tips for pico neo 3 link?


Cadet 2nd Year
Jan. 2023
Hi guys, I received my pn3l yersteday. Than the pico 4 has better quality image obviously. But bad ipd set-up (only 3 options) and the same horrible visual cover. The sde and ca/distortion are almost invisible in game.

Seems a pico 4 with little imperfections but the big pro of dp cable (try to image a pico 4 with dp connection.... you are so stupid pico).

Do you know where can I find a better visual cover? I don't find anything.
dancal88 schrieb:
try to image a pico 4 with dp connection.... you are so stupid pico
no, they are not -
the Pico4 is a subsidized headset. With each headset sold, Pico loses some money. They have to make it back through their store. If now many come and say, "I'm going to buy a Pico4-Link and then only play PC-VR games with a DP cable because i have a lot of Steam and Oculus games on my pc and many quest2 games which are crossbuy - so can also play via pc," that's really bad for Pico. They need to sell as much as possible from their store to avoid making a loss. A DisplayPort is not ideal for this. WLAN is also not ideal, but since all the headsets now have XR2 and all have wlan, it's necessary, otherwise no one will buy the Headsets. However, they don't want to make the glasses too good for PC-VR, as that would be bad for Pico."
Ich hoffe es stört niemanden das ich mich hier kurz einmische.

Nach dem zurücksetzen der Pico Neo 3 Link sind meine Videos aus dem Dateimanager verschwunden.
Kann mir vielleicht jemand von euch der die PN3L besitzt das folgende Video schicken: Video_Demo.mp4

Das befindet sich hier:
pre_resource - Video

Das Video ist 260 MB groß. Vielleicht über Dropbox?

Wäre sehr nett, danke :)