- Registriert
- Mai 2007
- Beiträge
- 60
Kann bei alle dem eine Datenrettungsfirma überhaupt noch etwas erreichen?
Folge dem Video um zu sehen, wie unsere Website als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm installiert werden kann.
Anmerkung: Diese Funktion ist in einigen Browsern möglicherweise nicht verfügbar.
Restorer2000 Data Recovery Software uses read-only access to drives and never writes any information on the drives. It's STRONGLY recommended NEVER INSTALL ANY APPLICATION (including Data Recovery Software), WRITE THE IMAGE FILE OR RESTORE FILES TO THE SAME LOGICAL DISK WHERE LOST FILES RESIDE. OTHERWISE YOU MAY OVERWRITE YOUR DATA ON THE DISK AND LOSE THEM IRRETRIEVABLY.
13. I see folders named as '$$$Folder58448' or so. All they have a red X on them. What does that mean?
A folder named like '$$$Folder58448' means that the folder itself has not been found on the disk but some references to one have. For example folders 'My documents', 'Work', 'Photos' have been found, and all they have one and the same parent folder. The folders description has not been actually found on the disk, so its name is unknown and therefore presented as '$$$Folder58448'. The descriptions of such folders could possibly be outside of the scan area - try to expand the region or scan the entire hard drive. If this does not help, descriptions of folders have been most likely overwritten later on.
Hattest du deine Ordner geöffnet und den Zustand deiner Dateien angeschaut?Ist nicht weiter tragisch;
14. What does 'Fixup out of bounds' mean?
An MFT record (the one which contains information about a particular file) has some self-validation values. One of them is known as 'fixup'. So if an MFT record is broken, the following warnings can appear:
'[FileId: XX] Fixup out of bounds'
'[FileId: XX] Fixup XX is XX, but should be XX'.
They are not fatal errors. However they mean that the data describing file system information for a file is probably overwritten. If so, there is a risk that file cannot be restored successfully.