Bei "nur" 866 Betriebsstunden ist das auch viel. Stromversorgung nicht stabil ?12 Power_Cycle_Count ------ 100 100 000 - 8434
Du verwendest einen veralteten Browser. Es ist möglich, dass diese oder andere Websites nicht korrekt angezeigt werden.
Du solltest ein Upgrade durchführen oder einen alternativen Browser verwenden.
Du solltest ein Upgrade durchführen oder einen alternativen Browser verwenden.
Hartnäckige SSD, lässt sich nicht Portionieren
- Ersteller 201414
- Erstellt am
Übrigens also eine
Wie meinst du das ? Also die hängt ganz normal dran. War überwiegend in einem MacBook Pro verbaut.mkossmann schrieb:Bei "nur" 866 Betriebsstunden ist das auch viel. Stromversorgung nicht stabil ?
- Registriert
- Juni 2020
- Beiträge
- 4.664
Also entweder kann ich keine einfache Rechnung mehr durchführen , aber
Lediglich 0,267 GB an geschriebenen Daten aus. Das ist doch keineswegs plausibel
Bei der Anzahl an LBAs und einer Blockgröße von 512Byte spuckt mir der Conversion Calculator201414 schrieb:241 Total_LBAs_Written ------ 100 100 000 - 561590
Lediglich 0,267 GB an geschriebenen Daten aus. Das ist doch keineswegs plausibel
8434 Einschaltvorgänge bei 866 Betriebsstunden macht gerade mal 7 min Betriebsdauer pro Einschalten.
@Fusionator Weiter unten in der Device statistics findest du dann noch:
@Fusionator Weiter unten in der Device statistics findest du dann noch:
0x01 0x018 6 36804413856 --- Logical Sectors Written
Fleet Admiral
- Registriert
- Juni 2018
- Beiträge
- 32.343
ich wuerde wirkich erst mit dd die ersten paar tausend sektoren platt machen.. dann ist da garantiert kein schrott im "vorderen" bereich, da du ihn mit nullen ueberschreibst
Fleet Admiral
- Registriert
- Aug. 2010
- Beiträge
- 10.384
Na zumindest läuft die Formatierung Löschung unter Linux durch.
Vielleicht ist Windows mittlerweile auch einfach nur total kaputt ...
SATA-Kabel tauschen wäre noch eine Möglichkeit, falls wieder Fehler auftauchen.
Ich würde dieser SSD aber trotzdem erstmal keine wichtigen Daten anvertrauen.
Für Testzwecke vielleicht.
Sie muss sich erstmal wieder bewähren, ob die Daten in voller Kapazität überhaupt dauerhaft sicher gespeichert werden können.
Kannst ja mal testweise Linux oder Windows erneut darauf installieren ...
Vielleicht ist Windows mittlerweile auch einfach nur total kaputt ...
SATA-Kabel tauschen wäre noch eine Möglichkeit, falls wieder Fehler auftauchen.
Ich würde dieser SSD aber trotzdem erstmal keine wichtigen Daten anvertrauen.
Für Testzwecke vielleicht.
Sie muss sich erstmal wieder bewähren, ob die Daten in voller Kapazität überhaupt dauerhaft sicher gespeichert werden können.
Kannst ja mal testweise Linux oder Windows erneut darauf installieren ...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
- Registriert
- Juni 2020
- Beiträge
- 4.664
Danke. Ist schon realistischer. Trotzdem gibt die SSD da Mist aus, denn die beiden Werte müssen identisch sein (eventuell interpretiert smartctl da was falsch)mkossmann schrieb:Weiter unten in der Device statistics findest du dann noch:
smartctl 7.3 2022-02-28 r5338 [x86_64-w64-mingw32-w10-b19045] (sf-7.3-1)
Copyright (C) 2002-22, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,
Model Family: Samsung based SSDs
Device Model: SAMSUNG MZ7LM960HMJP-00005
Serial Number:
LU WWN Device Id:
Firmware Version: GXT5204Q
User Capacity: 960.197.124.096 bytes [960 GB]
Sector Size: 512 bytes logical/physical
Rotation Rate: Solid State Device
Form Factor: 2.5 inches
TRIM Command: Available, deterministic, zeroed
Device is: In smartctl database 7.3/5319
ATA Version is: ACS-2, ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 4c
SATA Version is: SATA 3.1, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 6.0 Gb/s)
Local Time is: Tue Apr 11 21:28:58 2023 MS
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled
AAM feature is: Unavailable
APM feature is: Disabled
Rd look-ahead is: Enabled
Write cache is: Enabled
DSN feature is: Unavailable
ATA Security is: Disabled, frozen [SEC2]
SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status: (0x02) Offline data collection activity
was completed without error.
Auto Offline Data Collection: Disabled.
Self-test execution status: ( 0) The previous self-test routine completed
without error or no self-test has ever
been run.
Total time to complete Offline
data collection: ( 3600) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities: (0x53) SMART execute Offline immediate.
Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
Suspend Offline collection upon new
No Offline surface scan supported.
Self-test supported.
No Conveyance Self-test supported.
Selective Self-test supported.
SMART capabilities: (0x0003) Saves SMART data before entering
power-saving mode.
Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability: (0x01) Error logging supported.
General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 2) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 60) minutes.
SCT capabilities: (0x003d) SCT Status supported.
SCT Error Recovery Control supported.
SCT Feature Control supported.
SCT Data Table supported.
SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 1
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct PO--CK 100 100 010 - 0
9 Power_On_Hours -O--CK 098 098 000 - 8995
12 Power_Cycle_Count -O--CK 098 098 000 - 1578
177 Wear_Leveling_Count PO--C- 099 099 005 - 35
179 Used_Rsvd_Blk_Cnt_Tot PO--C- 100 100 010 - 0
180 Unused_Rsvd_Blk_Cnt_Tot PO--C- 100 100 010 - 3274
181 Program_Fail_Cnt_Total -O--CK 100 100 010 - 0
182 Erase_Fail_Count_Total -O--CK 100 100 010 - 0
183 Runtime_Bad_Block PO--C- 100 100 010 - 0
184 End-to-End_Error PO--CK 100 100 097 - 0
187 Uncorrectable_Error_Cnt -O--CK 100 100 000 - 0
190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel -O--CK 063 054 000 - 37
194 Temperature_Celsius -O---K 063 054 000 - 37 (Min/Max 15/49)
195 ECC_Error_Rate -O-RC- 200 200 000 - 0
197 Current_Pending_Sector -O--CK 100 100 000 - 0
199 CRC_Error_Count -OSRCK 100 100 000 - 0
202 Exception_Mode_Status PO--CK 100 100 010 - 0
235 POR_Recovery_Count -O--C- 099 099 000 - 76
241 Total_LBAs_Written -O--CK 099 099 000 - 35388400452
242 Total_LBAs_Read -O--CK 099 099 000 - 35430557555
243 SATA_Downshift_Ct -O--CK 100 100 000 - 0
244 Thermal_Throttle_St -O--CK 100 100 000 - 0
245 Timed_Workld_Media_Wear -O--CK 100 100 000 - 65535
246 Timed_Workld_RdWr_Ratio -O--CK 100 100 000 - 65535
247 Timed_Workld_Timer -O--CK 100 100 000 - 65535
251 NAND_Writes -O--CK 100 100 000 - 73522704384
||||||_ K auto-keep
|||||__ C event count
||||___ R error rate
|||____ S speed/performance
||_____ O updated online
|______ P prefailure warning
General Purpose Log Directory Version 1
SMART Log Directory Version 1 [multi-sector log support]
Address Access R/W Size Description
0x00 GPL,SL R/O 1 Log Directory
0x01 SL R/O 1 Summary SMART error log
0x02 SL R/O 1 Comprehensive SMART error log
0x03 GPL R/O 1 Ext. Comprehensive SMART error log
0x04 GPL,SL R/O 8 Device Statistics log
0x06 SL R/O 1 SMART self-test log
0x07 GPL R/O 1 Extended self-test log
0x08 GPL R/O 2 Power Conditions log
0x09 SL R/W 1 Selective self-test log
0x10 GPL R/O 1 NCQ Command Error log
0x11 GPL R/O 1 SATA Phy Event Counters log
0x13 GPL R/O 1 SATA NCQ Send and Receive log
0x30 GPL,SL R/O 9 IDENTIFY DEVICE data log
0x80-0x9f GPL,SL R/W 16 Host vendor specific log
0xa0 GPL VS 16 Device vendor specific log
0xce SL VS 16 Device vendor specific log
0xe0 GPL,SL R/W 1 SCT Command/Status
0xe1 GPL,SL R/W 1 SCT Data Transfer
SMART Extended Comprehensive Error Log Version: 1 (1 sectors)
No Errors Logged
SMART Extended Self-test Log Version: 1 (1 sectors)
No self-tests have been logged. [To run self-tests, use: smartctl -t]
SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
1 0 0 Not_testing
2 0 0 Not_testing
3 0 0 Not_testing
4 0 0 Not_testing
5 0 0 Not_testing
255 0 65535 Read_scanning was completed without error
Selective self-test flags (0x0):
After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.
SCT Status Version: 3
SCT Version (vendor specific): 256 (0x0100)
Device State: Active (0)
Current Temperature: 37 Celsius
Power Cycle Min/Max Temperature: 23/37 Celsius
Lifetime Min/Max Temperature: 15/49 Celsius
Under/Over Temperature Limit Count: 0/0
SCT Temperature History Version: 2
Temperature Sampling Period: 1 minute
Temperature Logging Interval: 10 minutes
Min/Max recommended Temperature: 0/70 Celsius
Min/Max Temperature Limit: 0/70 Celsius
Temperature History Size (Index): 128 (66)
Index Estimated Time Temperature Celsius
67 2023-04-11 00:10 35 ****************
68 2023-04-11 00:20 36 *****************
... ..( 2 skipped). .. *****************
71 2023-04-11 00:50 36 *****************
72 2023-04-11 01:00 35 ****************
73 2023-04-11 01:10 36 *****************
... ..( 8 skipped). .. *****************
82 2023-04-11 02:40 36 *****************
83 2023-04-11 02:50 34 ***************
84 2023-04-11 03:00 34 ***************
85 2023-04-11 03:10 35 ****************
86 2023-04-11 03:20 36 *****************
... ..( 3 skipped). .. *****************
90 2023-04-11 04:00 36 *****************
91 2023-04-11 04:10 35 ****************
92 2023-04-11 04:20 35 ****************
93 2023-04-11 04:30 35 ****************
94 2023-04-11 04:40 36 *****************
95 2023-04-11 04:50 36 *****************
96 2023-04-11 05:00 ? -
97 2023-04-11 05:10 33 **************
98 2023-04-11 05:20 34 ***************
99 2023-04-11 05:30 34 ***************
100 2023-04-11 05:40 35 ****************
... ..( 20 skipped). .. ****************
121 2023-04-11 09:10 35 ****************
122 2023-04-11 09:20 36 *****************
123 2023-04-11 09:30 36 *****************
124 2023-04-11 09:40 35 ****************
... ..( 9 skipped). .. ****************
6 2023-04-11 11:20 35 ****************
7 2023-04-11 11:30 36 *****************
... ..( 4 skipped). .. *****************
12 2023-04-11 12:20 36 *****************
13 2023-04-11 12:30 35 ****************
... ..( 6 skipped). .. ****************
20 2023-04-11 13:40 35 ****************
21 2023-04-11 13:50 36 *****************
22 2023-04-11 14:00 ? -
23 2023-04-11 14:10 33 **************
24 2023-04-11 14:20 34 ***************
25 2023-04-11 14:30 35 ****************
... ..( 25 skipped). .. ****************
51 2023-04-11 18:50 35 ****************
52 2023-04-11 19:00 ? -
53 2023-04-11 19:10 33 **************
54 2023-04-11 19:20 35 ****************
55 2023-04-11 19:30 33 **************
56 2023-04-11 19:40 32 *************
57 2023-04-11 19:50 33 **************
58 2023-04-11 20:00 35 ****************
59 2023-04-11 20:10 35 ****************
60 2023-04-11 20:20 35 ****************
61 2023-04-11 20:30 36 *****************
... ..( 3 skipped). .. *****************
65 2023-04-11 21:10 36 *****************
66 2023-04-11 21:20 37 ******************
SCT Error Recovery Control:
Read: Disabled
Write: Disabled
Device Statistics (GP Log 0x04)
Page Offset Size Value Flags Description
0x01 ===== = = === == General Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x01 0x008 4 1578 --- Lifetime Power-On Resets
0x01 0x010 4 8995 --- Power-on Hours
0x01 0x018 6 35388400452 --- Logical Sectors Written
0x01 0x020 6 249016739 --- Number of Write Commands
0x01 0x028 6 35430557555 --- Logical Sectors Read
0x01 0x030 6 275902406 --- Number of Read Commands
0x01 0x038 6 1680953337677 --- Date and Time TimeStamp
0x04 ===== = = === == General Errors Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x04 0x008 4 0 --- Number of Reported Uncorrectable Errors
0x04 0x010 4 5 --- Resets Between Cmd Acceptance and Completion
0x05 ===== = = === == Temperature Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x05 0x008 1 37 --- Current Temperature
0x05 0x020 1 49 --- Highest Temperature
0x05 0x028 1 15 --- Lowest Temperature
0x05 0x058 1 55 --- Specified Maximum Operating Temperature
0x06 ===== = = === == Transport Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x06 0x008 4 3953 --- Number of Hardware Resets
0x06 0x010 4 0 --- Number of ASR Events
0x06 0x018 4 0 --- Number of Interface CRC Errors
0x07 ===== = = === == Solid State Device Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x07 0x008 1 0 N-- Percentage Used Endurance Indicator
|||_ C monitored condition met
||__ D supports DSN
|___ N normalized value
SATA Phy Event Counters (GP Log 0x11)
ID Size Value Description
0x0001 2 0 Command failed due to ICRC error
0x0002 2 0 R_ERR response for data FIS
0x0003 2 0 R_ERR response for device-to-host data FIS
0x0004 2 0 R_ERR response for host-to-device data FIS
0x0005 2 0 R_ERR response for non-data FIS
0x0006 2 0 R_ERR response for device-to-host non-data FIS
0x0007 2 0 R_ERR response for host-to-device non-data FIS
0x0008 2 0 Device-to-host non-data FIS retries
0x0009 2 2 Transition from drive PhyRdy to drive PhyNRdy
0x000a 2 2 Device-to-host register FISes sent due to a COMRESET
0x000b 2 0 CRC errors within host-to-device FIS
0x000d 2 0 Non-CRC errors within host-to-device FIS
0x000f 2 0 R_ERR response for host-to-device data FIS, CRC
0x0010 2 0 R_ERR response for host-to-device data FIS, non-CRC
0x0012 2 0 R_ERR response for host-to-device non-data FIS, CRC
0x0013 2 0 R_ERR response for host-to-device non-data FIS, non-CRC
Copyright (C) 2002-22, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,
Model Family: Samsung based SSDs
Device Model: SAMSUNG MZ7LM960HMJP-00005
Serial Number:
LU WWN Device Id:
Firmware Version: GXT5204Q
User Capacity: 960.197.124.096 bytes [960 GB]
Sector Size: 512 bytes logical/physical
Rotation Rate: Solid State Device
Form Factor: 2.5 inches
TRIM Command: Available, deterministic, zeroed
Device is: In smartctl database 7.3/5319
ATA Version is: ACS-2, ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 4c
SATA Version is: SATA 3.1, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 6.0 Gb/s)
Local Time is: Tue Apr 11 21:28:58 2023 MS
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled
AAM feature is: Unavailable
APM feature is: Disabled
Rd look-ahead is: Enabled
Write cache is: Enabled
DSN feature is: Unavailable
ATA Security is: Disabled, frozen [SEC2]
SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status: (0x02) Offline data collection activity
was completed without error.
Auto Offline Data Collection: Disabled.
Self-test execution status: ( 0) The previous self-test routine completed
without error or no self-test has ever
been run.
Total time to complete Offline
data collection: ( 3600) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities: (0x53) SMART execute Offline immediate.
Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
Suspend Offline collection upon new
No Offline surface scan supported.
Self-test supported.
No Conveyance Self-test supported.
Selective Self-test supported.
SMART capabilities: (0x0003) Saves SMART data before entering
power-saving mode.
Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability: (0x01) Error logging supported.
General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 2) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 60) minutes.
SCT capabilities: (0x003d) SCT Status supported.
SCT Error Recovery Control supported.
SCT Feature Control supported.
SCT Data Table supported.
SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 1
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct PO--CK 100 100 010 - 0
9 Power_On_Hours -O--CK 098 098 000 - 8995
12 Power_Cycle_Count -O--CK 098 098 000 - 1578
177 Wear_Leveling_Count PO--C- 099 099 005 - 35
179 Used_Rsvd_Blk_Cnt_Tot PO--C- 100 100 010 - 0
180 Unused_Rsvd_Blk_Cnt_Tot PO--C- 100 100 010 - 3274
181 Program_Fail_Cnt_Total -O--CK 100 100 010 - 0
182 Erase_Fail_Count_Total -O--CK 100 100 010 - 0
183 Runtime_Bad_Block PO--C- 100 100 010 - 0
184 End-to-End_Error PO--CK 100 100 097 - 0
187 Uncorrectable_Error_Cnt -O--CK 100 100 000 - 0
190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel -O--CK 063 054 000 - 37
194 Temperature_Celsius -O---K 063 054 000 - 37 (Min/Max 15/49)
195 ECC_Error_Rate -O-RC- 200 200 000 - 0
197 Current_Pending_Sector -O--CK 100 100 000 - 0
199 CRC_Error_Count -OSRCK 100 100 000 - 0
202 Exception_Mode_Status PO--CK 100 100 010 - 0
235 POR_Recovery_Count -O--C- 099 099 000 - 76
241 Total_LBAs_Written -O--CK 099 099 000 - 35388400452
242 Total_LBAs_Read -O--CK 099 099 000 - 35430557555
243 SATA_Downshift_Ct -O--CK 100 100 000 - 0
244 Thermal_Throttle_St -O--CK 100 100 000 - 0
245 Timed_Workld_Media_Wear -O--CK 100 100 000 - 65535
246 Timed_Workld_RdWr_Ratio -O--CK 100 100 000 - 65535
247 Timed_Workld_Timer -O--CK 100 100 000 - 65535
251 NAND_Writes -O--CK 100 100 000 - 73522704384
||||||_ K auto-keep
|||||__ C event count
||||___ R error rate
|||____ S speed/performance
||_____ O updated online
|______ P prefailure warning
General Purpose Log Directory Version 1
SMART Log Directory Version 1 [multi-sector log support]
Address Access R/W Size Description
0x00 GPL,SL R/O 1 Log Directory
0x01 SL R/O 1 Summary SMART error log
0x02 SL R/O 1 Comprehensive SMART error log
0x03 GPL R/O 1 Ext. Comprehensive SMART error log
0x04 GPL,SL R/O 8 Device Statistics log
0x06 SL R/O 1 SMART self-test log
0x07 GPL R/O 1 Extended self-test log
0x08 GPL R/O 2 Power Conditions log
0x09 SL R/W 1 Selective self-test log
0x10 GPL R/O 1 NCQ Command Error log
0x11 GPL R/O 1 SATA Phy Event Counters log
0x13 GPL R/O 1 SATA NCQ Send and Receive log
0x30 GPL,SL R/O 9 IDENTIFY DEVICE data log
0x80-0x9f GPL,SL R/W 16 Host vendor specific log
0xa0 GPL VS 16 Device vendor specific log
0xce SL VS 16 Device vendor specific log
0xe0 GPL,SL R/W 1 SCT Command/Status
0xe1 GPL,SL R/W 1 SCT Data Transfer
SMART Extended Comprehensive Error Log Version: 1 (1 sectors)
No Errors Logged
SMART Extended Self-test Log Version: 1 (1 sectors)
No self-tests have been logged. [To run self-tests, use: smartctl -t]
SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
1 0 0 Not_testing
2 0 0 Not_testing
3 0 0 Not_testing
4 0 0 Not_testing
5 0 0 Not_testing
255 0 65535 Read_scanning was completed without error
Selective self-test flags (0x0):
After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.
SCT Status Version: 3
SCT Version (vendor specific): 256 (0x0100)
Device State: Active (0)
Current Temperature: 37 Celsius
Power Cycle Min/Max Temperature: 23/37 Celsius
Lifetime Min/Max Temperature: 15/49 Celsius
Under/Over Temperature Limit Count: 0/0
SCT Temperature History Version: 2
Temperature Sampling Period: 1 minute
Temperature Logging Interval: 10 minutes
Min/Max recommended Temperature: 0/70 Celsius
Min/Max Temperature Limit: 0/70 Celsius
Temperature History Size (Index): 128 (66)
Index Estimated Time Temperature Celsius
67 2023-04-11 00:10 35 ****************
68 2023-04-11 00:20 36 *****************
... ..( 2 skipped). .. *****************
71 2023-04-11 00:50 36 *****************
72 2023-04-11 01:00 35 ****************
73 2023-04-11 01:10 36 *****************
... ..( 8 skipped). .. *****************
82 2023-04-11 02:40 36 *****************
83 2023-04-11 02:50 34 ***************
84 2023-04-11 03:00 34 ***************
85 2023-04-11 03:10 35 ****************
86 2023-04-11 03:20 36 *****************
... ..( 3 skipped). .. *****************
90 2023-04-11 04:00 36 *****************
91 2023-04-11 04:10 35 ****************
92 2023-04-11 04:20 35 ****************
93 2023-04-11 04:30 35 ****************
94 2023-04-11 04:40 36 *****************
95 2023-04-11 04:50 36 *****************
96 2023-04-11 05:00 ? -
97 2023-04-11 05:10 33 **************
98 2023-04-11 05:20 34 ***************
99 2023-04-11 05:30 34 ***************
100 2023-04-11 05:40 35 ****************
... ..( 20 skipped). .. ****************
121 2023-04-11 09:10 35 ****************
122 2023-04-11 09:20 36 *****************
123 2023-04-11 09:30 36 *****************
124 2023-04-11 09:40 35 ****************
... ..( 9 skipped). .. ****************
6 2023-04-11 11:20 35 ****************
7 2023-04-11 11:30 36 *****************
... ..( 4 skipped). .. *****************
12 2023-04-11 12:20 36 *****************
13 2023-04-11 12:30 35 ****************
... ..( 6 skipped). .. ****************
20 2023-04-11 13:40 35 ****************
21 2023-04-11 13:50 36 *****************
22 2023-04-11 14:00 ? -
23 2023-04-11 14:10 33 **************
24 2023-04-11 14:20 34 ***************
25 2023-04-11 14:30 35 ****************
... ..( 25 skipped). .. ****************
51 2023-04-11 18:50 35 ****************
52 2023-04-11 19:00 ? -
53 2023-04-11 19:10 33 **************
54 2023-04-11 19:20 35 ****************
55 2023-04-11 19:30 33 **************
56 2023-04-11 19:40 32 *************
57 2023-04-11 19:50 33 **************
58 2023-04-11 20:00 35 ****************
59 2023-04-11 20:10 35 ****************
60 2023-04-11 20:20 35 ****************
61 2023-04-11 20:30 36 *****************
... ..( 3 skipped). .. *****************
65 2023-04-11 21:10 36 *****************
66 2023-04-11 21:20 37 ******************
SCT Error Recovery Control:
Read: Disabled
Write: Disabled
Device Statistics (GP Log 0x04)
Page Offset Size Value Flags Description
0x01 ===== = = === == General Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x01 0x008 4 1578 --- Lifetime Power-On Resets
0x01 0x010 4 8995 --- Power-on Hours
0x01 0x018 6 35388400452 --- Logical Sectors Written
0x01 0x020 6 249016739 --- Number of Write Commands
0x01 0x028 6 35430557555 --- Logical Sectors Read
0x01 0x030 6 275902406 --- Number of Read Commands
0x01 0x038 6 1680953337677 --- Date and Time TimeStamp
0x04 ===== = = === == General Errors Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x04 0x008 4 0 --- Number of Reported Uncorrectable Errors
0x04 0x010 4 5 --- Resets Between Cmd Acceptance and Completion
0x05 ===== = = === == Temperature Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x05 0x008 1 37 --- Current Temperature
0x05 0x020 1 49 --- Highest Temperature
0x05 0x028 1 15 --- Lowest Temperature
0x05 0x058 1 55 --- Specified Maximum Operating Temperature
0x06 ===== = = === == Transport Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x06 0x008 4 3953 --- Number of Hardware Resets
0x06 0x010 4 0 --- Number of ASR Events
0x06 0x018 4 0 --- Number of Interface CRC Errors
0x07 ===== = = === == Solid State Device Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x07 0x008 1 0 N-- Percentage Used Endurance Indicator
|||_ C monitored condition met
||__ D supports DSN
|___ N normalized value
SATA Phy Event Counters (GP Log 0x11)
ID Size Value Description
0x0001 2 0 Command failed due to ICRC error
0x0002 2 0 R_ERR response for data FIS
0x0003 2 0 R_ERR response for device-to-host data FIS
0x0004 2 0 R_ERR response for host-to-device data FIS
0x0005 2 0 R_ERR response for non-data FIS
0x0006 2 0 R_ERR response for device-to-host non-data FIS
0x0007 2 0 R_ERR response for host-to-device non-data FIS
0x0008 2 0 Device-to-host non-data FIS retries
0x0009 2 2 Transition from drive PhyRdy to drive PhyNRdy
0x000a 2 2 Device-to-host register FISes sent due to a COMRESET
0x000b 2 0 CRC errors within host-to-device FIS
0x000d 2 0 Non-CRC errors within host-to-device FIS
0x000f 2 0 R_ERR response for host-to-device data FIS, CRC
0x0010 2 0 R_ERR response for host-to-device data FIS, non-CRC
0x0012 2 0 R_ERR response for host-to-device non-data FIS, CRC
0x0013 2 0 R_ERR response for host-to-device non-data FIS, non-CRC
Ergänzung ()
Nein, die SSD ist immer noch Schrott Intenso SSDs kann man offensichtlich schlichtweg nicht kaufenTanzmusikus schrieb:Sie muss sich erstmal wieder bewähren
Die Löschung geht zwar erfolgreich durch, jedoch kann ich weder die Platte nutzen noch partitionieren. Dies schlägt immer fehl.Tanzmusikus schrieb:Na zumindest läuft dieFormatierungLöschung unter Linux durch.
Vielleicht ist Windows mittlerweile auch einfach nur total kaputt ...
SATA-Kabel tauschen wäre noch eine Möglichkeit, falls wieder Fehler auftauchen.
Ich würde dieser SSD aber trotzdem erstmal keine wichtigen Daten anvertrauen.
Für Testzwecke vielleicht.
Sie muss sich erstmal wieder bewähren, ob die Daten in voller Kapazität überhaupt dauerhaft sicher gespeichert werden können.
Kannst ja mal testweise Linux oder Windows erneut darauf installieren ...
Übrigens die Löschung/Formatierung geht weder bei Windows noch bei mac (Festplattendienstprogramm).
Eine Installation von Windows geht leider nicht
Fleet Admiral
- Registriert
- Aug. 2010
- Beiträge
- 10.384
Jo, die USB-Sticks sowie CDs auch besser nicht kaufen.
Lieber 3x davor warnen als einmal zu wenig.
Mehr als eine "lebenslange Warnung" fällt mir nicht mehr ein. Tut mir leid.
Lieber 3x davor warnen als einmal zu wenig.
Du könntest die als gelöschte SSD an die Wand hängen, wenn diese nicht mehr innerhalb der 2-Jahresfrist ist.201414 schrieb:Die Löschung geht zwar erfolgreich durch, jedoch kann ich weder die Platte nutzen noch partitionieren.
Mehr als eine "lebenslange Warnung" fällt mir nicht mehr ein. Tut mir leid.
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