majusss schrieb:
Kann das Dell XPS 15 9570 nicht empfehlen. Spielen kann man damit nicht wirklich, außer paar Indie Spiele, WoW auf low, ect. Man muss sehr viel PC Wissen haben um es zu optimieren, so dass es einigermaßen läuft.
- dGPU capped at 75°C, will throttle then
- dGPU and CPU cant be used both together at max, shared
- you mostly need to undervolt the cpu and also repaste
- you mostly need to thermal pad the PCH otherwise annoying, even more, fans going on/off all the time
- terrible (will spin up from 50°C PCH temps) and buggy fan logic
- Under Windows 10 terrible buggy standby (modern standby), no working S3 sleep, you have to use hibernate (wears off SSD life) otherwise it can burn to death in your bags
- latency problems (bad if you want to do real time things like audio production)
- terrible coil whine possible if youre unlucky
- display back bleed if youre unlucky
- really bad keyboard for the price compared to other laptops
- wouldnt recommend the 4k display if you do things like programming ect, because of bad DPI scaling, lots of programs dont support the scaling, and you have washed out fonts, if you game you have to downscale to 1080 and it looks washed out obviously, also the down and up transition is buggy under Windows 10. also the laptop isnt strong enough really for 4k under Windows, you easily get lag with a few windows opened, if you switch between monitors via HDMI it takes up to 30 seconds until Windows converts back and forth the DPI scaling
- Dell driver update time is slow
- buggy TB16 dock, TB problem with c state bug
- bad Killer Wifi card, mostly have to change to Intel 9260
- mostly have to do a clean Windows 10 install after getting it without Dell drivers
- every single bios update of the past 8 months had a MAJOR bug inside
- "fingerprint magnet" material on the top, looks dirty after a minute using it