DirectX 11 nVidia Convert Desings


Lt. Junior Grade
März 2007
A set of basic information about DirectX 11 for Vista and XP Service Pack 3. Development of the converter for the OS Vista, XP SP-3, Windows 7 build 7100 and 7600.

Maximum effectively reduce the burden Video systems operating Vista/XP/Win7
But most CPU uses PC while reducing the load GPU (only Series GeForce 2xx/98xx) as the conversion is designed for those video card.

Added / Fixed:
+ Soft and flexible physics obektov and buildings in the game
+ Balance of white and gray (V-Ray DX11 Soft Autodesk 3DS MAX 2010)
+ Realism rosteny (colors, balance, contrast)
+ Fixed bug s hanging in games on XP Service Pack 3
+ Added support Buduyuscheyu Driver Nvidia GeForce 200.api
+ Added support for GTA 4 Quality MOD 6.0 (5.0 already available)
+ Full compatibility with Windows 7 x64 / (x86 bit OS)

Update! 20/10/2009
+ Added support for Assassin's Creed, Halo, Bionic, Lost, Crysis Warhead
+ Added support API DirectX 11 Low Pro (+ FPS and Quality Desktop)
+ Added Conveyor API DX_10 Convert to DX_11
+ Fixed Autodetect encoding API Shaders Pack 5
+ Fixed hang with do not support games.
+ Now, if no packages DX_11 Games will work stably.
+ Preparing to full release 01.01.2010, Auto Generator DeXcode (for auto selection of Scheider for any games.)

+ Softer physics objects.
+ Includes components of Windows 7, the balance of tones, colors, the effectiveness of video systems on the drawing of 1-degrees of texture.
+ Includes V-Ray DX11 from Desings, glitter objects, reflections in mirrors and other ..
+ The rate of migration from the package of textures to the CPU and DDR, and only then to the GPU. Standard scheme was as follows (GPU - CPU - DDR)
+ Compatible with the latest drivers for Nvidia GeForce 9 (185.xx) and ATI (ATI Display Driver 8.612 and above)
+ Recommended processor with 2 and 4 cores for optimal and fast work ...
+ As for video card ATI has a series of unknown ... So sorry .. Very good work on the Integrated Intel Graphic Video Card

All actions (Install) do in safe mode and remove the protection from these folders SysWOW64 and System32.
We pass on the way ... (for x86 operating systems ...)
C: windows - System32
And add the files from the archive DirectX11x86.
To run the x64 installer.

OS: Windows All

weiss einer von euch um was es sich hier fuer'n mist handelt???
schon aber ich versteh es trotzdem nich so ganz. weiss nich was es genau sein soll!
zumal es ja von russen ins englishe uebersetzt worden ist.
was hat das damit zu tun, dass es von russen übersetzt wurde?

anscheinend können die trotzdem besser englisch, wenn du das nicht verstehst.
Es sind die Treiber-Neuerungen des Nvidia Grafiktreibers, die aus einer mir unbekannten Sprache (slawischer Herkunft?) ins Englische maschinell übersetzt wurden.

Deshalb erkennt man da die Artefakte der Übersetung... z.B. obektov -> j vergessen -> objektov -> Objekten/Elementen vermutlich. Die maschinelle Übersetzung bekommt sowas nicht mit und lässt das Wort unübersetzt da...

bb, Paul

edit: sowas bekommt man halt, wenn man wort-wörtlich übersetzt...^^
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