Bezahlte Nvidia für Kritik an AMD in Foren?

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Since people are asking, let me say this for the record. What Chiphell wrote (or appears to have written with the best translation available to me) is blatantly false, period.

My sources are industry sources, not message boards, random web forums, or other dubious sources. When I use information from web based sources, I cite and credit them because it is both the correct thing to do, and lets readers know where to go to judge the validity of that information. If it is not cited, it is from a direct industry source(s). If it is credited, it is just that. If not, it is because the source requested anonymity.

What other sites do is what they do, but I don't follow the pack because I actually value accuracy and ethics.


Diskussionen sind für ein lebendiges Forum essensiell.

Sollte sich eine diskutierte Meldung als Falschmeldung herausstellen,

stellt das zwar den Ursprung der Meldung in Frage, nicht aber die Diskussion selbst.

Zudem ist das von dir eingefügte Zitat ohne Quellangabe ebenfalls lediglich

mutmaßlich ein Forenbeitrag aus den USA.
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Weiter schreibt er (und hat damit mMn Recht, denn es ist Rufmord, sowas als News zu posten ohne da weiter zu recherchieren.):

Ok, minor update. I got a native Chinese speaker to translate the pertinent sections, and from what I understand Chiphell didn't mention me/SemiAccurate, or anything about what I wrote.

There are two separate issues here, Chiphell saying that there are PR/marketeers/paid FUD spreaders on their forums. I don't know if this is true or not, but I have seen it before from many different companies and disapprove of the practice in general.

The second issue is about forum posters that post links to the Chiphell article and put in dubious additional "facts". This again is nothing new, but it seems to be defamation in the legal sense. To compound this, you have sites that post that as "news" on their front page without so much as bothering to fact check it. That both "validates" the original defamation and spreads it farther.

Short story, those forum "facts" are dead wrong, as is anyone who reposts them. Not being a lawyer, I can't comment on the legal status of this.

News und Diskussionen ohne überprüfte Quelle sind grad noch so okay, wenn dabei niemand zu Schaden kommt. Sowas hier finde ich allerdings nicht gut, egal wer da beschuldigt wird, AMD, Intel, Nvidia oder sonstjemand. Daher meine Bitte, das Thema zumindest vorübergehend zu schließen bis es weitere Quellen in dieser Angelenheit gibt. Wenn sowas einfach erlaubt wird, postet morgen einer denselben Scheiß über AMD ohne nachzudenken. Das geht nicht.