Hab mal wegen diesem Beitrag im Routerlog nachgesehen...
Die habens fast 18 Stunden versucht mit ddos, Portscan und RMA zugriff zu erhalten, bin ich froh das der Router das bis zum 24Std. Disconnect geblockt hat..
Ich frag mich nur wo die, die IP auslesen, die können ja nur die IP durchs Battlenet haben...?
Hier mal ein Auszug aus dem Log:
[LAN access from remote] from 122.146.210.X:49198 to 192.168.1.X:22, Monday, May 21,2012 22:33:06
[LAN access from remote] from 122.146.210.X:41119 to 192.168.1.X:22, Monday, May 21,2012 22:28:06
[LAN access from remote] from 122.146.210.X:32964 to 192.168.1.X:22, Monday, May 21,2012 22:23:05
[LAN access from remote] from 122.146.210.X:51242 to 192.168.1.X:22, Monday, May 21,2012 22:18:05
[LAN access from remote] from 122.146.210.X:54471 to 192.168.1.X:22, Monday, May 21,2012 22:13:04
[LAN access from remote] from 122.146.210.X:54014 to 192.168.1.X:22, Monday, May 21,2012 22:08:02
[DoS attack: FIN Scan] attack packets in last 20 sec from ip [202.111.X.176], Monday, May 21,2012 22:04:55
[LAN access from remote] from 222.195.186.X:8969 to, Monday, May 21,2012 22:04:17
[DoS attack: FIN Scan] attack packets in last 20 sec from ip [202.111.X.176], Monday, May 21,2012 22:03:12
[LAN access from remote] from 122.146.210.X:35048 to, Monday, May 21,2012 22:03:02
[DoS attack: FIN Scan] attack packets in last 20 sec from ip [202.111.X.176], Monday, May 21,2012 22:02:20
[DoS attack: FIN Scan] attack packets in last 20 sec from ip [202.111.X.176], Monday, May 21,2012 22:01:54
[DoS attack: FIN Scan] attack packets in last 20 sec from ip [202.111.X.176], Monday, May 21,2012 22:01:30
[LAN access from remote] from 202.111.175.X:50355 to 192.168.1.X:80, Monday, May 21,2012 22:01:29
[LAN access from remote] from 202.111.175.X:49934 to 192.168.1.X:80, Monday, May 21,2012 22:01:28
[LAN access from remote] from 202.111.175.X:49479 to 192.168.1.X:80, Monday, May 21,2012 22:01:27
[LAN access from remote] from 202.111.175.X:49062 to 192.168.1.X:80, Monday, May 21,2012 22:01:26
[LAN access from remote] from 202.111.175.X:48639 to 192.168.1.X:80, Monday, May 21,2012 22:01:25
[LAN access from remote] from 202.111.175.X:48177 to 192.168.1.X:80, Monday, May 21,
Aber naja die haben 90% der Attacken auf mein NAS versucht
Konnten wohl meine interne IP nicht wirklich zuweisen...