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Allgemeine Infos
Offizielle Website: n/a
Release: 23.08.2016
Systeme: PC, PS4, Xbone
Publisher: Square Enix
Entwickler: Eidos-Montreal
Genre: RPG, Shooter, Stealth
Set in 2029, two years after the events of Human Revolution, Adam Jensen returns and joins forces with an Interpol-funded task force aiming to hunt down and capture augmented terrorists in a world that now hates and fears transhumans. Jensen has a new suite of augmentations that allow him to cleverly navigate stealth, combat, and social interactions, but how Jensen chooses to solve every problem is entirely up to you.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided directly follows the aftermath of the Aug Incident, a day when mechanically augmented citizens all over the world were stripped of control over their minds and bodies, resulting in the deaths of millions of innocents. The year is now 2029, and the golden era of augmentations is over. Mechanically augmented humans have been deemed outcasts and segregated from the rest of society. Crime and acts of terror serve as a thin veil to cover up an overarching conspiracy aimed at controlling the future of mankind…

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Announcement Trailer | PS4
May Cover Revealed - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - News - www.GameInformer.com
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Game Informer May 2015
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - First Details & Screenshots Leaked, To Be Officially Unveiled Tomorrow | DSOGaming | The Dark Side Of Gaming
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Official CGI Trailer Released, Additional Details Unveiled, Will Support DX12 | DSOGaming | The Dark Side Of Gaming
Pre- & Reviews
Und es ist quasi offiziell, es wird ein neues Deus Ex geben. Ich freu mich schon und bin gespannt welches der drei Enden nun Kanon ist. ^^
Heute gibt's einen Twitch-Stream, wo es von Square Enix wohl selbst vorgestellt wird: Twitch
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