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VDSL-Modem im Bridge-Modus: Anschluss mit Telefonie


Cadet 1st Year
Jan. 2025
Entschuldigen Mein Deutsch ist nicht gut.
(Ich bin Englischer Muttersprachler und lebe in Deutschland)

ISP: Vodafone vdsl 100 Mbit

Ursprüngliches Setup:

Vodafone Easybox 804 (kein Bridge-Modus) --> Als DMZ konfiguriert --> Asus RT-AX86U (Doppel-NAT)


Ich habe jetzt (dank @ noreris Beiträgen) Telekom Digitalization Box Basic (unterstützt Bridge-Modus)


Ich möchte:

  1. Bestätigen, dass die DigiBox richtig funktioniert
  2. Doppel-NAT entfernen
  3. Analoges DECT-Haustelefon warten
  4. Robustes Netzwerk mit VLANs erstellen (Asus-Router wird durch Omada-System ersetzt)


Digibox ursprünglich im Bridge-Modus mit verwendetem LAN-Port 2 verbunden (LAN 1 ist für Digibox-GUI) --> Easybox WAN

Automatische ISP-Wiederverbindung nicht möglich. Digibox entfernt, automatische Wiederverbindung zum ISP hergestellt.

--Erlaubt die EasyBox 804 eine solche Verbindung über Modem?
--Benötigt die Digibox eine lokale IP?

-- PPPOE kann auf EasyBOX nicht konfiguriert werden

-- Entfernt Easybox aus dem Setup und fährt mit 2 fort.

  • Digibox verbinden -> Asus-Router
  • Router mit Klonpräferenz konfigurieren (ISP) Easy Box MAC
Ist das sinnvoll? Ich möchte meine Router-MAC vor meinem ISP verbergen

3. (noch nicht)

  • DECT-Telefon mit LAN am Router verbinden, indem ein ATA verwendet wird
  • Ist das überhaupt der richtige Weg?
  • Ich nehme an, ich brauche meine SIP-Daten vom ISP (Vodafone VDSL)

Aber brauche ich einen VLAN-fähigen Router?


Asus-Router ersetzen, auch wenn er besser ist als das ISP-Gerät, ist er immer noch Schrott. Ich brauche VLANs aus anderen Gründen. Ich habe vor, ein vollständiges Omada-Setup zu verwenden.


Ich hoffe, jemand kann mir bei diesem Vorgang helfen.

Zuerst muss ich bestätigen, dass DigiBox eine Verbindung herstellen kann.



English version Below
ISP: Vodafone vdsl 100mbit

Original setup:

Vodafone easybox 804 (no bridge mode) -->Configured as DMZ --> Asus RT-AX86U (double NAT)

I now have (thanks to @ noreri 's posts) Telekom Digitalization Box Basic (supports Bridge mode)

I wish to:
  1. Confirm the DigiBox functions correctly
  2. Remove the double NAT.
  3. Maintain analogue house DECT phone.
  4. Create robust network with vlans (Asus Rouiter will be replaced with Omada system)
  • Originally connected digibox in bridge mode with Lan port 2 used (Lan 1 is for digibox gui) --> Easybox WAN
Unable to get automatic ISP recconect. Removed digibox, automatic reconnect to ISP established.
--Does the EasyBox 804 allow such a connection via modem?
--Does the Digibox require a local IP?

--Unable to configure PPOE on EasyBOX

--Will Remove Easybox from setup and move on to 2.


Connect digibox-->Asus Router

--configure router with preferance of clonning (ISP) Easy Box MAC
Is this sensible? I wish to hide my router MAC from ISP

3. (not yet)

Connect DECT telephone to LAN on router by using an ATA

Is this even the correct way to go abpout this?
I presume I need my SIP data from ISP (vodafone vdsl)
But Do I need to have a VLAN capable router?

4. Replace Asus router even though better than ISP device it is still rubbish. I need VLANS for other reasons. My intention is to go with a full Omada setup.

I hope someone can assist me through this process.

Firstly I need to confirm DigiBox can provide a connection

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Schonmal das versucht? EasyBox raus, DigiBox in Bridge Mode (LAN 2) → Asus WAN. PPPoE auf Asus mit Vodafone-Zugangsdaten einrichten. Falls keine Verbindung: Vodafone-Support nach PPPoE-Daten fragen.


Falls Vodafone die Verbindung an die EasyBox-MAC bindet, diese in Asus eintragen.
When did your contract with Vodafone DSL started? The EasyBox 804 is quite old, so you might be lucky. If it started before mid 2022, you might be on an old contract still with IPv4-only. However, newer contracts (and maybe changed ones) tunnel everything via DS-Lite. Because neither Asus nor Omada support DS-Lite at all, you have to ask Vodafone to change your contract from „DS-Lite Tunnel“ to „Dual Stack“.

Can you post the WAN settings of the ASUS, the area where you change the
  • VLAN to 7 and
  • your PPPoE credentials, at least the prefix of it?
Furthermore, if you use the EasyBox (without the Digitalisierungsbox BASIC), are you able to connect to IPv6-only webpages like ipv6.icanhazip.com?
Deafty schrieb:
Unable to configure PPOE on EasyBOX
Well, no, you cannot change the EasyBox to not use its internal DSL modem. At least, I am not aware of any trick. In other words, yes, you cannot use the Digitalisierungsbox BASIC as DSL modem for the EasyBox. So, that finding is correct.
Deafty schrieb:
clonning (ISP) Easy Box MAC
No, that does not make sense because Vodafone DSL just relies on PPPoE credentials.
Deafty schrieb:
I wish to hide my router MAC from ISP
OK, why? They do not bully you for using a different system.
Contract with Vodafone is very old.

From what I can tell its IPv4 only.
I did check a IPvP6 site checker and came up negative.

IPv4 Easybox.png

norKoeri schrieb:
However, newer contracts (and maybe changed ones) tunnel everything via DS-Lite. Because neither Asus nor Omada support DS-Lite at all, you have to ask Vodafone to change your contract from „DS-Lite Tunnel“ to „Dual Stack“.
This could be a huge problem. Do you think Vodafone will allow the change? Can I make them? If not I am possibly royally screwed.

I am considering getting cable hooked up in the future. (no guarantee though, waiting on Unitymedia to provide costs)
norKoeri schrieb:
Can you post the WAN settings of the ASUS, the area where you change the
  • VLAN to 7 and
  • your PPPoE credentials, at least the prefix of it?
So VLan 7 is used by vodafone?
Asus Router "RT-AX86U" cant use Vlans (not without extensive scripting). The pro version does though fyi.

Heres the screen shots, note my current config is Static Wan to my DMZ easybox. I just oppened the PPPoE settings for the screen shot.

Asus Wan PPoe.png

PPoe Wan2.png

  • PPPoE credentials: I presume you mean :-- "Vodafone-vdsl.komplett/vbxxxxxxxxxx"
If not this then i am indeed stupid and need to learn a lot more. lol
Ergänzung ()

wertzuiop123 schrieb:
Falls Vodafone die Verbindung an die EasyBox-MAC bindet, diese in Asus eintragen.
Ich hoffe, dass dies stimmt, denn das ist meine bevorzugte Methode.
This I hope to be true it is my prefered method
I would simply prefer to hide my MAC from ISP

norKoeri schrieb:
OK, why? They do not bully you for using a different system.

I spoke with Vodafone in person last week. Was told if my credentials don't work then just call and give them my 3rd party router MAC. Call me paranoid, but with a huge wave of security threats coming worldwide in the next few years I don't want to advertise my hardware.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Deafty schrieb:
Then you are somewhat lucky and do not have DS-Lite. So, that is not your issue and there is no need to change anything.
Deafty schrieb:
Asus Router "RT-AX86U" cant use Vlans
Normally, they can. It is just ‘VLAN tagging’ on the WAN. That is nothing special and not to be confused with several LAN segments which are created by VLANs sometimes. What I am about is VLAN tagging on the WAN side.
Deafty schrieb:
Mhm, that is your issue. Your Asus does not allow VLAN tagging. Unusal for Asus. Where did you buy that device? Are you using the latest firmware? Did you try a complete reset? Perhaps then that feature appears. At least we know your issue now. Wait a minute, I just noticed, that some Asus have that feature in ‘Advanced Settings → LAN → IPTV’. There, go for the profile ‘Manual’ and then Internet = 7. The priority does not matter. Does that work?
Deafty schrieb:
Was told if my credentials don't work then just call and give them my 3rd party router MAC. Call me paranoid, but with a huge wave of security threats coming worldwide in the next few years I don't want to advertise my hardware.
Do not understand. Try in more detail or in other words. The agent has lied at you (or mixed it up with Vodafone Cable which works somewhat that way, but you have DSL), because he cannot do anything with the MAC.
norKoeri schrieb:
Mhm, that is your issue. Your Asus does not allow VLAN tagging. Unusal for Asus. Where did you buy that device? Are you using the latest firmware? Did you try a complete reset? Perhaps then that feature appears. At least we know your issue now. Wait a minute, I just noticed, that some Asus have that feature in ‘Advanced Settings → LAN → IPTV’. There, go for the profile ‘Manual’ and then Internet = 7. The priority does not matter. Does that work?
Mmmm. will look into it.

But can you inform me what Vlan 7 is used for? Internet or telephone or both?

many thanks.
Both. However, if you set just the value for ‘Internet’, it is for all services automatically.

Because we did not address telephony at all yet; your options are:
a) used FRITZ!Box 7520 (in mode IP client), normally 20€​
b) used Gigaset GO-Box 100, normally 15€​
Kleinanzeigen.de or eBay-Auktion (not eBay Sofort-Kaufen) are a good source. Then, just for sanitary reasons, a new DECT handset. If you go for FRITZ!Box, you can use both FRITZ!Fon or Gigaset HX (filtered for software platforms, I do not like so much). If you go for Gigaset GO-Box 100, you are ‘limited’ to Gigaset.
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Reaktionen: grünerbert
Interesting. thanks for help.
norKoeri schrieb:
Because we did not address telephony at all yet; your options are:
a) used FRITZ!Box 7520 (in mode IP client), normally 20€b) used Gigaset GO-Box 100, normally 15€

Ip client mode is the same as IP passthrough?
I cant find any information about IP client mode other than FRitz manual.

If it is the same then my understanding is that IP passthrough requires a Satic IP address from ISP which I definetely do not have and am unable to get one.

If I go with the fritzbox in IP client mode then on which device(s) is the ISP connection configured?

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but,...I am thinking that...

Fritzbox is effectively split into 2 devices when in IP client mode.
  • Modem that connects to my router (which handles internet (including NAT))
  • ATA for DECT telphone
But I am getting very confused as to where the ATA of fritzbox is getting a connection from.

I apologise for my stupidity here. :(
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AVM calls this IP Client. Others call it „Access Point“ or „Bridge“. It is just about the LAN side, not the WAN side towards to your Internet Service Provider. With „IP Client“, the FRITZ!Box behaves like a computer you would attach to your router. Essentially, you turn a FRITZ!Box into an ATA.
Deafty schrieb:
If I go with the fritzbox in IP client mode then on which device(s) is the ISP connection configured?
On another one, the router, in your case your Asus.
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Reaktionen: grünerbert und Deafty
If the below is accurate then I understand:

DSL wall socket ----> Lan 2 DigiBox basic in full bridge mode ---> WAN on My router:
  • My router Lan ---> my network
  • My router Lan 2 ---> Fritzbox in IP client mode ----> Telephone

Please note: Im having trouble finding specific info with Fritz!Box 7520

However: This link details what you have stated above

I thankyou for providing a cheap solution with the Fritz 7520 model. But if I can get my hands on a different fritz that supports IP client mode I should still be good go?

Additionally: Is it possible in any way to use an analogue phone. My current phone base uses an analogue connection. The base (I believe) communicates via DECT to my other handsets.

Gigaset Go Box 100.png

I simply cant find whether analogue is supported on the fritzbox box when in IP client mode.

Please note i am referencing easybell only because they support english language

I can
this site being of use. in particular Here
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Deafty schrieb:
My router Lan 2 ---> Fritzbox in IP client mode ----> Telephone
One option. Just to avoid a possible misunderstanding: That FRITZ!Box could be in your home network anywhere; you may connect it directly, but you do not have to.
Deafty schrieb:
Im having trouble finding specific info with Fritz!Box 7520
I linked that procedure in our the private messages. There, at the top right, a blue drop-down menu should show all FRITZ!Box models supporting that mode. However, because you are about telephony, I recommend a FRITZ!Box which still gets feature updates, because then you still get interoperability updates. Consequently, I recommend FRITZ!OS 8 or newer. A list of those can be found here …
Deafty schrieb:
Is it possible in any way to use an analogue phone.
Not sure I understand that question. In that mode, the FRITZ!Box is still an ATA. It offers an analogue port.
Deafty schrieb:
My current phone base uses an analogue connection. The base (I believe) communicates via DECT to my other handsets.
If you have a „GO-Box 100“ (and no „Box 100“ and no „Box 200A“), then you do not need an ATA at all because your DECT base supports Ethernet and VoIP/SIP already. Which DECT base do you use exactly?
Deafty schrieb:
my other handsets
Which handsets do you use exactly?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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Reaktionen: Deafty
Minor update circling back to Bridged Digi Box Basic to Asus Router.

norKoeri schrieb:
Advanced Settings → LAN → IPTV’. There, go for the profile ‘Manual’ and then Internet = 7. The priority does not matter. Does that work?

Yes it worked. with:
WAN: PPPoE ---> Username from ISP and password from ISP.

I believe I have confirmed Single NAT

Confirmed Single NAT.png


Have saved settings from AsusRouter .

Will now revert back (for now) to having double Nat so my wife can still use the bloody telephone.
and continue establishing what ATA to go with.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
norKoeri schrieb:
Which handsets do you use exactly?
A very old "Telekom Sinus C 34"
1 base station (currently connected by RJ11 to Easy box TAE port)
+ 2 other phones on their charger stations.

our phone.jpg

norKoeri schrieb:
That FRITZ!Box could be in your home network anywhere; you may connect it directly, but you do not have to.
Understood: I apologize for my self created confusion.

IP Client is obviously LAN side and IP passthrough would be WAN side

If it is on the WAN side of my router, then its effectively the same as my current double NAT setup
--> Unlesss .... ?

So as you mentioned earlier, IP client is the smartest move here. . I will obviously create firewall rules and even put its LAN on a different subnet but it does raise a minor hardware security issue as well as the port forwarding.

However as nice as it would be to keep all these consumer grade products outside of my LAN I can see some benefit from having an IP client inside (and isolated) for my old analogue phone.

RE: Fritz!box list you kindly provided.

I presume when you say OS 8.0 that this can easily be identified by the firmware
firmware xxx.08.xx
where the 7520 has 175.08.00

So any Fritz!box supporting IP client mode and OS 8.0 or higher is what i need?

I do question whether getting a cable box that supports bridge mode would be a good idea for when and if I end up on an ISP cable connection in the future. But i suppose thats not really that cost effecient.

Anyway. I do wish to thank you again. You have been invaluable.

Do you know exactly what I need from my ISP in regards to configuring the initial setup of an ATA?

I presume I need:
  • my SIP credentials,
  • the STUN server name
  • port number for port forwarding. is it UDP Port 5060?
  • anything else?
But when I asked the Vodafone man in person he had no idea what I was referring to.
Navigating the Vodfaone website in German is a complete nightmare for me. :(
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Deafty schrieb:
Telekom Sinus C 34
Yes. You connect that to the analogue port of the FRITZ!Box. On the log term, consider to replace those with Gigaset HX or FRITZ!Fon headsets. Then, you might get HD Voice and you are able to avoid that additional DECT base.
Deafty schrieb:
I will obviously create firewall rules
Nope. Please, stay away from that. The FRITZ!Box punches its required holes automatically. You find that option in this document in the chapter ‘Automatische Portweiterleitung einrichten’. Ignore the remainder of that document.
Deafty schrieb:
any Fritz!box supporting IP client mode and OS 8.0 or higher is what i need?
Well, technically with Vodafone DSL (former Mannesmann Arcor) you can use what ever FRITZ!Box you like. However, I recommend one which still gets feature updates. So yes, those with xxx.08.yy are yours. The cheapest should be a FRITZ!Box 7520. The FRITZ!Box has a configuration assistant for Vodafone telephony. Then, you know what is missing. Usually, it it just the password for VoIP/SIP. I think that can be found in their „Service-Portal“ called „MeinVodafone“.
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Reaktionen: grünerbert
Ok cheers.

Cant find anything useful under "MeinVodafone" just an option to request a MIC code lol.
Even that might work. Start with the FRITZ!Box as your DSL router, go through the configuration wizard and enter your MIC. Then, change to IP client mode. The phone numbers might still be present and configured. Then all you have to do is that SIP ping, I linked. Might work that way; never tried myself. And because Vodafone DSL is terrible seldom (and they have their own community dragging all people away from third-party forums) not aware of anyone who went that path in the past.
Interesting idea. I'll give give it a go when i get a box

Finally managed to obtain a Frtiz!box 7520. :)

Now the idea was to use my MIC code on this device.

However the maximum length of the MIC code entry on the fritz!box is too short for the MIC code I have from vodafone.

my MIc is:


Fritz!box 7520 only has 3 available fields :(

I have however obtained internet access via "username and password" method (no vpn 7 entry required)
and updated firmware to 8.02

Any suggestions?

After obtaining a confirmed internet connection I have looked at the telephony settings.
The box is asking for a "sprache kenwort" upon reading vodafone forums it seems this is uncommon and any info option on either vodafone website no longer has the ability to obtain this password.

Calling Vodafone has proven useless so far.

What would you recommend my next move to be?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Deafty schrieb:
Calling Vodafone has proven useless so far.
Write to them, via postal mail. They are going to give those details because they have to. However, please, do not make a fuss out of it – as they do not care anyway about any complain –, just ask for the:
  1. Internet (PPPoE) username/password
  2. Telephony (SIP) password; the username can be constructed by yourself.
Deafty schrieb:
the maximum length of the MIC code entry on the fritz!box is too short for the MIC code I have from vodafone.
Yes, the FRITZ!Box from 1&1 are asking for a „1&1 Start-Code“ which is something different to the „Vodafone MIC“. Forgot to mention, that a black = United Internet (UM) = 1&1 box does not do the trick. However:
Deafty schrieb:
Is that a „Typ B“ or the original variant? In the latter case, you could flash the firmware and change your FRITZ!Box 7520 to a normal FRITZ!Box 7530. According this post, the MIC works then.
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Reaktionen: grünerbert