- Intel Core i7-2600K98
- Intel Core i7-3770K98
- Intel Core i5-4690K96
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v596
- Intel Core i5-6600K93
- Intel Core i7-5930K90
- AMD FX-837084
- Intel Core i5-2500K81
- AMD FX-835081
- Intel Core i5-650078
- AMD FX-630071
- Intel Core i3-433070
- AMD FX-8370e67
- AMD A10-7890K54
- AMD Athlon X4 880K54
- AMD A10-7870K52
- AMD A10-7860K49
- Intel Pentium G344042
- Intel Celeron G184035
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v5137,08
- Intel Core i5-5675C136,92
- Intel Core i7-5930K136,20
- Intel Core i7-5820K136,00
- Intel Core i5-4690K134,88
- Intel Core i7-3770K134,56
- Intel Core i3-4330134,48
- Intel Core i7-6700K134,36
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v3134,08
- Intel Core i7-4790K133,96
- Intel Core i5-6600K133,56
- AMD A10-7890K132,88
- AMD A10-7870K132,68
- Intel Core i5-6500131,84
- AMD Athlon X4 880K131,56
- Intel Core i5-2500K131,00
- Intel Pentium G3440130,52
- Intel Core i7-2600K128,96
- AMD A10-7860K128,24
- AMD FX-8370126,80
- AMD FX-6300126,00
- AMD FX-8370e125,48
- AMD FX-8350124,72
- Intel Celeron G1840121,28
- Intel Core i7-6700K118
- Intel Core i7-5930K118
- Intel Core i7-5820K118
- Intel Core i5-5675C118
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v5118
- Intel Core i5-6600K116
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v3116
- Intel Core i7-3770K116
- Intel Core i3-4330116
- Intel Pentium G3440116
- Intel Core i5-4690K115
- AMD Athlon X4 880K115
- Intel Core i5-6500114
- Intel Core i7-4790K114
- AMD A10-7890K114
- AMD A10-7870K114
- Intel Core i5-2500K112
- Intel Core i7-2600K112
- AMD FX-8350111
- AMD FX-8370110
- AMD A10-7860K110
- AMD FX-8370e109
- AMD FX-6300109
- Intel Celeron G184098
- Intel Core i5-5675C159,68
- Intel Core i5-6600K153,59
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v5149,72
- Intel Core i7-6700K148,38
- Intel Core i7-4790K142,73
- Intel Core i5-4690K139,92
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v3132,62
- Intel Core i7-5930K132,61
- Intel Core i5-6500129,28
- Intel Core i7-5820K128,21
- Intel Core i7-3770K123,28
- Intel Core i5-2500K119,96
- Intel Core i7-2600K118,82
- AMD FX-8370e109,41
- AMD FX-8370109,33
- AMD FX-6300108,99
- Intel Core i3-4330108,54
- AMD FX-8350104,44
- Intel Pentium G344090,71
- AMD Athlon X4 880K90,23
- AMD A10-7890K89,84
- AMD A10-7860K88,89
- AMD A10-7870K88,03
- Intel Celeron G184073,95
- Intel Core i5-5675C130
- Intel Core i7-6700K128
- Intel Core i5-6600K127
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v5124
- Intel Core i7-4790K116
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v3112
- Intel Core i5-4690K109
- Intel Core i7-3770K107
- AMD FX-837099
- AMD FX-630092
- Intel Core i5-650086
- AMD FX-8370e86
- Intel Core i7-5930K84
- AMD FX-835083
- Intel Core i7-2600K81
- Intel Core i7-5820K80
- Intel Core i5-2500K73
- Intel Core i3-433070
- AMD Athlon X4 880K70
- AMD A10-7890K66
- Intel Pentium G344065
- AMD A10-7870K63
- AMD A10-7860K63
- Intel Celeron G184062
- Intel Core i7-6700K136,72
- Intel Core i5-5675C132,64
- Intel Core i7-4790K130,52
- Intel Core i7-5930K129,00
- Intel Core i7-5820K126,36
- Intel Core i5-6600K117,36
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v5115,64
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v3110,36
- Intel Core i5-4690K110,24
- Intel Core i7-3770K106,48
- Intel Core i7-2600K105,52
- Intel Core i5-650097,68
- Intel Core i5-2500K95,68
- AMD FX-837086,44
- AMD FX-835085,15
- Intel Core i3-433073,76
- AMD FX-8370e73,36
- AMD FX-630071,32
- AMD A10-7890K68,56
- AMD A10-7870K67,60
- AMD Athlon X4 880K67,36
- AMD A10-7860K60,32
- Intel Pentium G344036,84
- Intel Celeron G184036,44
- Intel Core i7-6700K112
- Intel Core i5-5675C110
- Intel Core i7-4790K109
- Intel Core i7-5820K103
- Intel Core i7-5930K100
- Intel Core i5-6600K97
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v594
- Intel Core i5-4690K88
- Intel Core i7-3770K87
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v386
- Intel Core i7-2600K84
- Intel Core i5-650076
- AMD FX-837068
- AMD FX-835068
- Intel Core i5-2500K67
- Intel Core i3-433061
- AMD FX-8370e58
- AMD A10-7890K56
- AMD Athlon X4 880K55
- AMD FX-630053
- AMD A10-7870K53
- AMD A10-7860K50
- Intel Pentium G344018
- Intel Celeron G184015
- Intel Core i5-5675C70,76
- Intel Core i7-4790K70,57
- Intel Core i5-4690K70,48
- Intel Core i7-3770K70,48
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v570,44
- Intel Core i7-5820K70,36
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v370,32
- Intel Core i7-5930K70,28
- Intel Core i7-6700K70,16
- Intel Core i5-650070,16
- Intel Core i5-6600K70,00
- Intel Core i3-433070,00
- AMD A10-7890K69,12
- Intel Core i7-2600K68,96
- Intel Core i5-2500K68,80
- AMD A10-7870K68,36
- AMD Athlon X4 880K68,24
- AMD A10-7860K67,44
- AMD FX-835067,12
- AMD FX-630066,96
- AMD FX-837066,81
- AMD FX-8370e66,76
- Intel Pentium G344066,08
- Intel Celeron G184059,48
- Intel Core i7-6700K57
- Intel Core i5-6600K57
- Intel Core i7-5930K57
- Intel Core i7-5820K57
- Intel Core i5-5675C57
- Intel Core i7-4790K57
- Intel Core i5-4690K57
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v557
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v357
- Intel Core i7-3770K57
- Intel Core i3-433057
- AMD A10-7890K57
- Intel Core i5-650056
- Intel Core i5-2500K56
- Intel Core i7-2600K56
- Intel Pentium G344056
- AMD A10-7870K56
- AMD A10-7860K56
- AMD Athlon X4 880K56
- AMD FX-837055
- AMD FX-8370e55
- AMD FX-630055
- AMD FX-835054
- Intel Celeron G184053
- Intel Core i5-5675C54,64
- Intel Core i7-6700K51,80
- Intel Core i5-6600K50,36
- Intel Core i7-4790K49,16
- Intel Core i7-5820K48,36
- Intel Core i7-5930K47,60
- Intel Core i5-4690K46,56
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v544,28
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v342,28
- Intel Core i7-3770K41,08
- Intel Core i7-2600K40,44
- Intel Core i5-650037,20
- Intel Core i5-2500K36,40
- Intel Pentium G344035,52
- AMD FX-835031,36
- AMD FX-837030,88
- Intel Celeron G184030,04
- Intel Core i3-433028,88
- AMD FX-8370e27,52
- AMD FX-630027,08
- AMD A10-7890K24,88
- AMD Athlon X4 880K23,08
- AMD A10-7870K22,64
- AMD A10-7860K20,56
- Intel Core i5-5675C46
- Intel Core i7-6700K44
- Intel Core i7-4790K43
- Intel Core i7-5820K42
- Intel Core i7-5930K41
- Intel Core i5-6600K39
- Intel Core i5-4690K39
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v538
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v337
- Intel Core i7-2600K35
- Intel Core i7-3770K35
- Intel Core i5-650031
- Intel Pentium G344031
- Intel Core i5-2500K30
- AMD FX-835027
- Intel Celeron G184026
- AMD FX-837025
- Intel Core i3-433024
- AMD FX-8370e21
- AMD FX-630021
- AMD A10-7890K18
- AMD Athlon X4 880K18
- AMD A10-7870K17
- AMD A10-7860K16
Spiele (720p)
In geringerer Auflösung mit mehr Fokus auf die CPU als die Grafikkarte kommen etwas größere Unterschiede zum Vorschein. Alarmierend sind sie allerdings nicht, es kommen dann aber auch Unterschiede bei Call of Duty zum Vorschein, Total War: Attila bleibt an der Grenze zum Unspielbaren.
- Gesamtrating Spiele (720p)
- Assassin's Creed Unity – 720p
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – 720p
- F1 2015 – 720p
- GTA V – 720p
- The Witcher 3 – 720p
- Total War: Attila – 720p
- Intel Core i5-5675C97
- Intel Core i7-6700K96
- Intel Core i7-4790K93
- Intel Core i5-6600K92
- Intel Core i7-5930K92
- Intel Core i7-5820K91
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v590
- Intel Core i5-4690K89
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v387
- Intel Core i7-3770K83
- Intel Core i7-2600K81
- Intel Core i5-2500K78
- AMD FX-837070
- AMD FX-835070
- Intel Core i3-433068
- AMD FX-630066
- AMD FX-8370e65
- AMD A10-7890K60
- AMD A10-7870K58
- AMD Athlon X4 880K58
- Intel Pentium G344056
- AMD A10-7860K55
- Intel Celeron G184047
- Intel Core i7-6700K151,96
- Intel Core i7-4790K150,44
- Intel Core i7-5820K147,48
- Intel Core i7-5930K145,64
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v3142,52
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v5139,28
- Intel Core i5-5675C136,72
- Intel Core i5-6600K130,72
- Intel Core i7-3770K130,24
- Intel Core i5-4690K127,80
- Intel Core i7-2600K127,68
- Intel Core i5-2500K107,72
- AMD FX-8370100,68
- AMD FX-835098,88
- Intel Core i5-650089,29
- AMD FX-8370e88,76
- Intel Core i3-433085,64
- AMD FX-630084,44
- AMD Athlon X4 880K66,44
- AMD A10-7890K65,32
- AMD A10-7870K62,84
- AMD A10-7860K58,92
- Intel Pentium G344051,76
- Intel Celeron G184043,80
- Intel Core i7-6700K134
- Intel Core i7-5820K133
- Intel Core i7-5930K129
- Intel Core i7-4790K127
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v5120
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v3120
- Intel Core i5-4690K107
- Intel Core i7-2600K107
- Intel Core i7-3770K107
- Intel Core i5-6600K106
- Intel Core i5-5675C106
- AMD FX-837085
- AMD FX-835082
- Intel Core i5-2500K79
- Intel Core i5-650073
- AMD FX-8370e72
- Intel Core i3-433070
- AMD FX-630069
- AMD A10-7890K56
- AMD Athlon X4 880K55
- AMD A10-7870K51
- AMD A10-7860K47
- Intel Pentium G344040
- Intel Celeron G184034
- Intel Core i7-6700K196,68
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v5196,44
- Intel Core i5-4690K195,16
- Intel Core i5-5675C195,08
- Intel Core i7-4790K194,28
- Intel Core i5-6600K193,52
- Intel Core i7-5820K193,40
- Intel Core i7-5930K192,64
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v3188,12
- Intel Core i7-3770K187,28
- Intel Core i5-6500183,32
- Intel Core i7-2600K179,56
- Intel Core i5-2500K179,16
- Intel Core i3-4330178,08
- AMD FX-8350164,72
- AMD FX-6300163,64
- AMD FX-8370163,60
- AMD A10-7890K159,88
- AMD Athlon X4 880K156,44
- AMD A10-7870K155,99
- Intel Pentium G3440150,56
- AMD FX-8370e149,88
- AMD A10-7860K143,04
- Intel Celeron G1840123,56
- Intel Core i5-5675C185
- Intel Core i7-6700K168
- Intel Core i5-6600K168
- Intel Core i7-5930K167
- Intel Core i7-4790K167
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v5165
- Intel Core i7-5820K163
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v3162
- Intel Core i5-4690K159
- Intel Core i7-3770K159
- Intel Core i5-2500K157
- Intel Core i7-2600K157
- Intel Core i3-4330157
- AMD FX-6300147
- AMD FX-8370144
- AMD FX-8350144
- Intel Core i5-6500141
- AMD A10-7890K132
- AMD FX-8370e130
- AMD Athlon X4 880K128
- AMD A10-7870K126
- Intel Pentium G3440118
- AMD A10-7860K115
- Intel Celeron G184097
- Intel Core i5-5675C177,54
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v5155,26
- Intel Core i5-6600K155,05
- Intel Core i7-6700K149,91
- Intel Core i7-4790K145,35
- Intel Core i5-4690K141,31
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v3133,82
- Intel Core i7-5930K133,18
- Intel Core i7-5820K129,84
- Intel Core i5-6500128,46
- Intel Core i7-3770K121,90
- Intel Core i5-2500K120,49
- Intel Core i7-2600K118,64
- Intel Core i3-4330108,28
- AMD FX-6300107,06
- AMD FX-8370106,99
- AMD FX-8370e106,96
- AMD FX-8350106,06
- Intel Pentium G344092,31
- AMD A10-7890K90,13
- AMD A10-7860K88,07
- AMD A10-7870K88,03
- AMD Athlon X4 880K87,95
- Intel Celeron G184072,06
- Intel Core i5-5675C153
- Intel Core i7-6700K128
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v5126
- Intel Core i5-6600K125
- Intel Core i7-4790K117
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v3111
- Intel Core i7-3770K107
- Intel Core i5-4690K104
- Intel Core i5-2500K104
- AMD FX-837094
- AMD FX-630089
- Intel Core i5-650085
- Intel Core i7-5930K85
- AMD FX-835085
- Intel Core i7-5820K82
- AMD FX-8370e82
- Intel Core i7-2600K81
- Intel Core i3-433070
- Intel Pentium G344069
- AMD Athlon X4 880K68
- AMD A10-7890K64
- Intel Celeron G184061
- AMD A10-7870K61
- AMD A10-7860K56
- Intel Core i7-6700K138,72
- Intel Core i7-5930K134,20
- Intel Core i5-5675C130,08
- Intel Core i7-4790K128,12
- Intel Core i5-6600K126,92
- Intel Core i7-5820K125,96
- Intel Core i5-4690K120,04
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v3117,88
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v5116,44
- Intel Core i7-3770K106,72
- Intel Core i7-2600K104,12
- Intel Core i5-2500K100,56
- Intel Core i5-650099,24
- AMD FX-837088,24
- AMD FX-835086,56
- Intel Core i3-433076,04
- AMD FX-630074,68
- AMD FX-8370e74,28
- AMD A10-7890K69,48
- AMD A10-7870K67,12
- AMD Athlon X4 880K66,88
- AMD A10-7860K62,10
- Intel Pentium G344041,80
- Intel Celeron G184039,28
- Intel Core i7-6700K114
- Intel Core i7-5930K110
- Intel Core i5-5675C109
- Intel Core i7-5820K105
- Intel Core i7-4790K105
- Intel Core i5-4690K100
- Intel Core i5-6600K97
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v597
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v395
- Intel Core i7-3770K87
- Intel Core i7-2600K86
- Intel Core i5-2500K83
- Intel Core i5-650077
- AMD FX-837068
- AMD FX-835067
- Intel Core i3-433062
- AMD FX-630059
- AMD FX-8370e58
- AMD A10-7890K57
- AMD A10-7870K56
- AMD Athlon X4 880K54
- AMD A10-7860K50
- Intel Pentium G344019
- Intel Celeron G184016
- Intel Core i5-5675C90,37
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v588,36
- Intel Core i7-5930K88,32
- Intel Core i5-4690K88,32
- Intel Core i7-4790K88,12
- Intel Core i7-3770K88,08
- Intel Core i7-6700K87,96
- Intel Core i7-5820K87,80
- Intel Core i5-6600K87,76
- Intel Core i7-2600K87,04
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v386,76
- Intel Core i3-433086,00
- Intel Core i5-2500K85,08
- Intel Core i5-650084,60
- AMD FX-630082,32
- AMD FX-837082,31
- AMD A10-7890K82,16
- AMD FX-8370e81,60
- AMD FX-835081,04
- AMD A10-7870K80,24
- AMD Athlon X4 880K77,92
- Intel Pentium G344075,32
- AMD A10-7860K75,20
- Intel Celeron G184063,96
- Intel Core i5-5675C90
- Intel Core i5-6600K70
- Intel Core i7-4790K70
- Intel Core i5-4690K70
- Intel Core i7-3770K70
- Intel Core i3-433070
- Intel Core i7-6700K69
- Intel Core i7-5930K69
- Intel Core i7-5820K69
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v569
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v369
- Intel Core i5-650068
- Intel Core i5-2500K68
- Intel Core i7-2600K68
- AMD A10-7890K68
- Intel Pentium G344066
- AMD FX-837066
- AMD FX-630066
- AMD A10-7870K66
- AMD FX-835064
- AMD FX-8370e60
- Intel Celeron G184055
- AMD Athlon X4 880K54
- AMD A10-7860K52
- Intel Core i5-5675C55,36
- Intel Core i7-6700K51,64
- Intel Core i5-6600K50,24
- Intel Core i7-5820K49,00
- Intel Core i7-5930K48,00
- Intel Core i7-4790K47,68
- Intel Core i5-4690K46,72
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v543,76
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v342,96
- Intel Core i7-3770K41,60
- Intel Core i7-2600K40,52
- Intel Core i5-2500K38,44
- Intel Core i5-650037,24
- Intel Pentium G344033,64
- AMD FX-835031,68
- AMD FX-837030,92
- Intel Celeron G184029,20
- AMD FX-8370e28,28
- Intel Core i3-433027,88
- AMD FX-630027,40
- AMD A10-7890K23,56
- AMD A10-7870K23,20
- AMD Athlon X4 880K23,00
- AMD A10-7860K21,28
- Intel Core i5-5675C46
- Intel Core i7-6700K44
- Intel Core i5-6600K43
- Intel Core i7-5820K42
- Intel Core i7-4790K42
- Intel Core i7-5930K41
- Intel Core i5-4690K40
- Intel Xeon E3-1230 v538
- Intel Xeon E3-1231 v338
- Intel Core i7-3770K36
- Intel Core i7-2600K35
- Intel Core i5-2500K31
- Intel Pentium G344030
- Intel Core i5-650029
- AMD FX-835027
- Intel Celeron G184025
- AMD FX-837025
- AMD FX-8370e24
- Intel Core i3-433023
- AMD FX-630021
- AMD A10-7890K17
- AMD A10-7870K17
- AMD A10-7860K17
- AMD Athlon X4 880K17

