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- Juli 2010
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- 152
132 fps kommt von der Rechnung 2*66
Das hat was mit Netsettings zu tun, cmdrate updaterate serverfps, blabla (d.h. wieviele pakete sendet man, wieviele pakeete empfängt man, wieviele fps bietet der server, blabla)
Diese 2*132 sind ein Richtwert, es waren mal früher 121 (da war die Rechnung (2*60) + 1)
Das sind halt alles nur Richtwerte.
// The primary benefit of an FPS cap is to make the FPS more stable, other than
// that, it doesn't do a lot. A moderate, consistent framerate is much more
// desirable than a variable but sometimes high framerate. A common
// misconception is that if any more frames are generated than your monitor can
// display, they are useless. This is wrong -- frames are used for much more
// than mere display, and affect the way the game feels well past your
// refresh rate.
// This FPS cap should *always* be set to a value higher than `cl_cmdrate' in
// any case, or the discrepancy between clientside frame generation and frames
// to be sent to the server will no doubt cause you many a headache, especially
// when it comes down to hit registration. Other than that, I recommend
// for everyone to use the value `132' (2*66), as long as you can generally
// keep that value stable without regular drops.
// Whilst net settings perhaps aren't an integral part of an FPS config, they
// are a fact of life in competitive TF2, and as such, they are included here.
// A common question I am asked -- what defines whether a good connection is
// good or bad? Mostly personal preference. If you're not willing to make the
// choice, try both and see which is better for you.
// Generally, meeting both of the following conditions would classify it as a
// good connection:
// - Ping of <80 to the average server you join
// - Generally no/negligible choke/loss (can be checked with `net_graph')
// There's some pretty good documentation on this here:
// Good connection
//cl_cmdrate 66
//cl_interp 0
//cl_interp_ratio 1
//cl_lagcompensation 1
//cl_pred_optimize 2
//cl_smooth 0
//cl_smoothtime 0.01
//cl_updaterate 66
//rate 60000
PS: Ich bin KEIN CSS Spieler, sonder TF2-Spieler.
PPS: Alles nur Richtlinien und Theorie, die durch experimentieren entstanden sind
PPPS: Copyrights Anhang : Chris config
Das hat was mit Netsettings zu tun, cmdrate updaterate serverfps, blabla (d.h. wieviele pakete sendet man, wieviele pakeete empfängt man, wieviele fps bietet der server, blabla)
Diese 2*132 sind ein Richtwert, es waren mal früher 121 (da war die Rechnung (2*60) + 1)
Das sind halt alles nur Richtwerte.
// The primary benefit of an FPS cap is to make the FPS more stable, other than
// that, it doesn't do a lot. A moderate, consistent framerate is much more
// desirable than a variable but sometimes high framerate. A common
// misconception is that if any more frames are generated than your monitor can
// display, they are useless. This is wrong -- frames are used for much more
// than mere display, and affect the way the game feels well past your
// refresh rate.
// This FPS cap should *always* be set to a value higher than `cl_cmdrate' in
// any case, or the discrepancy between clientside frame generation and frames
// to be sent to the server will no doubt cause you many a headache, especially
// when it comes down to hit registration. Other than that, I recommend
// for everyone to use the value `132' (2*66), as long as you can generally
// keep that value stable without regular drops.
// Whilst net settings perhaps aren't an integral part of an FPS config, they
// are a fact of life in competitive TF2, and as such, they are included here.
// A common question I am asked -- what defines whether a good connection is
// good or bad? Mostly personal preference. If you're not willing to make the
// choice, try both and see which is better for you.
// Generally, meeting both of the following conditions would classify it as a
// good connection:
// - Ping of <80 to the average server you join
// - Generally no/negligible choke/loss (can be checked with `net_graph')
// There's some pretty good documentation on this here:
// Good connection
//cl_cmdrate 66
//cl_interp 0
//cl_interp_ratio 1
//cl_lagcompensation 1
//cl_pred_optimize 2
//cl_smooth 0
//cl_smoothtime 0.01
//cl_updaterate 66
//rate 60000
PS: Ich bin KEIN CSS Spieler, sonder TF2-Spieler.
PPS: Alles nur Richtlinien und Theorie, die durch experimentieren entstanden sind
PPPS: Copyrights Anhang : Chris config