NOTE: (i) This software requires that you are using MBR/BIOS mode rather than GPT/UEFI mode. An easy way to check is fire up and confirm Device Manager->Disk Drives->[choose disk]->Volumes->Populate->Partition Style = Master Boot Record (MBR) as shown here. If it says GPT then you are using UEFI and would need to change the BIOS setting to CSM/Legacy AND either do a non-destructive GPT-to-MBR partition conversion process or reinstall Windows with that bios setting where it would create new MBR-based partitions.
Überprüf einmal in welchem Modus dein Bios läuft.
Ansonsten an alle ein schönes Fest!
mfg -BTL-
NOTE: (i) This software requires that you are using MBR/BIOS mode rather than GPT/UEFI mode. An easy way to check is fire up and confirm Device Manager->Disk Drives->[choose disk]->Volumes->Populate->Partition Style = Master Boot Record (MBR) as shown here. If it says GPT then you are using UEFI and would need to change the BIOS setting to CSM/Legacy AND either do a non-destructive GPT-to-MBR partition conversion process or reinstall Windows with that bios setting where it would create new MBR-based partitions.
Überprüf einmal in welchem Modus dein Bios läuft.
Ansonsten an alle ein schönes Fest!
mfg -BTL-