PC stürzt bei Fortnite ab

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Also habe Windows neu installiert. Leider heute nach ca. 10 Games wieder der gleiche Fehler (nicht 10 Games hintereinander, sondern über paar Tage verteilt.)

Kotzt mich echt an. Der PC ist quasi nur für Fortnite da und es läuft nicht richtig.
Das der Epic Games Support nichts dazu sagen kann ist für mich auch ein Rätsel.

Hier nochmal die Logs:

[2024.11.07-16.59.49:163][795]LogNvidiaAftermath: Warning: Aftermath did not detect a GPU crash. Skipping crash dump processing.
[2024.11.07-16.59.49:163][795]LogFortCosmeticsBudgetKeyEvents: UFortCharacterCosmeticManager::RegisterPawnCosmeticParts: Registered Pawn 'BP_PlayerPawn_Athena_Phoebe_C_2147482567' with 0 (0 new) added parts and 0 (0 totally removed) removed parts. Also removed 0 uniquely budgeted parts.
[2024.11.07-16.59.49:163][795]LogD3D12RHI: Error: DRED: No breadcrumb head found.
[2024.11.07-16.59.49:163][795]LogD3D12RHI: Error: DRED: No PageFault data.
[2024.11.07-16.59.49:163][795]LogD3D12RHI: Error: Video Memory Stats from frame ID 802812:
[2024.11.07-16.59.49:163][795]LogFortCosmeticsBudgetKeyEvents: UFortCharacterCosmeticManager::RegisterPawnCosmeticParts: Registered Pawn 'BP_PlayerPawn_Athena_Phoebe_C_2147482567' with 0 (0 new) added parts and 0 (0 totally removed) removed parts. Also removed 0 uniquely budgeted parts.
[2024.11.07-16.59.49:163][795]LogD3D12RHI: Error: Local Budget: 15295.00 MB
[2024.11.07-16.59.49:163][795]LogD3D12RHI: Error: Local Used: 4214.06 MB
[2024.11.07-16.59.49:163][795]LogD3D12RHI: Error: System Budget: 15215.97 MB
[2024.11.07-16.59.49:163][795]LogD3D12RHI: Error: System Used: 510.77 MB
[2024.11.07-16.59.49:172][795]LogD3D12RHI: Error: GPU Crashed or D3D Device Removed.

Check log for GPU state information.
[2024.11.07-16.59.50:432][795]LogCore: Error: Hitch detected on gamethread (frame hasn't finished for 302.28ms):
[2024.11.07-16.59.50:432][795]LogCore: Error: Leaving hitch detector (+ 302.41ms)
[2024.11.07-16.59.50:432][795]LogCore: Error: Leaving stat scope on hitch (+ 303.28ms) [GameThread] STAT_EventWait
[2024.11.07-16.59.50:432][795]LogAudioMixer: Display: Audio Buffer Underrun (starvation) detected. InstanceID=1
[2024.11.07-16.59.50:432][795]LogCore: Error: Leaving stat scope on hitch (+ 303.28ms) [RTHeartBeat 0] STAT_Sleep
[2024.11.07-16.59.50:432][795]LogCore: Error: Leaving stat scope on hitch (+ 348.36ms) [HttpManagerThread] STAT_FCurlMultiPollIOManager_Poll_MultiPoll
[2024.11.07-16.59.50:432][795]LogCore: Error: Leaving stat scope on hitch (+ 503.55ms) [HttpManagerThread] STAT_FCurlMultiPollIOManager_Poll
[2024.11.07-16.59.50:432][795]LogCore: Error: Leaving stat scope on hitch (+ 503.56ms) [HttpManagerThread] STAT_EventLoop_TEventLoop_RunOnce
[2024.11.07-16.59.50:432][795]LogCore: Error: Leaving stat scope on hitch (+ 611.01ms) [ScreenSaverInhibitor] STAT_Sleep
[2024.11.07-16.59.50:432][795]LogRHI: Error: Breadcrumbs 'RHIThread'
- Frame 849793

[2024.11.07-16.59.50:432][795]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(0, WindowsPlatformCrashContext.ReportGPUCrash)
[2024.11.07-16.59.50:432][795]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExitWithStatus(0, 0, WindowsPlatformCrashContext.ReportGPUCrash)
[2024.11.07-16.59.50:432][795]LogCore: Engine exit requested (reason: Win RequestExit)
[2024.11.07-16.59.50:437][795]LogOnlineCloud: Verbose: MCP: [v2/main](FOnlineUserCloudMcpV2::FWriteAsyncTask::DoWork) Starting compression for file 'ClientSettings.Sav'
[2024.11.07-16.59.50:437][795]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1, D3D12Util.TerminateOnGPUCrash)
[2024.11.07-16.59.50:437][795]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExitWithStatus(1, 3, D3D12Util.TerminateOnGPUCrash)
[2024.11.07-16.59.50:437][795]LogCore: Engine exit requested (reason: Win RequestExit; note: exit was already requested)
Fortnite ist nicht das Problem, sondern sehr wahrscheinlich deine Grafikkarte.
Hast du die Möglichkeit, eine andere Karte zu testen?

Wenn du dein Win neu aufgesetzt hast, was hast du denn noch alles installiert?
Wenn ich solche Probleme habe, mache ich Win neu, und habe dabei so gut wie keine anderen Software drauf.
Also Chipsatzteiber, GraKa-Treiber und den Epiclauncher mit Fortnite - sonst nix.
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