AMD Ryzen & Intel Core i: DDR4-3200 bringt in Spielen teils mehr als eine teurere CPU
3/3Die Spiele im Detail
In den einzelnen Spielen zeigt sich, dass das Verhalten der Prozessoren mit dem schnelleren Speicher völlig unterschiedlich sein kann. Während einige Titel sehr von mehr Speicherbandbreite profitieren, ist es in anderen Spielen nur minimal bis gar nicht der Fall.
Battlefield 1 sowie Rise of the Tomb Raider sind Spiele, in denen ein schnellerer Speicher weder bei AMD- noch bei Intel-CPUs einen Vorteil bringt. In Total War: Warhammer gibt es dagegen einen großen Sprung in der Performance. Hier legt der Core i7-7800X in 1.280 × 720 bei den Durchschnitts-FPS um zehn Prozent durch DDR4-3200 zu. Bei dem Core i5-7600K sind es sechs Prozent. Der Ryzen 7 1800X wird wie der Ryzen 5 1600X um acht Prozent schneller.
- Battlefield 1 (Multiplayer)
- Dawn of War 3
- F1 2016
- Ghost Recon: Wildlands
- Prey
- Project Cars
- Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Total War: Warhammer
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666138,8
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400131,3
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666130,1
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400126,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-2400121,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-3200120,5
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400120,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200119,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-3200115,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-2666113,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666110,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320082,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240081,3
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266696,6
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240096,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320092,0
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266690,8
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240086,3
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266685,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240084,2
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240084,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320083,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320082,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266682,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320061,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240059,4
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666116,6
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666113,1
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400110,6
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400110,2
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400104,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-3200102,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200102,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-3200101,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320098,9
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240098,0
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266697,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240096,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266695,6
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266677,5
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240072,9
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266671,1
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240069,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320069,4
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240068,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320066,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320065,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266665,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240065,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320064,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266662,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240059,5
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400118,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200113,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-3200108,0
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-2666105,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666100,3
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240098,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320098,2
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266697,8
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240092,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240089,0
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320086,1
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266683,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240083,0
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240087,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320084,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266682,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320081,8
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240080,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266680,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320080,0
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266678,1
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240076,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240074,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320073,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240070,8
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266663,1
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240079,4
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240076,9
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266676,5
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240074,3
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266671,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320070,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240069,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320069,4
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320068,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320068,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240068,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266663,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266661,3
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240058,9
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266658,0
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320056,9
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266656,3
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240056,2
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240056,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320054,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240052,4
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320049,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240049,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320049,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266646,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266643,3
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666144,0
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400143,9
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-3200143,3
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200143,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-3200142,6
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400142,6
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666142,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-2400142,4
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400142,4
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-2666141,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666140,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-3200135,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400124,5
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400103,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200101,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-3200101,0
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666100,7
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320098,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266697,7
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240096,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266696,3
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240094,3
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240093,7
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266692,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320075,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240069,6
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400103,3
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666102,6
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266692,1
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240090,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320088,4
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240084,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320082,3
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240079,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240079,3
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320078,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320078,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266672,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266672,4
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240090,0
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266688,6
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266679,1
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240078,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320075,9
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240074,3
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320074,0
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240071,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240068,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320066,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320066,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266663,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266662,9
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400172,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-3200170,9
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666170,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400165,6
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400162,3
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666162,0
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-3200159,2
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400158,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-2400155,4
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200141,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-3200141,0
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-2666130,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666130,3
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-3200122,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400122,0
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400119,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200115,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-3200114,9
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666114,2
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666113,8
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400112,1
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400111,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-3200110,3
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-2400110,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-2666105,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666105,7
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320050,4
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240049,8
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240049,8
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266649,8
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266649,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320049,0
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266646,8
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240046,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320046,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266645,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240041,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320041,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240039,4
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240045,5
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266644,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320044,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266640,9
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320040,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320039,8
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240039,7
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240037,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266636,9
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240036,4
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266636,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320031,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240029,6
- Battlefield 1 (Multiplayer)
- Dawn of War 3
- F1 2016
- Ghost Recon: Wildlands
- Prey
- Project Cars
- Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Total War: Warhammer
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666133,3
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400130,2
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666119,8
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400118,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-3200115,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-2400112,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200112,8
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400112,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-3200107,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-2666106,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666102,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320077,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240076,3
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266686,8
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240086,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320085,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266683,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320082,6
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240081,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240081,0
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266679,1
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240077,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320077,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266676,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320059,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240059,1
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666114,0
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666112,5
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400110,4
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400109,4
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400104,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-3200101,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200101,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-3200101,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320098,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240098,0
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266695,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266694,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240093,5
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266676,6
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240073,4
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266672,8
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240072,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320068,3
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240067,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320066,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320065,4
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266665,3
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240064,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320064,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266662,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240059,0
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400109,3
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200104,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-2666103,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320099,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266698,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320096,5
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240094,4
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266694,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240088,8
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240086,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320085,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240082,9
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266682,6
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240078,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320078,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320077,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266677,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320075,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266674,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240074,0
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320073,6
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240073,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240070,7
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240070,2
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266670,2
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266662,8
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320067,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240067,0
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240066,4
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240065,7
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320065,0
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240064,8
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240064,8
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266664,8
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266663,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320060,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320060,4
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266656,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266654,2
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320053,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320052,8
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240052,2
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240052,2
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266652,0
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240050,8
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266650,8
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240050,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240049,3
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320045,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320044,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266642,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266639,6
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666144,0
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400143,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-3200143,4
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200142,5
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400142,5
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666142,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-3200142,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-2400142,4
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400142,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-2666140,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666139,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-3200134,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400123,9
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400101,6
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266698,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320098,3
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266696,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320096,9
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320096,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266696,2
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240094,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240093,3
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240089,3
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266687,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320074,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240069,4
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240099,5
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266697,4
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266692,0
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240089,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320088,1
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240083,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320082,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240078,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240078,6
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320077,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320076,4
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266672,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266670,7
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240086,8
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266685,9
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266679,0
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240078,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320074,5
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240073,9
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320072,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240070,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240068,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320065,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320064,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266663,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266662,9
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-3200126,3
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400125,9
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400125,0
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666124,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-3200123,7
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400123,4
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666122,9
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-2400122,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400122,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200120,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-3200119,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-2666118,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666117,8
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266696,8
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240096,1
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240095,9
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266695,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320092,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240091,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320089,5
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240089,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240088,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320086,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266686,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320085,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266684,8
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320049,9
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240049,7
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240049,7
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266649,6
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266649,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320048,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266646,6
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240046,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320045,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266645,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320041,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240041,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240039,3
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240044,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320043,8
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266643,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266640,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320039,9
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240039,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320039,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240037,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266636,8
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240036,2
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266636,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320031,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240029,6
- Battlefield 1 (Multiplayer)
- Dawn of War 3
- F1 2016
- Ghost Recon: Wildlands
- Prey
- Project Cars
- Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Total War: Warhammer
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320075,9
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240075,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320075,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266675,3
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266675,2
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240075,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240074,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320074,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320074,3
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240074,0
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266674,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240073,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266673,0
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240061,4
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266660,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320059,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266658,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320057,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240056,8
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240056,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320054,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266653,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320053,5
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266653,2
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240052,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240052,7
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266659,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320058,1
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266658,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266657,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320057,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320057,7
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240057,7
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320057,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240056,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240056,8
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240056,6
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240056,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266655,4
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240044,8
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266644,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320044,0
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320043,9
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240043,5
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266643,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320043,4
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240043,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320043,3
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266642,6
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240042,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266641,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240040,9
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320065,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240065,3
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240065,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320064,8
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240064,7
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240064,7
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266664,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240064,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320063,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266663,2
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266663,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320062,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266661,8
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320051,5
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240051,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320051,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320051,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240051,1
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240051,0
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266650,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240050,1
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240048,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320048,8
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266648,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266648,0
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266647,5
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320037,6
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240037,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240037,3
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240037,3
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266636,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320036,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320036,4
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240036,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240036,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320036,2
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266636,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266635,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266635,3
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240030,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320030,2
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240030,2
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240030,2
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240029,9
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266629,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320029,7
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266629,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240029,3
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320029,3
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320029,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266628,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266628,6
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320066,0
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320066,0
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240066,0
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266665,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320065,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266665,7
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240065,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320063,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240063,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240063,5
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240063,4
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266663,0
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266661,7
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320055,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266655,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320055,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320055,3
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240054,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320054,5
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240054,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266653,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240053,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240052,7
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266652,7
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240050,9
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266649,9
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240097,1
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266696,2
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266687,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320087,1
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240087,1
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240081,9
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320081,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240078,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240077,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320075,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320074,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266670,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266670,4
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240084,6
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266683,5
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266677,8
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240076,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320073,2
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240072,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320070,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240068,7
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240068,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320064,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320063,4
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266662,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266662,1
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240049,7
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320049,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240049,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320049,4
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240049,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240049,3
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240049,3
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266649,3
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320049,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266649,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266649,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320049,1
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266649,1
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320042,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240042,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320042,3
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240041,6
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266641,4
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240040,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266640,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320040,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320040,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266640,6
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266640,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240040,5
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240040,4
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240049,5
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240049,5
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266649,4
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320048,2
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266647,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320046,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266646,3
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240045,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320045,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266644,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320041,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240041,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240037,9
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240043,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320042,9
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266642,0
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266640,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320039,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320039,2
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240039,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266636,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240036,7
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240035,7
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266635,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320031,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240028,5
Auch Project Cars gehört zu den Spielen, die gut profitieren. Beide AMD-Prozessoren werden um acht Prozent schneller, der Core i7-7800X dagegen nur um drei Prozent. Richtig zulegen kann dagegen der Core i5-7600K, der mal eben elf Prozent mehr Bilder pro Sekunde liefert – und damit schneller als der Core i7-7800X arbeitet. Project Cars kann von mehr als vier Kernen nicht profitieren, sodass sich weder der große Intel- noch der große AMD-Prozessor dadurch absetzen können.
In den einzelnen Spielen zeigt sich auch, dass durchaus Abweichungen zwischen den Durchschnitts-FPS und den Frametimes liegen können. So zum Beispiel in Ghost Recon: Wildlands, dessen FPS durch den schnelleren Speicher überhaut nicht zulegen, die Frametimes jedoch schon. So verbessern sich die Frametimes des Ryzen 5 1600X um 14 Prozent, des Ryzen 7 1800X um sechs Prozent sowie des Core i5-7600K und des Core i7-7800X um jeweils neun Prozent.
Niedrigere Timings und Dual vs. Single Rank
Auf den wiederholten Wunsch von Lesern hat ComputerBase weitere Benchmarks durchgeführt. Sie betrachten die Performance mit niedrigen Timings (14-14-14-32) auf dem Core i5-7600K bei DDR4-2400 sowie dem Ryzen 5 1600X bei DDR4-2666. Darüber hinaus wurden die Tests mit denselben CPUs mit Dual-Rank- anstatt dem bis jetzt genutzten Single-Rank-Speicher bei unverändertem Takt und Timings durchgeführt.
Die Wahl fiel auf diese zwei Prozessoren, da der Redaktion aktuell nur zwei Dual-Rank-Module mit jeweils 16 Gigabyte zur Verfügung stehen, für den Core i7-7800X aber derer vier nötig wären. Es handelt sich um den G.Skill TridentZ F4-3200C15D-32GTZ, der mit Samsung-B-Dies offiziell DDR4-3200 mit Timings 15-15-15-35 unterstützt.
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400103,0
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666102,3
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666101,9
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400101,7
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400100,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320096,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320094,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320094,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank91,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240091,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320091,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266690,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T90,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266688,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T88,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank87,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240086,5
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240096,0
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266695,6
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240094,7
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266694,6
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240093,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320091,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320090,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320089,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank87,9
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240087,4
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266687,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320086,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T86,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266684,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T83,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank82,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240081,7
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240059,8
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266658,9
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240058,8
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266658,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320057,6
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320057,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320057,5
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240057,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320056,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank56,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266656,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T56,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240056,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank56,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T55,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240055,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266655,5
Die Benchmarks zeigen, dass sowohl geringere Timings als auch Dual-Rank-Speicher die Performance in Spielen erhöhen. Allerdings gibt es zwischen den Prozessoren Unterschiede. So legt der Core i5-7600K mit den niedrigeren Timings um durchschnittlich drei Prozent an FPS zu, der Ryzen 5 1600X hingegen nur ein Prozent. Dagegen bringt Dual-Rank-Speicher auf dem Intel-Prozessor nur ein Leistungsplus von zwei Prozent, die AMD-CPU legt wiederum um drei Prozent zu. Und diese Effekte sind additiv: Durch scharfe Timings und Dual-Rank-Speicher kann die Spiele-Performance also unabhängig vom Prozessor um etwa vier bis fünf Prozent angehoben werden, ohne den Takt des Speichers anzupassen. Am schnellsten bleibt allerdings DDR4-3200 bei hohen Timings und in Single-Rank.
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240078,3
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266677,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320074,3
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240074,2
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240073,9
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266673,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320072,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320071,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266670,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240069,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank69,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T68,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266667,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320066,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T63,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank63,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240062,3
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240073,9
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266672,7
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240069,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320069,4
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240069,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320068,9
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266668,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240067,0
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266666,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320066,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank65,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T64,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266663,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320063,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T60,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank60,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240059,9
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240049,4
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266648,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320047,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320047,2
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240046,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266646,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240045,8
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240045,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320045,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320045,7
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266645,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank45,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T44,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T44,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank44,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266644,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240044,2
Dual-Rank-Speicher mit DDR4-3200 und niedrigeren Timings wäre zweifelsohne nochmal schneller, aktuell ist es allerdings sehr unwahrscheinlich, diese Konfiguration zum Laufen zu bekommen. Der der Redaktion zur Verfügung stehende Speicher hat zum Beispiel trotz offizieller Freigabe für DDR4-3200 den Takt sowohl auf dem AMD- als auch auf dem Intel-System nicht geschafft – bei DDR4-2933 respektive DDR4-2666 war Schluss. Und der eingesetzte Single-Rank-Speicher schafft bei hohem Takt keine niedrigeren Timings. Die sichere Wahl ist daher Single-Rank-Speicher mit hohem Takt.
Wer Speichermodule mit jeweils 16 Gigabyte einsetzen möchte, der muss allerdings auf Dual-Rank-Speicher zurück greifen. 16-Gigabyte-Module mit Single-Rank-Aufbau gibt es derzeit noch nicht.
- Battlefield 1 (Multiplayer)
- Dawn of War 3
- F1 2016
- Ghost Recon: Wildlands
- Prey
- Project Cars
- Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Total War: Warhammer
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666138,8
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400131,3
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666130,1
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400126,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-2400121,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-3200120,5
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400120,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200119,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-3200115,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank114,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-2666113,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666110,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T110,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T83,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank83,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320082,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240081,3
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266696,6
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240096,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320092,0
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266690,8
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240086,3
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266685,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank84,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240084,2
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240084,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320083,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320082,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T82,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266682,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T61,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank61,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320061,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240059,4
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666116,6
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666113,1
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400110,6
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400110,2
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400104,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-3200102,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200102,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-3200101,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320098,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank98,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240098,0
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266697,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank97,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T97,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T96,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240096,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266695,6
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266677,5
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240072,9
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266671,1
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240069,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320069,4
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240068,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320066,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320065,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266665,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank65,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240065,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320064,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T63,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266662,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank60,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T59,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240059,5
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400118,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200113,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-3200108,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank107,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-2666105,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T101,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666100,3
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240098,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320098,2
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266697,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T92,8
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240092,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank91,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240089,0
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320086,1
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266683,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240083,0
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240087,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320084,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266682,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320081,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank81,5
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240080,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T80,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266680,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320080,0
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266678,1
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240076,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T75,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank75,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240074,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320073,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240070,8
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266663,1
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240079,4
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240076,9
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266676,5
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240074,3
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266671,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320070,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank69,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T69,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240069,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320069,4
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320068,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320068,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240068,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank64,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266663,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T61,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266661,3
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240058,9
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266658,0
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320056,9
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266656,3
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240056,2
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240056,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320054,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240052,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T49,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320049,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240049,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank49,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320049,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank47,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266646,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T43,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266643,3
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666144,0
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400143,9
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-3200143,3
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200143,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-3200142,6
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400142,6
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666142,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-2400142,4
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400142,4
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-2666141,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank140,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T140,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666140,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-3200135,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T130,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank129,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400124,5
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400103,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200101,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-3200101,0
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666100,7
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320098,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266697,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T97,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank97,2
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240096,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266696,3
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240094,3
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240093,7
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266692,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320075,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T74,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank73,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240069,6
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400103,3
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666102,6
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266692,1
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240090,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320088,4
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240084,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T84,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320082,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank80,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240079,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240079,3
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320078,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320078,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T75,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank74,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266672,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266672,4
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240090,0
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266688,6
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266679,1
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240078,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320075,9
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240074,3
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320074,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T72,7
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240071,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank69,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240068,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320066,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320066,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank63,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266663,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T63,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266662,9
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400172,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-3200170,9
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666170,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank166,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T165,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400165,6
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400162,3
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666162,0
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-3200159,2
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400158,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-2400155,4
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200141,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-3200141,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T132,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank130,6
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-2666130,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666130,3
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank123,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-3200122,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400122,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T122,0
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400119,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200115,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-3200114,9
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666114,2
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666113,8
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400112,1
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400111,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-3200110,3
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-2400110,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank105,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T105,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-2666105,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666105,7
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320050,4
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240049,8
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240049,8
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266649,8
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266649,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320049,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank47,0
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266646,8
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240046,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T46,3
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320046,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266645,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240041,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320041,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank39,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T39,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240039,4
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240045,5
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266644,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320044,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266640,9
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320040,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320039,8
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240039,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank38,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T38,3
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240037,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266636,9
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240036,4
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266636,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320031,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240029,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank29,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T29,6
- Battlefield 1 (Multiplayer)
- Dawn of War 3
- F1 2016
- Ghost Recon: Wildlands
- Prey
- Project Cars
- Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Total War: Warhammer
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666133,3
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400130,2
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666119,8
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400118,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-3200115,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-2400112,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200112,8
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400112,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank109,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-3200107,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-2666106,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T103,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666102,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T78,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank78,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320077,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240076,3
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266686,8
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240086,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320085,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266683,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320082,6
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240081,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240081,0
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266679,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank78,8
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240077,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320077,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T76,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266676,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T60,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank60,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320059,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240059,1
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666114,0
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666112,5
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400110,4
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400109,4
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400104,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-3200101,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200101,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-3200101,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320098,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240098,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank97,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266695,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T95,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank94,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T94,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266694,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240093,5
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266676,6
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240073,4
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266672,8
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240072,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320068,3
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240067,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320066,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320065,4
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266665,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank65,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240064,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320064,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T63,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266662,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank59,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T59,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240059,0
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400109,3
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200104,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-2666103,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320099,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank99,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T98,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266698,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320096,5
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240094,4
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266694,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank91,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T90,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240088,8
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240086,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320085,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240082,9
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266682,6
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240078,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320078,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320077,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266677,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320075,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank75,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank74,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T74,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T74,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266674,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240074,0
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320073,6
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240073,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240070,7
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240070,2
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266670,2
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266662,8
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320067,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240067,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank67,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T67,0
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240066,4
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240065,7
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320065,0
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240064,8
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240064,8
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266664,8
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266663,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320060,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320060,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank58,0
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266656,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T55,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266654,2
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320053,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320052,8
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240052,2
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240052,2
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266652,0
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240050,8
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266650,8
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240050,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T49,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240049,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank49,3
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320045,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320044,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank43,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266642,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T41,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266639,6
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666144,0
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400143,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-3200143,4
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200142,5
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400142,5
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666142,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-3200142,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-2400142,4
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400142,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T140,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-2666140,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank139,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666139,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-3200134,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T129,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank128,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400123,9
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400101,6
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266698,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320098,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T97,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank97,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266696,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320096,9
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320096,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266696,2
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240094,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240093,3
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240089,3
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266687,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320074,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank72,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T72,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240069,4
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240099,5
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266697,4
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266692,0
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240089,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320088,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T83,8
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240083,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320082,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank78,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240078,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240078,6
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320077,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320076,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T74,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank74,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266672,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266670,7
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240086,8
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266685,9
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266679,0
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240078,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320074,5
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240073,9
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320072,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T71,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240070,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank69,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240068,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320065,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320064,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank63,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266663,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T63,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266662,9
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-3200126,3
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-2400125,9
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-2400125,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T124,5
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-2666124,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-3200123,7
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-2400123,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank122,9
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-2666122,9
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-2400122,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400122,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-3200120,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-3200119,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T118,6
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-2666118,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank118,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666117,8
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266696,8
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240096,1
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240095,9
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266695,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320092,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T92,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank92,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240091,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320089,5
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240089,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240088,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320086,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266686,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320085,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank84,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266684,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T84,8
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320049,9
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240049,7
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240049,7
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266649,6
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266649,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320048,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank46,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266646,6
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240046,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T46,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320045,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266645,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320041,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240041,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T39,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240039,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank39,3
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240044,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320043,8
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266643,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266640,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320039,9
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240039,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320039,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank38,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T37,7
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240037,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266636,8
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240036,2
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266636,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320031,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank29,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T29,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240029,6
- Battlefield 1 (Multiplayer)
- Dawn of War 3
- F1 2016
- Ghost Recon: Wildlands
- Prey
- Project Cars
- Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Total War: Warhammer
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320075,9
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240075,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320075,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266675,3
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266675,2
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240075,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240074,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320074,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank74,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320074,3
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240074,0
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266674,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank73,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T73,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T73,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240073,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266673,0
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240061,4
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266660,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320059,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266658,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320057,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240056,8
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240056,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank55,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T55,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320054,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank53,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266653,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320053,5
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266653,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T52,9
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240052,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240052,7
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266659,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320058,1
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266658,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266657,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320057,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320057,7
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240057,7
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320057,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank57,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank56,9
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240056,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240056,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T56,8
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240056,6
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240056,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T55,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266655,4
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240044,8
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266644,8
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320044,0
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320043,9
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240043,5
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266643,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320043,4
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240043,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320043,3
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266642,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank42,5
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240042,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T41,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266641,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank41,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T41,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240040,9
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320065,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T65,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240065,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank65,3
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240065,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320064,8
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240064,7
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240064,7
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266664,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240064,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320063,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266663,2
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266663,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320062,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank62,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T61,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266661,8
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T51,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320051,5
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240051,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320051,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320051,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240051,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank51,1
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240051,0
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266650,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240050,1
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240048,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320048,8
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266648,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank48,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T48,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266648,0
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266647,5
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320037,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank37,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T37,4
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240037,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240037,3
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240037,3
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266636,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320036,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320036,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank36,4
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240036,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240036,2
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320036,2
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266636,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T35,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266635,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266635,3
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank30,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240030,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320030,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T30,2
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240030,2
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240030,2
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240029,9
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266629,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320029,7
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266629,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank29,3
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240029,3
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320029,3
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320029,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266628,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266628,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T28,6
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320066,0
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320066,0
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240066,0
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266665,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320065,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266665,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank65,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T65,7
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240065,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320063,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank63,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240063,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240063,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T63,4
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240063,4
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266663,0
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266661,7
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320055,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266655,5
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320055,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320055,3
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240054,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320054,5
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240054,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank54,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T53,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266653,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T53,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank53,2
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240053,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240052,7
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266652,7
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240050,9
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266649,9
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240097,1
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266696,2
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266687,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320087,1
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240087,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T82,1
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240081,9
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320081,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240078,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank78,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240077,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320075,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320074,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank73,8
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T71,3
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266670,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266670,4
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240084,6
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266683,5
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266677,8
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240076,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320073,2
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240072,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T71,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320070,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank69,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240068,7
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240068,5
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320064,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320063,4
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank62,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266662,5
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266662,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T62,1
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240049,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank49,5
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320049,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240049,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320049,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T49,4
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240049,4
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240049,3
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240049,3
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266649,3
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320049,2
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank49,2
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266649,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266649,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320049,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T49,1
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266649,1
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320042,8
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank42,4
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240042,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320042,3
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T42,3
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240041,6
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266641,4
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240040,9
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266640,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320040,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320040,7
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266640,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank40,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T40,6
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266640,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240040,5
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240040,4
FPS, Durchschnitt:
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240049,5
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240049,5
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266649,4
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320048,2
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266647,0
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320046,9
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank46,7
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266646,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T46,0
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240045,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320045,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266644,9
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320041,1
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240041,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank38,1
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T38,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240037,9
99th Percentile (Frametimes in FPS):
- Intel Core i7-6950X @ DDR4-240043,1
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-320042,9
- Intel Core i9-7900X @ DDR4-266642,0
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @ DDR4-266640,6
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-320039,6
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-320039,2
- Intel Core i7-6850K @ DDR4-240039,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 Dual Rank38,1
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-2666 14-14-14-32-1T37,3
- AMD Ryzen 5 1600X @ DDR4-266636,8
- Intel Core i7-7800X @ DDR4-240036,7
- Intel Core i7-7700K @ DDR4-240035,7
- Intel Core i7-7740X @ DDR4-266635,7
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-320031,0
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 Dual Rank28,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-2400 14-14-14-32-1T28,6
- Intel Core i5-7600K @ DDR4-240028,5
Wer einen neuen Prozessor kauft, ganz egal ob ein Core-i-Modell von Intel oder AMDs neue Ryzen-CPU, sollte sich einen schnellen Arbeitsspeicher zulegen. Der Aufpreis von DDR4-3200 hält sich gegenüber dem von den Plattformen maximal unterstützten DDR4-2400 oder DDR4-2666 in Grenzen, ein Leistungsgewinn ist nicht von der Hand zu weisen. Der Effekt fällt je nach Plattform und Spiel zwar unterschiedlich stark aus, ist im Durchschnitt aber in jedem der genutzten Testsysteme nachweisbar.
Ryzen 5 überholt Ryzen 7
Die interessantes Entwicklung macht der Ryzen 5 1600X mit DDR4-3200-Speicher durch, der im Durchschnitt eine höhere Leistung als ein Ryzen 7 1800X mit DDR4-2666 erreicht. Und die Preisdifferenz zwischen den zwei CPUs ist deutlich größer als zwischen den verschieden schnellen Speicherriegeln. Signifikante Unterschiede zwischen AMD und Intel bezüglich der Speicherskalierung zeigen sich im Schnitt dabei nicht. Core X scheint weniger zu profitieren, weil das Quad-Channel-Interface bereits hohe Bandbreiten ab Werk liefert. Ryzen wiederum skaliert gut, aber nicht überproportional stark, so wie es immer mal wieder angenommen wird: Weil der Taktgeber für die Infinity-Fabric-Verbindung zwischen den CCX identisch mit dem des Speichers ist, soll ein höherer Takt hier einen Flaschenhals der Architektur lösen.

Ein schneller Speicher garantiert keinen hohen Speichertakt
Eines gilt es am Ende allerdings zu bedenken: Nur weil ein Speicher zum Beispiel DDR4-3200 unterstützt, muss das der Speicher-Controller in der CPU nicht unbedingt mitmachen. Dies gilt sowohl für Prozessoren von AMD als auch von Intel. Im schlimmsten Fall wurde der teurere Speicher umsonst gekauft. Etwas mehr Takt als vom Hersteller vorgesehen ist jedoch eigentlich immer möglich. Und es gibt von DDR4-2666 bis hin zu DDR4-3200 auch noch mehrere Zwischenschritte.
Offen lässt der Artikel die Frage nach den Speicher-Timings. Separate Tests haben allerdings gezeigt, dass sie in Spielen unabhängig der CPU einen geringeren Einfluss auf die Performance haben als der Speichertakt. Die Priorität sollte entsprechend auf den Takt gelegt werden.
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