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MAC OS Update 10.4.1 erhältlich!

Hi Macis!

Es gibt nun das erste Update für Tiger! Hier ist die Übersicht der änderungen: Viel spass!

Mac OS X Update 10.4.1

mac os x update 10.4.1

About Mac OS X Update 10.4.1
Meet the world’s most advanced operating system. Again. Instantly find what you’re looking for. Get information in an instant with a single click. Mac OS X Tiger delivers 200+ new features which make it easier than ever to find, access and enjoy everything on your computer.

What’s New in this Version
Delivers overall improved reliability for Mac OS X v10.4 and is recommended for all users.

It includes improvements for:
- file sharing using AFP and SMB/CIFS network file services
- using DHCP in wireless networks
- user login when accessing LDAP and Active Directory servers
- core graphics including updated ATI and NVIDIA graphics drivers
- synchronization with .Mac
- Address Book, iCal, Font Book, Mail, and Preview applications
- Dashboard widgets: Address Book, Flight Tracker, Phone Book, and World Clock
- compatibility with third party applications and devices

For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website:

Learn more about Mac OS X.

For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website: http:

SHA1= MacOSXUpdate10.4.1.dmg=

For detailed information on SHA 1 Digest, please visit this website:

Hier noch die vollen Details:

mportant: Please read before installing

* You may experience unexpected results if you have third-party system software modifications installed, or if you have modified the operating system through other means. (This does not apply to normal application software installation.)
* The installation process should not be interrupted. If a power outage or other interruption occurs during installation, use the standalone installer (see below) from Apple Downloads to update.
* Tip: If issues occur during installation—Software Update quits unexpectedly, for example—please see this document.


You have two ways to update to Mac OS X 10.4.1: Use Software Update or the standalone installer. You only need to use one of these methods to update your computer.

* Automatic Software Update
Software Update, located in System Preferences, can automatically download and install the latest Apple software. Software Update may have linked you to this document for additional information about the update.

The update's size may vary from computer to computer when installed through Software Update. Because some updates are prerequisites for others, you may need to run Software Update more than once to get all available updates.

* Standalone installer
Another version of the installer is available from Apple Downloads as a standalone update. After you download an update, you can use it to update your computer without being connected to the Internet.

The standalone installer is useful if you have multiple computers to update and only want to download the update once.


This update offers many reliability and compatibility improvements. Here are just a few of the enhancements and improvements included:
Mail and Address Book

* When typing immediately after clicking Reply in a Mail message, all characters typed before the Reply window appeared should now appear in the window.
* In Mail, opening an attached Pages document could lead to an unexpected "Name of document may contain an application" alert—this update addresses the issue.
* Sometimes Address Book subgroups (groups within groups) might not sync correctly during .Mac syncing—this update addresses the issue.
* Addresses an issue in which Mail might unexpectedly quit after pasting a large graphic into a message and then typing text just before the graphic.
* When deleting text in a Mail message window, sometimes some of the undeleted text could unexpectedly move to the beginning of the message—this update resolves the issue.
* This update prevents a second unnecessary horizontal scroll bar from appearing in a Mail message.
* Addresses an issue in Mail in which an entire line of text could be inadvertently deleted when deleting a link at the end of the line.
* Resolves a potential issue in which Mail could unexpectedly quit, stop responding, or fail to import your previous emails if third-party software were installed in a ~/Library/Mail/Bundles or /Library/Mail/Bundles—this update prevents previously-installed plug-ins from loading. (Click here for more information.)
* Updates Mail to handle IMAP prefix paths that start with "/" better.

Dashboard widgets

* Improves Dashboard widget compatibility with third-party mice with scroll wheels, and also for PowerBook G4 computers that feature trackpad scrolling.
* You can choose from three font sizes in the Dictionary widget after installing this update (regular, large, and extra-large)—click the "i" button to access the Font size pop-up menu.

.Mac, iSync, and syncing

* Addresses an issue for .Mac syncing in which the alert "cannot login to the .Mac sync server" could unexpectedly appear when clicking the Sync tab in .Mac preferences.
* You can now add a Motorola V180 mobile phone in iSync 2.0 with this update.
* Improves iSync 2.0 compatibility for Motorola V551 mobile phones.
* With this update, the default option for the first sync for a mobile phone added to iSync 2.0 is now "Merge data on computer and device," though the "Erase data on device then sync" option is still available if you need it. (Click here for more information.)
* This update allows you to register a computer for .Mac whose name (in Sharing preferences) contains an ampersand ("&").

Safari, iLife, and other applications

* With this update, Safari no longer unexpectedly quits when Control-clicking (or right-clicking with a multi-button mouse) some kinds of PDFs or graphics within a Safari window.
* Addresses an issue where iPhoto could unexpectedly quit.
* iDVD no longer quits unexpectedly when hiding it while burning a DVD or saving a disc image. (Click here for more information.)
* With this update, DVD Player no longer unexpectedly quits when opening if Turkish, Central European (Czech, Polish, Hungarian), Cyrillic (Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian), or Greek is the primary Mac OS X language in International preferences.
* With some printers, when printing a PDF webpage file that had been saved from Safari (with the Safari printing option "Print webpage information in headers and footers" deselected), only a gray bar would print—this update addresses the issue.
* This update addresses an issue in which text in a TextEdit document with lists could disappear (even though it really hadn't). (Click here for more information.)
* Addresses an issue in which iCal could unexpectedly quit after you receive an iCal invitation in Mail (and the invitation doesn't appear in iCal).
* Improves compatibility for Dreamweaver MX 2004 when double-clicking results of an XML validation, and when using "Launch & Optimize" with Fireworks MX 2004.
* Users who subscribed to iCal calendars with long names or special characters, and that were published under Mac OS X 10.3 before upgrading to Mac OS X 10.4, will now see changes made in calendars under Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger.
* Includes reliability and compatibility improvements for Motion 2.0. (Click here for more information.)

Other enhancements

* When using the FileVault secure erase feature, the progress window now states "Deleting old Home folder" when securely deleting files from their original location (instead of "Unmounting FileVault"). Note that this option may take a while to complete, during which you shouldn't force-restart your Mac. (Click here for more information.)
* Improves security by disallowing files, applications, and webpages from being opened at the password prompt that appears when waking from sleep or stopping a screen saver (which can be enabled in Security preferences).
* Addresses issues that could, in certain situations, prevent you from opening (mounting) a disk image that's shared by a different computer (in /Network).
* Improves menu scrolling behavior for third-party mice with scroll wheels, and also for PowerBook G4 computers that feature trackpad scrolling.
* Addresses an issue in which clicking a Help button or choosing an item from the Help menu would take you to the main page of the application's Help content, instead of a more relevant page.
* Some third-party wireless DHCP servers might not provide an IP address to a computer through AirPort if the computer has a long computer name—this update addresses the issue.
* Resolves a potential issue that could occur when moving from one access point to another within the same wireless network—the IP address could have been lost and not restored unless the DHCP lease was renewed or the computer put to sleep and then awakened.
* Improves reliability when using the Active Directory plug-in.
* Improves the Mac OS X 10.4 Keyboard Setup Assistant.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Re: News & Ankündigungen rund um Linux und andere Unix-Derivate

Wie immer das KDE 3.4.1 Update für SuSE 9.3 per YaST einspielbar.

Yast Quelle ->

Systemupdate starten und freuen

(c) by devilz
Re: News & Ankündigungen rund um Linux und andere Unix-Derivate


Mandriva gibt neuen Service für Clubmitglieder bekannt:

Mandriva hat beschlossen, exklusive Sonder-Distributionen für die
MItglieder des Mandriva Clubs herauszugeben. Ab sofort wird alle 2
Monate eine speziell den Mitgliedern des Klubs vorbehaltene neue
Distribution erscheinen, ausgenommen Monate, in denen eine öffentliche
Distribution herausgegeben wird.
Dieses neue "Special Mandriva Club KDE 3.4" basiert auf der Limited
Edition 2005, die sich als sehr erfolgreich bewährt hat und eine Menge
positiver Rezensionen aufweisen kann. Die Spezial-Edition steht nur
den Mitgliedern des Mandriva Clubs zur Verfügung, sie ist nicht im
Mandriva Store oder über andere Vertriebswege erhältlich.

Re: News & Ankündigungen rund um Linux und andere Unix-Derivate

Neue kanotix ist da"KANOTIX 2005-03"

Hier einige Verbesserungen und Änderungen
Kernel mit einigen Patches
* Bessere Kompression durch Squashfs
* ACPI und DMA sind standardmässig an (kann mit "acpi=off" bzw. "nodma" deaktiviert werden)
* i586 Optimierung (des Kernels) - nicht für ältere CPUs
* 128 MB RAM minimum, 256 MB RAM empfohlen
* Unionfs support (über unionfs Cheatcode aktivierbar)
* NVIDIA und RADEON Scripte funktionieren im Livemode (mit sudo install-nvidia| Das finde ich genial und ist so einfach :)
* AVM Fritz!Card DSL Support (PCI und USB)
* Fritz!Card PCI/USB CAPI Support - Bitte CAPI ISDN Conf nehmen!
* Eagle USB DSL Support (z. B. AT-AR215)
* Neu: KDE 3.4.1
* Neu: OpenOffice 1.9.104
* Neu: Azureus statt Bittornado-GUI (nicht in Lite)
* GRUB Boot Manger zum Start der CD - Ideal auch für Rettungszwecke im Kommandozeilenmode mit grafischem Menü (US Tastaturlayout!)
* Memtest86+ integriert ins Extra Menu von GRUB
* ALSA 1.08 Support -> geht von CD wie direkt nach HD Install!
* AMD64/Centrino/P4 Mobile/Athlon XP Mobile Erkennung und automatischer Start von Powernowd
* ALPS und Synaptics Touchpaderkennung
* Hibernate Support bei Swapfile mit min. 1.5x RAM Grösse (über nach HD Install aktivierbar)
* NTFS Support für Poor Man Install
* fromiso=PATH/TO/KANOTIX*.iso Cheatcode für PMI, gut in Kombination mit fromhd=/dev/hdXY (* wird unterstützt!)
* Kein Kernelsource mehr nötig, um NVIDIA, ATI und viele andere Kernelmodule zu kompilieren
* Sehr viele Detailverbesserungen, identisches Look+Feel mit 64 Bit Edition
* Captive kann die benötigten Treiber aus dem Netz laden

gruss elmex
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Re: News & Ankündigungen rund um Linux und andere Unix-Derivate

GRML-Small 0.1

What is grml-small?

Whereas grml provides about 2.1GiB of software on a 700MB-ISO, grml-small is a flavor with online 50MB ISO-size (~150MB uncompressed). It does not provide a lot of software but the essential stuff for being a rescue system on a business card CD-ROM or a small usb device. Take a look at the 'Debian-Information'-section if you are searching for the package list.

What is the difference between 'normal' grml and grml-small?

The 700MB-grml brings more than 2200 packages of software and a full-featured kernel. grml-small includes less than 200 software-packages, lacks documentation and manpages on the ISO and has a stripped-down kernel (but still provides hardware recognition of course). grml2hd and grml-terminalserver are not available/supported.
AW: Re: News & Ankündigungen rund um Linux und andere Unix-Derivate

KDE 3.4.2 - Desktopumgebung

Konstruct (zum Kompilieren von KDE 3.4.2)

Bereits kompiliert mit gcc 4.0.1 und einem Athlon 64 mit dementsprechenden Optimierungen, das Problem mit gcc 4.x ist also gelöst.
AW: News & Ankündigungen rund um Linux und andere Unix-Derivate

Seit gestern steht nun die neue Version von Vida Linux (VLOS) 1.2 zum download bereit. Vorerst nur als torrent aber bald auch als normale .iso auf den Mirrors. Vida Linux ist eine auf gentoo basierende Distribution die aber für nicht so erfahrene Linux User den Vorteil eines grafischen installers (anaconda, wird auch von fedora core 4 genutzt) bietet.

Infos findet ihr auf

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Suse Linux 10.0 ab Oktober 2005 zu haben

Die Retail-Version von Suse Linux 10.0 kommt auch weiterhin mit Installations-Support und umfangreichen Handbüchern, aber anders als bisher in nur einer Version für 59,- Euro auf den Markt. Entwickelt wurde Suse Linux 10.0 von Novells Open-Source-Projekte openSUSE, das in den vergangenen Wochen regelmäßig mit neuen Beta-Versionen aufwartete.

Mit OpenSuse will Novell seine Distribution Suse Linux zur einfachen Linux-Distribution für jedermann machen und so als Open-Source-Plattform mit der größten Verbreitung etablieren. Dazu wurde die Entwicklung der Linux-Distribution geöffnet und der Prozess der Paketerstellung dramatisch vereinfacht. Mit AutoBuild sollen Entwickler ihre Applikationen für verschiedene Plattformen und auch andere Suse-basierte Distributionen packen können.

Suse Linux 10.0 Beta 1
Suse Linux 10.0 Beta 1
Suse Linux 10.0 kommt unter anderem mit der aktuellen Version des Browsers Firefox, einer Vorabversion von 2.0 sowie diversen E-Mail- und Instant-Messaging-Clients. Auch die Desktop-Suchmaschine Beagle und der MP3-Player Amarok sind enthalten.

Darüber hinaus bringt Suse Linux 10.0 eine Vorschau auf die Virtualisierungstechnik Xen und Novells iFolder. Diese Funktionen sollen in künftigen Versionen der Distribution fest verankert werden.

Mit SUPER hat sich im übrigen ein Projekt gegründet, das Leistung und Funktionsumfang der Open-Source-Version von Suse Linux 10.0 verbessern will. (ji)


Mal sehen wie das ist ich werde mir das vieleicht holen :king:
AW: News & Ankündigungen rund um Linux und andere Unix-Derivate


Mandriva-Cooker ist um den 20./22.09. eingefrohren worden.
Die 2006er sollte also fertig sein und in der Zeit vom
01. bis ca. 10. Okt. für die einzelnen Benutzergruppen
veröffentlicht werden. :D


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