NextCloud hinter Reverse-Proxy erreichbar machen.


Jan. 2022

ich habe auf meinem Proxmox Server eine Nextcloud nach dieser Anleitung NextCloud Installation installiert. Soweit hat alles sauber funktioniert. Das Let's Encrypt Zertifikat erneuert meine UTM automatisch und ich würde gerne meine Nextcloud hinter der UTM aus dem Internet erreichbar machen. Folgende php.config Anpassungen habe ich gesetzt.

$CONFIG = array (
  'instanceid' => 'gsdgsdgfgfdgg',
  'passwordsalt' => 'sfhgsdhsfdgsdgsdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgsfd',
  'secret' => 'fdgsfdgsdgsfdgsdgsdgsdgdfgfdgsfdgsdf',
  'trusted_domains' =>
  array (
    0 => '',
    1 => '',
  'trusted_proxies' =>
  array (
    0 => 'IP der UTM',
  'datadirectory' => '/var/www/html/data',
  'dbtype' => 'mysql',
  'version' => '',
  'overwrite.cli.url' => '',
  'overwritehost' => '',
  'overwriteprotocol' => 'https',
  'dbname' => 'nextcloud',
  'dbhost' => 'localhost:3307',
  'dbport' => '',
  'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_',
  'mysql.utf8mb4' => true,
  'dbuser' => 'oc_admin',
  'dbpassword' => 'ghhsghssfgshghsghsfhg/cwm.',
  'installed' => true,
  'maintenance' => false,
  'theme' => '',
  'loglevel' => 2,
  'default_language' => 'de',
  'default_locale' => 'de_DE',
  'default_phone_region' => 'DE',
  'mail_smtpmode' => 'smtp',
  'mail_smtpsecure' => 'tls',
  'mail_sendmailmode' => 'smtp',
  'mail_from_address' => 'Name',
  'mail_domain' => '',
  'mail_smtpauthtype' => 'LOGIN',
  'mail_smtphost' => '',
  'mail_smtpport' => '587    587    587    587',
  'mail_smtpauth' => 1,
  'mail_smtpname' => '',
  'mail_smtppassword' => 'Passwort',

Wenn ich jetzt die Nextcloud neustarte, kann ich den Server nicht über aus dem Internet oder auch intern nicht aufrufen.

'overwritehost' => '',

  'overwriteprotocol' => 'https',
Wenn ich diese Einträge hier entferne, kann ich die Nextcloud über IP-Adresse aufrufen. Kann mir jemand sagen, was ich falsch gemacht habe?
Ich hätte jetzt vermutet, das war im verlinkten Video thematisiert.
Vielleicht solltest Du einfach mal sagen, was Du alles installiert und gemacht hast damit man nicht gezwungen ist da sich ein stundenlanges Video reinzuziehen nur um zu sehen, wie jetzt der Stand bei Dir ist.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: madmax2010
wenn du keine anlegt hast nirgendwo
welcher webserver soll es denn werden?
du sagst, du hast einen reverse proxy und willst nextcloud dahinter erreichbar machen..
und was meinst du mit UTM?

waere nicht meine erste wahl als data directory.. das data direcotory sollte wo liegen, wo der webserver nich vielleicht die daten versehentlich leakt
'datadirectory' => '/var/www/html/data',
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: Bob.Dig
Ich bin die komplette Installation durchgegangen, als Webserver habe ich Apache2 installiert und als Datenbank kommt eine MariaDB zum Einsatz. Was im Video nicht gezeigt wurde, war die https Einrichtung und ich habe noch keine reverse proxy config angelegt.
Ergänzung ()

NightSun schrieb:
Du must den unter der (Sophos) UTM einrichten.

So habe ich es gemacht ;)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: NightSun
Ich habe mir eine neue Installationsanleitung im Internet gesucht und die alte Installation gelöscht. Ich bin wie hier beschrieben vorgegangen.

An der Stelle, wo beschrieben wird, wie PHP 8.1 installiert wird, erhalte ich folgende Fehlermeldung.

sudo apt install php-common libapache2-mod-php8.1 imagemagick nfs-common cifs-utils php8.1-{fpm,gd,curl,xml,zip,intl,mbstring,bz2,ldap,apcu,bcmath,gmp,imagick,igbinary,mysql,redis,smbclient,cli,common,opcache,readline}
Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig
Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut.       
Statusinformationen werden eingelesen.... Fertig
E: Paket libapache2-mod-php8.1 kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »libapache2-mod-php8.1« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-fpm kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-fpm« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-gd kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-gd« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-curl kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-curl« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-xml kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-xml« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-zip kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-zip« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-intl kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-intl« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-mbstring kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-mbstring« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-bz2 kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-bz2« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-ldap kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-ldap« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-apcu kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-apcu« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-bcmath kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-bcmath« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-gmp kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-gmp« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-imagick kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-imagick« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-igbinary kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-igbinary« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-mysql kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-mysql« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-redis kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-redis« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-smbclient kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-smbclient« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-cli kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-cli« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-common kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-common« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-opcache kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-opcache« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket php8.1-readline kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1-readline« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.

Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen, wie ich hier weiter komme?
Warum die Sophos UTM? Die ergibt im privaten netz wirklich wenig Sinn
nicht blind anleitungen copy pasten. bitte versteh was du tust.
Welche php version nutzt du? Warum willst du auf PHP8.1 umsteigen?

welche Distri in welcher version nnutzt du?
Die Sophos ist meine Firewall und macht die Einwahl ins Internet sowie die Verteilung der IP-Adressen. Hier erneuert sich wie oben in der Anleitung beschrieben, das Let’s Encrypt Zertifikat und die Nextcloud soll intern das Zertifikat nutzen.
Aktuell nutze ich noch keine Nextcloud und möchte eine neue Installation machen, daher habe ich die Anleitung als Leitfaden genommen. Ich nutze ein Ubuntu Server 22.10 als Distribution. In der Anleitung wird ein Debian Distri benutzt, kann es sein, dass für Ubuntu der Befehl anders heißen muss?

an den Namenssyntax liegt es eher nicht.

1. Hast du Repos hinzugefügt?
2. Falls ja, hast du danach ein sudo apt-get update gemacht um die Repos nezuladen?
3. Was sagt "apt search libapache2-mod-php8.1" ?
4. Was sagt php -v? (Standardmäßig ist 8.1 bei Kinetic schon vorinstalliert (

Wie willst du die Nextcloud nach außen veröffentlichen (über klassiches DNAT oder die Web Application Firewall auf der Sophos). Ich habe meine Nextcloud über die Web Application Firewall eingerichtet und das funktioniert auch ohne Probleme :) Zertifikate können dort separat eingerichtet werden. Wichtig ist nur, dass der Proxy in der Config hinterlegt wird, da sonst gern auch mal die Brute Force Attacke dazwischengrätscht (

  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: Flokie

ok, hier mal meine Antwort.
  1. Ja, die habe ich hinzugefügt.​
  2. Ja, habe ich gemacht.​
  3. Code:
    root@NextCloud:~# apt search libapache2-mod-php8.1
    Sortierung... Fertig
    Volltextsuche... Fertig
  4. Code:
    root@NextCloud:~# php -v
    Command 'php' not found, but can be installed with:
    apt install php7.4-cli

Ich möchte die Nextcloud über die Web Application Firewall der Sophos von außen erreichen. Die Zertifikate habe ich auf der UTM eingerichtet und eigentlich muss ich nur noch (nach der Installation) den Proxy in der Config richtig hinzufügen.
Aber warum funktioniert der weitere Befehl nicht?
sudo apt install php-common libapache2-mod-php8.1 imagemagick nfs-common cifs-utils php8.1-{fpm,gd,curl,xml,zip,intl,mbstring,bz2,ldap,apcu,bcmath,gmp,imagick,igbinary,mysql,redis,smbclient,cli,common,opcache,readline}
Welche php Version ist die richtige für dich?
Du brauchst keine andere php Version, wenn nextcloud funktioniert.
Laut der Anleitung soll PHP 8.1 installiert werden.
Flokie schrieb:
Aber warum funktioniert der weitere Befehl nicht
Weil da vermutlich eins oder mehr nicht installier war
Ergänzung ()

Flokie schrieb:
Laut der Anleitung soll PHP 8.1 installiert werden.
Aber du hast nextcloud doch schon installiert.
Welche nextcloud Version. Welche php Version

Warum installierst du apache?
Ich habe ja die alte Installation komplett gelöscht und nach der Anleitung von Schreiners IT eine neue saubere Nextcloud Installation angefangen. Laut der Anleitung wird PHP 8.1 installiert/verwendet.

Die neue Installation ist ohne Apache
Ok. 2 reverse proxies hinter einander wird es nicht brauchen. Aber wenn du bspw. Office nutzen willst, können dir nur sehr wenige mit der utm helfen.

Grundsätzlich ist es gut auf php8 zu setzen, unter Debian und Ubuntu musst du da jedoch erstmal die für deine Version korrekten repositories

In deinem zuletzt gezeigten Befehl installierst du schon wieder ein apache Modul.
Bitte lies Befehle bevor du sie ausführst und wenn du einen Teil nicht verstehst, google oder frag hier. Wenn eine Erklärung nicht reicht, frag nach

Zeig gern mal
apt search php
Hier mal apt search php

libisocodes-dev/stable 1.2.3-1 amd64
  access of iso-codes data and translations - development files

libisocodes1/stable 1.2.3-1 amd64
  access of iso-codes data and translations

libjs-edit-area/stable 0.8.2-1.1 all
  a free javascript editor for source code

libjs-jquery-file-upload/stable 9.25.0-2 all
  file upload widget for jQuery

libjs-jquery-jush/stable 12-3 all
  jQuery Syntax Highlighter

libmarkdown-php/stable 1.0.2-3 all
  PHP library for rendering Markdown data

libmdb3/stable 0.9.1-1 amd64
  Core library for accessing JET / MS Access (MDB) files

libmediawiki-bot-perl/stable 5.006003-1 all
  high-level bot framework for interacting with MediaWiki wikis

libnet-libidn-perl/stable 0.12.ds-3+b3 amd64
  Perl bindings for GNU Libidn

libnusoap-php/stable 0.9.5-3 all
  SOAP toolkit for PHP

libow-php7/stable 3.2p4+dfsg1-4+b1 amd64
  Dallas 1-wire support: PHP5 bindings

libownet-php/stable 3.2p4+dfsg1-4 all
  Dallas 1-wire support: PHP OWNet library

libphp-adodb/stable,stable-security 5.20.19-1+deb11u1 all
  ADOdb is a PHP database abstraction layer library

libphp-embed/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  HTML-embedded scripting language (Embedded SAPI library) (default)

libphp-jabber/stable 0.4.3-6 all
  Object-oriented PHP interface for the Jabber/XMPP protocol

libphp-jpgraph/stable 1.5.2-13.1 all
  Object oriented graph library for php

libphp-jpgraph-examples/stable 1.5.2-13.1 all
  Object oriented graph library for php (examples)

libphp-phpmailer/stable 6.2.0-2 all
  full featured email transfer class for PHP

libphp-serialization-perl/stable 0.34-2 all
  Perl module to manipulate serialized PHP data structures

libphp-simplepie/stable 1.3.1+dfsg-5 all
  RSS and Atom feed parsing in PHP

libphp-snoopy/stable 2.0.0-3 all
  Snoopy is a PHP class that simulates a web browser

libphp7.4-embed/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  HTML-embedded scripting language (Embedded SAPI library)

libphutil/stable 0~git20200925-1 all
  Shared library for Arcanist and Phabricator

librinci-perl/stable 1.1.96-1 all
  module that provides a language-neutral metadata for your code

libsox-fmt-alsa/stable-security 14.4.2+git20190427-2+deb11u1 amd64
  SoX alsa format I/O library

libsparkline-php/stable 0.2-7 all
  sparkline graphing library for php

libstring-koremutake-perl/stable 0.30-5.1 all
  Convert to/from Koremutake Memorable Random Strings

libtext-mediawikiformat-perl/stable 1.04-2.1 all
  module that converts Mediawiki markup into other text formats

libtntnet-dev/stable 2.2.1-4 amd64
  Tntnet library development headers

libtntnet12v5/stable 2.2.1-4 amd64
  Tntnet libraries

libwcat1/stable 1.1-3 amd64
  Process monitoring library

libwcat1-dev/stable 1.1-3 amd64
  Process monitoring library (development files)

libweasel-perl/stable 0.27-1 all
  PHP's Mink inspired multi-protocol web-testing library for Perl

libwebinject-perl/stable 1.94-1 all
  Perl Module for testing web services

libwww-facebook-api-perl/stable 0.4.18-2.1 all
  Facebook API implementation

libykclient-dev/stable 2.15-2+b1 amd64
  Yubikey client library development files

libykclient3/stable 2.15-2+b1 amd64
  Yubikey client library runtime

llgal/stable 0.13.19-1.1 all
  Command-line online gallery generator

mlmmj-php-web/stable 1.3.0-4 all
  web interface for mlmmj, written in php

mlmmj-php-web-admin/stable 1.3.0-4 all
  administrative web interface for mlmmj, written in php

modsecurity-crs/stable 3.3.0-1+deb11u1 all
  OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set

monitoring-plugins-contrib/stable 35.20210511 amd64
  Plugins for nagios compatible monitoring systems

navit/stable 0.5.5+dfsg.1-2+b1 amd64
  Car navigation system with routing engine

node-babel7-standalone/stable 7.12.12+~cs150.141.84-6 all
  Standalone build of Babel for use in browsers and other non-Node.js environments

nordugrid-arc-monitor/stable 6.10.2-1 all
  ARC LDAP monitor web application

nzbget/stable 21.0+dfsg-2 amd64
  command-line based binary newsgrabber for nzb files

pandoc/stable amd64
  general markup converter

pdepend/stable 2.8.0-2 all
  design quality metrics for PHP packages

pear-channels/stable 0~20190819-1 all
  PEAR channels for various projects

pgtap/stable 1.1.0-5 all
  Unit testing framework for PostgreSQL - metapackage

pgtap-doc/stable 1.1.0-5 all
  Unit testing framework for PostgreSQL - documentation

phing/stable 2.16.1-1 all
  PHP5 project build system based on Apache Ant

php/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (default)

php-all-dev/stable 2:76 all
  package depending on all supported PHP development packages

php-amqp/stable 1.10.2-4 amd64
  AMQP extension for PHP

php-amqplib/stable 2.12.1-3 all
  pure PHP implementation of the AMQP protocol

php-apcu/stable 5.1.19+4.0.11-3 amd64
  APC User Cache for PHP

php-apcu-bc/stable 1.0.5-5 amd64
  APCu Backwards Compatibility Module

php-ast/stable 1.0.10-4 amd64
  AST extension for PHP 7

php-auth-sasl/stable 1.1.0-1 all
  Abstraction of various SASL mechanism responses

php-bcmath/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  Bcmath module for PHP [default]

php-bz2/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  bzip2 module for PHP [default]

php-cache-integration-tests/stable 0.17.0-1 all
  Integration tests for PSR-6 and PSR-16 cache implementations

php-cache-tag-interop/stable 1.0.1-1 all
  Framework interoperable interfaces for tags

php-cas/stable 1.3.8-1 all
  Central Authentication Service client library in php

php-cgi/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (CGI binary) (default)

php-cli/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  command-line interpreter for the PHP scripting language (default)

php-codecoverage/stable 9.2.5+dfsg-3 all
  collection, processing, and rendering for code coverage

php-codesniffer/stable 3.5.8-3 all
  PHP, CSS and JavaScript coding standard analyzer and checker

php-common/stable 2:76 all
  Common files for PHP packages

php-composer-ca-bundle/stable 1.2.9-1 all
  utility library to find a path to the system CA bundle

php-composer-semver/stable 3.2.4-2 all
  utilities, version constraint parsing and validation

php-composer-spdx-licenses/stable 1.5.5-2 all
  SPDX licenses list and validation library

php-composer-xdebug-handler/stable 1.4.5-1 all
  Restarts a process without Xdebug

php-console-commandline/stable 1.2.1-1 all
  A full featured command line options and arguments parser

php-console-table/stable 1.3.1-0.1 all
  Library that makes it easy to build console style tables

php-crypt-gpg/stable 1.6.4-2+deb11u1 all
  PHP PEAR module for encrypting and decrypting with GnuPG

php-curl/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  CURL module for PHP [default]

php-date/stable 1.4.7-3 all
  Generic date/time handling class for PEAR

php-db/stable 1.10.0-1 all
  Database Abstraction Layer

php-deepcopy/stable 1.10.2-3 all
  create deep copies (clones) of objects

php-dev/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  Files for PHP module development (default)

php-directory-scanner/stable 1.3.2-4 all
  recursive directory scanner and filter

php-doctrine-annotations/stable 1.11.2-1 all
  Docblock Annotations Parser - Doctrine component

php-doctrine-bundle/stable 2.2.3-1 all
  bundle library - Doctrine component

php-doctrine-cache/stable 1.10.2-2 all
  cache library - Doctrine component

php-doctrine-collections/stable 1.6.7-2 all
  Collections Abstraction library - Doctrine component

php-doctrine-common/stable 3.1.1-1 all
  common extensions for Doctrine

php-doctrine-data-fixtures/stable 1.5.0-1 all
  Data Fixtures for all Doctrine Object Managers

php-doctrine-dbal/stable 2.12.1-2 all
  database abstraction layer for Doctrine

php-doctrine-event-manager/stable 1.1.1-1 all
  Doctrine Event Manager component

php-doctrine-inflector/stable 2.0.3-2 all
  string manipulations library - Doctrine component

php-doctrine-instantiator/stable 1.4.0-1 all
  lightweight utility to instantiate objects in PHP

php-doctrine-lexer/stable 1.2.1-1 all
  base lexer library - Doctrine component

php-doctrine-orm/stable 2.8.1+dfsg-3 all
  tool for object-relational mapping

php-doctrine-persistence/stable 2.1.0-2 all
  Doctrine Persistence abstractions

php-dompdf/stable 0.6.2+dfsg-3.1 all
  HTML to PDF converter

php-dragonmantank-cron-expression/stable 2.3.1-1 all
  cron expression parser for PHP

php-ds/stable 1.3.0-2 amd64
  PHP extension providing efficient data structures for PHP 7

php-easyrdf/stable 1.0.0-2 all
  PHP library to consume and produce RDF

php-email-validator/stable 2.1.25-1 all
  A library for validating emails against several RFCs

php-enchant/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  Enchant module for PHP [default]

php-excimer/stable 1.0.0~git20190913.d82eaf7-1+b1 amd64
  PHP extension that provides a non-static, non-global profiler

php-facedetect/stable 1.1.0-19-g135c72a-2 amd64
  Detect faces with PHP

php-fdomdocument/stable 1.6.6-3 all
  extension to PHP's standard DOM

php-file-iterator/stable 3.0.5-2 all
  FilterIterator implementation for PHP

php-font-lib/stable 0.3.1+dfsg-3.1 all
  read, parse, export and make subsets of different fonts

php-fpdf/stable 3:1.8.2.dfsg-1 all
  PHP class to generate PDF files

php-fpm/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary) (default)

php-fxsl/stable 1.1.1-5 all
  XSL wrapper and extension to XSLTProcessor

php-gd/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  GD module for PHP [default]

php-gearman/stable 2.1.0+1.1.2-0+deb11u1 amd64
  PHP wrapper to libgearman

php-geoip/stable 1.1.1-7 amd64
  GeoIP module for PHP

php-geos/stable 1.0.0-6 amd64
  GEOS bindings for PHP

php-geshi/stable all
  Generic Syntax Highlighter

php-getallheaders/stable 3.0.3-2 all
  A polyfill for getallheaders

php-getid3/stable 1.9.20+dfsg-1 all
  scripts to extract information from multimedia files

php-gmagick/stable 2.0.6~rc1+1.1.7~rc3-0+deb11u1 amd64
  Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library

php-gmp/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  GMP module for PHP [default]

php-gnupg/stable 1.4.0-8 amd64
  PHP wrapper around the gpgme library

php-google-recaptcha/stable 1.2.4-3 all
  reCAPTCHA PHP client library

php-guestfs/stable 1:1.44.0-2 amd64
  guest disk image management system - PHP bindings

php-guzzlehttp-promises/stable 1.4.0-2 all
  Guzzle promises library

php-guzzlehttp-psr7/stable 1.7.0-1+deb11u1 all
  PSR-7 message implementation that also provides common utility methods

php-hamcrest/stable 2.0.1-2 all
  This is the PHP port of Hamcrest Matchers

php-horde/stable 5.2.23+debian0-5 all
  Horde base application

php-horde-activesync/stable 2.41.5-1 all
  ActiveSync server library

php-horde-alarm/stable 2.2.10-9 all
  Horde Alarm Libraries

php-horde-ansel/stable 3.0.10+debian1-2 all
  Photo gallery application

php-horde-argv/stable 2.1.0-7 all
  Horde command-line argument parsing package

php-horde-auth/stable 2.2.2-8 all
  Horde Authentication API

php-horde-autoloader/stable 2.1.2-10 all
  Horde Autoloader

php-horde-browser/stable 2.0.16-4 all
  Browser detection library

php-horde-cache/stable 2.5.5-8 all
  Horde Caching API

php-horde-cli/stable 2.3.0-6 all
  Command line interface library

php-horde-compress/stable 2.2.3-3 all
  Compression library

php-horde-compress-fast/stable 1.1.1-10 all
  Fast Compression Library

php-horde-constraint/stable 2.0.3-9 all
  Horde Constraint library

php-horde-content/stable 2.0.6-7 all
  Tagging application

php-horde-controller/stable 2.0.5-5 all
  Controller library

php-horde-core/stable 2.31.16+debian0-2 all
  Core Horde Framework library

php-horde-crypt/stable 2.7.12-6 all
  Cryptography library

php-horde-crypt-blowfish/stable 1.1.3-2 all
  Blowfish encryption library

php-horde-css-parser/stable 1.0.11-8 all
  Horde CSS Parser

php-horde-cssminify/stable 1.0.4-6 all
  CSS Minification

php-horde-data/stable 2.1.5-2 all
  Data import and export library

php-horde-date/stable 2.4.1-8 all
  Horde Date package

php-horde-date-parser/stable 2.0.7-2 all
  Date parser library

php-horde-dav/stable 1.1.4-6 all
  Horde library for WebDAV, CalDAV, CardDAV

php-horde-db/stable 2.4.1-1 all
  Database abstraction library

php-horde-editor/stable 2.0.5+debian0-5 all
  Horde Editor API

php-horde-elasticsearch/stable 1.0.4-6 all
  Horde ElasticSearch client

php-horde-exception/stable 2.0.8-8 all
  Horde Exception Handler

php-horde-feed/stable 2.0.4-9 all
  Horde Feed libraries

php-horde-form/stable 2.0.20-2 all
  Form library

php-horde-gollem/stable 3.0.13-5 all
  File manager application

php-horde-group/stable 2.1.1-11 all
  Horde User Groups System

php-horde-groupware/stable 5.2.22-6 all
  Horde Groupware

php-horde-hashtable/stable 1.2.6-7 all
  Horde Hash Table Interface

php-horde-history/stable 2.3.6-10 all
  API for tracking the history of an object

php-horde-http/stable 2.1.7-9 all
  Horde HTTP libraries

php-horde-icalendar/stable 2.1.8-5 all
  iCalendar and vCard library

php-horde-idna/stable 1.1.2-2 all
  IDNA normalization library

php-horde-image/stable 2.6.1-2 all
  Image library

php-horde-imap-client/stable 2.30.1-4 all
  IMAP client library

php-horde-imp/stable 6.2.27-2 all
  Webmail application

php-horde-imsp/stable 2.0.10-6 all

php-horde-ingo/stable 3.2.16-8 all
  An email filter rules manager

php-horde-injector/stable 2.0.5-10 all
  Horde dependency injection container

php-horde-itip/stable 2.1.2-8 all
  iTip invitation response handling

php-horde-javascriptminify/stable 1.1.5-7 all
  Javascript Minification

php-horde-kolab-format/stable 2.0.9-7 all
  A package for reading/writing Kolab data formats

php-horde-kolab-server/stable 2.0.5-9 all
  A package for manipulating the Kolab user database

php-horde-kolab-session/stable 2.0.3-9 all
  A package managing an active Kolab session

php-horde-kolab-storage/stable 2.2.4-2 all
  Kolab data storage library

php-horde-kronolith/stable 4.2.29-2 all
  Calendar and scheduling application

php-horde-ldap/stable 2.4.2-4 all
  LDAP client library

php-horde-listheaders/stable 1.2.5-7 all
  Horde List Headers Parsing Library

php-horde-lock/stable 2.1.4-7 all
  Horde Resource Locking System

php-horde-log/stable 2.3.0-7 all
  Horde Logging library

php-horde-logintasks/stable 2.0.7-8 all
  Horde Login Tasks System

php-horde-lz4/stable 1.0.10-8 amd64
  Horde LZ4 Compression Extension

php-horde-mail/stable 2.6.5-5 all
  Mail library

php-horde-mail-autoconfig/stable 1.0.3-10 all
  Horde Mail Autoconfiguration

php-horde-mapi/stable 1.0.10-4 all
  MAPI utility library

php-horde-memcache/stable 2.1.1-7 all
  Horde Memcache API

php-horde-mime/stable 2.11.1-2 all
  MIME library

php-horde-mime-viewer/stable 2.2.2+debian0-2 all
  Horde MIME Viewer Library

php-horde-mnemo/stable 4.2.14-10 all
  A web based notes manager

php-horde-nag/stable 4.2.19-6 all
  Task list application

php-horde-nls/stable 2.2.1-6 all
  Native Language Support (NLS)

php-horde-notification/stable 2.0.4-9 all
  Horde Notification System

php-horde-oauth/stable 2.0.4-6 all
  Horde OAuth client/server

php-horde-openxchange/stable 1.0.1-6 all
  Open-Xchange Connector

php-horde-pack/stable 1.0.7-7 all
  Horde Pack Utility

php-horde-passwd/stable 5.0.7-8 all
  Horde password changing application

php-horde-pdf/stable 2.0.8-2 all
  PDF writer library

php-horde-perms/stable 2.1.8-4 all
  Permissions library

php-horde-prefs/stable 2.9.0-8 all
  Horde Preferences API

php-horde-queue/stable 1.1.5-6 all
  Horde Queue

php-horde-rdo/stable 2.1.0-8 all
  Rampage Data Objects

php-horde-role/stable 1.0.1-17 all
  PEAR installer role used to install Horde components

php-horde-routes/stable 2.0.5-9 all
  Horde Routes URL mapping system

php-horde-rpc/stable 2.1.9-1 all
  RPC library

php-horde-scheduler/stable 2.0.3-6 all
  Horde Scheduler System

php-horde-scribe/stable 2.0.3-6 all
  Scribe client for Horde

php-horde-secret/stable 2.0.6-9 all
  Secret Encryption API

php-horde-serialize/stable 2.0.5-9 all
  Data Encapulation API

php-horde-service-facebook/stable 2.0.10-6 all
  Horde Facebook client

php-horde-service-gravatar/stable 1.0.1-9 all
  API accessor for

php-horde-service-twitter/stable 2.1.6-6 all
  Horde Twitter client

php-horde-service-urlshortener/stable 2.0.3-6 all
  Horde_Service_UrlShortener Class

php-horde-service-weather/stable 2.5.5-2 all
  Weather service library

php-horde-sesha/stable 1.0.0~rc3-8 all
  A simple Inventory App for Horde

php-horde-sessionhandler/stable 2.3.0-1 all
  Session handler library

php-horde-share/stable 2.2.0-8 all
  Horde Shared Permissions System

php-horde-smtp/stable 1.9.6-2 all
  SMTP client library

php-horde-socket-client/stable 2.1.3-1 all
  Network socket client library

php-horde-spellchecker/stable 2.1.3-9 all
  Spellcheck API

php-horde-stream/stable 1.6.3-9 all
  Horde stream handler

php-horde-stream-filter/stable 2.0.4-9 all
  Horde Stream filters

php-horde-stream-wrapper/stable 2.1.4-6 all
  PHP stream wrappers library

php-horde-support/stable 2.2.0-8 all
  Horde support package

php-horde-syncml/stable 2.0.7-7 all
  Horde_SyncMl provides an API for processing SyncML requests

php-horde-template/stable 2.0.3-10 all
  Horde Template System

php-horde-test/stable 2.6.4+debian0-7 all
  Unit testing library

php-horde-text-diff/stable 2.2.1-2 all
  Text diff generation and rendering library

php-horde-text-filter/stable 2.3.7-1 all
  Text filtering and conversion library

php-horde-text-flowed/stable 2.0.4-2 all
  Flowed text library

php-horde-thrift/stable 2.0.3-6 all
  Thrift client for Horde

php-horde-timeobjects/stable 2.1.4-6 all
  Horde timeobjects application

php-horde-timezone/stable 1.1.0-7 all
  Timezone library

php-horde-token/stable 2.0.9-8 all
  Horde Token API

php-horde-translation/stable 2.2.2-7 all
  Horde translation library

php-horde-trean/stable 1.1.10-3 all
  Bookmarks application

php-horde-tree/stable 2.0.5-6 all
  Horde Tree API

php-horde-turba/stable 4.2.25-5 all
  Address book application

php-horde-url/stable 2.2.6-7 all
  Horde Url class

php-horde-util/stable 2.5.9-2 all
  Utility library

php-horde-vfs/stable 2.4.1-2 all
  Virtual file system library

php-horde-view/stable 2.0.6-9 all
  Horde View API

php-horde-webmail/stable 5.2.22-6 all
  Horde Groupware Webmail Edition

php-horde-whups/stable 3.0.12-7 all
  Ticket-tracking application

php-horde-wicked/stable 2.0.8-8 all
  Wiki application

php-horde-xml-element/stable 2.0.4-9 all
  Horde Xml Element object

php-horde-xml-wbxml/stable 2.0.4-2 all
  WBXML library

php-htmlawed/stable 1.1.20-1.1 all
  htmLawed PHP code to purify & filter HTML

php-htmlpurifier/stable 4.11.0-1 all
  Standards-compliant HTML filter

php-http/stable 4.0.0+3.2.4+2.6.0-0+deb11u1 amd64
  PECL HTTP module for PHP Extended HTTP Support

php-http-httplug/stable 2.2.0-1 all
  HTTPlug, the HTTP client abstraction for PHP

php-http-message-factory/stable 1.0.2-2 all
  Factory interfaces for PSR-7 HTTP Message

php-http-promise/stable 1.1.0-1 all
  Promise used for asynchronous HTTP requests

php-http-psr7-integration-tests/stable 1.1.1-2 all
  Test suite for PSR7

php-http-webdav-server/stable 1.0.0RC8-1 all
  WebDAV Server Baseclass

php-httpful/stable 0.3.2-1 all
  A Readable, Chainable, REST friendly, PHP HTTP Client

php-icinga/stable 2.8.2-2 all
  PHP library to communicate with and use Icinga

php-igbinary/stable 3.2.1+2.0.8-2 amd64
  igbinary PHP serializer

php-illuminate-auth/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Auth library component for PHP

php-illuminate-broadcasting/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Broadcasting library component for PHP

php-illuminate-bus/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Bus library component for PHP

php-illuminate-cache/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Cache library component for PHP

php-illuminate-config/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Config library component for PHP

php-illuminate-console/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Console library component for PHP

php-illuminate-container/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Container library component for PHP

php-illuminate-contracts/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Contracts library component for PHP

php-illuminate-cookie/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Cookie library component for PHP

php-illuminate-database/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Database library component for PHP

php-illuminate-encryption/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Encryption library component for PHP

php-illuminate-events/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Events library component for PHP

php-illuminate-filesystem/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Filesystem library component for PHP

php-illuminate-hashing/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Hashing library component for PHP

php-illuminate-http/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Http library component for PHP

php-illuminate-log/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Log library component for PHP

php-illuminate-mail/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Mail library component for PHP

php-illuminate-notifications/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Notifications library component for PHP

php-illuminate-pagination/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Pagination library component for PHP

php-illuminate-pipeline/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Pipeline library component for PHP

php-illuminate-queue/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Queue library component for PHP

php-illuminate-redis/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Redis library component for PHP

php-illuminate-routing/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Routing library component for PHP

php-illuminate-session/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Session library component for PHP

php-illuminate-support/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Support library component for PHP

php-illuminate-translation/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Translation library component for PHP

php-illuminate-validation/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate Validation library component for PHP

php-illuminate-view/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Illuminate View library component for PHP

php-image-text/stable 0.7.0-2 all
  Image_Text - Advanced text maipulations in images

php-imagick/stable 3.4.4+php8.0+3.4.4-2+deb11u2 amd64
  Provides a wrapper to the ImageMagick library

php-imap/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  IMAP module for PHP [default]

php-interbase/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  Interbase module for PHP [default]

php-intl/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  Internationalisation module for PHP [default]

php-invoker/stable 3.1.1-2 all
  Invoke callables with a timeout

php-json/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  JSON module for PHP [default]

php-json-schema/stable 5.2.10-2 all
  implementation of JSON schema

php-laravel-framework/stable 6.20.14+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  web application framework for PHP

php-laravel-lumen-framework/stable 6.3.5-2 all
  micro-framework for building web applications in PHP

php-ldap/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  LDAP module for PHP [default]

php-league-commonmark/stable 1.5.7-2 all
  Markdown parser based on the CommonMark JS reference implementation

php-league-flysystem/stable 1.1.3-4 all
  filesystem abstraction offering one API to many filesystems

php-league-html-to-markdown/stable 4.10.0-2 all
  An HTML-to-markdown conversion helper for PHP

php-league-mime-type-detection/stable 1.5.1+ds-2 all
  generic mime-type detection interface for PHP

php-letodms-core/stable 3.4.2-1 all
  Document management system

php-libvirt-php/stable 0.5.5-3 amd64
  libvirt bindings for PHP

php-log/stable 1.13.2-1 all
  Logging Framework

php-lorenzo-pinky/stable 1.0.5-2 all
  A Foundation for Emails (Inky) template transpiler

php-lua/stable 2.0.7+1.1.0-3 amd64
  PHP Embedded lua interpreter

php-luasandbox/stable 3.0.3-2+b1 amd64
  PHP extension that provides a sandboxed Lua environment

php-mail/stable 1.4.1-1 all
  Class that provides multiple interfaces for sending emails

php-mail-mime/stable 1.10.10-1 all
  PHP PEAR module for creating MIME messages

php-mailparse/stable 3.1.1+2.1.7~dev20160128-3+deb11u1 amd64
  Email message manipulation for PHP

php-mapscript/stable 7.6.2-1 amd64
  php-cgi module for MapServer

php-mapscript-ng/stable 7.6.2-1 amd64
  PHP MapServer module (SWIG)

php-mariadb-mysql-kbs/stable 1.2.12-1 all
  Knowledge base about MariaDB and MySQL server variables

php-masterminds-html5/stable 2.7.4+dfsg-2 all
  An HTML5 parser and serializer

php-mbstring/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  MBSTRING module for PHP [default]

php-mdb2/stable 2.5.0b5-2 all
  database abstraction layer

php-mdb2-driver-mysql/stable 1.5.0b4-2 all
  mysql MDB2 driver

php-mdb2-driver-pgsql/stable 1.5.0b4-2 all
  pgsql MDB2 driver

php-memcache/stable 8.0+ amd64
  memcache extension module for PHP

php-memcached/stable 3.1.5+2.2.0-5+deb11u1 amd64
  memcached extension module for PHP, uses libmemcached

php-mf2/stable 0.3.0-0.1 all
  Microformats2 is the simplest way to markup structured information in HTML

php-mikey179-vfsstream/stable 1.6.8-3 all
  Virtual file system to mock the real file system in unit tests

php-mockery/stable 1.4.2-1 all
  mock object framework for PHPUnit and other testing framework

php-mockery-doc/stable 1.4.2-1 all
  mock object framework for PHPUnit - documentation

php-mongodb/stable 1.9.0+1.7.5-2 amd64
  MongoDB driver for PHP

php-monolog/stable 1.26.0-1 all
  send logs to various destination and web services

php-msgpack/stable 2.1.2+0.5.7-2 amd64
  PHP extension for interfacing with MessagePack

php-mysql/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  MySQL module for PHP [default]

php-nesbot-carbon/stable 2.32.2-1 all
  simple PHP API extension for DateTime

php-net-dime/stable 1.0.2-3 all
  The Net_DIME package implements DIME encoding and decoding

php-net-dns2/stable 1.5.0-1 all
  PHP Resolver library used to communicate with a DNS server

php-net-ftp/stable 1:1.4.0-2.1 all
  Net_FTP provides an OO interface to the PHP FTP functions plus some additions

php-net-imap/stable 1:1.1.3-2.1 all
  Provides an implementation of the IMAP protocol

php-net-ipv6/stable 1.3.0b4-1.1 all
  Check and validate IPv6 addresses

php-net-ldap2/stable 2.2.0-6 all
  Object oriented interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries

php-net-ldap3/stable 1.1.3-3 all
  Object oriented interface for searching and manipulating LDAP entries

php-net-nntp/stable 1.5.0-2 all
  NNTP implementation

php-net-publicsuffix/stable 0.2-1 all
  PHP module for detecting registered domains and public suffixes

php-net-sieve/stable 1.4.4-2 all
  Handles talking to a sieve server

php-net-smtp/stable 1.9.0-1 all
  PHP PEAR module implementing SMTP protocol

php-net-socket/stable 1.2.2-2 all
  Network Socket Interface

php-net-url/stable 1.0.15-4 all
  Easy parsing of Urls

php-net-url2/stable 2.2.1-0.2 all
  Class for parsing and handling URL

php-net-whois/stable 1.0.5-3.2 all
  PHP PEAR module for querying whois services

php-nikic-fast-route/stable 1.3.0-3 all
  Fast request router for PHP

php-nrk-predis/stable 1.0.0-1+b1 amd64
  Flexible and feature-complete PHP client library for the Redis key-value store

php-nyholm-psr7/stable 1.3.2-2 all
  A fast PHP7 implementation of PSR-7

php-oauth/stable 2.0.7+1.2.3-3 amd64
  OAuth 1.0 consumer and provider extension

php-odbc/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  ODBC module for PHP [default]

php-opis-closure/stable 3.6.1-1 all
  serializable closures (anonymous functions) for PHP

php-parsedown/stable 1.7.4-1 all
  Parser for Markdown

php-parser/stable 4.10.4-1 all
  convert PHP code into abstract syntax tree

php-pclzip/stable 2.8.2-5 all
  ZIP archive manager class for PHP

php-pcov/stable 1.0.6-4 amd64
  Code coverage driver

php-pear/stable 1:1.10.12+submodules+notgz+20210212-1 all
  PEAR Base System

php-pgsql/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  PostgreSQL module for PHP [default]

php-phar-io-manifest/stable 2.0.1-2 all
  reading manifest information from a PHP Archive (Phar)

php-phar-io-version/stable 3.0.4-1 all
  handling version information and constraint

php-php-gettext/stable 1.0.12-4 all
  read gettext MO files directly, without requiring anything other than PHP

php-phpdbg/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (PHPDBG binary) (default)

php-phpdocumentor-reflection-common/stable 2.2.0-1 all
  Common reflection classes - phpDocumentor component

php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock/stable 5.2.2-1 all
  DocBlock parser - phpDocumentor component

php-phpdocumentor-type-resolver/stable 1.4.0-2 all
  TypeResolver and FqsenResolver - phpDocumentor component

php-phpmyadmin-motranslator/stable 5.2.0-1 all
  translation API for PHP using Gettext MO files

php-phpmyadmin-shapefile/stable 2.1-5 all
  translation API for PHP using Gettext MO files

php-phpmyadmin-sql-parser/stable 5.4.1-1 all
  validating SQL lexer and parser

php-phpoption/stable 1.7.5-2 all
  Option type for PHP

php-phpseclib/stable 2.0.30-2 all
  implementations of an arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic library

php-phpspec-prophecy/stable 1.12.2-1 all
  object mocking framework - phpspec component

php-phpspec-prophecy-phpunit/stable 2.0.1-2 all
  Integrating the Prophecy mocking library in PHPUnit test cases

php-pinba/stable 1.1.2-2 amd64
  Pinba module for PHP

php-propro/stable 2.1.0+1.0.2+nophp8-3 amd64
  propro module for PHP

php-proxy-manager/stable 2.11.1+1.0.3-1 all
  library providing utilities to operate with Object Proxies

php-ps/stable 1.4.1+pecl+nophp8+1.3.7-2 amd64
  ps module for PHP

php-pspell/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  pspell module for PHP [default]

php-psr/stable 1.0.1-2 amd64
  PSR interfaces for PHP

php-psr-cache/stable 1.0.1-2 all
  Common interface for caching libraries

php-psr-container/stable 1.0.0-2 all
  Common Container Interface (PHP FIG PSR-11)

php-psr-http-client/stable 1.0.1-1 all
  Common interface for HTTP clients

php-psr-http-factory/stable 1.0.1-2 all
  Common interfaces for PSR-7 HTTP message factories

php-psr-http-message/stable 1.0.1-2 all
  Common interface for HTTP messages

php-psr-link/stable 1.0.0-2 all
  Common interfaces for HTTP links

php-psr-log/stable 1.1.3-2 all
  common interface for logging libraries

php-psr-simple-cache/stable 1.0.1-1 all
  Common interfaces for simple caching

php-radius/stable 1.4.0~b1-12 amd64
  radius client library for PHP

php-ramsey-uuid/stable 3.9.3-2 all
  RFC 4122 universally unique identifier (UUID) generator for PHP

php-random-compat/stable 2.0.19-1 all
  PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7

php-raphf/stable 2.0.1+1.1.2-1+b1 amd64
  raphf module for PHP

php-raphf-dev/stable 2.0.1+1.1.2-1 all
  raphf module for PHP development headers [dummy]

php-react-promise/stable 2.7.0-2 all
  lightweight implementation of CommonJS Promises/A for PHP

php-readline/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  readline module for PHP [default]

php-redis/stable 5.3.2+4.3.0-2+deb11u1 amd64
  PHP extension for interfacing with Redis

php-remctl/stable 3.17-1 amd64
  PECL module for Kerberos-authenticated command execution

php-rrd/stable 2.0.1+1.1.3-10 amd64
  PHP bindings to rrd tool system

php-sabre-dav/stable 1.8.12-9 all
  WebDAV Framework for PHP

php-sabre-vobject/stable 2.1.7-6 all
  library to parse and manipulate iCalendar and vCard objects

php-sass/stable 0.7-1 amd64
  PHP bindings to libsass - fast, native Sass parsing in PHP

php-seclib/stable 1.0.19-3 all
  implementations of an arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic library

php-shellcommand/stable 1.6.3-1 all
  An object oriented interface to shell commands

php-snmp/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  SNMP module for PHP [default]

php-soap/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  SOAP module for PHP [default]

php-solr/stable 2.5.1+2.4.0-5+deb11u1 amd64
  PHP extension for communicating with Apache Solr server

php-sql-formatter/stable 1.2.17+dct1.1.1-1 all
  a PHP SQL highlighting library

php-sqlite3/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  SQLite3 module for PHP [default]

php-ssh2/stable 1.2+0.13-4 amd64
  Bindings for the libssh2 library

php-stomp/stable 2.0.2+1.0.9-5 amd64
  Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol (STOMP) client module for PHP

php-swiftmailer/stable 6.2.4-1 all
  Swiftmailer, free feature-rich PHP mailer

php-sybase/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  Sybase module for PHP [default]

php-symfony/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  set of reusable components and framework for web projects

php-symfony-amazon-mailer/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Symfony Amazon Mailer Bridge

php-symfony-asset/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  manage asset URLs

php-symfony-browser-kit/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  simulate the behavior of a web browser

php-symfony-cache/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  provides an extended PSR-6, PSR-16 (and tags) implementation

php-symfony-cache-contracts/stable 1.1.10-2 all
  Generic abstractions related to caching

php-symfony-config/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  load configurations from different data sources

php-symfony-console/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  run tasks from the command line

php-symfony-contracts/stable 1.1.10-2 all
  A set of abstractions extracted out of the Symfony components

php-symfony-css-selector/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  convert CSS selectors to XPath expressions

php-symfony-debug/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  tools to make debugging of PHP code easier

php-symfony-debug-bundle/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  debugging tools for the Symfony framework

php-symfony-dependency-injection/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  standardize and centralize construction of objects

php-symfony-doctrine-bridge/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  integration for Doctrine with Symfony Components

php-symfony-dom-crawler/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  ease DOM navigation for HTML and XML documents

php-symfony-dotenv/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  .env files parser to make environment variables accessible

php-symfony-error-handler/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  manage errors and ease debugging

php-symfony-event-dispatcher/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  dispatch events and listen to them

php-symfony-event-dispatcher-contracts/stable 1.1.10-2 all
  Generic abstractions related to dispatching event

php-symfony-expression-language/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  compile and evaluate expressions

php-symfony-filesystem/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  basic filesystem utilities

php-symfony-finder/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  find files and directories

php-symfony-form/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  create HTML forms and process request data

php-symfony-framework-bundle/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  basic, robust and flexible MVC framework

php-symfony-google-mailer/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Symfony Google Mailer Bridge

php-symfony-http-client/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  methods to fetch HTTP resources synchronously or asynchronously

php-symfony-http-client-contracts/stable 1.1.10-2 all
  Generic abstractions related to HTTP clients

php-symfony-http-foundation/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  object-oriented layer for the HTTP specification

php-symfony-http-kernel/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  building blocks for flexible and fast HTTP-based frameworks

php-symfony-inflector/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  words conversion between their singular and plural forms

php-symfony-intl/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  limited replacement layer for the PHP extension intl

php-symfony-ldap/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  abstraction layer for the PHP LDAP module

php-symfony-lock/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  create and manage locks

php-symfony-mailchimp-mailer/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Symfony Mailchimp Mailer Bridge

php-symfony-mailer/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  help sending emails

php-symfony-mailgun-mailer/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Symfony Mailgun Mailer Bridge

php-symfony-messenger/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  send and receive messages

php-symfony-mime/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  library to manipulate MIME messages

php-symfony-monolog-bridge/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  integration for Monolog with Symfony Components

php-symfony-options-resolver/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  configure objects with option arrays

php-symfony-phpunit-bridge/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  integration for PHPUnit with Symfony Components

php-symfony-polyfill/stable 1.22.1-1 all
  Symfony polyfills backporting features to lower PHP versions

php-symfony-polyfill-apcu/stable 1.22.1-1 all
  Symfony polyfill backporting apcu_* functions to lower PHP versions

php-symfony-polyfill-ctype/stable 1.22.1-1 all
  Symfony polyfill for ctype functions

php-symfony-polyfill-iconv/stable 1.22.1-1 all
  Symfony polyfill for the Iconv extension

php-symfony-polyfill-intl-grapheme/stable 1.22.1-1 all
  Symfony polyfill for intl's grapheme_* functions

php-symfony-polyfill-intl-icu/stable 1.22.1-1 all
  Symfony polyfill for intl's ICU-related data and classes

php-symfony-polyfill-intl-idn/stable 1.22.1-1 all
  Symfony polyfill for intl's idn_to_ascii and idn_to_utf8 functions

php-symfony-polyfill-intl-messageformatter/stable 1.22.1-1 all
  Symfony polyfill for intl's MessageFormatter class and related functions

php-symfony-polyfill-intl-normalizer/stable 1.22.1-1 all
  Symfony polyfill for intl's Normalizer class and related functions

php-symfony-polyfill-mbstring/stable 1.22.1-1 all
  Symfony polyfill for the Mbstring extension

php-symfony-polyfill-php72/stable 1.22.1-1 all
  Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 7.2+ features to lower PHP versions

php-symfony-polyfill-php73/stable 1.22.1-1 all
  Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 7.3+ features to lower PHP versions

php-symfony-polyfill-php74/stable 1.22.1-1 all
  Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 7.4+ features to lower PHP versions

php-symfony-polyfill-php80/stable 1.22.1-1 all
  Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 8.0+ features to lower PHP versions

php-symfony-polyfill-php81/stable 1.22.1-1 all
  Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 8.1+ features to lower PHP versions

php-symfony-polyfill-util/stable 1.22.1-1 all
  Symfony utilities for portability of PHP codes

php-symfony-polyfill-uuid/stable 1.22.1-1 all
  Symfony polyfill for uuid functions

php-symfony-polyfill-xml/stable 1.22.1-1 all
  Symfony polyfill for xml's utf8_encode and utf8_decode functions

php-symfony-postmark-mailer/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Symfony Postmark Mailer Bridge

php-symfony-process/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  execute commands in sub-processes

php-symfony-property-access/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  read from and write to an object or array

php-symfony-property-info/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  extract information about properties of PHP classes

php-symfony-proxy-manager-bridge/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  integration for ProxyManager with Symfony Components

php-symfony-routing/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  associate a request with code that generates a response

php-symfony-security/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  infrastructure for sophisticated authorization systems

php-symfony-security-acl/stable 3.1.1-1 all
  Symfony Security Component - ACL (Access Control List)

php-symfony-security-bundle/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  configurable security system for the Symfony framework

php-symfony-security-core/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  infrastructure for authorization systems - common features

php-symfony-security-csrf/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  infrastructure for authorization systems - CSRF protection

php-symfony-security-guard/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  infrastructure for authorization systems - Guard features

php-symfony-security-http/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  infrastructure for authorization systems - HTTP integration

php-symfony-sendgrid-mailer/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  Symfony Sendgrid Mailer Bridge

php-symfony-serializer/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  convert PHP objects into specific formats and vice versa

php-symfony-service-contracts/stable 1.1.10-2 all
  Generic abstractions related to writing services

php-symfony-stopwatch/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  profile PHP code

php-symfony-templating/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  tools needed to build a template system

php-symfony-translation/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  tools to internationalize an application

php-symfony-translation-contracts/stable 1.1.10-2 all
  Generic abstractions related to translation

php-symfony-twig-bridge/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  integration for Twig with Symfony Components

php-symfony-twig-bundle/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  configurable integration of Twig with the Symfony framework

php-symfony-validator/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  tools to validate values

php-symfony-var-dumper/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  mechanisms for walking through any arbitrary PHP variable

php-symfony-var-exporter/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  export serializable PHP data structure to plain PHP code

php-symfony-web-link/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  manage links between resources

php-symfony-web-profiler-bundle/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  collect requests information for analysis and debugging

php-symfony-web-server-bundle/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  provide commands for applications using the PHP built-in web server

php-symfony-workflow/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  manage a workflow or finite state machine

php-symfony-yaml/stable 4.4.19+dfsg-2+deb11u1 all
  convert YAML to PHP arrays and the other way around

php-tcpdf/stable 6.3.5+dfsg1-1 all
  PHP class for generating PDF files on-the-fly

php-text-captcha/stable 1.0.2-8 all
  Generation of CAPTCHAs

php-text-figlet/stable 1.0.2-5 all
  Engine for use FIGlet fonts to rendering text

php-text-languagedetect/stable 0.3.0-2 all
  Language detection class

php-text-password/stable 1.2.1-5 all
  Creating passwords with PHP

php-text-template/stable 2.0.4-1 all
  Simple template engine

php-text-wiki/stable 1.2.1-3 all
  transform Wiki and BBCode markup into XHTML, LaTeX or plain text markup

php-thrift/stable 0.13.0-6 amd64
  PHP language support for Thrift

php-tideways/stable 5.0.4-2 amd64
  Tideways PHP Profiler Extension

php-tidy/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  tidy module for PHP [default]

php-tijsverkoyen-css-to-inline-styles/stable 2.2.3-2 all
  convert HTML into HTML with inline styles

php-timer/stable 5.0.3-2 all
  Utility class for timing

php-tokenizer/stable 1.2.0-1 all
  tokenized PHP source to XML converter

php-twig/stable,stable-security 2.14.3-1+deb11u2 all
  Flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP

php-twig-cssinliner-extra/stable,stable-security 2.14.3-1+deb11u2 all
  A Twig extension to allow inlining CSS

php-twig-doc/stable,stable-security 2.14.3-1+deb11u2 all
  Twig template engine documentation

php-twig-extra-bundle/stable,stable-security 2.14.3-1+deb11u2 all
  A Symfony bundle for extra Twig extensions

php-twig-html-extra/stable,stable-security 2.14.3-1+deb11u2 all
  A Twig extension for HTML

php-twig-i18n-extension/stable 3.0.0-2 all
  i18n extension for the Twig template system

php-twig-inky-extra/stable,stable-security 2.14.3-1+deb11u2 all
  A Twig extension for the inky email templating engine

php-twig-intl-extra/stable,stable-security 2.14.3-1+deb11u2 all
  A Twig extension for Intl

php-twig-markdown-extra/stable,stable-security 2.14.3-1+deb11u2 all
  A Twig extension for Markdown

php-uopz/stable 6.1.2-4 amd64
  UOPZ extension for PHP 7

php-uploadprogress/stable 1.1.3-4 amd64
  file upload progress tracking extension for PHP

php-uuid/stable 1.2.0-2 amd64
  PHP UUID extension

php-validate/stable 0.8.5-4.2 all
  validation class

php-vlucas-phpdotenv/stable 3.6.7-2 all
  environment variable file loader for PHP

php-webmozart-assert/stable 1.9.1-2 all
  Assertions to validate method input/output with nice error messages

php-wikidiff2/stable 1.11.0-1 amd64
  external diff engine for mediawiki

php-wmerrors/stable 2.0.0~git20190628.183ef7d-2+b1 amd64
  PHP extension that enhances and customizes handling of PHP errors

php-xajax/stable 0.5-2 all
  A library to develop Ajax applications

php-xdebug/stable 3.0.2+2.9.8+2.8.1+2.5.5-2 amd64
  Xdebug Module for PHP

php-xml/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  DOM, SimpleXML, WDDX, XML, and XSL module for PHP [default]

php-xml-htmlsax3/stable 3.0.0+really3.0.0-4 all
  SAX parser for HTML and other badly formed XML documents

php-xml-svg/stable 1.1.0-2 all

php-xmlrpc/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  XMLRPC-EPI module for PHP [default]

php-yac/stable 2.3.0+0.9.2-2 amd64
  YAC (Yet Another Cache) for PHP

php-yaml/stable 2.2.1+2.1.0+2.0.4+1.3.2-2 amd64
  YAML-1.1 parser and emitter for PHP

php-zend-code/stable 4.0.0-2 all
  Laminas Project - Code component

php-zend-eventmanager/stable 3.3.0-2 all
  Laminas Project - EventManager component

php-zend-stdlib/stable 3.3.1-3 all
  Laminas Project - Stdlib component

php-zeroc-ice/stable 3.7.5-2 amd64
  PHP extension for Ice

php-zeta-base/stable 1.9.1-3 all
  Zeta Components - Base package

php-zeta-console-tools/stable 1.7.2-2 all
  Zeta Components - ConsoleTools package

php-zeta-unit-test/stable 1.1.2-2 all
  Zeta Components - UnitTest package

php-zip/stable 2:7.4+76 all
  Zip module for PHP [default]

php-zmq/stable 1.1.3-14 amd64
  ZeroMQ messaging bindings for PHP

php7.4/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 all
  server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage)

php7.4-bcmath/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  Bcmath module for PHP

php7.4-bz2/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  bzip2 module for PHP

php7.4-cgi/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (CGI binary)

php7.4-cli/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  command-line interpreter for the PHP scripting language

php7.4-common/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  documentation, examples and common module for PHP

php7.4-curl/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  CURL module for PHP

php7.4-dba/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  DBA module for PHP

php7.4-dev/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  Files for PHP7.4 module development

php7.4-enchant/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  Enchant module for PHP

php7.4-fpm/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary)

php7.4-gd/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  GD module for PHP

php7.4-gmp/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  GMP module for PHP

php7.4-imap/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  IMAP module for PHP

php7.4-interbase/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  Interbase module for PHP

php7.4-intl/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  Internationalisation module for PHP

php7.4-json/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  JSON module for PHP

php7.4-ldap/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  LDAP module for PHP

php7.4-mbstring/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  MBSTRING module for PHP

php7.4-mysql/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  MySQL module for PHP

php7.4-odbc/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  ODBC module for PHP

php7.4-opcache/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  Zend OpCache module for PHP

php7.4-pgsql/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  PostgreSQL module for PHP

php7.4-phpdbg/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (PHPDBG binary)

php7.4-pspell/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  pspell module for PHP

php7.4-readline/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  readline module for PHP

php7.4-snmp/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  SNMP module for PHP

php7.4-soap/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  SOAP module for PHP

php7.4-sqlite3/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  SQLite3 module for PHP

php7.4-sybase/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  Sybase module for PHP

php7.4-tidy/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  tidy module for PHP

php7.4-xml/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  DOM, SimpleXML, XML, and XSL module for PHP

php7.4-xmlrpc/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  XMLRPC-EPI module for PHP

php7.4-xsl/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 all
  XSL module for PHP (dummy)

php7.4-zip/stable-security 7.4.33-1+deb11u3 amd64
  Zip module for PHP

phpab/stable 1.26.0-1 all
  lightweight PHP namespace aware autoload generator

phpcpd/stable 6.0.3-1 all
  copy and paste detector (CPD) for PHP code

phpdox/stable 0.12.0-5 all
  documentation generation framework and tool

phpliteadmin/stable all
  web-based SQLite database admin tool

phpliteadmin-themes/stable all
  web-based SQLite database admin tool - themes

phploc/stable 7.0.2-1 all
  tool for quickly measuring the size of a PHP project

phpmd/stable 2.9.1-2 all
  PHP Mess Detector

phpmyadmin/stable 4:5.0.4+dfsg2-2+deb11u1 all
  MySQL web administration tool

phppgadmin/stable 7.13.0+dfsg-2 all
  web-based administration tool for PostgreSQL

phpqrcode/stable 1.1.4-3.1 all
  PHP library for generating two-dimensional barcodes

phpsysinfo/stable 3.2.5-3 all
  PHP based host information

phpunit/stable 9.5.2-1 all
  Unit testing suite for PHP

phpunit-cli-parser/stable 1.0.1-1 all
  Library for parsing CLI options

phpunit-code-unit/stable 1.0.8-1 all
  Collection of value objects that represent the PHP code units

phpunit-code-unit-reverse-lookup/stable 2.0.3-2 all
  look up what a line of code belongs to - PHPUnit component

phpunit-comparator/stable 4.0.6-1 all
  functionality to compare PHP values for equality - PHPUnit component

phpunit-complexity/stable 2.0.2-1 all
  Library for calculating the complexity of PHP code units

phpunit-diff/stable 4.0.4-1 all
  diff implementation - stand-alone component from PHPUnit

phpunit-environment/stable 5.1.3-2 all
  functionality to handle HHVM/PHP environments - PHPUnit component

phpunit-exporter/stable 4.0.3-2 all
  export variables for visualization - PHPUnit component

phpunit-global-state/stable 5.0.2-1 all
  snapshotting of global state - PHPUnit component

phpunit-lines-of-code/stable 1.0.3-1 all
  Library for counting the lines of code in PHP source code

phpunit-object-enumerator/stable 4.0.4-1 all
  enumerate all referenced objects - PHPUnit component

phpunit-object-reflector/stable 2.0.4-1 all
  reflection of object attributes - PHPUnit component

phpunit-recursion-context/stable 4.0.4-1 all
  recursively process PHP variables - PHPUnit component

phpunit-resource-operations/stable 3.0.3-2 all
  provide a list of PHP built-in functions that operate on resources

phpunit-type/stable 2.3.1-1 all
  Collection of value objects that represent the types of the PHP type system

phpunit-version/stable 3.0.2-2 all
  Library that helps with managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projects

phpwebcounter/stable 1.0-5 all
  simple and light web hit counter

phpwebcounter-extra/stable 20071108-4 all
  extra graphical numbers to PHP Web Counter

pkg-php-tools/stable 1.40 all
  various packaging tools and scripts for PHP packages

poppassd/stable 1.8.5-5 amd64
  password change server for Eudora and NUPOP

postgresql-13-pgtap/stable 1.1.0-5 all
  Unit testing framework extension for PostgreSQL 13

prayer/stable 1.3.5-dfsg1-8 amd64
  standalone IMAP-based webmail server

prayer-accountd/stable 1.3.5-dfsg1-8 amd64
  account management daemon for Prayer

prayer-templates-dev/stable 1.3.5-dfsg1-8 amd64
  tools for compiling Prayer templates

prayer-templates-src/stable 1.3.5-dfsg1-8 all
  templates for customizing Prayer Webmail

python-cheetah-doc/stable 3.2.6-1 all
  documentation for the Cheetah template engine

python3-cheetah/stable 3.2.6-1+b1 amd64
  text-based template engine and Python code generator (Python 3)

python3-flatbuffers/stable 1.12.1~git20200711.33e2d80+dfsg1-0.6 all
  efficient cross platform serialization library - Python bindings

python3-guzzle-sphinx-theme/stable 0.7.11-5 all
  Sphinx theme used by Guzzle

python3-phply/stable 1.2.5-4 all
  PHP parser written in Python 3 using PLY

python3-phpserialize/stable 1.3-1.1 all
  Python port of PHP serialize and unserialize functions (Python 3)

python3-pysimplesoap/stable,now 1.16.2-3 all [installed]
  simple and lightweight SOAP Library (Python 3)

python3-vatnumber/stable 1:1.2-10 all
  Python module to validate VAT numbers (implemented in Python 3)

r-cran-brew/stable 1.0-6-4 all
  GNU R templating framework for report generation

r-cran-nloptr/stable amd64
  GNU R package for interface to NLopt

r-cran-stringi/stable 1.5.3-1 amd64
  GNU R character string processing facilities

raintpl/stable 3.1.1-1 all
  easy and fast template engine for PHP

rss-bridge/stable 2020-11-10+dfsg1-1 all
  web service generating ATOM feeds for websites that don't have them

ruby-bluefeather/stable 0.41-5.1 all
  Extend Markdown Converter written in Ruby

ruby-coderay/stable 1.1.3-4 all
  Ruby library for syntax highlighting

ruby-erubis/stable 2.7.0-3.1 all
  fast and extensible eRuby implementation which supports multi-language

ruby-haml-contrib/stable all
  Elegant, structured XHTML/XML templating engine - addons

ruby-thrift/stable amd64
  Ruby bindings for Apache Thrift

sbox-dtc/stable 1.11.7-1+b2 amd64
  CGI chroot wrapper script for safer hosting environment

scummvm/stable 2.2.0+dfsg1-4 amd64
  engine for several graphical adventure games

scummvm-data/stable 2.2.0+dfsg1-4 all
  engine for several graphical adventure games (data files)

simplesamlphp/stable 1.19.0-1 all
  Authentication and federation application supporting several protocols

slbackup-php/stable 0.4.5-4 all
  Web-based administration tool for slbackup

sloccount/stable 2.26-5.2 amd64
  programs for counting physical source lines of code (SLOC)

smarty-gettext/stable 1.6.1-1 all
  Gettext plugin enabling internationalization in Smarty

smarty-lexer/stable 3.1.32+dfsg1-3 all
  Smarty Lexer/Parser generator

smarty-validate/stable 3.0.3-4 all
  Server-side form validation plugin for Smarty

smarty3/stable,stable-security 3.1.39-2+deb11u1 all
  Smarty - the compiling PHP template engine

splash/stable 2.10.1-1 amd64
  Visualisation tool for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulation

sqlformat/stable 0.4.1-1 all
  SQL formatting utility

texlive-latex-extra/stable 2020.20210202-3 all
  TeX Live: LaTeX additional packages

therion-doc/stable 5.5.7ds1-2 all
  Documentation for Therion Cave surveying software

tntnet/stable 2.2.1-4 amd64
  modular, multithreaded web application server for C++

tntnet-demos/stable 2.2.1-4 amd64
  demo web applications for Tntnet

tntnet-doc/stable 2.2.1-4 all
  documentation for Tntnet

tsmarty2c/stable 1.6.1-1 all
  Smarty Gettext's translation string ripper

tweeper/stable 1.4.3-1 all
  web scraper to convert supported websites like to RSS

txt2regex/stable 0.9-3 all
  A Regular Expression "wizard", all written with bash2 builtins

uphpmvault/stable 0.8+b2 amd64
  upload recovery images to HP MediaVault2 via Ethernet

uwsgi-plugin-php/stable amd64
  PHP plugin for uWSGI

velocity/stable 1.7-6 all
  Java-based template engine for web application

vim-syntastic/stable 3.10.0-2 all
  Syntax checking hacks for vim

vim-youcompleteme/stable 0+20200825+git2afee9d+ds-2 all
  fast, as-you-type, fuzzy-search code completion engine for Vim

wapiti/stable 3.0.4+dfsg-1 all
  web application vulnerability scanner

watchcatd/stable 1.2.1-3.1+b1 amd64
  Process monitoring daemon

websocketd/stable 0.4.1-1+b5 amd64
  Turn any program that uses STDIN/STDOUT into a WebSocket server

weechat/stable 3.0-1+deb11u1 all
  Fast, light and extensible chat client (metapackage)

weechat-curses/stable 3.0-1+deb11u1 amd64
  Fast, light and extensible chat client - console client

weechat-headless/stable 3.0-1+deb11u1 amd64
  Fast, light and extensible chat client - headless client

weechat-php/stable 3.0-1+deb11u1 amd64
  Fast, light and extensible chat client - PHP plugin

weevely/stable 4.0.1-1 all
  Stealth tiny web shell

wwwconfig-common/stable 0.3.0+nmu1 all
  Debian web auto configuration

xine-ui/stable 0.99.9-2 amd64
  xine video player, graphical user interface

xjed/stable 1:0.99.19-8 amd64
  editor for programmers (x11 version)

yasat/stable 848-1.1 all
  simple stupid audit tool

yrmcds/stable 1.1.9-1+b1 amd64
  memcached compatible KVS with master/slave replication

yubikey-server-c/stable 0.5-1.1 amd64
  Yubikey validation server

zabbix-frontend-php/stable 1:5.0.8+dfsg-1 all
  network monitoring solution - PHP front-end

zoph/stable 0.9.16-1 all
  Web based digital image presentation and management system

Ergänzung ()

madmax2010 schrieb:
Ok. 2 reverse proxies hinter einander wird es nicht brauchen. Aber wenn du bspw. Office nutzen willst, können dir nur sehr wenige mit der utm helfen.

Grundsätzlich ist es gut auf php8 zu setzen, unter Debian und Ubuntu musst du da jedoch erstmal die für deine Version korrekten repositories

In deinem zuletzt gezeigten Befehl installierst du schon wieder ein apache Modul.
Bitte lies Befehle bevor du sie ausführst und wenn du einen Teil nicht verstehst, google oder frag hier. Wenn eine Erklärung nicht reicht, frag nach

Zeig gern mal
apt search php

Auch nach dieser Anleitung lässt sich PHP 8.1 nicht installieren. Hier mal ein Ausschnitt der Installation

root@NextCloud:~# sudo apt install apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates wget -y
Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig
Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut.       
Statusinformationen werden eingelesen.... Fertig
lsb-release ist schon die neueste Version (11.1.0ubuntu2).
ca-certificates ist schon die neueste Version (20211016ubuntu0.20.04.1).
wget ist schon die neueste Version (1.20.3-1ubuntu2).
apt-transport-https ist schon die neueste Version (2.0.9).
0 aktualisiert, 0 neu installiert, 0 zu entfernen und 0 nicht aktualisiert.
root@NextCloud:~# sudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg
--2023-03-07 15:51:59--
Resolving (, 2400:52e0:1e00::1081:1
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1769 (1,7K) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg’

/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg       100%[======================================================================>]   1,73K  --.-KB/s    in 0s     

2023-03-07 15:51:59 (52,2 MB/s) - ‘/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg’ saved [1769/1769]

root@NextCloud:~# sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/php.list'
root@NextCloud:~# sudo apt update
Ign:1 focal InRelease
Ign:2 focal InRelease
Fehl:3 focal Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 443]
OK:4 focal InRelease
Fehl:5 focal Release
  404  Not Found [IP: 443]
OK:6 focal-updates InRelease
OK:7 focal-security InRelease
Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig
E: Das Depot » focal Release« enthält keine Release-Datei.
N: Eine Aktualisierung von solch einem Depot kann nicht auf eine sichere Art durchgeführt werden, daher ist es standardmäßig deaktiviert.
N: Weitere Details zur Erzeugung von Paketdepots sowie zu deren Benutzerkonfiguration finden Sie in der Handbuchseite apt-secure(8).
E: Das Depot » focal Release« enthält keine Release-Datei.
N: Eine Aktualisierung von solch einem Depot kann nicht auf eine sichere Art durchgeführt werden, daher ist es standardmäßig deaktiviert.
N: Weitere Details zur Erzeugung von Paketdepots sowie zu deren Benutzerkonfiguration finden Sie in der Handbuchseite apt-secure(8).
root@NextCloud:~# sudo apt install php8.1
Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig
Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut.       
Statusinformationen werden eingelesen.... Fertig
E: Paket php8.1 kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
root@NextCloud:~# sudo apt install php8.1 libapache2-mod-php8.1
Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig
Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut.       
Statusinformationen werden eingelesen.... Fertig
E: Paket php8.1 kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »php8.1« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket libapache2-mod-php8.1 kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels des Musters »libapache2-mod-php8.1« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich weiß gar nicht, wozu man da großartig Installationsanleitungen braucht. In gängigen Linux-Distributionen liegt Nextcloud mit bei. Das "klickt" man an und dann wird das installiert und alles was man dafür braucht wird über Abhängigkeitsauflösung mit reingezogen. Da muss man sich nciht großartig drum kümmern die richtige PHP-Version zu wählen. Das geschieht quasi automatisch.
Und das was die Distributionen da anbieten, das kann und sollte man auch ruhig nutzen, weil dann klar ist das es einigermaßen erprobt ist und auch einigermaßen gut gepflegt wird.

Die "Installation" beschränkt sich also im Wesentlichen auf Feinabstimmung in der Konfiguration. Und was das Verfügbar machen im Internet angeht: Das ist ja zunächst erst mal unabhängig von der Nextcloud-Installation. Wenn die also grundsätzlich funktioniert, kann man sich (getrennt davon) darum kümmern.

Und wenn da bestimmte Dinge offen bleiben: In der Regel bieten dann auch die Distributionen selbst irgendwelche Wikis und Konfigurationshinweise an. Und auch auf der Nextcloud-Homepage wird sich ja ausführlich der Thematik gewidmet.

Vielleicht würde ich das erst mal als Ansatzpunkt nehmen, bevor ich irgendwie wild irgendwelche Zuffallsfund-Installationsanleitungen aus dem Internet abarbeite.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: madmax2010
Das würde die ganze Sache ja wesentlich vereinfachen, wo bekommt so ein Linux-Distribution wo Nextcloud schon mit inbegriffen ist?