Non liner campaign
Shared open world, 5 regions
100s of dungeons
100s of legendaries
Will be 5 classes at launch
Game takes place 20 years after d3
Developed for PC and consoles simultaneously
Wants to keep effects in check to keep "dark" atmosphere
Sometimes evil wins, can't save everyone like aldrick from d1
Past features from previous Diablo coming back - campfire from d2, etc
Barb will have 4 wep slots, can use two and 1 handed weps at the same time
You can see weps to skill slots and they will be automatically used when you use that skill
Druid uses Storm and Earth magic and wolves, Ravens
Seemless transformations, mid swing you will change into werewolf/bear can transformation from wolf to bear as well
New engine used for d4
Sorc uses Ice, lightning, fire
Customizable classes, genders, hair, skin, tattoos, plus more
Skill tree is back, plus rune words
No longer secret, comes from triggers and effects
"Play the build that you want to play with customization"
Social hubs - look at gear, group, trade, chill
World events, best to group for. At least 8 able to group?
Pvp, can just murder players in areas
Can play entire game without grouping
Mounts, can equip items to go faster and take less damage while mounted, lots of different mounts
Each class can dismount abilities, to damage enemies
Dungeons: very dark, dark corners. Fully randomized
Lots of legendaries that open up builds
Sets we're too important in d3
Very early first step. Game isn't coming out soon it even very soon. (It's a ways away apparently)