Try to speak english dude!

If you want to have any help with your gaming PC don´t forget to inform yourself in this topic:

And your are right with your guess... some people behaving like kids and other people are very friendly and helpfull. Sometimes you can even have a nice chat via private message, therefore feel free to ask if you have any questions
Well on there is no translation for 'Abschlussfahrt' :D But I guess the correct translation would be something like school graduation trip.
Sounds too general to me, since it doesn't express that it's the last one. On leo people (including native speakers) favor 'graduation trip'.
Graduation trip is the translation that fits best.
Exactly but never forget "Abschlussfahrt" isn't like a normal trip.

For many ppl it was ending in a bad trip... So be careful with Alc and other drugs...
@ CyBe3: Thanks, I already read through the thread (and some others too like the 'guideline for configuration'). But I'm still not sure and want to wait, because we intend to move and the new PC would make a big fat hole into our financials I suppose...
Besides I'd like to chat with you sometime. You seem like one of the nice people.

I'm not sure but is there anything comparable in the US or UK anyway? Like they have prom but we don't actually have something like that, do we?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
i don't know the situation in germany, but in austria and switzerland there are so-called maturabälle (matura=abitur). in switzerland they take place after the exams, but before you get the results. i suppose it is not the same like in us or uk, but i think it has his similarities.
if you use english only passive, then this is obvious.^^
Nice to know there some friends of the English language here ;)
I enjoy writing and reading, but speaking is my weak point due to lack of practical use.
However, I'll be on Elba soon, so I'll have the chance to refresh it :)

Yeah... though folks are probably gonna be talking Italian down there.
I just discovered this topic and i must say it's a cool idea to make a topic with english-only posts.
It's hard for me to find a topic...

I am struggling with the GER-ENG translation of a very common phrase: "Herr XYZ ist im Urlaub - ich vertrete ihn."
--> "Mr. XYZ is on leave - I represent him."

Is this okay? I know "to represent" has more than one meaning in engl. For the stated example, is this translation correct?
Maybe also "I'm his substitute" or "I'm standing in for him".

You might also try the forum for more informed opinions.

At least, I'd choose the present progressive over simple present, so better "I'm representing him."
Zuletzt bearbeitet: (mixed up grammatical terms)
Hello everybody,

very interesting topic you got here.
So how do you guys feel about movies in general?
I like to watch movies in its original state there are some cinemas which shows
OV-movies. I like the authenticity of the movies with its original actors.

How do you feel about this topic?
Sometimes I watch movie and series in english to improve my englishskills. I can understand nearly everything thats written, but I often fail to recognize spoken english, because I'm not really accustomed to it.
So if I watch a movie it takes some minutes untill I understand it without activly listening and thinking about whats said. But if I get everything its an better experience than the translated version.
I like to watch movies and series in English too.
Of course, the actors feel more authentic, because it's their own voice and a lot of hidden jokes etc. just don't work in German.
Plus: I have the same problem <NeoN> has: I can understand nearly everything written, but I have problems understanding spoken English; especially when people speak with an heavy accent or dialect.
Watching movies and series is a great practice if you have nobody to talk to...