Faust2011, das ist alles schön und gut aber mir sind allgemeine PR-Informationen zu oberflächlich
es geht mir um
nvme error reporting
Unsupported Request Reporting Enable (URRE):
This bit, in conjunction with other
bits, controls the signaling of Unsupported Requests by sending error messages.
Fatal Error Reporting Enable (FERE):
This bit, in conjunction with other bits, controls
the signaling of Unsupported Requests by sending ERR_FATAL messages.
Non-Fatal Error Reporting Enable (NFERE):
This bit, in conjunction with other bits,
controls the signaling of Unsupported Reques
ts by sending ERR_NONFATAL
Correctable Error Reporting Enable (CERE):
This bit, in conjunction with other bits,
controls the signaling of Unsupported Requests by sending ERR_COR messages.
Unsupported Request Detected (URD):
When set to ‘1’ this bit indicates that the
function received an Unsupported Request. Errors are logged in this register
regardless of whether error reporting is enabled in the Device Control register.
Fatal Error Detected (FED):
When set to ‘1’ this bit indicates that the status of fatal
errors detected. Errors are logged in this register regardless of whether error reporting is enabled in the Device Control register.
Non-Fatal Error Detected (NFED):
When set to ‘1’ this bit indicates that the status of
non-fatal errors detected. Errors are logged in this register regardless of whether error
reporting is enabled in the Device Control register.
Correctable Error Detected (CED):
When set to ‘1’ this bit indicates status of
correctable errors detected. Errors are logged in this register regardless of whether error reporting is enabled in the Device Control register.
man kan demnach bei manchen SSD einen teil der fehlermeldunegen unterdrücken. solche ssd will ich nicht!!!
dafür müssen die tester aber den herstellern auf den zahn fühlen und nicht locker lassen.
das soll einer der vorteile von NVMe gegenüber SATA sein:
NVM Express Key attributes:
Robust error reporting and management capabilities.
aus den bisherigen test erfahren wir das leider nicht die ewigen benchmarks sind kinderkacke und nich für ernsthafte anwender.
es gibt schon fehlermeldungen über NVMe SSD
"..i bought a Samsung 950 Pro SSH (500GB) ~3 months ago....
In the meanwhile, I contacted Samsung support and they accepted to test my SSD under warranty without hesitating: I got it back today and apparently they updated the firmware and ensured the drive is working properly.
This makes me think that there could be some know issues they are currently fixing...."
wen auch der Normalanwender mit NVMe mehr über den zustand seiner SSD erfahren würde könnte man die SSD vielleicht nicht so *günstig* verkaufen weil die mindestanforderungen an das flash dann höher sind. die vorteile liegen nicht nur beim spaß an benchmarks.