Try to speak english dude!

It's wonderful to see that my idee will be continued without my help. If you really want to prove your english vocabulary it's better to read english articles or english homepages. You will noticed that your english will be better every day..
HiRoh schrieb:
It's wonderful to see that my idee will be continued without my help. If you really want to prove your english vocabulary it's better to read english articles or english homepages. You will noticed that your english will be better every day..

was continued....improve...will notice

Setzen: 6 :evillol:

//Just Kidding//
ach improve mein ich doch .. mensch.. es war schon spät :p

sit down: 6!

Zuletzt bearbeitet:

your english is good, very good

are you from an english speaking country
You can say "will be better every day", but nevertheless it is more "english" to say "will get better" or "will improve".

so long,
my 2 cents
slow1 schrieb:

your english is good, very good

are you from an english speaking country

No offense, but you sound like students in these "let's introduce each other"-games in School :D
Edit: Ah, now I remember you... you're nothing but a troublemaker, in every thread you post. Ain't you got better things to do ?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
i dont know what you mean

i am not harmful

i live for the community, that is why
No, you don't live for the community, you just struck my nerves, 'cause you're just posting senseless nonsense and try to provoke somebody. THAT'S what I mean...
you are too much of a philosopher
meph!sto schrieb:
good and easy books are the ones written by james patterson.
best book i read was "honeymoon".
a crazy, money-loving woman who kills almost every guy she's with

give it a try


James Patterson is a good writer, but my favourite, Stephen King, is still better.
Altough there aren't that many new books lately *cry*

If you ask me (you did) he's the best of all, but there are many other good ones, like "Dan Brown".

Hi everybody,

to improve my english skills, I had the idea of chatting only in English with everyone I chat with, and i can say, its very helpful. you may need the search short-cut in your browser, but thats all. Sounds simple, that's maybe because it IS simple, but a daily training of the English language is easy, funny and effective. (IMHO)

So far, *revive* *revive*, post something.
i agree, it´s much easier if you use the language you want to learn as much as you can. but i think that this is something anyone could think of on his own^^.
at our school we have an intern from harvard and if we want to talk to her we are almost forced to speak english, but it´s fun^^
I read a lot of english webpages and message boards to improve my english and it works fantastic. We wrote our second english test at school today and I wrote more than 400 words and it was really easy for me. The others only had about 200 words.
another good way to improve your english is playing the english versions of role-playing games like Elderscrolls Oblivion or movies! A nice scondary effect is, that you also learn the pronunciation and it's a lot of fun. In my opinion the english (and therefore often the original) synchronization is much better than the german.
But there are some exeptions, e.g. I hate the original voice of Bruce Wills :D!
Well, as I'm going to write my final English tests in a few weeks, I can only advise anyone who intends to improve his English knowledge to order a newspaper like "Times".

By reading such newspapers, you will not only stay informed on the latest political developements, but you will also easily learn to enlarge the variation of your word pool.

I hope my English did not suck that much, otherwise this would be quite bad for my A-Level results ;)

Greetings from good ol' Germany, MyFi

it really is an edge if you get a newspaper like the "times".
for everyone who is intressted if you sign in on the "New York Times" homepage you can read the articles online also you can get a newsletter if you want to be informed about news in special categories.
but don´t chose to much categories otherwise the newsletters will suck someday i get like thirteen e-mails in a day -.-`

another good was is to watch english TV especially to improve your pronunciation and some of those shows are really funny sometimes one could laugh to dead by watching them XD

and if anyone of you is intressted in agood book which is easy to understand try "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton it´s fun to read it i really can recommend it.
The subtitles of MTV helped me a lot. When they speak english and the german subtitles are right below, learning new words is pretty easy :) Last english lesson my teacher had to look up some words I said in a dictionary, because she didn't knew them:lol:
Hey cool... i like the idea of this thread. Sometimes i have to write some mails in english at work. It's very hard for me to be sure that i don't write completly nonsense... but i'm reading every scentence twice or more, so i think it is at least partly understandable.

Unfortunately i'm not really a guy who loves it to read books, so i have not really a opinion to the actual topic. It's hard enough for me, not to lose the enjoyment when i read a book which is written in german. :D

So that's all guy's... i'll not excuse myself for the bad english. :lol: