Ich verstehe nicht, weshalb man auf die Zugpferde Lumen und Nanite verzichtet hat. Da hätte man auch gleich bei der UE4 blieben können - überspitzt ausgedrückt.
Rainbowprincess schrieb:
Ich mag die unreal 5 engine einfach nicht. Die skaliert so dermaßen seltsam. Zwischen rx6650xt und rx7800xt und allen GraKas dazwischen liegen 30fps Abstand und eine 3060ti ist so schnell wie eine 6800xt. Und dann drüber hinaus eskaliert es komplett.
Es soll sich unter der Haube, gerade Richtung CPU Bereich/Threading usw. ab der Version 5.4 einiges tun. Das könnte durchaus was bringen. WÄre zumindest wünschenswert

Vielleicht liegts daran, dass viele Entwickler noch auf die 5.0 oder 5.1 Engine setzen. Und ein Upgrade auf x.2 oder x.3 nicht ins Budget oder zur Manpower passt...oder "von oben" möchte man das einfach nicht, weil lohnt nicht.
Immerhin gibts ja einige die nebenher die Engine für die Games auf die nächste Version upgraden....
Will the game support any ray tracing features? What about High Dynamic Range (HDR) displays?
Nicolas Sérouart – Technical Director: We experimented with ray tracing in different gameplay and cinematic scenes during production but found the performance cost was simply too high for the quality enhancement it brought. Our game is full of natural environments and does not have that many shiny materials, so the visual impact isn't that obvious, at least for reflections.
As for HDR, when we started production, its support in UE4 was a bit lacking in some areas (especially for Lighting artists to properly work and test HDR in the editor), and we decided not to implement it.
Does that mean Banishers will take advantage of UE5's Lumen and/or Nanite?
Karim Benfares - Executive Producer: The game will not support Lumen or Nanite.
UE games have become infamous on PC lately as they are prone to stuttering. What are you doing to prevent that?
Nicolas Sérouart – Technical Director: This is a common issue and it is hard to tackle for us developers as it is time-consuming to completely get rid of them.
In particular, the PSO caching scheme in UE requires us to do a full, exhaustive walkthrough of the game to collect each and every shader variation that can be used and rendered on screen.
One missed shader not present in the cache means players will incur a noticeable stutter in the game, as the compilation of that shader will happen during gameplay.
Moreover, shaders are regularly invalidated during development, so this collection pass has to be done at a very late stage of production when developers are generally running out of time.
The good news is that we are well aware of this problem and have planned enough time to do this pass, so the game shouldn't suffer too much from this problem at release time.
Epic is also aware of this issue and has introduced a new method of collecting PSO in newer versions of the engine. Hopefully, it won't be that much of a problem for developers in the future.