iPod Classic via Linux befüllen =)


Lt. Commander
Feb. 2005

Schnell muss ich mit dem heute erhaltenen iPod Classic 80gb merken, dass sich dieser nicht ohne weiteres von linux bespielen lässt. Grund ist dieser neue schutz via key. Ohne den Key passt die Datenbank im iPod nicht und meine Songs werden nicht angezeigt ^^.

Hat jemand schon ne brauchbare lösung um den iPod via LInux (amarok oder sonst was) zu nutzen?
pmb µatthias

Das kannst du mit gtkpod machen. Wichtig dabei ist, dass libgpod in der aktuellen Version 0.6.0 benutzt wird, nicht älter.

V0.6.0 is the first release to support the new iPod Classics and Nano Videos. These require a one-time setup of the iPod however, so please read the included NEWS file carefully.

NEWS schrieb:
* support for iPod Classics and Video Nanos

The database from these models is protected by a checksum. When this checksum
doesn't match the content of the iPod database, the iPod won't show any
track (ie it will look empty). Support for writing this checksum has been
implemented in this release thanks to the awesome work of a few people in
#gtkpod. However, to calculate this checksum, a so called "firewire ID" is
needed which is different from iPod to iPod. Since reading it from the iPod
requires special permissions, the firewire ID must be written in a regular
file on the iPod so that libgpod can find it and use it to generate the

libgpod installs a HAL callout to do that automatically when
everything is installed in an appropriate place. It can also be done manually,
see README.SysInfo for more information.

Cover art should be working except for non square covers, preliminary photo
support but this hasn't been widely tested yet.

README.SysInfo schrieb:
Starting with the iPod Classics and the Video Nanos, libgpod needs an
additional configuration step to correctly modify the iPod content. libgpod
needs to know the so-called iPod "firewire id", otherwise the iPod won't
recognize what libgpod wrote to it and will behave as if it's empty.

There are two ways to set up the iPod to make libgpod able to find its firewire

The 1st one is mostly automated. First, make sure you have libsgutils installed
before running configure/autogen.sh. If you built libgpod without it, install
it and run configure/make/make install. You should now have an
ipod-read-sysinfo-extended tool available. Run it with the iPod device path
(eg /dev/sda) and the iPod mount point (eg /mnt/ipod) as arguments. This may
require root privileges. ipod-read-sysinfo-extended will read an XML
file from the iPod and write it as
/mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/Device/SysInfoExtended. See
http://ipodlinux.org/Device_Information for more details about the method used.
Having that file is enough for libgpod to figure out the iPod firewire id.

The 2nd method requires more manual intervention. First, you need to get your
firewire id manually. To do that, run "sudo lsusb -v | grep -i Serial" (without
the "") with your iPod plugged in, this should print a 16 character long string
like 00A1234567891231. For an iPod Touch, this number will be much longer than
16 characters, the firewire ID is constituted by the first 16 characters.
Once you have that number, create/edit /mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/Device/SysInfo
(if your iPod is mounted at /mnt/ipod). Add to that file the line below:
FirewireGuid: 0xffffffffffffffff
(replace ffffffffffffffff with the string you obtained at the previous step
and don't forget the trailing 0x before the string)
Save that file, and you should be all set. Be careful when using apps which
lets you manually specify which iPod model you own, they may overwrite that
file when you do that. So if after doing that libgpod still seems to write
invalid content to the iPod, double-check the content of that SysInfo file to
make sure the FirewireGuid line you added isn't gone. If that happens, readd it
to the end of the file, and make sure libgpod rewrite the iPod content.

Once that is done, if you compiled libgpod from source, you can test that
libgpod can find the firewire ID on your iPod by running
libgpod/tests/test-firewire-id /ipod/mount/point
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
geil! so hats gefunzt :D mir hat das mit der eintragung der id gefehlt =)
rattenscharf sag ich euch =)

jetzt nur noch videos aufn ipod kriegen =) Wenn die noch im flv format ohne große umwege auf den ipod zu kriegen wären, wärs ideal :D
gruß und danke! µatthias

P.S.: Da ich denke, dass dieser Fall desöfteren interessant werden könnte: Ne supergeile einfache sache total einfach und fast risikolos =)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Für die iPod Serie brauchst du .mp4 bzw. .mov Videos mit einem H.264 Videocodec und einem AAC Audiocodec


yay xD werd mein gtkpod nochma mit mp4-plugin neukompilieren.
werde berichten =)