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Du solltest ein Upgrade durchführen oder einen alternativen Browser verwenden.
Hbe ein Problem und zwar kann ich nicht meine waffen weg werfen!
- Ersteller Alex19
- Erstellt am
Adam Gontier
Gib das mal in die console ein:
bind "g" "drop"
Dann solltest du wieder deine Waffen wegwerfen können.
bind "g" "drop"
Dann solltest du wieder deine Waffen wegwerfen können.
Sory das ich mich nicht mehr gemeldt habe hier meine config:
sv_allowdownload "1" //disable downloading to clients (includes sprays)
sv_allowupload "" //disable uploading from clients (includes sprays)
mp_flashlight "1" //allow flashlight
mp_limitteams "1" //only allow 1 player teamdifference
mp_roundtime "%roundtime%" //time for each round
mp_freezetime "%freezetime%" // freeze time
sv_pure 0
sv_password "%password%" // client password
cl_restrict_server_commands "0"
// added 2005-01-25
lua _PlayerRemoveAllWeapons 1
sv_logsdir "gclogs/%server:id%"
cl_downloadfilter 0
mp_hostagepenalty "2"
mp_autokick "1"
mp_buytime "%buytime%"
mp_maxrounds "%maxrounds%" //max rounds before mapchange
mp_winlimit "%winlimit%"
mp_timelimit "%timelimit%"
mp_dynamicpricing "%dynamicpricing%"
mp_tkpunish "0"
mp_c4timer "%c4timer%"
mp_freezetime 0
sv_rcon_banpenalty "15" // 5 min IP ban after 10 failed rcon attempts
mapcyclefile "mapcycle%serverort%.cfg"
sv_downloadurl "http://chaosballerbude.ch.ohost.de/cstrike/"
sv_maxupdaterate "%sv_maxupdaterate%"
sv_maxrate %sv_maxrate%
sv_minrate %sv_minrate%
sv_minupdaterate %sv_minupdaterate%
fps_max %fps_max%
mp_friendlyfire %friendlyfire%
mp_logdetail 3
log 1
motdfile "motd%serverort%.txt"
// hidden slots system
// show numplayers always if we have hidden slots
<gc:if>%hiddenslots%<gc:then>sv_visiblemaxplayers %numplayers%</gc:if>
// Server Details
exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg
exec mani_server.cfg
hostname "%server:name% by serverline.de"
rcon_password "%4349%"
sv_region 3
sv_lan 0
mit bind g drop oder so hab ich es versucht geht net und nur ich kann meine waffe nicht weg werfen sondern alle meine user auch nicht.
sv_allowdownload "1" //disable downloading to clients (includes sprays)
sv_allowupload "" //disable uploading from clients (includes sprays)
mp_flashlight "1" //allow flashlight
mp_limitteams "1" //only allow 1 player teamdifference
mp_roundtime "%roundtime%" //time for each round
mp_freezetime "%freezetime%" // freeze time
sv_pure 0
sv_password "%password%" // client password
cl_restrict_server_commands "0"
// added 2005-01-25
lua _PlayerRemoveAllWeapons 1
sv_logsdir "gclogs/%server:id%"
cl_downloadfilter 0
mp_hostagepenalty "2"
mp_autokick "1"
mp_buytime "%buytime%"
mp_maxrounds "%maxrounds%" //max rounds before mapchange
mp_winlimit "%winlimit%"
mp_timelimit "%timelimit%"
mp_dynamicpricing "%dynamicpricing%"
mp_tkpunish "0"
mp_c4timer "%c4timer%"
mp_freezetime 0
sv_rcon_banpenalty "15" // 5 min IP ban after 10 failed rcon attempts
mapcyclefile "mapcycle%serverort%.cfg"
sv_downloadurl "http://chaosballerbude.ch.ohost.de/cstrike/"
sv_maxupdaterate "%sv_maxupdaterate%"
sv_maxrate %sv_maxrate%
sv_minrate %sv_minrate%
sv_minupdaterate %sv_minupdaterate%
fps_max %fps_max%
mp_friendlyfire %friendlyfire%
mp_logdetail 3
log 1
motdfile "motd%serverort%.txt"
// hidden slots system
// show numplayers always if we have hidden slots
<gc:if>%hiddenslots%<gc:then>sv_visiblemaxplayers %numplayers%</gc:if>
// Server Details
exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg
exec mani_server.cfg
hostname "%server:name% by serverline.de"
rcon_password "%4349%"
sv_region 3
sv_lan 0
mit bind g drop oder so hab ich es versucht geht net und nur ich kann meine waffe nicht weg werfen sondern alle meine user auch nicht.
Lt. Commander
- Registriert
- Juni 2007
- Beiträge
- 1.986
Gib mir mal ne aufstellung.
- Addons auf dem Server
- Inhalt der autoexec
- Serverart (Home, Root usw.)
- Ging es schonmal; wenn ja, seid wann nicht mehr was hat sich geändert
Danach besorgst du dir erstmal eine ausgefüllte server.cfg Google hilft dir dabei.
- Addons auf dem Server
- Inhalt der autoexec
- Serverart (Home, Root usw.)
- Ging es schonmal; wenn ja, seid wann nicht mehr was hat sich geändert
Danach besorgst du dir erstmal eine ausgefüllte server.cfg Google hilft dir dabei.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Lt. Junior Grade
- Registriert
- Jan. 2010
- Beiträge
- 449
ServerCFG Generator: http://www.cstrike-planet.com/cfgmaker?cfg=srcds (Wird dir bestimmt helfen)
Hallo an alle
Ich wollte gerne nachfragen was das Problem bei meinem Vorgänger gewesen war ? Denn ich habe das selbe Problem. Keine auf den server kann die Waffe wegwerfen. Ich versuch es seit 3 tagen zu korriegieren aber ich finde keinen fehler oder ne Einstellung die ich ändern könnte.
Mani Admin Plugin v1.2U und EventSript v2.0.0.250 sind drauf
Waffe konnte ich von anfang an nicht wegwerfen also es ging noch nie..
meine autoexec.cfg sieht so aus:
mattie_eventscripts 1
es_load corelib
es_load popup
es_load keymenu
es_load vote
es_load setting
es_load diag
es_load gungame
es_load stickynades
// es_load victim_stats
es_load examples/auth/basic_auth
es_load knifep3n
exec mani_quake_sounds.cfg
// 0 = calculate once per map, 1 = calculate at end of each round (CSS Only)
mani_stats_mode 0
// This defines whether the tk freeze bomb option can be used or not
mani_tk_allow_freeze_bomb_option 0
// Allow voting 1 = on, 0 = off (this cvar controls ALL voting)
mani_voting 1
// 1 = enable cheat detection
// 0 = disable cheat detection
// This is recommended by Mani to be disabled, since Valve updated the VAC to catch these.
mani_protect_against_cheat_cvars 0
// 0 = No warmup time on map load
// Greater than 0 = number of seconds after map load until map restarts and
// play continues as normal.
mani_warmup_timer 0
Bitte um HILFE !!! ich habe keine ahnung woran das liegt !!
Ich wollte gerne nachfragen was das Problem bei meinem Vorgänger gewesen war ? Denn ich habe das selbe Problem. Keine auf den server kann die Waffe wegwerfen. Ich versuch es seit 3 tagen zu korriegieren aber ich finde keinen fehler oder ne Einstellung die ich ändern könnte.
Mani Admin Plugin v1.2U und EventSript v2.0.0.250 sind drauf
Waffe konnte ich von anfang an nicht wegwerfen also es ging noch nie..
meine autoexec.cfg sieht so aus:
mattie_eventscripts 1
es_load corelib
es_load popup
es_load keymenu
es_load vote
es_load setting
es_load diag
es_load gungame
es_load stickynades
// es_load victim_stats
es_load examples/auth/basic_auth
es_load knifep3n
exec mani_quake_sounds.cfg
// 0 = calculate once per map, 1 = calculate at end of each round (CSS Only)
mani_stats_mode 0
// This defines whether the tk freeze bomb option can be used or not
mani_tk_allow_freeze_bomb_option 0
// Allow voting 1 = on, 0 = off (this cvar controls ALL voting)
mani_voting 1
// 1 = enable cheat detection
// 0 = disable cheat detection
// This is recommended by Mani to be disabled, since Valve updated the VAC to catch these.
mani_protect_against_cheat_cvars 0
// 0 = No warmup time on map load
// Greater than 0 = number of seconds after map load until map restarts and
// play continues as normal.
mani_warmup_timer 0
Bitte um HILFE !!! ich habe keine ahnung woran das liegt !!
erstmal danke für die rasche antwort... leider hat beides nichts genützt....so langsam habe ich keine hoffnung mehr das es je gehen wird ..... jeder der meint ahnung zu haben meint es müsste gehen... TUT ES ABER NICHT ... hast du vielleicht noch andere ideen ?
Lt. Commander
- Registriert
- Jan. 2009
- Beiträge
- 1.556
Kannst Du bitte mal Deine gg_default_addons.cfg posten.
Oder schau mal dort nach ob "DEAD STRIP" aktiviert ist.
Oder schau mal dort nach ob "DEAD STRIP" aktiviert ist.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
// gg_default_addons.cfg -- Default addon configuration.
// This file defines GunGame Addon settings. Any alteration of this file
// requires a server restart or a reload of GunGame.
// When enabled, this addon logs all GunGame-related errors to a log file
// located in:
// * addons/eventscripts/gungame/logs/
// Note: If something in GunGame is not working and you are going to post a
// bug, make sure you enable this addon then post the error log when
// you are filing your bug report.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_error_logging 1
// When enabled, if you kill a player with a knife, you will level up,
// and the victim will level down.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_knife_pro 1
// Set this to limit level stealing to players close to your own level
// Example: If this is set to 3, you will not gain a level if you knife
// someone more than 3 levels below you.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// <level> = Enabled
gg_knife_pro_limit 10
// Similar to gg_knife_pro but not as strict:
// The attacker will level up even when the victim is on level 1.
// The attacker will level up even though the victim cannot leveldown.
// The victim will level down even though the attacker cannot levelup.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_knife_rookie 1
// Set the below variable to the number of times a player has to level
// up prior to recieving the multi-level bonus.
// Note: Formally knows as Triple Level Bonus.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// # = The number of kills in a row the player must get in order
// to recieve the multi-level bonus.
gg_multi_level 0
// This gives you your next weapon immediately when you levelup
// Note: Knife Elite automatically disables Turbo Mode.
// Note: Recommended for Deathmatch
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_turbo 1
// Makes it possible to move through players.
// Note: Recommended for Surf servers
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_noblock 1
// Strip dead players weapons so that their weapons can't be picked up.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_dead_strip 1
// After a player levels up, they only get a knife until the next round.
// Note: This will override Turbo mode!
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_knife_elite 0
// When a player reaches grenade level, they can earn extra grenades by
// killing enemies with another weapon.
// Note: Players can only carry one hegrenade at a time.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_earn_nade 0
// When a player reaches grenade level, they are given another grenade when
// their thrown grenade detonates.
// Note: This will automatically disable the "Earn grenades" addon.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_unl_grenade 1
// If this is set, players on grenade level will receive this weapon along
// with the hegrenade.
// Note: Set this to zero to disable this function.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// <weapon name> = Enabled
gg_nade_bonus 0
// When a player makes a kill the ammo in their clip is replenished.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_reload 0
// Automatically turn on friendly fire when a player reaches "x" levels
// below the max.
// Example: gg_friendlyfire 2
// The above will turn on friendly fire when the player reaches 2 levels
// below the max.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// <level> = Enabled
gg_friendlyfire 2
// This variable controls whether you want to keep track of winners on your
// server. This also enables the stat commands (!leader, !top, !rank, etc).
// Note: This will save a file to the server and requires appropiate read /
// write permissions.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_stats 1
// This variable controls how many days of inactivity for a winner is
// tolerated until they are removed from the database.
// Options: 0 = Disabled (not recommended for large servers!)
gg_prune_database 30
// When enabled, this addon will log game events for stats tracking.
// Note: Other options available in "stats logging.txt".
// Note: This should be used with third-party stats programs.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_stats_logging 0
// When enabled it will load random spawnpoints if a spawnpoint file for the
// current map has been created. This addon also adds commands and a menu
// to allow admins to manage spawnpoints on the current map.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_spawnpoints 0
// When enabled, this addon emulates a team-deathmatch mode, and players will
// respawn when they die.
// Note: This addon enables: Turbo Mode.
// Note: This addon disables: Knife Elite, Elimination.
// Note: This addon disables: map objectives, freezetime and roundtime.
// Note: This addon requires usage of the "gg_respawn_cmd" found in the
// gg_en_config.cfg
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_deathmatch 0
// This is a delay after a player dies before they will respawn.
// Default value: 2
gg_dm_respawn_delay 2
// Set this to the number of seconds to allow spawn protection, in which they
// will be immune to other players fire but cannot levelup if they kill a
// player.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// <seconds> = Enabled
gg_spawn_protect 0
// Set player color while under spawn protection.
// Default values:
// Red: 255
// Green: 255
// Blue: 255
// Alpha: 150
gg_spawn_protect_red 255
gg_spawn_protect_green 255
gg_spawn_protect_blue 255
gg_spawn_protect_alpha 150
// If set to 1, when a player shoots when they are protected, the
// unprotection timer will stop and they will instantly become
// unprotected and able to level up.
// Note: Uses eventscripts_noisy, this may cause lag.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_spawn_protect_cancelonfire 0
// When enabled, players can level up whilst spawn protected.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_spawn_protect_can_level_up 0
// Removes ragdolls by dissolving them with various effects.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_dissolver 0
// This what type of effect that will happen upon the ragdoll.
// Options: 0 = No effect
// 1 = Energy
// 2 = Heavy electrical
// 3 = Light electrical
// 4 = Core Effect
// 5 = Random Effect
// Default value: 5
gg_dissolver_effect 5
// Elimination is an alternative to an all out deathmatch. You respawn
// when your killer is killed.
// Note: This addon enables: Turbo Mode.
// Note: This addon disables: Knife Elite and Deathmatch.
// Note: This addon disables: map objectives.
// Note: This addon requires usage of the "gg_respawn_cmd" found in the gg_en_config.cfg
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_elimination 0
// Handicap averages the level of all the players.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_handicap 1
// If this is enabled, it will update all players that are below the current
// handicap every 2 minutes.
// Note: If disabled, players are only updated when they join the server.
// Options: 0 = Check on connect
// 1 = Check every 2 minutes
gg_handicap_update 0
// A map vote will be triggered once a player reaches a preset level below
// the highest level.
// Once all human players have voted, the vote is stopped and the winning
// map is displayed to the players.
// Note: This vote does not require any other plugin except EventScripts.
// Note: More map vote options in gg_map_vote.cfg
// Example: If "gg_vote_trigger" is set to 3, once a player is 3 levels
// below the highest level, the vote will trigger.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled (GunGame Map Voting)
// 2 = Third-party voting system (Uses gg_map_vote_command)
gg_map_vote 1
// If gg_map_vote is set to 2, this is the command that will be issued
// when the vote is triggered.
// Examples: Mani: gg_map_vote_command "ma_voterandom end 4"
// BeetlesMod: gg_map_vote_command "admin_votemaps"
// SourceMod: gg_map_vote_command "sm_map_vote"
gg_map_vote_command "ma_voterandom end 4"
// Show a welcome message to everyone that connects.
// Note: More options available in the "welcome_msg" folder.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_welcome_msg 1
// How long until the welcome message dismisses itself.
// Default value: 5
// Options: 0 = Never dismiss
// <seconds> = Stay up for <seconds>
gg_welcome_msg_timeout 5
// Allows you to upgrade your current winner database / spawnpoints from
// previous versions of GunGame (3/4) to GunGame 5 format.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_convert 0
// gg_default_addons.cfg -- Default addon configuration.
// This file defines GunGame Addon settings. Any alteration of this file
// requires a server restart or a reload of GunGame.
// When enabled, this addon logs all GunGame-related errors to a log file
// located in:
// * addons/eventscripts/gungame/logs/
// Note: If something in GunGame is not working and you are going to post a
// bug, make sure you enable this addon then post the error log when
// you are filing your bug report.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_error_logging 1
// When enabled, if you kill a player with a knife, you will level up,
// and the victim will level down.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_knife_pro 1
// Set this to limit level stealing to players close to your own level
// Example: If this is set to 3, you will not gain a level if you knife
// someone more than 3 levels below you.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// <level> = Enabled
gg_knife_pro_limit 10
// Similar to gg_knife_pro but not as strict:
// The attacker will level up even when the victim is on level 1.
// The attacker will level up even though the victim cannot leveldown.
// The victim will level down even though the attacker cannot levelup.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_knife_rookie 1
// Set the below variable to the number of times a player has to level
// up prior to recieving the multi-level bonus.
// Note: Formally knows as Triple Level Bonus.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// # = The number of kills in a row the player must get in order
// to recieve the multi-level bonus.
gg_multi_level 0
// This gives you your next weapon immediately when you levelup
// Note: Knife Elite automatically disables Turbo Mode.
// Note: Recommended for Deathmatch
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_turbo 1
// Makes it possible to move through players.
// Note: Recommended for Surf servers
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_noblock 1
// Strip dead players weapons so that their weapons can't be picked up.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_dead_strip 1
// After a player levels up, they only get a knife until the next round.
// Note: This will override Turbo mode!
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_knife_elite 0
// When a player reaches grenade level, they can earn extra grenades by
// killing enemies with another weapon.
// Note: Players can only carry one hegrenade at a time.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_earn_nade 0
// When a player reaches grenade level, they are given another grenade when
// their thrown grenade detonates.
// Note: This will automatically disable the "Earn grenades" addon.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_unl_grenade 1
// If this is set, players on grenade level will receive this weapon along
// with the hegrenade.
// Note: Set this to zero to disable this function.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// <weapon name> = Enabled
gg_nade_bonus 0
// When a player makes a kill the ammo in their clip is replenished.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_reload 0
// Automatically turn on friendly fire when a player reaches "x" levels
// below the max.
// Example: gg_friendlyfire 2
// The above will turn on friendly fire when the player reaches 2 levels
// below the max.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// <level> = Enabled
gg_friendlyfire 2
// This variable controls whether you want to keep track of winners on your
// server. This also enables the stat commands (!leader, !top, !rank, etc).
// Note: This will save a file to the server and requires appropiate read /
// write permissions.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_stats 1
// This variable controls how many days of inactivity for a winner is
// tolerated until they are removed from the database.
// Options: 0 = Disabled (not recommended for large servers!)
gg_prune_database 30
// When enabled, this addon will log game events for stats tracking.
// Note: Other options available in "stats logging.txt".
// Note: This should be used with third-party stats programs.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_stats_logging 0
// When enabled it will load random spawnpoints if a spawnpoint file for the
// current map has been created. This addon also adds commands and a menu
// to allow admins to manage spawnpoints on the current map.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_spawnpoints 0
// When enabled, this addon emulates a team-deathmatch mode, and players will
// respawn when they die.
// Note: This addon enables: Turbo Mode.
// Note: This addon disables: Knife Elite, Elimination.
// Note: This addon disables: map objectives, freezetime and roundtime.
// Note: This addon requires usage of the "gg_respawn_cmd" found in the
// gg_en_config.cfg
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_deathmatch 0
// This is a delay after a player dies before they will respawn.
// Default value: 2
gg_dm_respawn_delay 2
// Set this to the number of seconds to allow spawn protection, in which they
// will be immune to other players fire but cannot levelup if they kill a
// player.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// <seconds> = Enabled
gg_spawn_protect 0
// Set player color while under spawn protection.
// Default values:
// Red: 255
// Green: 255
// Blue: 255
// Alpha: 150
gg_spawn_protect_red 255
gg_spawn_protect_green 255
gg_spawn_protect_blue 255
gg_spawn_protect_alpha 150
// If set to 1, when a player shoots when they are protected, the
// unprotection timer will stop and they will instantly become
// unprotected and able to level up.
// Note: Uses eventscripts_noisy, this may cause lag.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_spawn_protect_cancelonfire 0
// When enabled, players can level up whilst spawn protected.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_spawn_protect_can_level_up 0
// Removes ragdolls by dissolving them with various effects.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_dissolver 0
// This what type of effect that will happen upon the ragdoll.
// Options: 0 = No effect
// 1 = Energy
// 2 = Heavy electrical
// 3 = Light electrical
// 4 = Core Effect
// 5 = Random Effect
// Default value: 5
gg_dissolver_effect 5
// Elimination is an alternative to an all out deathmatch. You respawn
// when your killer is killed.
// Note: This addon enables: Turbo Mode.
// Note: This addon disables: Knife Elite and Deathmatch.
// Note: This addon disables: map objectives.
// Note: This addon requires usage of the "gg_respawn_cmd" found in the gg_en_config.cfg
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_elimination 0
// Handicap averages the level of all the players.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_handicap 1
// If this is enabled, it will update all players that are below the current
// handicap every 2 minutes.
// Note: If disabled, players are only updated when they join the server.
// Options: 0 = Check on connect
// 1 = Check every 2 minutes
gg_handicap_update 0
// A map vote will be triggered once a player reaches a preset level below
// the highest level.
// Once all human players have voted, the vote is stopped and the winning
// map is displayed to the players.
// Note: This vote does not require any other plugin except EventScripts.
// Note: More map vote options in gg_map_vote.cfg
// Example: If "gg_vote_trigger" is set to 3, once a player is 3 levels
// below the highest level, the vote will trigger.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled (GunGame Map Voting)
// 2 = Third-party voting system (Uses gg_map_vote_command)
gg_map_vote 1
// If gg_map_vote is set to 2, this is the command that will be issued
// when the vote is triggered.
// Examples: Mani: gg_map_vote_command "ma_voterandom end 4"
// BeetlesMod: gg_map_vote_command "admin_votemaps"
// SourceMod: gg_map_vote_command "sm_map_vote"
gg_map_vote_command "ma_voterandom end 4"
// Show a welcome message to everyone that connects.
// Note: More options available in the "welcome_msg" folder.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_welcome_msg 1
// How long until the welcome message dismisses itself.
// Default value: 5
// Options: 0 = Never dismiss
// <seconds> = Stay up for <seconds>
gg_welcome_msg_timeout 5
// Allows you to upgrade your current winner database / spawnpoints from
// previous versions of GunGame (3/4) to GunGame 5 format.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Enabled
gg_convert 0
Lt. Commander
- Registriert
- Jan. 2009
- Beiträge
- 1.556
Stell mal "gg_dead_strip" auf 0, dann kannst Du Waffen auch ablegen, nimmst sie aber auch Automatisch mit auf, wenn Du darüber läufst.
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- Antworten
- 6
- Aufrufe
- 2.126