My first impressions with own Nehalem ...
1. BIOSes and whole platform is still very immature ...
2. Only little raised reference clock causes massive unstability ...
3. Ocing of locked-multi Nehalems will be a problem ... Reference clock of Bus is not like a FSB - my max stable clock is 140MHz from 133MHz
4. If you want great clocking, you need a Extreme chip with unlocked multi
5. With these early BIOSes is Memory performance poor (or Everest dont know how to measure it?)
6. Power consuption is in idle with all power savings great, but in fully load is far away from 45nm Quads ...
7. Max stable ocing was on my chip about 3500MHz ...
8. Performance is various, read my previous posts in this thread ...
9. We have two months to launch, and i believe Intel will do many improvements to that date. Will see next month, with new BIOSes and maybe different mobo