Try to speak english dude!

@ Iceman

Yes you're right. The Bugatti Veyron is much butter than my Subaru but with the difference that it is more possible that you can buy a subaru as a Bugatti.
The "London Eye" is very interesting, too.

I think the topic "cars" is quiet good and easy to discuss.

I don't have a car, because I'm only 15. So my bike is my car^^ But I really like the Aston Martin DB9, the Wiesmann GT (but a bit smal) and our BMW Z4.
Oh very nice, but this test isn´t English ;).
Do you like the cars like me or do you have even one of those?

I like the Lamborghini Gallardo, Aston Martins DB9, Ferrari F430 and Ferrari FXX. More cars I´m not having in my mind at the moment.

But I also like the Bugatti Veyron, because more then 400km/h are very exciting.

I think the topic "cars" is very good to discuss because it is not too difficult but it´s very interesting.
I don´t think that it´s sane to buy cars like those, too. That is more dreams then reality so I save my money how I´m able to do ;).

But if you need it you could rent one of those cars.

I think it isn´t so interesting to talk about sane cars. ;)
Why to hell you want a car wich drive more than 400km/h?
Well, it's "cool" and exciting but I think nobody here have so much money.
The 1st car I buy is hopefully a BMW Mini. This car is so nice: smal, fast and good-locking:D

We can talk about computergames...^^
@_DJ2P-GER_: I think "Why to hell" isn't correct. Don't use a "eingedeutschte" flowery phrase (floskel). A real American or a guy from england won't unterstand you. It's like "Highest railroad". The native people would think: What the fuck?

In order to your sentence: What the hell is much better:)

@topic computergames: This evening, i'm going to play the brandnew gothic 3, you know, the "bug-game", which should be much more Bugothic than Buglivion;)

Have a great day,

Best wishes,

Shizzle schrieb:
Allright then... instead of talking bout the usuall stuff ( last trip to the US ; UK; Australia ) , how about the current political events in the US.
They, my not so really fellow Americans (I´m an Arab to clear that up ;) ) are about to vote for a new congress, and since the Republican security aka. "the Iraq policy" isn`t going as well as intended it seems as if the Democrats could take over in the congress.
Anyone in to that stuff or should we talk about more casual stuff?
Your call...

Wrong place, wrong audience. ;)
@ shizzle

There are no objection to any easy conversation.
But this thread shouldn't be used for any political purposes!
As far as possible, I'll keep an eye on this thread.

best wishes

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
MG007 schrieb:
But I also like the Bugatti Veyron, because more than 400km/h are very exciting.

Yes, this car might be exciting. But seriously is there no place, where you can drive this speed (outside a circuit). And in addition to that, I don't think that you are able to drive a car with 250mph. And can you buy a car for an million?

Yes, its a nice car - like a dream car. But this dream will (n)ever be reality.
Sorry, that was the first time where I muddel than and then ;).

I think in our reality it´s very unusal. But rich people want things like this.

In Ehra-Lessien you can drive 402 km/h. But the Veyron costs 1,160,000.00 (because of the value-added tax (MwSt.)). But that´s not important for the rich people.
Great thread! One wall free! There you can say nothing more! :daumen:

I speak english very well, but only breglasswise and not so schnell... :D

If i had a car like this, i would spend the whole time at the "Nürburgring". And then "BROOOOMMMM" :evillol:

That´s enough... My brain is :freak:

See Ya
I have the same opinion like _DJ2P-GER_ because this guys would never drive so fast because the don´t want to die ;).

If they were intelligent they would rent this car to other people.

Because of the Value added tax rise ("Mehrwertsteuererhöhung", das Englische spuckt der Übersetzer aus) the car will get more expensive (€30'000). That´s more then a mid-class-car.
WHoo! This thread is ace! ...maybe I'll open a new one for French-speaking people^^

I'd really love to discuss about economic's topics in the UK since I am doing a yaer abroad there *yay*
Well, but I prefer my bike to a car - no matter whether is is a sports car or not:]
Ich denke mal hier tummeln sich die einen oder anderen "Englischpros", zu denen ich mit Sicherheit nicht gehöre...
Und ich bin mir unsicher über die Übersetzung eines Satzes, der da lautet:
"Excuse me sir, you're the wrong way round"
Alle Vokabeln sind mir natürlich geläufig, mir bereitet nur der Teil "the wrong way round" Kopfschmerzen, der ja übersetzt sowas wie "falschherum" bedeutet, wenn ich nicht irre. Nur dann ist mir der Sinn des Satzes nicht ganz klar der dann ja übersetzt irgendwas mit "Entschuldigen sie, aber sie sind falschherum" bedeuten würde :confused_alt:

ich hoffe meine kleine Frage erweckt kein Umbehagen bei den Mods, wenn doch, dann löscht das hier....
hm, ich würds sinngemäß übersetzen mit "entschuldigen sie, sie gehen das falsch an/haben da einen denkfehler" oder vergleichbares... für mein verständnis is das etwa vergleichbar mit dem deutschen "sie versuchen das pferd von hinten aufzuzäunen" oder wie das sprichwort geht.

PS: feel free to correct me ;)
Diese Redewendung übersetzt man am besten aus dem Kontext heraus. Es könnte auch bedeuten, dass der Gesprächspartner "auf dem Holzweg" ist.
Um das hier nicht allzusehr Off-Topic zu gestalten kommt mein Beitrag einfach einmal in englisch und deutsch...
steinigt mich nicht, ich bin eine Niete in Fremdsprachen, aber für die Verbesserung meiner Fehler wäre ich sehr dankbar ;)


hmmm.... maybe I should have said that the phrase is a concept for a photocontest. But the problem is, that I have no idea what I should think about it


hmmm ich hätte vllt. dazu sagen sollen, dass der Satz das Konzept für einen Fotografiewettbewerb darstellen soll. Mein Problem ist nur dass ich keine Ahnung habe, was man sich unter diesem Konzept vorstellen soll...