28yo Starting Ausbildung (sorry English)


Okt. 2013
Hello there Damen und Herren,

Firstly I'm sorry I'm writing on English, but my Deutsch its not "ready" for useful complication. So entschuldingung Sie bitte.

I'm 27 years old (10 more days) and looking for to make Ausbildung here in Germany, I already have one Beruf but from this perspective it was mistake, not related with IT whatsoever.

Anyway I'm looking into Fachinformatiker Systemintegration, since I'm have passion for new technology and problem solving mindset, as well background in pronogramming, in Ruby, ROR, Paython, although I enjoy programming it would take me much more time to be able to move my skillset from beginning to "useful".

The real question its, about making Beverbung and looking for place to make ausbildung since my grade from high school and elementary school are bad, really - I just didn't wanted to learn. I worked as webmaster on my own websites, worked as freelancer making bots, and also I have 18 month experience working in computer service as practice(praktikum), those experience are from another Country.

I assume, my biggest advantages is the practice from that computer serice(praktikum), English Fluency. What should I ask from my former Boss from the computer service, recommendation or what?

Danke Sher!
Firstly I guess, if you want to work for a german company in "Systemintegration", especially at the beginning they might want you to help workers in the company with their PC problems - no good german - not good.
If you find an internation company which might need people with good english, your problem will be that you don't understand your teachers at school! Also big companies firstly look at your grades.

Ich sag mal so: In Deutschland ohne nennenswerte Deutschkenntnisse wird schwer ^^ Mein Tipp wäre England oder die USA bzw. Australien. Englisch kannst du ja schon ;)
Even if it is useful to be fluent in english... you are in Germany. Whatever you will do, you will write your application in german, your job interview will be in german and most of your work will be done in german. Hell, at first you even will be forced to work with a QWERTZ-Layout instead of QWERTY.

So if you don't look for a job in an american company, e.g. AMD, you will have to improve your german. If you can write this thread without even thinking about it, you are ready for a job in Germany....

Oh, and you will have to deal with a typical german problem: You will be evaluated by your grades. In Germany, no one cares about what you can or can't do. No one asks for your true skills. The only important things are: What kind of "paper" do you have? You ain't got good grades in highschool? You weren't completing an university? You might be the new Einstein, but to most german companies, especially the ones with decent pay, you might as well not exist.

So, if you really want to work in Germany:
- Learn the language. If you aren't fluent in german, you might as well work for McDonalds or sell Döner. Turkish accent, american accent... no one will notice the difference if you say: "Möchten sie Hähnchen- oder Kalbfleisch?"
- Improve your grades. There are several ways to improve your degree. Use them.
Lern die Sprache zuerst, wie es die Threadantworter gesagt haben. Es kommt auch besser an, wenn du die Sprache halbwegs gut sprichst. Aber sowas wie "denglish" also; halb deutsch, halb englisch kommt niemals gut an.


Es ist Deutschland hier
Danke alle zusamen für die antworten. Naja ich soll Deutch learnen, and jeden tag ich mache so selba. Ich bin here in Deutschland nur für 3 monat, and bei nächsten jahre ich hoffe mich meine Deutch wird sher gut bin. Übrigens, Deutsch its meine vierte sprache.
Daaron's post sums it up nicely. The German job market is all about papers, not skills. If you have nothing to show, you will not get the chance to start working and to proof what you are capable of.
I do not know where you are from, but you do not appear to be a native english speaker. Is there any chance to go back to school and get yourself a decent graduation paper?
The referal letter from your former boss (your internship at the PC service company) will certainly help (if it's any good), but I am afraid it will not be sufficient if not supplemented by an at least "C" average middle school paper.
If I would be 27 years of age with a good command of the english language, I would not try to build my career in Europe, but look into other options (Australia, Canada for instance)
good luck!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
GB is Europe too... and they really pay well in the kingdom. I've seen job offers for experienced PHP developers (without university degree) at about 40k £ (~48k €) per year. In Germany, without at least a bachelors degree, you will be happy if you hit 30k €.
...but at least the booze is cheaper in Germany.
Maybe we should start thinking it through from square one.

a) Where are you from, where are you living right now, what is your overall situation in terms of job, mobility etc. English does not seem to be your mother tongue either, so I'd really be curious about that.

b) What exactly do you want to do after your Ausbildung? In your first post you highlighted your programming skills, yet you seem to be more interested in Systemintegration (systems integration) than Anwendungsentwicklung (application development). As long as we do not know where you want to get and why, we are unable to point out good ways to get there.

c) Languages: Working in a German Company without good German skills would not be a problem, this happens every day. I started a new Job with an IT Services Company in Bavaria recently and the main office language is English, we have quite a few colleagues from all over the globe, so we very rarely have an exclusively german-staffed project team.

Doing the Ausbildung, however, will most likely be quite difficult, due to the mix of training on the job in a company and the Berufsschule (basically, you'd have to go back to school for a certain proportion of your time).

d) Countries: having worked in IT recruitment in the UK for two years, I can reassure you it will be very difficult to find a php developer job in the UK paying 40k+ ;)

Finally, I'd like to take this opportunity to ask the fellow forum members to watch their language a bit more carefully when posting online. I am pretty sure, some of the mistakes you made when writing German would not have happened if people around here would stick to their mother tongue as closely as foreigners do when they learn it ;) (Ich sage nur "selba").
my cents: the problem with german is more, that the germans are not always fluent in english ;)

you could try to find some job in Luxembourg, not really far from Germany :P many international companies here, in IT too ! especially in IT, it's always a big plus to be fluent in English. if you can speak French, you win :)